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    The Turn [Done]

    Kitty Pryde
    Kitty Pryde

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Guild : Wanderer/ Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Turn, Hell's Spawn
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed The Turn [Done]

    Post by Kitty Pryde 8th November 2014, 5:30 pm

    The Turn; Hell's Spawn
    Primary Magic: The Turn, Hell's Spawn
    Secondary Magic: N/A atm; Will be  Flames of Hell
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: So what exactly is this "magic" and how does it affect Elizabeth? Elizabeth was turned into something resembling a dhampir by a bite from a rouge vampire. The vampiric infection spread through her body until her hunter immune system combatted it. Her immune system was somewhat successful in combatting it although traces of vampiric infection remained. The remains of the infection began to change Elizabeth and, consequently, began to merge together with her genetic code thus making her a half blood. This "magic" is purely genetic, making it weird twist of magique and skills, due to the mixing of vampiric DNA merging with that of a hunter DNA. It is therefore unique and it would be near impossible to have magic similar to this or copy it, in that sense, unless her blood is obtained. Being a half blood/daywalker gives Elizabeth an advantage over humans and vampires. Not only can this not be rendered void, but she also possesses superhuman strength, stamina, speed, agility, heightened senses, and a rapid healing factor. This is not magic, but rather skills and traits brought by the merging of supernatural DNA. Therefore most all of the vampiric weakness do not affect Elizabeth whatsoever. However, the only "real" vampire weakness that would affect her would be holy magic and blood thrist.

    1. Elizabeth deals more damage during the night, especially moreso in the night of the full moon.
    2. Elizabeth has a strong resistance to any type of illusion magic, blood magic, and dark magic
    3. Elizabeth has a heightened senses and characterisics such as strength, agility, and dexterity.
    4. Elizabeth doesn't suffer usual vampiric weaknesses such as sunlight.
    5. If a spell is only used for a short time and duration still remains, she can tap into it at any time until duration is up.

    1. Weakness to holy magic.
    2. Blood thirst. After using spells, Elizabeth will crave blood. The stronger the 'spell,' the bigger her bloodthirst will be.
    3. If Elizabeth has not consumed blood within the time span of seven days, she will be weak and her spells deal less damage.
    4. Unlike most vampires, Elizabeth cannot turn into a respective animal to escape, i.e. bats by any means.
    5. Elizabeth may only consume fresh and or preserved blood. If she drinks unfresh blood, she will temporary loose her skills/powers for two posts.
    6. Weaker forms of this magic is mostly for close combat

    1.  Biokinesis. When healing, Elizabeth heals about an additional 20MP and 15HP per post. This is due to her enhanced physiology.
    2.  Aura Perception. Elizabeth has a sixth sense that enable her to tell when people are nearby and, if they are not human, what they are.
    3. Presentience/Precognition. Is able to sense or, at times, see events before they happen.

    Spell: D ranks:
    Kitty Pryde
    Kitty Pryde

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 103
    Guild : Wanderer/ Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Turn, Hell's Spawn
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: The Turn [Done]

    Post by Kitty Pryde 9th December 2014, 7:38 pm

    Ready to be checked


    The Turn [Done] Shadow_bat

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:30 am