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    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing)

    Alessia Pentacost
    Alessia Pentacost

    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 96
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    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) Empty Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing)

    Post by Alessia Pentacost 31st August 2014, 7:19 am

    It had been a couple of weeks since Xing had joined the Nox Animus guild and since then things had been rather entertaining. For starters, the half wyvern had issues setting up her own bedroom and place of residence, which was far more than simply setting up furniture and putting clothes away. Xing felt afraid and terrified when she wasn't making physical contact with the ground, so she had to cover the floor of her room with a rather thick layer of earth, which allowed Xing to actually sleep when she was in bed, or to have a few moments of relaxation. Apart from that, there was little else for the half wyvern to do when it came to setting her bedroom up other than collecting her clothing from her house and moving it all to the airship, oh and Xing had actually sold her house on Earth, living on the air ship would be much easier. Xing had been allowed to have Fera live with her, and as a result of that the half wyvern had more work to do when it came to setting her room up, which had been a little bit complicated. See, Fera's race lived in tree tops so what Xing had to do, was have numerous platforms and cages hanging from the roof of her room, all for Fera to fly and run between for the sake of exercise. But anyway, that was a few weeks ago and now, Xing and Fera where in Clover Town.

    Xing was a hard working women and as such despised being idle while at work, so one day she had been studying the job board for the sake of finding an interesting job to do, which had proven rather successful. Xing was an Earth mage so she had been searching for a job that worked best for her, and had managed to find one. It seemed in Clover Town there was a mother searching for two earth mages to tech her son, and guess what? The son wanted to learn earth magic. However, the problem was that the mission required two earth mages, and Xing only knew of one another, NA's own guild master. Xing was a very forward person, so she had thrown any politeness or respect out of the window and just gone straight to Yuna and asked her directly, of course she had been polite about it. Luckily Yuna had agreed to the mission, and now Xing was in Clover Town with Fera, waiting for her guild master to arrive. Oh, and for those of you worried that Xing would be arrested, after all she was technically a dark mage, the half wyvern's guild mark was hidden by her clothing, which fortunately did a very good job of obscuring her stomach. Fera was sitting on top of Xing's right shoulder, chirping happily as he waited for the same person Xing was waiting for; hopefully Yuna wouldn't be too much longer.


    Alessia Pentacost

    Aspect of Self/magic

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 458
    Guild : Aelyst Crux (Dragon Fang Co-Founder)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ramen Fighter
    Experience : 75,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Demon Slayer
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    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) Empty Re: Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing)

    Post by Sonya<3 2nd September 2014, 1:13 pm

    The young nature fairy yawned as she made her way towards Clover Town. Yuna was on her way to help a new recruit train a small child the ways of the earth mage. She didn't know much of the details surrounding the job as she had just been told a day before, but she was more than happy to help out the family and her fellow guildmember, Xing. That being so, she had woken up fairly early to freshen up her skills so she could be of better help. Yuna stopped for a bit to look down at the piece of paper which contained the home's address and saw that she was getting close. She couldn't help but wonder what the family would be like and hoped that they would be nice. And perhaps, the future earth mage would join Nox Animus once he grew up a bit more. That thought made the tiny Guildmaster smile and continued on her way. Not a few minutes later, she saw Xing up ahead. She half ran half walked over to her with a big smile on her face. "I hope I'm not late~" she said happily. "Sh-Shall we go in..?"


    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) 0006710

    Yuna || Magic || Bank || Fang
    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) Coolt137
    Alessia Pentacost
    Alessia Pentacost

    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

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    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) Empty Re: Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing)

    Post by Alessia Pentacost 2nd September 2014, 3:05 pm

    Xing hoped that the rather young and adorable female guild master known as Yuna would arrive soon, after all the half wyvern wanted to do the mission and she needed Yuna for that, plus Xing was actually eager to work with Yuna. A few moments later Yuna arrived and ran towards Xing, which made the green coloured half wyvern smile widely. "It's a pleasure to see you Yuna!" With a large and warm smiled brought to life by Xing's face, she gently coiled around Yuna and hugged her, patting her on the head softly. This may seem incredibly unprofessional and out of place regarding the relationship between Xing and Yuna, they where basically boss and employee but Xing didn't care, she was a very head strong women after all. Xing remained gently coiled about her guild master for a few moments, before she slithered free from the young girl and smiled "You're not late, and yes we should!" And with that, Xing slithered towards the front door of the client's house and knocked on it, only to get answered by the sounds of foot steps behind.


    Alessia Pentacost

    Aspect of Self/magic

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 458
    Guild : Aelyst Crux (Dragon Fang Co-Founder)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ramen Fighter
    Experience : 75,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Demon Slayer
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    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) Empty Re: Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing)

    Post by Sonya<3 14th September 2014, 12:42 pm

    As soon as she greeted Xing, she was was coiled into an embrace. Yuna smiled and hugged Xing back. Unlike most Guildmasters, Yuna wasn't much for formalities. Perhaps it was due to her young age and manner of being. After a few moments, Xing slithered free and headed towards the client'a door. "You're not late, and yes we should!" As soon as she knocked, footsteps were heard from behind causing Yuna to turn around. An middled age woman and her son, most likely the clients, stood behind them. "H-Hello~" Yuna said as she fluttered her wings happily. "I-I m Yuna and this is Xing We're the earth mages hired to teach your son Earth magic~"


    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) 0006710

    Yuna || Magic || Bank || Fang
    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) Coolt137
    Alessia Pentacost
    Alessia Pentacost

    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 96
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing) Empty Re: Teach me how to Earth bend (Sonya and Xing)

    Post by Alessia Pentacost 14th September 2014, 3:58 pm

    The young boy stood there and stared at the two mages, his eyes wide with amazement, he couldn't believe that he was actually going to learn earth magic! To say the young boy was excited was an understatement, he was god damn ecstatic about it! His mother was no where near as excited, she was rather concerned about her son's safety, not because she didn't trust the two mages, but because she was just worrying too much. "Are you really going to teach me earth magic?! Oh I'm really excited! What's first?! Launching giant boulders? Creating earth golems? Oh oh oh! AM I GOING TO CREATE GIANT BUILDINGS FROM THE EARTH?!" The young boy seemed to bounce excitedly up and down, and seemed to be utterly dressed ready to go outside, in shoes, trousers and so on so forth. The mother sighed and rolled her eyes, as if she had been putting up with this for a long time..which was true, she had been putting up with her son's excitement for the last month, hence why she had finally given in to her son's desire to learn earth magic. "As you can see he is rather excited..do please take care of him, I would like him home before five okay?" The mother turned from the two mages to her child, and gently kissed him on the cheek. "Have fun okay? And be careful!" And with that, the young boy stood next to Xing staring up at her.

    Xing spoke up next, turning her attention towards the mother before she returned inside her home."Do not worry miss, we shall take very good care of him" With a reassuring smile, Xing did her best to alleviate the mother's concerns, and it seemed to work as the mother smiled and returned inside, shutting the door behind her. Now Xing and Yuna where with the young boy and so the logical next step would be to start teaching the boy earth magic, of course teaching him in the middle of the street wasn't a good idea. "We should head somewhere safer and more practical to teach, what about the field outside of town Yuna?" Alexia didn't want to utterly dominate this entire mission, so she was allowing Yuna the chance to make her voice known. The young boy grabbed Xing's hand and stared up at her, amazed to see something so very different. "Miss?! Are you part dragon?! Ohh! You're party earth dragon! I'm going to be a dragon slayer!" The boy smiled and bounced up and down on his feet, apparently very excited, in fact even more excited than he was before. Xing sighed and looked down at the boy. "No, I'm only half earth wyvern, not half earth dragon, however I can still teach you earth magic" Xing wasn't enjoying having her hand held by this boy....


    Alessia Pentacost

    Aspect of Self/magic

      Current date/time is 12th September 2024, 2:18 am