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    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed]


    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] Empty Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed]

    Post by Guest 29th September 2014, 12:43 pm


    Primary Magic: Heavenly Sword Magic
    Secondary Magic:
    Caster or Holder: Holder
    Description: Heavenly Sword Magic is a magic that transcends time and space with a single sword slash, forming illogical, yet extraordinary impacts upon both animate and inanimate objects in various manners. Heavenly Sword Magic derives from three historical types of magic: Heavenly Body, Territory and Arc of Time. When the sword makes its move, an effect gradually takes place, and the strike transports elsewhere. The strike remotely relocates itself through a dimensional void, then reforms itself in its desired location, with a greater amount of speed.

    Akame uses this magic by using her ancient sword: Antei. Antei is one of many Heavenly Swords, and is the most agile upon the set. Its effects are swift, and causes damage rapidly. Antei is capable of abiding by Akame's will, thus allowing her to keep quiet while performing her spells. Antei performs soundless slashes, which transport through thin air, and reappear in multiple, yet identical before or behind the opponent. Most importantly, however, Antei specializes in Lightning, and stuns the opponent upon impact.


    • Complex- Numerous transactions take place at swift speeds when a Heavenly Sword spell is used, which can cause great confusion for the opposition before the strike connects.
    • Destructive- Antei's techniques provide for multiple rapid assaults due to a single swing of its blade.
    • Teleportation- As a soundless strike relocates itself, it can be quite difficult for the opponent to read where exactly the assault proceeds to connect with him/her while it transcends time and space.


    • Energy- The amount of channeled magic required to transcend magic through time and space causes fatal mage to one's magic reserve, meaning using two spells alone (no matter what the rank of spell) requires two posts of recovery atop the cool-down of the two spells used prior to this weakness.
    • Covenant- Heavenly Sword Magic requires a heavy agreement between the user and the sword, which results in an additional 5% magic whenever this form of magic is used.
    • Defenseless- All Heavenly Sword spells are used solely for offensive maneuvers. Unless the user has perfect accuracy, no spell of the sort is built to protect the user- at least not Antei.
    • Elemental Weakness- All spells are lightning-based, meaning wind magic of equal rank will always exceed lightning as it is superior to the element. Wind Magic will ultimately manipulate the trajectory of the lightning, ruining the whole process of Heavenly Sword Magic.


    • Transcending Time- This magic allows for the passive ability of passing sword slashes through space and time, which reform once they reach a new, desired location.
    • Reconstruction- Sword slashes that transcend through space and time can reconstruct (with reasonable limits) through a dimensional void as they travel through time and space.
    • Speed- Reformed, transcended sword slashes can become slower or faster according to the spell casted

    Spell Template

    Name: Heaven's Sorrow
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive/Lightning
    Description: The user slashes her sword upwards towards the sky, which transcends through time and space, and remotely locates itself above the desired target. Eight bolts of lightning then cast over the target at a speed of 40 MPH, each causing an eighth of D-Ranked damage. Takes two seconds before the presence of this spell can be felt.

    • Soundless- There is no sound to the sword slash, meaning the opponent cannot sense where the spell is coming based on what he/she hears. The only sound that can be heard during the process of this spell is the sound of wind from the sword's swing, along with the wind that encircles the incoming lightning.
    • Untraceable- The spell transports through a dimensional void, which cannot be seen by the naked eye. Only while it forms in the sky at 40MPH can the opponent detect the magic.
    • Multiplication- Eight strikes in total target the enemy, each containing the properties of lightning, making the assaults quick and stunning, if they connect.


    • Costly- Requires 1.5 amounts of D-Ranked spell activation
    • Covenant- Counts as one of the spells needed for the negative Covenant of Heavenly Sword to take place upon the user. This requires an additional 5% MP usage.
    • Damaging- Affects the user's magic reserve and counts towards the general Energy Cost behind Heavenly Sword Magic. The Energy Cost makes it so Akame can only use two Heavenly Sword Magic spells before she is forced into a two-post, anti-magic cooldown.
    • Duration/Cooldown- Spell can only be activated once per post, can only be used once before a 3-post cooldown takes place.

    Name: Holy Thundercane
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive/Lightning
    Description: Akame sends a sword slash into thin air, which transcends through time and space at 40MPH, then reappears above the target as a lightning-based tornado consisting of countless bolts. The tornado is deadly enough to cause a single post of temporal paralysis as it sends a great number of volts into the enemy at a travelling and activation speed of 40MPH. The tornado, overall, is 8 meters wide. Takes two seconds before the presence of this spell can be felt.

    • Soundless- There is no sound between the time of activation and time of impact. Only the sword's slash can be heard it makes the wind travel more violently.
    • Untraceable- As the sword slash travels through thin air and a dimensional void, until the thunder tornado forms, there is no tracking this spell.
    • Stunning- The spell is capable of not only dealing D-Ranked damage, but temporarily paralyzing the enemy. This only prevents the target from moving; not casting spells.


    • Costly- Requires 1.5 amounts of D-Ranked spell activation
    • Covenant- Counts as one of the spells needed for the negative Covenant of Heavenly Sword to eventually take place upon the user. This requires an additional 5% MP usage.
    • Damaging- Affects the user's magic reserve and counts towards the general Energy Cost of Heavenly Sword magic. This means one of two sacred spells are used before Akame is forced into a two-post, anti-magic cooldown.
    • Duration/Cooldown- Can only be used once per post, and only for one post before a three-post cooldown occurs.

    Name: Skillful Art: Flash Forward
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive/Lightning
    Description: The user sends a single sword slash through a dimensional void, which reappears behind the target, and sends four nearly-connected arrows of lightning towards it. Each arrow is 4 meters wide and 1 meter tall. Additionally, each arrow causes half-D-Ranked damage. Each arrow travels at 25MPH. Takes two seconds before the presence of this spell can be felt.

    • Soundless- The sword swing, along with the travelling through the dimensional void cannot be traced by sound, and therefore cannot be heard at all. The only sound that can be heard is the wind from the sword swing, along with the wind after the lightning is formed.
    • Untraceable- This spell cannot be tracked unless the target can somehow sense the lightning behind him/her.
    • Multiplication- Several assaults come with a single spell.


    • Costly- Costs 1.5 amounts of D-Ranked spell activation
    • Covenant- Counts as a spell towards the negative Covenant of Heavenly Sword which affects the user. This increases the required MP usage by 5%
    • Damaging- Hurts the user's magic reserve, and counts towards the general Energy Cost of Heavenly Sword Magic. This means one of two spells are used before Akame is forced into a two-post cooldown when she cannot use magic at all.
    • Duration/Cooldown- Can only be used once per post, and only for one post before a four-post cooldown is required.

    Name: Reverse Lightning
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive/Lightning
    Description: The user sends a sword swing through thin air, which soundlessly travels through a dimensional void. The dimensional void moves from the sky and underground, where the sword slash reforms into a series of lightning bolts that keep appearing endlessly until they meet the enemy; one lightning bolt at a time. Each bolt of lightning deals D-Ranked damage, and travels at 20 MPH. Takes two seconds before the presence of this spell can be felt.

    • Soundless- There is no sound involved in this technique. Only wind can be heard during the sword's swing, and the shaking ground when the lightning forms.
    • Untraceable- The process of sending a sword swing through thin air, along with the dimensional void cannot be tracked. However, the series of lightning bolts can.
    • Multiple Strikes- Eight lightning bolts, one at a time, travel towards the enemy in perfect alignment until a bolt hits him. The only way to dodge this technique is by moving outside the line of activity.


    • Covenant- Counts as one of the spells towards the negative Covenant of Heavenly Sword which eventually affects the user. This requires an additional 5% MP usage.
    • Costly- Costs 1.5 amounts of D-Ranked spell activation
    • Energy- Counts towards the general Energy Cost of Heavenly Sword Magic. This means one of two sacred spells are used before Akame is forced into a two-post, anti-magic cooldown.
    • Duration/Cooldown- Can only be used once per post, and only for one post before a three-post is required.

    Last edited by Akame Seito on 2nd October 2014, 12:41 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

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    Lineage : Corrupted King of Knights
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Sapphiron ; The Shadow
    Experience : 601,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Refraction : Sword King
    Second Skill: N/A (for now)
    Third Skill:

    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed]

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 29th September 2014, 7:06 pm

    Right, so, I'll be reviewing your magic. Let's begin, shall we?

    To begin with, you'll need another weakness to your general magic; I'm fine with having the same amount of weaknesses as strengths, however, in the general strengths and weaknesses, I require you to have at least 1 more weakness than strength.

    Now, one, potentially two, of your abilities are giving me some hesitations. The third ability you possess I am completely fine with. Your first and second passive ability, however, at least, to me, seem like they do the exact same thing. This may just be a tired ol' me speaking, but that's what it appears like.

    Also, regarding your first ability, it can work, however, there NEEDS to be a way to detect the slash somehow before it arrives. As it is now, they teleport, and are soundless; seems like an auto hit virtually every time. You need to have a way for this to be detected, or else, it cannot work, because if every single one of your spells and slashes cannot be detected, that simply makes it too powerful.

    I'm going to need to know what this Energy Cost and the negative Covenant of Heavenly Sword is, because I took a quick glance over your spells before getting to this, and they seem to all share that same weakness. I need to know what it does and how it affects you, because I currently do not know.

    Heaven's Sorrow: Already told you the matter of no detection whatsoever; it simply won't work. There NEEDS to be a way for the opponent to expect something. Also, the duration and cooldown do not count as a weakness, unless there's a substantial difference between the two, but, that's okay, because I'm fine with spells having the same amount of strengths and weaknesses. Just a heads up for the future, however. Other than that, everything about it seems okay to me.

    Holy Thundercane: Same drill as Heaven's Sorrow. Just note, that stunning only prevents them from moving, and not casting spells.

    Skillful Art: Flash Forward: Same thing as the previous two spells.

    Reverse Lightning: Same drill as the other spells, except, you need a limit as to how many lightning bolts you can dish out, because having an endless supply of D-Rank hits isn't going to work.

    Apologies if I seem rude in any way; it is not my intention.

    Please bump once everything is done~


    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme


    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed]

    Post by Guest 30th September 2014, 12:07 pm

    You didn't sound rude at all.

    And fixed everything. Thanks for reviewing my magic!
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Sapphiron ; The Shadow
    Experience : 601,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Refraction : Sword King
    Second Skill: N/A (for now)
    Third Skill:

    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed]

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 2nd October 2014, 7:10 am

    Sorry this took me a few days to get back to; it didn't show me this was bumped >_<

    Alright, I've glanced again through your spells before actually going through it, and have seen that the weaknesses I asked for specification were described more; nice job.

    You still need to give me an additional weakness for the general magic. Perhaps, since you state that the spells for this magic are only for offensive maneuvers, you can potentially state that you don't have many utility spells, as well, or, since most of the spells seem to be lightning based, you can have an elemental weakness to wind, which can screw the trajectory slightly (or a lot), making its path different. No need to actually use any of those, but it's just an idea.

    Heaven's Sorrow: Make it so that there is 2 seconds before it arrives where its presence can be felt, since I still feel like it's pretty powerful as it is currently; they won't know where it comes from, anyways.

    Holy Thundercane: Same thing as Heaven's Sorrow.

    Skillful Art: Flash Forward: Just the same as the previous two.

    Reverse Lightning: Just the same as the other two. Just reduce the speed they travel at to 20 MPH, since so many are coming the targets way, and they should be able to dodge some.

    Overall, however, you did a nice job. I should be able to approve this next post =]


    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme


    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed]

    Post by Guest 2nd October 2014, 12:42 pm

    All done!

    Thanks for the reviews! Hopefully others won't have to be done (at least not for these four).
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Tournament Participation Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Corrupted King of Knights
    Position : King Of Kings
    Posts : 2754
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Sapphiron ; The Shadow
    Experience : 601,187

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Refraction : Sword King
    Second Skill: N/A (for now)
    Third Skill:

    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] Empty Re: Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed]

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 4th October 2014, 5:28 am

    All well, it ends well.

    'Tis approved!


    Heavenly Sword Magic [Completed] V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme


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