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    The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only]

    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
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    Experience : 5214

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    The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only] Empty The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 28th October 2014, 6:14 am

    She had told Harrigan about the meet and he had agreed the question is what would he think of her proposal. She had a good idea set up and she was sure he would agree he knew Rekka was incredibly ambitious and she had clearly displayed some evil and darkness like few ever had before. As she knocked she entered into his office he was inside waiting for her of course expecting the meeting as she had on quite suggestive clothing. Today she wore her short black dress with her black lace panties the dress had a very low v neck exposing lots of her cleavage.

    "So my master I am sure you have realized me amassing a large amount of wealth lately, this is for a reason. I want to make a sort of sister guild for Savage Skull with its main goal being targeting high priority legal mages and people causing us issues. Honestly I don't trust Tartarus at all, I have a feeling they wont be reliable allies. We need someone who will be completely loyal to our cause and I think I can make that guild for us."

    She moved to sit in the chair in front of Harrigan slowly sitting to make sure Harigan would see her panties making her giggle slightly. She was manipulative he knew this all to well but she was very smart something else he knew. She was loyal to the cause of Savage Skull as its goals mirrored her own. Still she felt they lacked something a strong ally they could call upon in any need and with this guild idea she had they would have a lot of freedom to target who they anted and take them out.


    The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
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    The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only] Empty Re: The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only]

    Post by Cecile 29th October 2014, 5:14 am

    'Straight to business then' replied Harrigan while raising an eyebrow to Rekka's rather daring intrusion. 'I expected you to at least give me some chitchat to cut through'

    As Rekka probably knew herself already, Harrigan wouldn't easily fall for her rather seductive charms and plays, maybe even never. And they both knew, if he truly wanted to, he would do so. Without questions asked. But then again, seeing Rekka act like this had peeked his attention. She was acting suggestive while her words meant business. It was the real deal, all her seriousness was put in this single move. To Harrigan it was rather refreshing to see so.
    Now giving her his fullest attention he leaned backwards in his chair while crossing his arm in front of his chest.

    'So you want to focus on those who dare to oppose us? Strike at them with ferocity, be our frontline and our muscle?
    Harrigan had to admit, it was a tempting offer. And a beneficial one at that, not only would it expand Savage Skull's grasp on Fiore but it would also mean that they would gain a powerful ally, the moment that guild would grow in strength. No, not just an ally, a strike force that followed the principles of Savage Skull. A guild with it's own freedom yet bound to him.
    'Well I have to admit, it is rather tempting. In fact I am intrigued to see such an initiative coming from you dear. I always knew you were a shrewd one, buy I always assumed you used it only for your desire for carnage, and late night activities of course.... but okay, let's say I agree with this. I'll let you build up this place, even back it. What then? Will we wait in the shadows still, or would you go on and expand our grasp?'
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
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    Experience : 5214

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    The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only] Empty Re: The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 29th October 2014, 2:24 pm

    It seemed he took her seriously which was good he asked what her plans were would she lay back and take the abuse the legal guilds have been giving. No she would not as a smirk crossed her face no she had other plans she would finally unleash the evil upon the world while making Savage Skull even stronger with their sphere of influence over the world. She did laugh as he seemed to think she only thought of those two things, it was nice though most of world felt the same way about her so would be very surprised how smart she really was.

    "Exactly as the legal guilds use the magic council as a crutch we will become the dark guilds magic council. Not some stupid committee of dark guilds only worrying about their own selfish goals but more focused on crushing the legal guilds influence of power. I will work to make the peoples faith in legal guilds fade and make them want to request us to to the jobs instead, turn the tables where we become the heroes and the legal mages become the very thing the people hate. Once we have their trust we will reveal the true plan and that is sending the world into total chaos, depravity murder violence will become the new normal a beautiful and wonderful world for us."

    She waited for him to absorb what she had said it was clear she had big goals more than just a guild focused goal. No her plans were much larger world changing plans, to finally make a world worthy for her a world where she can finally find a way to end all of humanity.

    ooc: Her evil laugh when she began her speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phXJ3BYG0Ak


    The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only] Empty Re: The Meeting[Closed Harrigan Only]

    Post by Cecile 30th October 2014, 2:34 pm

    Harrigan wondered if her plans would stand a chance in this ever changing world. Not only would she had to fend off the Council and it's guilds, but also mark her own territory against other dark guilds in their never ending turf war.

    However she seemed more then determined enough to do so, and sometimes that was all what's needed to bring something into reality. And besides knowing her ruthlessness, Harrigan knew that she would make damn sure that she would carve out her own piece to claim her own.

    'Well then, if that's the case you have my full support. Under one condition off course, that you will make it more then just some Savage Skull branch. That your guild will be a place on it's own. That you will be the mask of our face. And most importantly, that it will promise us undying loyalty! So do we have an agreement.'

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm