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    Tadashi Hiroshi - done

    Tadashi Hiroshi
    Tadashi Hiroshi

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 42
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Iron Sand Magic
    Second Skill: /
    Third Skill:

    Tadashi Hiroshi - done Empty Tadashi Hiroshi - done

    Post by Tadashi Hiroshi 5th October 2012, 2:44 am

    Tadashi Hiroshi was born on September 19th. He was born into a family in a dark guild. He grew up as a guinea pig for magical experiments by the guild; his parents couldn’t have cared less. In fact they supported the research and partook in the numerous painful lab experiments on him. He was pierced by needles and had countless chemicals and magical liquids pumped into him. Every day was a painful nightmare with no friends, family, good nourishment or even hopes. His future seemed bleak; so bleak in fact that Tadashi started thinking about suicide… an easy escape. This continued until one fateful day. Tadashi was 10 years old then and he had decided to endure the pain, hoping for a brighter future: A future where he could be free of the guild, pain, sadness; a future where he could do as he pleased.
    On this day He was infused with a special type of super compressed iron; the beginning of his magic. A total of 22,869,595,011 Tons (the amount in the Sahara Desert) of iron sand/particles (this was a special iron reinforced by magic: it could not be melted and only the carrier could use it) magically compressed into a few milligrams (about 2500 milligrams – average iron amount in the human body). All that went through Tadashi’s mind was “Please God!!! If you exist, make this pain stop!!! Kill me now!!! Please!!!” This was a pain no human is meant to endure. It was like his whole body was on fire, every muscle was cramping up and a feeling of stabbing pain emerged all over is body over the course of 7 hours 32 minutes and 14 seconds. A normal human would never have survived this process, never mind keeping his sanity. But somehow, maybe thanks to his life as a lab rat, he survived and lived on. Now a human weapon (according to the dark guild scientists) he started to learn a new magic: Iron Sand Manipulation. This magic worked just as the creators had foretold. Tadashi was able to manipulate the iron sand in his body with his will and body movements. It was a magic with great potential, a magic where the actual weapon was inside the body and unusable to anyone else then the user. What the scientists failed to predict was the child’s wrath: the anger and hatred that dwelled inside him. 8 days into training his new magic, Tadashi revolted. The dark guild was taken completely by surprise. Fueled by his anger, Tadashi’s magic raged out of control acting not according to his conscious will, but to his subconscious desire. “Immeasurable Power”: that is the word to define what Tadashi exhibited; the full potential of the magic. As a result the entire dark guild was annihilated, unable to defend itself against the weapon they created. The young boy did not regret killing his parent, he despised them (he didn’t even see them as parents but as sadistic and cruel monsters) After that Tadashi disappeared for 2 years… no one, not even the council could track him. Rumors said him to have been swallowed by his magic or that he retreated underground, waiting and plotting…
    5 days after his 12th birthday he emerged once again. When the council got a hold of him, Tadashi was not able to exhibit anything near as much power as he did 2 years before. In fact, he was a complete novice, only being able to use his ability to a tiny miniscule fraction of what it is capable of. The council could have locked him up and experimented on him, but remembering what happened to the dark guild that did the same… they let him go his own path, wanting to avoid a massacre.
    On March 13th the next year he came to a quaint town named Magnolia. In the months before he spent his time wander and training, begging for money and living off of scraps to survive. For a child of 12 years, this was quite a feat. As he approached the edge of the town by the coast he saw a huge building. “Another cruddy guild…” he thought to himself with a grim and somewhat angry expression on his face. At the time he did not know the difference between dark and legal guilds and thought all guilds were like the one he destroyed. He thought that maybe, just maybe his power would resurface if he saw another guild like that; annihilation was his goal. But as he entered the guild hall he was overcome by a completely different atmosphere and scene than that which he expected. It was lively, loud, people everywhere smiling and laughing; a feeling of happiness, joy and friendliness was everywhere. The boy was shocked, not knowing how to deal with the new situation. And then, the second event that started the final forging of his kind, good hearted and loyal personality, took place. “What do we have here hmm? A youngster!!! What are you doing here?!” an old, short man asked. He had a smile on his faced and was dressed a bit goofy. Tadashi was silent, not knowing how to reply. Fear suddenly welled up inside him and all sorts of horrible scenarios went through his mind… then the sand oozed out of his body and instinctively created a barrier. “Now, now… there is no need for that. We won’t harm you.” The old little man said, still with a friendly expression “you seem to have quite the ability there. Are you a mage?” As the iron sand cleared away the boy just nodded. “Do you have a place to stay?” A moment of silence, then Tadashi shook his head. “Then why don’t you join our guild!!! I can see you have endured quite a bit and I would like to help you overcome it. Join us and we will help you forget the pain and start you off in a possibly brighter future!!” A brighter future… these words echoed in Tadashi’s mind over and over again. The one thing he longed for in his life was now finally in reach. As he thought this, tears started to roll down his cheeks and he was soon embrace by the old little man. When Tadashi stopped crying the old man finally said: “My name is Makarov, the master of this guild. Welcome!!! What is your name boy?” “Ta…Tadash…Tadashi Hiroshi” the boy stuttered. “Well then welcome to the guild Tadashi Hiroshi. From now on we will be your friends and family!!!” Suddenly Tadashi started laughing and crying out of joy, not of sadness, but of joy. “Family and friends… I wonder what it’s like…” The young boy thought. He was happy for the first time of his life and could finally after 12 years smile with all his heart.

    As the years went by Tadashi became a different person than he used to be. He was a lot more open, friendly and joyful and finally knew what friendship and family was like. He will never forget the day he joined, the first friends he made and the happiness he experienced. He treasured it all and was determined to make the best out of anything so he wouldn’t have to experience the same sadness and pain that he knew all those years ago. He wanted to protect the happiness of others so that even they would not feel it; this counted especially for children. His magic hasn’t improved all that much and is stuck being a D-rank mage. But now at 17 years, his true story begins…

    RP Sample:
    “What a wonderful day!!! What should I do… what to do???” Tadashi exclaimed as he got up out of bed. First he took a shower, put on his usual attire and poured himself some cereal. “I haven’t seen the kids at the orphanage in a while. But I promised Makarov-sama I’d help him fix the guild building… Damn. This guild is too lively for its own good; and that’s why it’s perfect. I guess I could try to finish up quickly and then visit the kids… yea… I’ll do that” Tadashi quickly wolfed down his serial and left his quaint apartment, starting to pick up his pace as he walked towards the guild. No 5 minutes later he arrived at the guild. “Heya Makarov old man. What’cha got for me?” “Oh Tadashi, good that you’re here. We need your magic for today. We ordered some new tables but they won’t arrive until the day after tomorrow… so would you mi-” “Already on it gramps!” interrupted Tadashi and quickly mad his sand form several tables and chairs. “Thank you Tadashi.” “No problem. Anything else?” “No, no. You just go on ahead and get to the orphanage!” “How did you-” “You do it every few days. It’s become pretty predictable. Now go. The fixing is already done… And Natsu has to compensate for what he did anyways!”
    Smiling Tadashi ran off towards the orphanage. It was a big orphanage with lots of kids of all ages. On his way there he stopped by the “Candy n’ Toy” store to get treats and presents for the children. “I should really stop doing this. Otherwise I’m gonna be broke before I know it…Naaawww. I can’t leave the little ones hanging.” Tadashi thought as he picked out a multitude of sweets and toys. As he was about to pay the store manager just shook his head. “Just take. You’ve helped me so much with my shop for free. Now I will help you. Don’t think you get everything for free though. This is one time. But I’ll give ya 50% discount when you shop; as a thank you. And don’t refuse!!!” “Gee, thanks Iruga-sama!” But being the good and honest man he is, Tadashi left secretly leaving the money behind the cash register. “Why that little…”
    Everyone at the orphanage was overjoyed as Tadashi approached the building. It was roughly 3 o’clock in the afternoon and especially the little ones were itching for a snack. For the rest of the day Tadashi played with the kids, making sculptures with his iron sand and playing games. When it was time to go, Tadashi headed back to the guild and to no surprise; another brawl. Tadashi just smirked and mumbled “they never change…” and joined in on the liveliness of the guild.

    Face Claim: Takashi Komuro, High School Of The Dead

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 12:35 pm