Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
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    Kagune Empty Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 12th July 2014, 11:03 am


    Primary Magic: Kagune
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Necro comes from a race of monsters called ghouls; ghouls are monsters that look like regular people. Ghouls are cursed with a ferocious hunger, which can only be sedated by human flesh. Due to their ravenous nature ghouls are known to not only eat humans, but often time ghouls are known to eat other monsters, and even other ghouls. Despite being able to eat other monsters and fellow ghouls, ghouls can only receive sustenance from human flesh, anything else may dull their hunger and give them the temporary nutrients they need but in the long run anything other than human flesh will deteriorate their health. Ghouls have incredible regeneration speed; the regeneration speed is greatly increased when the ghoul eats.  Ghouls fight with a Kagune (Japanese 赫子, romanization kagune, English approximately shining one[1]) is a ghoul's predatory organ and functions as his weapon and claws. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells, which flow just like blood, can become as solid as teeth and can be described as "liquid muscles". The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou piercing the skin, and the released Rc cells then form the kagune. A kagune can be repeatedly hardened and softened at will by the ghoul.  This means all the abilities that Necro utilizes is nonmagic because as a ghoul, he is born with these biological abilities. Since this is nonmagic a Kagune’s ‘spells’ is activated at the cost of RC Stock, RC stock is basically a ghouls Magic power.

    ~Regeneration, ghouls are able to regenerate quickly even to the point of regenerating a whole limb.
    ~The immune system of a ghoul is extremely powerful; this means that they do not get sick, poison does not even work against a ghoul for the immune system will automatically neutralize the any deadly force that enters the body. (Note Necro can be effected by poision equal to or greater than his current rank)
    ~Superior physical capabilities, a ghoul has incredible senses that are more powerful than a normal humans, they are much stronger and faster. Ghouls are three times stronger than a regular human.
    ~Ghouls are bound to their ferocious hunger, their extreme hunger will often mess with the ghouls logical thinking and often times be consumed by their predatory instincts.
    ~When a ghoul is injured by another ghouls Kagune, their regeneration is slowed down greatly to a nearly a crawl.
    ~Ghouls have little, maybe even to the point of no magical powers what so ever.
    ~A if a ghoul consumes flesh other than human flesh, in the long run will cause the ghouls strength and abilities to deteriorate greatly.

    ~ Rinkaku (Japanese 鱗赫, romanization rinkaku, English approximately shining scales): Is a type of kagune, it has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku has powerful regenerative abilities and its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power. A rinkaku excels in brute strength. The Rinkaku can be activated and deactivated at Necro’s will at any time. This is an extra limb that Necro has, which means he will get damaged if his Rinkaku is damaged. 2 hits caused by the Rinkaku is equal to 1 D-rank attack.
    ~Regeneration: After every 2 posts Necro’s gains + 5% health
    ~ Nourishment: This ability is activated when Necro feeds on human flesh; 2 bites of human flesh gives him +5% health, and RC stock.

    Spell Template
    Name: Bloody Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, non-magic
    Description: This offensive ability causes Necro’s Rinkaku to change it shape, each tentacle changes it shape, the RC cells reform causing the tentacles to harden into a blade like shape, this increases the Rinkaku’s attack by 20%. In this form the Rinkaku acts like a parasitic blade that steals Health equal to the damage it deals.  (This ability can last up to 3 posts the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Necro has full control of his attacks, the tentacle claws can slice, stab, or wrap around something as long as it is in a 5 meter range, Necro is also able to switch out of this from whenever he desires.
    ~Necro’s attack and power is increased by 20%
    ~If the target is touched, cut, or maimed by the Bloody Claw will steal health equal to the damage it deals. (Note this is attack is equivalent to a rank D)

    ~Since more RC cells are directed to the Rinkaku, Necro’s defense is lowered. Necro will lose an additional 10 Health points in addition to the original damage received.
    ~This ability requires Necro’s blood in order to activate, each time this ability is activated Necro loses 3% hp.
    ~In order to activate this ability the Rinkaku ability, found in the ability and powers section above, must be activated.
    ~If the Bloody Claw is damaged Necro takes damage also.

    Name: Bloody Wings
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Evasive, non-magic
    Description: This is another Kagune form, An Ukaku kagune (Japanese 羽赫, romanization ukaku, English approximately shining feather) is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed attacks against an adversary. The kagune is suited both for short-distance and long-distance attacks. Altogether, Necro has a high chance to end the battle after a short time. (This ability can last up to 3 posts; the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Speed, Necro gains incredible speed and maneuverability, in this form he can travel in around 50 mph.
    ~Long Range attacks, Necro shoots out feather like projectiles that can cut and harm a target. The range is 45 meters.
    ~Posion Feathers, if a target is hit by a feather the feather releases a poison that deals 5% damage until the end of this move.
    ~Necro loses 10% attack power in this form
    ~If the wings are damaged Necro will get get damaged also.
    ~To activate the poison effect, the feathers must cut the target.
    ~Poison slayers are not effected by the poison.

    Name: Bloody Shield
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive, Supportive, non-magic
    Description: This ability is another Kagune form known as Koukaku, A Koukaku kagune (Japanese 甲赫, romanization kōkaku, English approximately shining shell) is metallic and released below the shoulder blade. This is achieved by a high density of Rc cells. It is heavy and extremely robust. Of all the kagunes, they have the greatest sturdiness and are especially suited for defense. Normally, they are generally shaped into armors or shields. (This ability can last for 4 posts, cool down is 5 posts)
    ~ It can guard D ranks attacks.
    ~The Shield has a healing component that heals Necro 10% health upon activation (Necro gains the 10% Health every time the shield is activated.)
    ~The Koukaku takes shape of a circular shield, it is about 1.5 meters in height and diameter.
    ~Necro loses 10% speed and mobility
    ~If a target is burned by the acid, the acid can be washed off using a healing spell.
    ~It is very difficult to attack while in this form
    ~Can be broken by 4 D-rank attacks (When broken Necro will take 5% more damage additional to the opponents attack that broke the shield, after Necro takes damage the shield goes into cool down)

    Name: Bloody Tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Balance, non-magic
    Description: In this form Necro utilizes a Kagune called Bikaku (Japanese 尾赫, romanization bikaku, English approximately shining tail)A Bikaku typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tailbone. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defense and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses like the kagune based on other Rc types, meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise "trump card." (Can last for 3 posts, cool down 4 posts)
    ~+10% speed, attack power, and defense
    ~The tail is in a shape of a scorpion's tail, it can be used to stab and cut a target within 10 meters
    ~The tail has poison coated all around it; if a target is maimed by the tail the target will be poisoned for 3 posts, the damage done by the poison is equivalent to D-Rank Damage. The poison continues to damage the opponent for three posts.(anything higher than rank C is unaffected)
    ~Since this is a balance type, it can be over powered and out maneuvered by faster and stronger opponents.
    ~Poison Slayers are not affected by the poison. Poison slayers can also eat the poison.
    ~The poison can be healed by poison neutralizing spells
    ~Only one tail is activated, in this form Necro has trouble fighting multiple opponents

    Last edited by ネクロの汚名 on 18th October 2014, 8:56 am; edited 10 times in total
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 12th July 2014, 1:12 pm

    ネクロの汚名 wrote: Magic

    Primary Magic: Kagune
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Necro comes from a race of monsters called ghouls; ghouls are monsters that look like regular people. Ghouls are cursed with a ferocious hunger, which can only be sedated by human flesh. Due to their ravenous nature ghouls are known to not only eat humans, but often time ghouls are known to eat other monsters, and even other ghouls. Despite being able to eat other monsters and fellow ghouls, ghouls can only receive sustenance from human flesh, anything else may dull their hunger and give them the temporary nutrients they need but in the long run anything other than human flesh will deteriorate their health. Ghouls have incredible regeneration speed; the regeneration speed is greatly increased when the ghoul eats.  Ghouls fight with a Kagune (Japanese 赫子, romanization kagune, English approximately shining one[1]) is a ghoul's predatory organ and functions as his weapon and claws. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells, which flow just like blood, can become as solid as teeth and can be described as "liquid muscles". The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou piercing the skin, and the released Rc cells then form the kagune. A kagune can be repeatedly hardened and softened at will by the ghoul.  This means all the abilities that Necro utilizes is nonmagic because as a ghoul, he is born with these biological abilities. Since this is nonmagic a Kagune’s ‘spells’ is activated at the cost of RC Stock, RC stock is basically a ghouls Magic power.

    ~Regeneration, ghouls are able to regenerate quickly even to the point of regenerating a whole limb.
    ~The immune system of a ghoul is extremely powerful; this means that they do not get sick, poison does not even work against a ghoul for the immune system will automatically neutralize the any deadly force that enters the body.
    ~Superior physical capabilities, a ghoul has incredible senses that are more powerful than a normal humans, they are much stronger and faster.
    ~Ghouls are bound to their ferocious hunger, their extreme hunger will often mess with the ghouls logical thinking and often times be consumed by their predatory instincts.
    ~When a ghoul is injured by another ghouls Kagune, their regeneration is slowed down greatly to a nearly a crawl.
    ~Ghouls have little, maybe even to the point of no magical powers what so ever.
    ~A if a ghoul consumes flesh other than human flesh, in the long run will cause the ghouls strength and abilities to deteriorate greatly.

    ~ Rinkaku (Japanese 鱗赫, romanization rinkaku, English approximately shining scales): Is a type of kagune, it has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku has powerful regenerative abilities and its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power. A rinkaku excels in brute strength. The Rinkaku can be activated and deactivated at Necro’s will at any time. Any striking damage dealt by the tentacles is equal to a D rank attack. (Four tentacles are released) This seems like a weapon or a spell to me. Or is it just like an extra limb you have? If so i'd say its attacks are equal to a regular punch of yours or something. Though I think i'd prefer it as a spell.
    ~Regeneration: After every 2 posts Necro’s gains + 10% health points Please reduce this to 5%
    ~Blood Gluttony: When Necro smells or tastes blood, his instincts start to kick in thus increasing his speed and power by 15% I would say 10% at most as this is a passive
    ~ Nourishment: This ability is activated when Necro feeds on human flesh; each bite of human flesh gives him +25% health, power, speed and RC stock. This is way to big a boost just for eating a bite human flesh. I'd say something like 5% and that would be for eating an entire limb or something
    ~Desperate Frenzy: At Desperation Necro will feed on non human flesh each bite gives him gives him +25% health, power, speed and RC stock, but in the long run after 15 posts Necro will lose 10% health and RC Stock for 6 posts. Again 5% and only a limb.
    ~Predators Focus: In battle Necro’s state of mind is focused and is and clear, making movements and attacks strong and accurate, this enables Necro to switch out of his forms and attack instantly. What do you mean by forms?

    Spell Template
    Name: Bloody Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, non-magic
    Description: This offensive ability causes Necro’s Rinkaku to change it shape, each tentacle changes it shape, the RC cells reform causing the tentacles to harden into a blade like shape, this increases the Rinkaku’s attack by 20%. In this form the Rinkaku releases a powerful neurotoxin that will slowly paralyze the target.  (This ability can last up to 4 posts the cool down is 5 posts) [color=teal]
    ~Necro has full control of his attacks, the tentacle claws can slice, stab, or wrap around something as long as it is in a 50 meter range, Necro is also able to switch out of this from whenever he desires.
    ~Necro’s attack and power is increased by 25% You say 20% in description
    ~If the target is cut by the Bloody Claw the target will be stunned for 3 posts. (Chart bellow shows how long the neurotoxin takes full effect for each Rank) Your ability at D rank is not effecting anything above C rank. Or if it effects B ranks the toxin is only going to slow them down. I would prefer you to have this 'slow them' rather than full paralysis because if you fully paralyse someone...then you could just kill them easily.
    D-Rank: 3 posts
    C-Rank: 6 posts
    B-Rank: 9 posts
    A-Rank: 12 posts
    S-Rank: 15 posts
    SS-Rank: 18 posts
    H-Rank: 21 posts
    ~Since more RC cells are directed to the Rinkaku, Necro’s defense is lowered. Necro will lose an additional 10 Health points in addition to the original damage received.
    ~This ability requires Necro’s blood in order to activate, each time this ability is activated Necro loses 5 health points
    ~In order to activate this ability the Rinkaku ability, found in the ability and powers section above, must be activated.
    ~The neurotoxins are slow acting, this gives the opponent a chance to defeat Necro before the neurotoxin takes into full effect.

    Name: Bloody Wings
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Evasive, non-magic
    Description: This is another Kagune form, An Ukaku kagune (Japanese 羽赫, romanization ukaku, English approximately shining feather) is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed attacks against an adversary. The kagune is suited both for short-distance and long-distance attacks. Altogether, Necro has a high chance to end the battle after a short time. (This ability can last up to 3 posts; the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Speed, Necro gains incredible speed and maneuverability, in this form he can travel in around 70 mph.
    ~Long Range attacks, Necro shoots out feather like projectiles that can cut and harm a target. The range is 100 meters.
    ~Parasitic Feathers, if a target is hit by a feather the feather releases a parasitic enzyme that enables Necro to steal 10 health points from the injured target and then add that 10 health points to his own health. We don't really have health points
    ~Necro loses 25% power in this form
    ~every time this ability is activated Necro’s stamina decreases
    ~To activate the parasitic effect, the feathers must cut the target
    ~Necro loses 10% speed if he is fighting in a tight space

    Name: Bloody Shield
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive, Supportive, non-magic
    Description: This ability is another Kagune form known as Koukaku, A Koukaku kagune (Japanese 甲赫, romanization kōkaku, English approximately shining shell) is metallic and released below the shoulder blade. This is achieved by a high density of Rc cells. It is heavy and extremely robust. Of all the kagunes, they have the greatest sturdiness and are especially suited for defense. Normally, they are generally shaped into armors or shields. (This ability can last for 5 posts, cool down is 6 posts)
    ~Necro gains a 50% defense boost; it can guard D ranks attacks.
    ~If the shield is broken it can fully regenerate after 2 posts.
    ~The Koukaku takes shape of a large circular shield, the shield coated by a chemical acid that can burn a target. If the target gets any of the acid on themselves the target will be burned continuously for three posts, each post losing 10 health points.
    ~Necro loses 50% speed and mobility
    ~If a target is burned by the acid, the acid can be washed off using a healing spell.
    ~It is very difficult to attack while in this form
    ~Can be broken by 4 D-rank attacks

    Name: Bloody Tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Balance, non-magic
    Description: In this form Necro utilizes a Kagune called Bikaku (Japanese 尾赫, romanization bikaku, English approximately shining tail)A Bikaku typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tailbone. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defense and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses like the kagune based on other Rc types, meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise "trump card." (Can last for 4 posts, cool down 5 posts)
    ~+10% speed, power, and defense
    ~The tail is in a shape of a scorpion, it can be used to stab and cut a target within 30 meters
    ~The tail has poison coated all around it; if a target is maimed by the tail the target will be poisoned for 3 posts each post the target loses 15 health points. You aren't poisoning anything higher than C rank. Also like I said we don't really have health points yet...so you'll just have to say it provided 'D rank damage' a turn or something.
    ~Since this is a balance type, it can be over powered and out maneuvered by faster and stronger opponents.
    ~Poison Slayers are affected by the poison. Poison slayers can also eat the poison.
    ~The poison can be healed by poison neutralizing spells
    ~Only one tail is activated, in this form Necro has trouble fighting multiple opponents

    Comment sso far are in teal.


    Kagune Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Kagune Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Kagune Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 12th July 2014, 2:01 pm



    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
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    Character Sheet
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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 13th July 2014, 1:42 am

    ネクロの汚名 wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Kagune
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Necro comes from a race of monsters called ghouls; ghouls are monsters that look like regular people. Ghouls are cursed with a ferocious hunger, which can only be sedated by human flesh. Due to their ravenous nature ghouls are known to not only eat humans, but often time ghouls are known to eat other monsters, and even other ghouls. Despite being able to eat other monsters and fellow ghouls, ghouls can only receive sustenance from human flesh, anything else may dull their hunger and give them the temporary nutrients they need but in the long run anything other than human flesh will deteriorate their health. Ghouls have incredible regeneration speed; the regeneration speed is greatly increased when the ghoul eats.  Ghouls fight with a Kagune (Japanese 赫子, romanization kagune, English approximately shining one[1]) is a ghoul's predatory organ and functions as his weapon and claws. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells, which flow just like blood, can become as solid as teeth and can be described as "liquid muscles". The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou piercing the skin, and the released Rc cells then form the kagune. A kagune can be repeatedly hardened and softened at will by the ghoul.  This means all the abilities that Necro utilizes is nonmagic because as a ghoul, he is born with these biological abilities. Since this is nonmagic a Kagune’s ‘spells’ is activated at the cost of RC Stock, RC stock is basically a ghouls Magic power.

    ~Regeneration, ghouls are able to regenerate quickly even to the point of regenerating a whole limb.
    ~The immune system of a ghoul is extremely powerful; this means that they do not get sick, poison does not even work against a ghoul for the immune system will automatically neutralize the any deadly force that enters the body.
    ~Superior physical capabilities, a ghoul has incredible senses that are more powerful than a normal humans, they are much stronger and faster.
    ~Ghouls are bound to their ferocious hunger, their extreme hunger will often mess with the ghouls logical thinking and often times be consumed by their predatory instincts.
    ~When a ghoul is injured by another ghouls Kagune, their regeneration is slowed down greatly to a nearly a crawl.
    ~Ghouls have little, maybe even to the point of no magical powers what so ever.
    ~A if a ghoul consumes flesh other than human flesh, in the long run will cause the ghouls strength and abilities to deteriorate greatly.

    ~ Rinkaku (Japanese 鱗赫, romanization rinkaku, English approximately shining scales): Is a type of kagune, it has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku has powerful regenerative abilities and its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power. A rinkaku excels in brute strength. The Rinkaku can be activated and deactivated at Necro’s will at any time. This is an extra limb that Necro has, which means he will get damaged if his Rinkaku is damaged. 5 hits caused by the Rinkaku is equal to 1 D-rank attack.
    ~Regeneration: After every 2 posts Necro’s gains + 5% health
    ~Blood Gluttony: When Necro smells or tastes blood, his instincts start to kick in thus increasing his speed and power by 10%
    ~ Nourishment: This ability is activated when Necro feeds on human flesh; 2 bites of human flesh gives him +5% health, and RC stock.
    ~Desperate Frenzy: At Desperation Necro will feed on non human flesh each bite gives him gives him +5% health and RC stock, but in the long run after 15 posts Necro will lose 10% health and RC Stock for 6 posts.
    ~Predators Focus: In battle Necro’s state of mind is focused and is and clear, making movements and attacks strong and accurate, this enables Necro to switch out of his attacks instantly.

    Spell Template
    Name: Bloody Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, non-magic
    Description: This offensive ability causes Necro’s Rinkaku to change it shape, each tentacle changes it shape, the RC cells reform causing the tentacles to harden into a blade like shape, this increases the Rinkaku’s attack by 20%. In this form the Rinkaku releases a powerful neurotoxin that will slowly paralyze the target.  (This ability can last up to 4 posts the cool down is 5 posts)
    ~Necro has full control of his attacks, the tentacle claws can slice, stab, or wrap around something as long as it is in a 50 meter range, Necro is also able to switch out of this from whenever he desires. Fifty feet seems a bit of an extreme range for a D rank spell. Particularly a physical one. I'd say ten for now. When you rank up you can rank up this spell and make it higher
    ~Necro’s attack and power is increased by 20%
    ~If the target is cut by the Bloody Claw the target will be stunned for 3 posts. (Chart bellow shows how long the neurotoxin takes full effect for each Rank anything higher than rank A is unaffected)
    D-Rank: 3 posts
    C-Rank: 6 posts only stunned for 1 turn
    B-Rank: 9 posts stun does not apply reduces targets speed by 10%

    ~Since more RC cells are directed to the Rinkaku, Necro’s defense is lowered. Necro will lose an additional 10 Health points in addition to the original damage received.
    ~This ability requires Necro’s blood in order to activate, each time this ability is activated Necro loses 5 health points
    ~In order to activate this ability the Rinkaku ability, found in the ability and powers section above, must be activated.
    ~The neurotoxins are slow acting, this gives the opponent a chance to defeat Necro before the neurotoxin takes into full effect.

    Name: Bloody Wings
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Evasive, non-magic
    Description: This is another Kagune form, An Ukaku kagune (Japanese 羽赫, romanization ukaku, English approximately shining feather) is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed attacks against an adversary. The kagune is suited both for short-distance and long-distance attacks. Altogether, Necro has a high chance to end the battle after a short time. (This ability can last up to 3 posts; the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Speed, Necro gains incredible speed and maneuverability, in this form he can travel in around 70 mph.
    ~Long Range attacks, Necro shoots out feather like projectiles that can cut and harm a target. The range is 100 meters. This can be 50 meters I think...though i'd prefer something like 30 or 40
    ~Parasitic Feathers, if a target is hit by a feather the feather releases a parasitic enzyme that enables Necro to steal 10% health from the injured target and then add that 10% health points to his own health.
    ~Necro loses 25% power in this form
    ~every time this ability is activated Necro’s stamina decreases
    ~To activate the parasitic effect, the feathers must cut the target
    ~Necro loses 10% speed if he is fighting in a tight space

    Name: Bloody Shield
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive, Supportive, non-magic
    Description: This ability is another Kagune form known as Koukaku, A Koukaku kagune (Japanese 甲赫, romanization kōkaku, English approximately shining shell) is metallic and released below the shoulder blade. This is achieved by a high density of Rc cells. It is heavy and extremely robust. Of all the kagunes, they have the greatest sturdiness and are especially suited for defense. Normally, they are generally shaped into armors or shields. (This ability can last for 5 posts, cool down is 6 posts)
    ~Necro gains a 50% defense boost; it can guard D ranks attacks.
    ~If the shield is broken it can fully regenerate after 2 posts.
    ~The Koukaku takes shape of a large circular shield, the shield coated by a chemical acid that can burn a target. If the target gets any of the acid on themselves the target will be burned continuously for three posts, each post losing 10 health points.
    ~Necro loses 50% speed and mobility
    ~If a target is burned by the acid, the acid can be washed off using a healing spell.
    ~It is very difficult to attack while in this form
    ~Can be broken by 4 D-rank attacks

    Name: Bloody Tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Balance, non-magic
    Description: In this form Necro utilizes a Kagune called Bikaku (Japanese 尾赫, romanization bikaku, English approximately shining tail)A Bikaku typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tailbone. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defense and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses like the kagune based on other Rc types, meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise "trump card." (Can last for 4 posts, cool down 5 posts)
    ~+10% speed, power, and defense
    ~The tail is in a shape of a scorpion, it can be used to stab and cut a target within 30 meters I'd say around ten instead
    ~The tail has poison coated all around it; if a target is maimed by the tail the target will be poisoned for 3 posts, the damage done by the poison is equivalent to D-Rank Damage. (anything higher than rank C is unaffected)
    ~Since this is a balance type, it can be over powered and out maneuvered by faster and stronger opponents.
    ~Poison Slayers are affected by the poison. Poison slayers can also eat the poison.
    ~The poison can be healed by poison neutralizing spells
    ~Only one tail is activated, in this form Necro has trouble fighting multiple opponents

    Comments in teal. This is a good improvement on the previous one


    Kagune Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Kagune Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 13th July 2014, 4:04 pm



    Rosetta Crawford
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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 18th July 2014, 2:07 am

    ネクロの汚名 wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Kagune
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Necro comes from a race of monsters called ghouls; ghouls are monsters that look like regular people. Ghouls are cursed with a ferocious hunger, which can only be sedated by human flesh. Due to their ravenous nature ghouls are known to not only eat humans, but often time ghouls are known to eat other monsters, and even other ghouls. Despite being able to eat other monsters and fellow ghouls, ghouls can only receive sustenance from human flesh, anything else may dull their hunger and give them the temporary nutrients they need but in the long run anything other than human flesh will deteriorate their health. Ghouls have incredible regeneration speed; the regeneration speed is greatly increased when the ghoul eats.  Ghouls fight with a Kagune (Japanese 赫子, romanization kagune, English approximately shining one[1]) is a ghoul's predatory organ and functions as his weapon and claws. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells, which flow just like blood, can become as solid as teeth and can be described as "liquid muscles". The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou piercing the skin, and the released Rc cells then form the kagune. A kagune can be repeatedly hardened and softened at will by the ghoul.  This means all the abilities that Necro utilizes is nonmagic because as a ghoul, he is born with these biological abilities. Since this is nonmagic a Kagune’s ‘spells’ is activated at the cost of RC Stock, RC stock is basically a ghouls Magic power.

    ~Regeneration, ghouls are able to regenerate quickly even to the point of regenerating a whole limb.
    ~The immune system of a ghoul is extremely powerful; this means that they do not get sick, poison does not even work against a ghoul for the immune system will automatically neutralize the any deadly force that enters the body. I did not notice this. This is too powerful. You need to put in something about ranks here. Otherwise a H rank poison slayers abilities wouldn't work on you at D rank and that makes no sense
    ~Superior physical capabilities, a ghoul has incredible senses that are more powerful than a normal humans, they are much stronger and faster. How much stronger and faster than a human with peak physical senses
    ~Ghouls are bound to their ferocious hunger, their extreme hunger will often mess with the ghouls logical thinking and often times be consumed by their predatory instincts.
    ~When a ghoul is injured by another ghouls Kagune, their regeneration is slowed down greatly to a nearly a crawl.
    ~Ghouls have little, maybe even to the point of no magical powers what so ever.
    ~A if a ghoul consumes flesh other than human flesh, in the long run will cause the ghouls strength and abilities to deteriorate greatly.

    ~ Rinkaku (Japanese 鱗赫, romanization rinkaku, English approximately shining scales): Is a type of kagune, it has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku has powerful regenerative abilities and its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power. A rinkaku excels in brute strength. The Rinkaku can be activated and deactivated at Necro’s will at any time. This is an extra limb that Necro has, which means he will get damaged if his Rinkaku is damaged. 5 hits caused by the Rinkaku is equal to 1 D-rank attack.
    ~Regeneration: After every 2 posts Necro’s gains + 5% health
    ~Blood Gluttony: When Necro smells or tastes blood, his instincts start to kick in thus increasing his speed and power by 10%
    ~ Nourishment: This ability is activated when Necro feeds on human flesh; 2 bites of human flesh gives him +5% health, and RC stock.
    ~Desperate Frenzy: At Desperation Necro will feed on non human flesh each bite gives him gives him +5% health and RC stock, but in the long run after 15 posts Necro will lose 10% health and RC Stock for 6 posts.
    ~Predators Focus: In battle Necro’s state of mind is focused and is and clear, making movements and attacks strong and accurate, this enables Necro to switch out of his attacks instantly.

    Spell Template
    Name: Bloody Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, non-magic
    Description: This offensive ability causes Necro’s Rinkaku to change it shape, each tentacle changes it shape, the RC cells reform causing the tentacles to harden into a blade like shape, this increases the Rinkaku’s attack by 20%. In this form the Rinkaku releases a powerful neurotoxin that will slowly paralyze the target.  (This ability can last up to 4 posts the cool down is 5 posts)
    ~Necro has full control of his attacks, the tentacle claws can slice, stab, or wrap around something as long as it is in a 10 meter range, Necro is also able to switch out of this from whenever he desires.
    ~Necro’s attack and power is increased by 20%
    ~If the target is cut by the Bloody Claw the target will be stunned for 3 posts. (Chart bellow shows how long the neurotoxin takes full effect for each Rank anything higher than rank A is unaffected)
    D-Rank: 3 posts
    C-Rank: 6 posts only stunned for 1 turn
    B-Rank: 9 posts stun does not apply reduces targets speed by 10%

    ~Since more RC cells are directed to the Rinkaku, Necro’s defense is lowered. Necro will lose an additional 10 Health points in addition to the original damage received.
    ~This ability requires Necro’s blood in order to activate, each time this ability is activated Necro loses 5 health points
    ~In order to activate this ability the Rinkaku ability, found in the ability and powers section above, must be activated.
    ~The neurotoxins are slow acting, this gives the opponent a chance to defeat Necro before the neurotoxin takes into full effect.

    Name: Bloody Wings
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Evasive, non-magic
    Description: This is another Kagune form, An Ukaku kagune (Japanese 羽赫, romanization ukaku, English approximately shining feather) is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed attacks against an adversary. The kagune is suited both for short-distance and long-distance attacks. Altogether, Necro has a high chance to end the battle after a short time. (This ability can last up to 3 posts; the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Speed, Necro gains incredible speed and maneuverability, in this form he can travel in around 70 mph.
    ~Long Range attacks, Necro shoots out feather like projectiles that can cut and harm a target. The range is 45 meters.
    ~Parasitic Feathers, if a target is hit by a feather the feather releases a parasitic enzyme that enables Necro to steal 10% health from the injured target and then add that 10% health points to his own health.
    ~Necro loses 25% power in this form
    ~every time this ability is activated Necro’s stamina decreases
    ~To activate the parasitic effect, the feathers must cut the target
    ~Necro loses 10% speed if he is fighting in a tight space

    Name: Bloody Shield
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive, Supportive, non-magic
    Description: This ability is another Kagune form known as Koukaku, A Koukaku kagune (Japanese 甲赫, romanization kōkaku, English approximately shining shell) is metallic and released below the shoulder blade. This is achieved by a high density of Rc cells. It is heavy and extremely robust. Of all the kagunes, they have the greatest sturdiness and are especially suited for defense. Normally, they are generally shaped into armors or shields. (This ability can last for 5 posts, cool down is 6 posts)
    ~Necro gains a 50% defense boost; it can guard D ranks attacks.
    ~If the shield is broken it can fully regenerate after 2 posts.
    ~The Koukaku takes shape of a large circular shield, the shield coated by a chemical acid that can burn a target. If the target gets any of the acid on themselves the target will be burned continuously for three posts, each post losing 10 health points.
    ~Necro loses 50% speed and mobility
    ~If a target is burned by the acid, the acid can be washed off using a healing spell.
    ~It is very difficult to attack while in this form
    ~Can be broken by 4 D-rank attacks

    Name: Bloody Tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Balance, non-magic
    Description: In this form Necro utilizes a Kagune called Bikaku (Japanese 尾赫, romanization bikaku, English approximately shining tail)A Bikaku typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tailbone. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defense and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses like the kagune based on other Rc types, meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise "trump card." (Can last for 4 posts, cool down 5 posts)
    ~+10% speed, power, and defense
    ~The tail is in a shape of a scorpion's tail, it can be used to stab and cut a target within 10 meters
    ~The tail has poison coated all around it; if a target is maimed by the tail the target will be poisoned for 3 posts, the damage done by the poison is equivalent to D-Rank Damage. (anything higher than rank C is unaffected)
    ~Since this is a balance type, it can be over powered and out maneuvered by faster and stronger opponents.
    ~Poison Slayers are affected by the poison. Poison slayers can also eat the poison.
    ~The poison can be healed by poison neutralizing spells
    ~Only one tail is activated, in this form Necro has trouble fighting multiple opponents

    Few more comments and then it should be fine I think


    Kagune Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Kagune Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Kagune Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 15th October 2014, 11:05 am




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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 15th October 2014, 12:19 pm




    Devil's Advocate

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by Cirven 17th October 2014, 11:11 am

    Ok so I am taking over for Zack as he has gotten too busy to finish this review. Edits are in This color.

    ネクロの汚名 wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Kagune
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Necro comes from a race of monsters called ghouls; ghouls are monsters that look like regular people. Ghouls are cursed with a ferocious hunger, which can only be sedated by human flesh. Due to their ravenous nature ghouls are known to not only eat humans, but often time ghouls are known to eat other monsters, and even other ghouls. Despite being able to eat other monsters and fellow ghouls, ghouls can only receive sustenance from human flesh, anything else may dull their hunger and give them the temporary nutrients they need but in the long run anything other than human flesh will deteriorate their health. Ghouls have incredible regeneration speed; the regeneration speed is greatly increased when the ghoul eats.  Ghouls fight with a Kagune (Japanese 赫子, romanization kagune, English approximately shining one[1]) is a ghoul's predatory organ and functions as his weapon and claws. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells, which flow just like blood, can become as solid as teeth and can be described as "liquid muscles". The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou piercing the skin, and the released Rc cells then form the kagune. A kagune can be repeatedly hardened and softened at will by the ghoul.  This means all the abilities that Necro utilizes is nonmagic because as a ghoul, he is born with these biological abilities. Since this is nonmagic a Kagune’s ‘spells’ is activated at the cost of RC Stock, RC stock is basically a ghouls Magic power.

    ~Regeneration, ghouls are able to regenerate quickly even to the point of regenerating a whole limb.
    ~The immune system of a ghoul is extremely powerful; this means that they do not get sick, poison does not even work against a ghoul for the immune system will automatically neutralize the any deadly force that enters the body. (Note Necro can be effected by poision equal to or greater than his current rank)
    ~Superior physical capabilities, a ghoul has incredible senses that are more powerful than a normal humans, they are much stronger and faster. Ghouls are three times stronger than a regular human.
    ~Ghouls are bound to their ferocious hunger, their extreme hunger will often mess with the ghouls logical thinking and often times be consumed by their predatory instincts.
    ~When a ghoul is injured by another ghouls Kagune, their regeneration is slowed down greatly to a nearly a crawl.
    ~Ghouls have little, maybe even to the point of no magical powers what so ever.
    ~A if a ghoul consumes flesh other than human flesh, in the long run will cause the ghouls strength and abilities to deteriorate greatly.

    ~ Rinkaku (Japanese 鱗赫, romanization rinkaku, English approximately shining scales): Is a type of kagune, it has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku has powerful regenerative abilities and its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power. A rinkaku excels in brute strength. The Rinkaku can be activated and deactivated at Necro’s will at any time. This is an extra limb that Necro has, which means he will get damaged if his Rinkaku is damaged. 5 hits caused by the Rinkaku is equal to 1 D-rank attack.
    ~Regeneration: After every 2 posts Necro’s gains + 5% health
    ~Blood Gluttony: When Necro smells or tastes blood, his instincts start to kick in thus increasing his speed and power by 10%
    ~ Nourishment: This ability is activated when Necro feeds on human flesh; 2 bites of human flesh gives him +5% health, and RC stock.
    ~Desperate Frenzy: At Desperation Necro will feed on non human flesh each bite gives him gives him +5% health and RC stock, but in the long run after 15 posts Necro will lose 10% health and RC Stock for 6 posts.
    ~Predators Focus: In battle Necro’s state of mind is focused and is and clear, making movements and attacks strong and accurate, this enables Necro to switch out of his attacks instantly.
    ~Predator's Senses: This ability is passive, this allows Necro to sense a target tasting or smelling their blood, he is able to track them down by smell if their blood is within a 150 meter distance.
    We have a new rule now that only allows you to have 3 abilities at D-rank so I will need you to lower the number of abilities you have to 3. You will be able to get more abilities as you rank up.

    Spell Template
    Name: Bloody Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, non-magic
    Description: This offensive ability causes Necro’s Rinkaku to change it shape, each tentacle changes it shape, the RC cells reform causing the tentacles to harden into a blade like shape, this increases the Rinkaku’s attack by 20%. In this form the Rinkaku releases a powerful neurotoxin that will slowly paralyze the target.  (This ability can last up to 4 posts the cool down is 5 posts) I feel the duration is too long. The average for D-rank is 2-3 with a cooldown of +1 the duration.
    ~Necro has full control of his attacks, the tentacle claws can slice, stab, or wrap around something as long as it is in a 10 meter range, Necro is also able to switch out of this from whenever he desires. 10 meters sounds like a lot for D-rank. I think 5 meters would be better here.
    ~Necro’s attack and power is increased by 20%
    ~If the target is cut by the Bloody Claw the target will be stunned for 3 posts. (Chart bellow shows how long the neurotoxin takes full effect for each Rank anything higher than rank A is unaffected) What do you mean by stunned? I'd rather you say something like they are slowed really. Stunned sounds too much like you are paralyzing them which makes this spell too good for D-rank.
    D-Rank: 3 posts
    C-Rank: 6 posts only stunned for 1 turn
    B-Rank: 9 posts stun does not apply reduces targets speed by 10%

    ~Since more RC cells are directed to the Rinkaku, Necro’s defense is lowered. Necro will lose an additional 10 Health points in addition to the original damage received.
    ~This ability requires Necro’s blood in order to activate, each time this ability is activated Necro loses 5 health points
    ~In order to activate this ability the Rinkaku ability, found in the ability and powers section above, must be activated.
    ~The neurotoxins are slow acting, this gives the opponent a chance to defeat Necro before the neurotoxin takes into full effect.

    Name: Bloody Wings
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Evasive, non-magic
    Description: This is another Kagune form, An Ukaku kagune (Japanese 羽赫, romanization ukaku, English approximately shining feather) is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed attacks against an adversary. The kagune is suited both for short-distance and long-distance attacks. Altogether, Necro has a high chance to end the battle after a short time. (This ability can last up to 3 posts; the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Speed, Necro gains incredible speed and maneuverability, in this form he can travel in around 70 mph. Lower the speed down to 50 mph.
    ~Long Range attacks, Necro shoots out feather like projectiles that can cut and harm a target. The range is 45 meters.
    ~Parasitic Feathers, if a target is hit by a feather the feather releases a parasitic enzyme that enables Necro to steal 10% health from the injured target and then add that 10% health points to his own health. This is only for feathers still connected to the wings, right? It would not make much sense otherwise so clarify this please. Also lower the number of HP taken to 5%.
    ~Necro loses 25% power in this form Power? Do you mean strength or MP?
    ~every time this ability is activated Necro’s stamina decreases
    ~To activate the parasitic effect, the feathers must cut the target
    ~Necro loses 10% speed if he is fighting in a tight space

    Name: Bloody Shield
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive, Supportive, non-magic
    Description: This ability is another Kagune form known as Koukaku, A Koukaku kagune (Japanese 甲赫, romanization kōkaku, English approximately shining shell) is metallic and released below the shoulder blade. This is achieved by a high density of Rc cells. It is heavy and extremely robust. Of all the kagunes, they have the greatest sturdiness and are especially suited for defense. Normally, they are generally shaped into armors or shields. (This ability can last for 5 posts, cool down is 6 posts) I feel the duration is too long. The average for D-rank is 2-3 with a cooldown of +1 the duration.
    ~Necro gains a 50% defense boost; it can guard D ranks attacks.You shouldn't really get a defense boost. You will already have a shield that with block damage for you so its different from an actual defense boost.
    ~If the shield is broken it can fully regenerate after 2 posts. I think if the shield is broken it should immediately go on cooldown. It shouldn't have a chance of reforming until after the coldown of the spell.
    ~The Koukaku takes shape of a large circular shield, the shield coated by a chemical acid that can burn a target. If the target gets any of the acid on themselves the target will be burned continuously for three posts, each post losing 10 health points. This should only last for 2 post and deal 5% HP each time. Also how would a person get the acid on them?
    ~Necro loses 50% speed and mobility
    ~If a target is burned by the acid, the acid can be washed off using a healing spell.
    ~It is very difficult to attack while in this form
    ~Can be broken by 4 D-rank attacks

    Name: Bloody Tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Balance, non-magic
    Description: In this form Necro utilizes a Kagune called Bikaku (Japanese 尾赫, romanization bikaku, English approximately shining tail)A Bikaku typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tailbone. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defense and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses like the kagune based on other Rc types, meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise "trump card." (Can last for 4 posts, cool down 5 posts) Lower the duration to 3 and the cooldown to 4
    ~+10% speed, power, and defense
    ~The tail is in a shape of a scorpion's tail, it can be used to stab and cut a target within 10 meters
    ~The tail has poison coated all around it; if a target is maimed by the tail the target will be poisoned for 3 posts, the damage done by the poison is equivalent to D-Rank Damage. (anything higher than rank C is unaffected) They take the damage each post, right?
    ~Since this is a balance type, it can be over powered and out maneuvered by faster and stronger opponents.
    ~Poison Slayers are affected by the poison. Poison slayers can also eat the poison.
    ~The poison can be healed by poison neutralizing spells
    ~Only one tail is activated, in this form Necro has trouble fighting multiple opponents


    Kagune LxcTBIi
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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 17th October 2014, 9:19 pm

    Bump....I think I made the corrections...I revised somethings also. Thanks for looking over my app.



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by Cirven 17th October 2014, 10:27 pm

    Bump after.

    ネクロの汚名 wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Kagune
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Necro comes from a race of monsters called ghouls; ghouls are monsters that look like regular people. Ghouls are cursed with a ferocious hunger, which can only be sedated by human flesh. Due to their ravenous nature ghouls are known to not only eat humans, but often time ghouls are known to eat other monsters, and even other ghouls. Despite being able to eat other monsters and fellow ghouls, ghouls can only receive sustenance from human flesh, anything else may dull their hunger and give them the temporary nutrients they need but in the long run anything other than human flesh will deteriorate their health. Ghouls have incredible regeneration speed; the regeneration speed is greatly increased when the ghoul eats.  Ghouls fight with a Kagune (Japanese 赫子, romanization kagune, English approximately shining one[1]) is a ghoul's predatory organ and functions as his weapon and claws. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells, which flow just like blood, can become as solid as teeth and can be described as "liquid muscles". The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou piercing the skin, and the released Rc cells then form the kagune. A kagune can be repeatedly hardened and softened at will by the ghoul.  This means all the abilities that Necro utilizes is nonmagic because as a ghoul, he is born with these biological abilities. Since this is nonmagic a Kagune’s ‘spells’ is activated at the cost of RC Stock, RC stock is basically a ghouls Magic power.

    ~Regeneration, ghouls are able to regenerate quickly even to the point of regenerating a whole limb.
    ~The immune system of a ghoul is extremely powerful; this means that they do not get sick, poison does not even work against a ghoul for the immune system will automatically neutralize the any deadly force that enters the body. (Note Necro can be effected by poision equal to or greater than his current rank)
    ~Superior physical capabilities, a ghoul has incredible senses that are more powerful than a normal humans, they are much stronger and faster. Ghouls are three times stronger than a regular human.
    ~Ghouls are bound to their ferocious hunger, their extreme hunger will often mess with the ghouls logical thinking and often times be consumed by their predatory instincts.
    ~When a ghoul is injured by another ghouls Kagune, their regeneration is slowed down greatly to a nearly a crawl.
    ~Ghouls have little, maybe even to the point of no magical powers what so ever.
    ~A if a ghoul consumes flesh other than human flesh, in the long run will cause the ghouls strength and abilities to deteriorate greatly.

    ~ Rinkaku (Japanese 鱗赫, romanization rinkaku, English approximately shining scales): Is a type of kagune, it has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku has powerful regenerative abilities and its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power. A rinkaku excels in brute strength. The Rinkaku can be activated and deactivated at Necro’s will at any time. This is an extra limb that Necro has, which means he will get damaged if his Rinkaku is damaged. 2 hits caused by the Rinkaku is equal to 1 D-rank attack.
    ~Regeneration: After every 2 posts Necro’s gains + 5% health
    ~ Nourishment: This ability is activated when Necro feeds on human flesh; 2 bites of human flesh gives him +5% health, and RC stock.

    Spell Template
    Name: Bloody Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, non-magic
    Description: This offensive ability causes Necro’s Rinkaku to change it shape, each tentacle changes it shape, the RC cells reform causing the tentacles to harden into a blade like shape, this increases the Rinkaku’s attack by 20%. In this form the Rinkaku acts like a parasitic blade that steals Health equal to the damage it deals.  (This ability can last up to 3 posts the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Necro has full control of his attacks, the tentacle claws can slice, stab, or wrap around something as long as it is in a 5 meter range, Necro is also able to switch out of this from whenever he desires.
    ~Necro’s attack and power is increased by 20%
    ~If the target is touched, cut, or maimed by the Bloody Claw will steal health equal to the damage it deals. (Note this is attack is equivalent to a rank D)

    ~Since more RC cells are directed to the Rinkaku, Necro’s defense is lowered. Necro will lose an additional 10 Health points in addition to the original damage received.
    ~This ability requires Necro’s blood in order to activate, each time this ability is activated Necro loses 3% hp.
    ~In order to activate this ability the Rinkaku ability, found in the ability and powers section above, must be activated.
    ~If the Bloody Claw is damaged Necro takes damage also.

    Name: Bloody Wings
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Evasive, non-magic
    Description: This is another Kagune form, An Ukaku kagune (Japanese 羽赫, romanization ukaku, English approximately shining feather) is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed attacks against an adversary. The kagune is suited both for short-distance and long-distance attacks. Altogether, Necro has a high chance to end the battle after a short time. (This ability can last up to 3 posts; the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Speed, Necro gains incredible speed and maneuverability, in this form he can travel in around 50 mph.
    ~Long Range attacks, Necro shoots out feather like projectiles that can cut and harm a target. The range is 45 meters.
    ~Posion Feathers, if a target is hit by a feather the feather releases a poison that deals 10% damage until the end of this move. Make this do 5% instead.
    ~Necro loses 10% attack power in this form
    ~If the wings are damaged Necro will get get damaged also.
    ~To activate the poison effect, the feathers must cut the target.
    ~Poison slayers are not effected by the poison.

    Name: Bloody Shield
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive, Supportive, non-magic
    Description: This ability is another Kagune form known as Koukaku, A Koukaku kagune (Japanese 甲赫, romanization kōkaku, English approximately shining shell) is metallic and released below the shoulder blade. This is achieved by a high density of Rc cells. It is heavy and extremely robust. Of all the kagunes, they have the greatest sturdiness and are especially suited for defense. Normally, they are generally shaped into armors or shields. (This ability can last for 5 posts, cool down is 6 posts) Change the duration to 4 posts and the c/d to 5 posts.
    ~ It can guard D ranks attacks.
    ~The Shield absorbs the attack and Necro gains Health equal to the damage he would of taken from the attack This seems like too much. Try another strength here.
    ~The Koukaku takes shape of a large circular shield, the shield large enough to protect up to 3 people.
    ~Necro loses 50% speed and mobility
    ~If a target is burned by the acid, the acid can be washed off using a healing spell.
    ~It is very difficult to attack while in this form
    ~Can be broken by 4 D-rank attacks (When broken Necro will take 5% more damage additional to the opponents attack that broke the shield)

    Name: Bloody Tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Balance, non-magic
    Description: In this form Necro utilizes a Kagune called Bikaku (Japanese 尾赫, romanization bikaku, English approximately shining tail)A Bikaku typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tailbone. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defense and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses like the kagune based on other Rc types, meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise "trump card." (Can last for 3 posts, cool down 4 posts)
    ~+10% speed, attack power, and defense
    ~The tail is in a shape of a scorpion's tail, it can be used to stab and cut a target within 10 meters
    ~The tail has poison coated all around it; if a target is maimed by the tail the target will be poisoned for 3 posts, the damage done by the poison is equivalent to D-Rank Damage. The poison continues to damage the opponent for three posts.(anything higher than rank C is unaffected)
    ~Since this is a balance type, it can be over powered and out maneuvered by faster and stronger opponents.
    ~Poison Slayers are not affected by the poison. Poison slayers can also eat the poison.
    ~The poison can be healed by poison neutralizing spells
    ~Only one tail is activated, in this form Necro has trouble fighting multiple opponents


    Kagune LxcTBIi
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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 17th October 2014, 11:47 pm

    buuump! XD



    Devil's Advocate

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by Cirven 18th October 2014, 7:57 am

    Almost done. Bump after.

    ネクロの汚名 wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Kagune
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Necro comes from a race of monsters called ghouls; ghouls are monsters that look like regular people. Ghouls are cursed with a ferocious hunger, which can only be sedated by human flesh. Due to their ravenous nature ghouls are known to not only eat humans, but often time ghouls are known to eat other monsters, and even other ghouls. Despite being able to eat other monsters and fellow ghouls, ghouls can only receive sustenance from human flesh, anything else may dull their hunger and give them the temporary nutrients they need but in the long run anything other than human flesh will deteriorate their health. Ghouls have incredible regeneration speed; the regeneration speed is greatly increased when the ghoul eats.  Ghouls fight with a Kagune (Japanese 赫子, romanization kagune, English approximately shining one[1]) is a ghoul's predatory organ and functions as his weapon and claws. When released, a ghoul's physique is strengthened, they are more resilient and their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells, which flow just like blood, can become as solid as teeth and can be described as "liquid muscles". The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou piercing the skin, and the released Rc cells then form the kagune. A kagune can be repeatedly hardened and softened at will by the ghoul.  This means all the abilities that Necro utilizes is nonmagic because as a ghoul, he is born with these biological abilities. Since this is nonmagic a Kagune’s ‘spells’ is activated at the cost of RC Stock, RC stock is basically a ghouls Magic power.

    ~Regeneration, ghouls are able to regenerate quickly even to the point of regenerating a whole limb.
    ~The immune system of a ghoul is extremely powerful; this means that they do not get sick, poison does not even work against a ghoul for the immune system will automatically neutralize the any deadly force that enters the body. (Note Necro can be effected by poision equal to or greater than his current rank)
    ~Superior physical capabilities, a ghoul has incredible senses that are more powerful than a normal humans, they are much stronger and faster. Ghouls are three times stronger than a regular human.
    ~Ghouls are bound to their ferocious hunger, their extreme hunger will often mess with the ghouls logical thinking and often times be consumed by their predatory instincts.
    ~When a ghoul is injured by another ghouls Kagune, their regeneration is slowed down greatly to a nearly a crawl.
    ~Ghouls have little, maybe even to the point of no magical powers what so ever.
    ~A if a ghoul consumes flesh other than human flesh, in the long run will cause the ghouls strength and abilities to deteriorate greatly.

    ~ Rinkaku (Japanese 鱗赫, romanization rinkaku, English approximately shining scales): Is a type of kagune, it has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku has powerful regenerative abilities and its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power. A rinkaku excels in brute strength. The Rinkaku can be activated and deactivated at Necro’s will at any time. This is an extra limb that Necro has, which means he will get damaged if his Rinkaku is damaged. 2 hits caused by the Rinkaku is equal to 1 D-rank attack.
    ~Regeneration: After every 2 posts Necro’s gains + 5% health
    ~ Nourishment: This ability is activated when Necro feeds on human flesh; 2 bites of human flesh gives him +5% health, and RC stock.

    Spell Template
    Name: Bloody Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, non-magic
    Description: This offensive ability causes Necro’s Rinkaku to change it shape, each tentacle changes it shape, the RC cells reform causing the tentacles to harden into a blade like shape, this increases the Rinkaku’s attack by 20%. In this form the Rinkaku acts like a parasitic blade that steals Health equal to the damage it deals.  (This ability can last up to 3 posts the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Necro has full control of his attacks, the tentacle claws can slice, stab, or wrap around something as long as it is in a 5 meter range, Necro is also able to switch out of this from whenever he desires.
    ~Necro’s attack and power is increased by 20%
    ~If the target is touched, cut, or maimed by the Bloody Claw will steal health equal to the damage it deals. (Note this is attack is equivalent to a rank D)

    ~Since more RC cells are directed to the Rinkaku, Necro’s defense is lowered. Necro will lose an additional 10 Health points in addition to the original damage received.
    ~This ability requires Necro’s blood in order to activate, each time this ability is activated Necro loses 3% hp.
    ~In order to activate this ability the Rinkaku ability, found in the ability and powers section above, must be activated.
    ~If the Bloody Claw is damaged Necro takes damage also.

    Name: Bloody Wings
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Evasive, non-magic
    Description: This is another Kagune form, An Ukaku kagune (Japanese 羽赫, romanization ukaku, English approximately shining feather) is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed attacks against an adversary. The kagune is suited both for short-distance and long-distance attacks. Altogether, Necro has a high chance to end the battle after a short time. (This ability can last up to 3 posts; the cool down is 4 posts)
    ~Speed, Necro gains incredible speed and maneuverability, in this form he can travel in around 50 mph.
    ~Long Range attacks, Necro shoots out feather like projectiles that can cut and harm a target. The range is 45 meters.
    ~Posion Feathers, if a target is hit by a feather the feather releases a poison that deals 5% damage until the end of this move.
    ~Necro loses 10% attack power in this form
    ~If the wings are damaged Necro will get get damaged also.
    ~To activate the poison effect, the feathers must cut the target.
    ~Poison slayers are not effected by the poison.

    Name: Bloody Shield
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive, Supportive, non-magic
    Description: This ability is another Kagune form known as Koukaku, A Koukaku kagune (Japanese 甲赫, romanization kōkaku, English approximately shining shell) is metallic and released below the shoulder blade. This is achieved by a high density of Rc cells. It is heavy and extremely robust. Of all the kagunes, they have the greatest sturdiness and are especially suited for defense. Normally, they are generally shaped into armors or shields. (This ability can last for 4 posts, cool down is 5 posts)
    ~ It can guard D ranks attacks.
    ~The Shield absorbs the attack and Necro gains Health 1/4 equal to the damage he would of taken from the attack (meaning, for example: if the attack would deal 20% damage he would only gain 5% health) We do not really have a set amount of damage for you to make this viable. I think you will be better off with another strength here with how you already have other ways to regen health. If you really want something like this I say it caps after giving you back a certain amount of HP for its duration. I want to say after it gives you a D-rank of HP back you won't get anymore.
    ~The Koukaku takes shape of a large circular shield, the shield large enough to protect up to 3 people. I'd rather you give a size in meters/feet of how big the shield is. If its too big you won't be able to move with it at all I think which covering 3 people sounds like. Only way to fix that is having it somehow really lightweight for you. Otherwise you can go with it just protecting you with a smaller size where you would have more mobility.
    ~Necro loses 50% speed and mobility This should change depending on how big the shield is.
    ~If a target is burned by the acid, the acid can be washed off using a healing spell.
    ~It is very difficult to attack while in this form
    ~Can be broken by 4 D-rank attacks (When broken Necro will take 5% more damage additional to the opponents attack that broke the shield) Just to make sure but after the shield breaks and he takes damage from it it goes on cooldown right? Just making sure because after it breaks it should go away.

    Name: Bloody Tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Balance, non-magic
    Description: In this form Necro utilizes a Kagune called Bikaku (Japanese 尾赫, romanization bikaku, English approximately shining tail)A Bikaku typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tailbone. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defense and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses like the kagune based on other Rc types, meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise "trump card." (Can last for 3 posts, cool down 4 posts)
    ~+10% speed, attack power, and defense
    ~The tail is in a shape of a scorpion's tail, it can be used to stab and cut a target within 10 meters
    ~The tail has poison coated all around it; if a target is maimed by the tail the target will be poisoned for 3 posts, the damage done by the poison is equivalent to D-Rank Damage. The poison continues to damage the opponent for three posts.(anything higher than rank C is unaffected)
    ~Since this is a balance type, it can be over powered and out maneuvered by faster and stronger opponents.
    ~Poison Slayers are not affected by the poison. Poison slayers can also eat the poison.
    ~The poison can be healed by poison neutralizing spells
    ~Only one tail is activated, in this form Necro has trouble fighting multiple opponents


    Kagune LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 18th October 2014, 8:31 am




    Devil's Advocate

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by Cirven 18th October 2014, 8:54 am

    Ok so only issue now is that the shield is way too big. 7 meters is too big for practically anyone to move around and hold at the same time. If you want to keep it that big you will have to have it to where you have almost no mobility or speed and that you cannot fit the shield in small areas.

    I think you should just drop the shield being so big for now and have it be big enough to cover you and rank it up as you go so that it can grow bigger than its regular size for certain situations. Sound good?


    Kagune LxcTBIi
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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by ネクロの汚名 18th October 2014, 8:57 am




    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Kagune Empty Re: Kagune

    Post by Cirven 18th October 2014, 9:01 am



    Kagune LxcTBIi
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