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    First Job: To Earthland and Beyond [Private/Solo]




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 442
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 1270

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    First Job: To Earthland and Beyond [Private/Solo] Empty First Job: To Earthland and Beyond [Private/Solo]

    Post by Alito 12th October 2014, 4:00 pm

    Ayato dropped to his knees and breathed heavily as he finally managed to get to Rose Garden for his first mission. The task was simple, though the time it took to get here was not at all worthwhile. Numerous modes of transportation were required to get here, such as trains, horse carriages, and boats- all of it was exhausting. The boats, especially, gave Ayato the sensation of sleeping due to how soundlessly they travelled. However, he was here, in the desired location to get his passport. It almost seemed like ages ago that Ayato had grabbed a note entailing the opportunity to grab a special reward for free- man, what travelling did to oneself. Albeit, Ayato always had a solution for everything, it seemed. He stopped by a nearby convenience store, and purchased a couple bottles of water. He drank them as if they held barely any liquid, though the two drinks refreshed him completely. In an instant, Ayato turned from somebody who looked like they were about to lose consciousness to a very healthy man; the man he was supposed to be.

    As Ayato wandered through Rose Garden, he noticed how full of magic the area was. It inspired him to use his magic more often, though he wanted to keep it as a surprise for his guild. He assumed Elizabeth would be the first to see it, but until then, no magic would be seen from Ayato's book or sword; the only two items in which Ayato could use his magic, period. As Ayato approached the coordinates of the job, he bumped into someone in a humongous line. Thankfully, the person was understanding enough to realize that such a big line would catch anyone off-guard. Ayato still sighed in relief, however, as he thought he was going to start a fight solely by this unintentional act. "Uh, sir, mind explaining how this line became so...unnecessarily large? Couldn't the employees just start more than one?" This question caused the man to turn towards Ayato with a gesture that spoke dumbly of the young lad. The facial expression also looked fearful, which gave Ayato no choice but to peep around the corner There were many hostages; the crowd wasn't moving at all. Ayato sighed again, this time in disappointment as he patted the man's shoulder, told him what he was going to do, then walked out of the line to approach those who made these people hostages.

    While he approached the criminals, Ayato's expression became emotionless, no hint of fear in his soul, either. Seitenshi seemed plain in attitude, with no sign of hesitance in his body, and quite disappointed with every situation at hand. This was the hidden side of Ayato. As much as one expected Ayato to become so happy, he could also enter this cold state, when none of that happiness mattered anymore. "Where's your leader?" Ayato asked in a dull tone, "Tell me, or be presented with a punishment only fitting for scum like you." A grin appeared on Ayato's face at this point. No matter what his foes decided to do, Ayato was still going to punish them by the end of this ordeal. To end an ordeal, however, Ayato had to find a resolve. He did notice, however, that every crook held a gun, all but one with the gun pointed to their hostage's head. It was clear to Ayato during this time who the leader now was; the one who didn't even have to pull out the gun to extract fear into their victim. Ayato walked towards the first criminal, and with what seemed to be a near-untraceable slash, the enemy was down, and unconscious. "Fine Art of Swordsmanship: Ryuukogeki." This swing, with the proper blade, bursted one's immune system, followed by an extraction of magic that also vibrated the brain to the point of the mind becoming dysfunctional even for a split second, such facts bringing forth the final result of this particular crook: his unconscious body.

    It only took this crook's defeat, surprisingly, for the leader to approach Ayato. The leader spoke of how fast he could handle and shoot bullets. He pointed to a sign in Rose Garden. It was a wanted sign with his name on it, with several ticks. "A tick for every victim you've defeated." Ayato smirked, "Ever heard of a sword that swings faster than a bullet?" The leader of the criminals laughed the moment he heard such information. To most, this kind of assumption seemed impossible, but thanks to his ancestors' success with the same matter, Ayato had the opportunity to test the speed of swords, himself. Again, both duelists placed their respective hands on the handle of their weapon. [color=cyan]"I win, this line gets cleared, and your crew is arrested. I lose, my life is yours, along with the crowd."o negotiated, his facial expression still unchanged. The man whom Ayato once bumped into was invited to give a countdown to this sudden duel, at hand.




    The bullet shot, and in a split second, was split in two. No rotation was needed to halve this bullet. The ordeal was simply what could achieve success; a bullet through the heart, or a sword raised in perfect alignment to supposedly block, yet in this case, also cut a bullet in half. With a swift follow-up, Ayato pointed the tip of his sword and pressured it against the leader's forehead. "Give these innocent people their passports, then say your goodbyes to Rose Garden." Ayato demanded before he grabbed the leader by the throat, and hurled him towards the other criminals. It wasn't due to Ayato, actually, that the bullet was splt, but rather his book: The Sixth Sense. Like its name, the Sixth Sense had an eye of its own, and shared a will with both Ayato and his sword. The Sixth Sense could see even what the naked eye couldn't, then tell Ayato exactly what to do, and when. This is what allowed Ayato to win this duel, and achieve success for his ancestors. It was only a matter of time while these relieved citizens received their passports, that Ayato received an honorary one, himself. Members of the Magic Council and Rune Knight were also called by not just Ayato, but citizens a well to arrest the opposition and hopefully keep them out of Rose Garden's sight forever.

    What a day...

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm