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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Mathurin K'Chard
    Mathurin K'Chard

    El Diablo

    El Diablo

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    Experience : 175

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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Mathurin K'Chard 12th January 2015, 8:07 am

    Mathurin awoke out of his slumber, thanks to the playful movements of Aimi. "Fine, fine. Im up already....Yaaaawn". Mathurin says sleepily as he pushes back on Aimi, yawning in heavily. "Well Get up already Butt head!" Aimi said snapping back with her usual childish insults. Mathurin laughed as he wiped the crust from the corners of his eyes and scratched his scalp sluggishly. As he stood up from his make shift camp site, he stretched and looked about the supposed spooky forest. However he and Aimi have been truly having a blast since they have been inside. She just like he, thrived in situations packed with beasts and such. Although they have rarely had any incidents within the forests, besides the very large crocodile they found stalking the swamps.

    After passing an apple to Aimi, he began to munch on one as they walked in the forest.
    "Its been a two weeks since we entered this forest, how long do you think till we find this Guild?" Aimi asked curiously as she  walked besides Mathurin, who launched his apple core deep into the forest. "Not to sure honestly, Im sure....damn". Mathurin was cut off before he could finish his sentence to his fluffy little fox. Before him stood as if it jumped out of thin air, a very large and grand building. It looked aged with time, but still shone like a diamond in the rough to these happy travelers."We found it!" Aimi said excitedly as she ran towards the front entrance waiting for Mathurin to follow. "Haha calm down Aimi". Mathurin said laughing as he sprinted behind his little friend. He reached out on the large handle and swung the mighty doors wide open.

    Last edited by Mathurin K'Chard on 12th January 2015, 9:56 am; edited 1 time in total


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Iypo5w

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    Exp : 175 / 750

    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Rsz_1310
    Mathurin K'Chard
    Mathurin K'Chard

    El Diablo

    El Diablo

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Mathurin K'Chard 12th January 2015, 9:54 am

    Immediately upon the door swinging open, a dark ominous aura came bursting out of the room and enveloping the two. Aimi drew closer towards Mathurin and began to shudder slightly."Heh..heh...". Mathurin laughed nervously as a single bead of sweat fell the side of his face. Noticing Aimi, he reached over and scratched her head, before he smiled reassuringly."Come on". Mathurin told her as he began to walk forward into the dimly lit room. As they walked forward, the doors seemed to close themselves behind them."hmmmm...". Aimi said to herself still hesitant to be inside the building. However she hurriedly rushed back towards Mathurin's side. The room was seemingly empty and quiet. There was a fire blazing in a large fireplace inside the room. Looking around, he noticed a bar with a bar keep standing behind it. "Come Aimi, lets go gather some information." Mathurin said to the fluffy fox as he made his way to the bar.


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Iypo5w

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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Rsz_1310

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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Thorn 12th January 2015, 10:15 am

    Relaxing on her perch full of poison's plants this is where Thorn felt most at home in the guild it was also good for spying on others making shore there where no spy's within the guild. Thorn sighed softly her eyes drifted to the door as it burst open nothing to to be honest most people just smash the door when returning from missions opening the door was rather polite considering.  Thorn tilted her head getting a look at the people that just entered new comers "who are you?" she asked her perch was a good hiding place she was difficult to see if the person did not know the guild that well so her voice seemingly came out of nowhere. "and what do you want?" she asked careful not to give her hiding place away thorn was far from the strongest person in the guild it depended on what the new people said to what she done


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] S6Eaz9K
    Mathurin K'Chard
    Mathurin K'Chard

    El Diablo

    El Diablo

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Mathurin K'Chard 12th January 2015, 10:58 am

    As Mathurin strolled himself closer towards the barkeep, a voice seemed to have whispered in his ear. He immediately rushed around to face the voice, but found nothing before him. Then he heard it once more, this time more clearly."Who Are you?" The voice echoed slightly in the hall, Aimi drew even closer to Mathurin, unsure of what was going on."I'm Mathurin, and who are you?". Mathurin responded slightly frustrated he couldn't see anyone, and couldn't understand what was fully going on. He continued to listen, until he heard the voice speak again, demanding to know what he was doing here. "Im here to join the Guild! Would you just come out already?" Mathurin demanded starting to feel his frustration build up. He has never been one to be entertained by such theatrics, and was beginning to get annoyed. He however remained calm, as he wanted to request membership from the Guild Master, and he had no idea the type of person he was.


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Iypo5w

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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Rsz_1310

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    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Thorn 12th January 2015, 11:28 am

    Thorn laughed softly making a root appear from one of the plants next to her and used it to lowered herself to the ground straightened up and smiled softly at the new comers "welcome to Savage Skull and who is your friend, do they wish to join as-well if so they may want to toughen up this is no place for people that cling to others because of a simple voice!" she stated softly thorn placed herself somewhere she could be well seen "my name is Thorn I am in the pillar of Decay we are split into these so the guild master is not bothered with simple matters!" she stated thinking of her superior and smiled widely "I could ask Sinali to see you if you impress her you might just be good enough for SS!" she said lightly.


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] S6Eaz9K
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
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    Age : 33
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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 12th January 2015, 10:53 pm

    The morning was obviously not the best time for a few people,some hated being disturbed in the morning. While others actually enjoyed the small fragments of sunlight that burned the eyes of those who couldn’t stand it. The sun for once didn’t pierce the darkness of the spooky forest,as the dark mist and smell of decay was so strong even the sunlight ran away,but this didn’t stop people from waking up in this dreadful morning,it was obviously just a tad bit annoying. On the top floor in one of the rooms along the corridor,there laid Mikomi..a woman who just got her memories back,well some of them at least. Her body laid accross the king size bed as she was wearing a normal black shirt,her lower body pretty much bare noting she only had gray undergarments on. She would start to shift,her body moving from one side to the other,as if she was trying to remain sleep but of course that didn’t last long.

    Those eyelids of the woman will slowly start to open,showing those brown eyes of her’s as she will sit up straight and rub the back of her head,a strong yawn leaving her parting lips. Her eyes will look around the room as she felt it been years since she been out of her room or she was just that lazy. Most likely option number two,laziness was a curse. She will shift her body till her legs would be on the side of the bed as she will lift herself up to her feet. Her bare feet touching the wooden floor board. She would walk forward as she she will go towards the door of the room opening it as she would stop at the doorway,looking to the side as she looked at the painting Rekka did for her awhile ago….she couldn’t help but worry about Rekka,where was she? Why haven’t she returned? she didn’t know the answer.

    Stepping out of the room she will make her way downstairs as her barefeet was touching the bare floor as she was really something,she lived here so who would of told her she should've put some pants on,no one probably. She will yawn once more as she will cover her mouth stepping down the stairs as she made her way to the bar. Her narrowed eyes looking towards thorn who magic was plants it seem,then this new face she didn’t recognize. Bits and pieces was what she noticed from the conversation. Her body leaning forward as her elbow rested on the counter of the bar noticing the male who was near the bar still.

    She was a bit shocked someone would want to join a guild with such a evil reputation”I’m normally not one to bust into a conversation,but why would you want to join this guild? You seem more like a child who lost his way home”she would imply as she was curious about this man….why try joining a guild like this of all places,her head will turn slightly as she will give a smile towards Thorn noting that she had acknowledged she was there.
    (Sucky unorganized post.....Headache killing me><)


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] 4HY9qZf

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    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Za'cha 13th January 2015, 5:58 am

    Sat in a quiet corner of the hall lurked the Ex-Quip mage, a pen in hand, a pint in the other, with a paper on the table. "Try not to make his furry friend wet itself ladies. Fox piss smells something terrible for quite a while." he called over when he noticed the two women prowling close to the new arrivals. Za'cha did glance up towards the man though.

    "I'd start explaining your reason being here and quick... some of the "people" here in these halls don't exactly have a lot of patience, and aren't fussy over what, or who, they eat. Thankfully, I'm not one of those." he said, glancing at Thorn. "No offense." the Ex-Quip mage said before he took a sip of his drink and returned to sketching something down on his sheet of paper.


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

    Theme AMV:
    Mathurin K'Chard
    Mathurin K'Chard

    El Diablo

    El Diablo

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Mathurin K'Chard 13th January 2015, 6:35 am

    Before long a woman descended upon a vine and came to him. Mathurin began to calm down, as he could at least see the owner of the voice now. After the strange woman made a comment about Aimi, she quickly ran from behind Mathurin's legs. "It wasnt like I...I was scared of your voice!" She yelled towards her accuser before sticking her tongue out at her. "Alright, alright . Calm down Champ. Its nice to meet you Thorn." Mathurin said as he nodded towards Thorn, he never cared for shaking hands when meeting new people, and he had a feeling he should keep his hands to himself while here, if he planned to keep them at all."Sin....ali?"

    Mathurin never heard of that name before, but then again he is constantly bombarded with names if supposedly amazing mages out there. He just lets their names roll off him like water on a duck, there are only a few names which have been branded into his skull. One of which was Harrigan, the Leader of SS. Before long another member of the guild seemed to have made her way downstairs. "I’m normally not one to bust into a conversation,but why would you want to join this guild? You seem more like a child who lost his way home” Mathurin's ears perked up at the side comment by the woman near the bar, and he turned to face her. His brow was raised slightly on one eye, as he looked the woman up and down. He made an attempt to bite back a smart ass retort, however he failed miserably to do so."Or perhaps you just dont know what a man looks like, little one." Mathurin responded with a sly smile  as he made his way towards the bar, and Aimi following his shadow.

    "I have my reasons for everything just as ever one else does. Why do you own a pair of pants, if your walking around in your panties?" Mathurin said while chuckling slightly at his own humor. Before long a man from a corner shadow spoke up towards them."DOES NOT!!!" Aimi embarrassingly shouted in defense toward the man's comments about her urine." BAH AHAHAHA! Mathurin hurls into laughter at the joke, until Aimi bit him on the leg."Ah shit!! ok, ok.....damn"

    Mathurin wincined in pain as he rubbed his leg gently where trickles of blood began to drip."As I stated before, a man's reasons are his own. No different than his name and thoughts." Mathurin said as he stared blankly at the half empty bottle of whiskey sitting on the counter. He has never been one to share his past, well to anyone in all honesty. The only person who knows about his past, is Aimi, and even she only knows minor details. His past was his driving motivation, and the sole reason he was in Savage Skull requesting membership in the first place. He pulled on a bar stool and sat down before pouring the whiskey into a few glasses the bar keep set out."Is there any time expectancy on where I can talk to Harrigan, or some one else in charge?" Mathurin asked as he slung a filled glass of whiskey to the woman sitting down next to him, who called him a child.


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Iypo5w

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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Rsz_1310

    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Za'cha 13th January 2015, 7:56 am

    "Sinali, self-styled queen of the zombies. She looks like a child, but don't let it fool you. Keep on her good side." Za'cha said. "Or you may wind up on her menu order." he said, raising a slight eyebrow at the talking fox, but shrugged before returning to his sketch. When the man however called out the Guild Master by name, that piqued his interest.

    "Alright, how do you know that name hmm? And honestly, Mathurin was it? I'd give at least a basic reason for why you're here... otherwise you may find yourself becoming one of the Decay Pillar's test toys till you do answer... and even then you're not guarenteed to get out of it the same way you went in." warned the Ex-Quip mage as he took a sip, folded up the paper and put it back inside his shirt before walking towards the newcomers. "Since we're sharing names. Za'cha, Dancing Blades pillar." he said, rolling his eyes. "Blame my boss for that pillar name."


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Thorn 13th January 2015, 12:40 pm

    Thorn Laughed softly "so she speaks how interesting i wonder how much courage she has!" she stated following the new comers to the bar. "Za'cha I don't eat humans there to tainted but I might make an exception for you!" Thorn said jokingly and sat on the bar looking at Mathurin "did I speak to myself Harrigan dose not deal with small matters like yourselves!" Thorn sighed lightly beffor giggling like a little girl "Dancing Blades pillar such a silly name for a pillar in Savage Skull!" she said with a smirk aimed at Za'cha


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] S6Eaz9K
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
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    Age : 33
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    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 13th January 2015, 6:28 pm

    Mikomi wasn’t one normally to greet other people,as it always seemed to be a bother when it came to socializing with others. Possibly she was just socially awkward that could be a case to. She remember when she first came to the guild,it was never something she actually looked forward to or even chosen to join this place. It was like her body knew what it wanted and just went for it. She would look at Thorn for a moment a woman she wasn’t use to seeing,the appearance wasn’t so bad if you were in her position. Her head moved a bit as another voice would enter the fray it was from some male,another person she didn’t really know. Yeah,she really needed to socialize more with people because this really can’t be a thing,the whole random people she never saw before popping up,that was kinda weird not knowing people of your own guild….and quite sad honestly.

    Mikomi body remained leaning forward her elbows still resting on the countertop of the bar. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she still was standing there in her undergarments. She really had no shame,a tattoo decorating her arm facing towards the right as it would be on display for everyone to see it. Her hair was a plum type color as it was about middle length as it flowed till it was half way down her back,the gray tanktop almost made her guild tattoo visible,which was on her right breast. She stood there still sluggish from just waking up as she was one person that got disturbed rather on a regular basis. She listened to people talk about this Sinali,who the hell was that? Queen of zombies? she was just questioning everything she was gathering instead of speaking on it. Information was better when it was stored and other people said it anyway,she learned that as she been with this guild quite a bit.

    She will notice the newcomer look her way,her eyes slightly inching to the side to look at him,she listened to him speak as she smirks a bit.”Well guess puppies learn to bite,when they enter this place after all...Name is Mikomi,Mikomi Ariel”she said reverting her attention back to looking forward after she looked to the two other members in the place.”Well i feel more free this way,clothing can sometimes be so constricting y’know?”she replied without looking towards the newcomer as she will tap her finger on the bar counter as she was missing out on her morning sake. Mikomi found this man rather Amusing,he was different he wasn’t a pervert like Kyle or a rockhead like her pillar leader who name escaped her at the moment,maybe he was like her a controlled insanity...but she will have to see for herself if that was true.

    She noticed the name finally of the male here,Za’cha what a classy uncommon name it was she had to admit. She will notice the glass and smile,he was already getting on her good side. Though it was probably because she was to lazy to threaten him,I mean Rekka ate people at times...that woman was sometimes a bit creepy. Pillar of Annihilation….a pillar built in as pure destruction,but honestly did this woman seem she was from there...she doubt it,she was kinda lazy as shit. She was one of the guilds black sheep if you will,different but beneficial to some extent,she just smiled to herself as the others conversed as she brought the glass of strong liquid to her lips taking a sip from it.


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] 4HY9qZf

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    Mathurin K'Chard
    Mathurin K'Chard

    El Diablo

    El Diablo

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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Empty Re: Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS]

    Post by Mathurin K'Chard 14th January 2015, 6:20 am

    Mathurin coolly took a sip from his glass of whiskey, as he listened intently to the words spoken. The young man Za'cha addressed him regarding his knowledge of the guild master, as well as his intentions once again."Haha, I guess for all Savage Skull is known for, listening skills might not be one of them. I said I was here to join the guild only moments ago. haha" Mathurin said chuckling at the constant flow of questioning he was receiving."...and Harrigan? Well Savage Skull is an infamous place all around fiore. The only thing rivaling it, would be its very own Guild Master. There isn't a single mage east of oak town, that doesn't know the name." Mathurin said as he finished pouring his second glass of whiskey. Aimi walked about aimlessly, he curiosity getting the best of her. However she remained in about 3 meters distance from Mathurin at all times, constantly looking back at him." I have lots o courage!" Aimi said back towards the plant woman. Mathurin stood up as the young man Za'Cha introduced himself, to acknowledge him."Dancing blades huh?....The name doesn't seem to fit the other pillar haha." Mathurin said as he thought about the pillar of Decay and what kind of person this zombie queen was."did I speak to myself Harrigan dose not deal with small matters like yourselves!" The woman said towards Mathurin, who continued to sip his drink before responding back.

    "I see....So who does deal the mundane task of dealing with membership requests?" Mathurin asked, hoping this was not about to be a long drawn out ordeal. He wasnt sure what to expect, so he was just going to have to take what ever path set forth. Mathurin however forgot about that, and began to laugh at the half naked woman's comment."Nice to meet you, Mikomi....and yeah I can understand, haha." Mathurin was a fan of comfort as well, although he just wore an excessively baggy robe that provided complete unrestrained movement. Mathurin leaned backwards in his chair, slightly smiling at the fact that he was finally here. Everyone didnt seem too abnormally evil, and hell bent on death for every soul as the rumors would suggest. Although, Mathurin was sure he had yet to even come close to see the true horrors that live within the guild walls. He leaned to his side and saw Aimi still curiously sniffing about, now in a more pleasant mood. She swished her exuberant tail around as she sniffed as much as possible.


    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Iypo5w

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    Dawn of Darkness[Open to all SS] Rsz_1310

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