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    The War


    Would you prefer the war to come to a swift end or would you like it to continue and develop?

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    The War I_vote_lcap0%The War I_vote_rcap [0%] 
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    The War I_vote_lcap33%The War I_vote_rcap [33%] 

    Total Votes: 6
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    The War Empty The War

    Post by Mythal Ragnos December 18th 2024, 8:29 pm

    Hi everyone!

    So I know Seri held a poll a couple months ago (nearly a year ago?!) about increasing site activity. And we have been trying, behind the scenes, to do a number of different things to help build our activity back up. One of the main things voted for in that last poll was the lore events. I won't get into the details of the other choices and discussions as Seri covered all of my thoughts with her own words and there is no reason to revisit all of that. You all had a good discussion and made great points and moving into 2025, I really want to try and generate a buzz for the site. We're still working on creating activity and getting eyes directed to the site with interest. There is a magic revamp coming, we know it's been a long time coming and has been discussed before. So all of that can remain where it was, unless someone wishes to discuss things again, in which case a separate thread will be made.

    This poll is specifically focused on the war. As of the last major lore event, Pergrande dealt a major blow to Bellum's forces and was marching towards the capital. The other parts of the event had some monumental movement and results which I will be utilizing for the set up for the next two events. Yes, there will be two lore events running simultaneously, though only one will be guided.

    However, that last event was over two years ago. It will be three years as of March 2025. That means the war has been going on in the background for two real life years without any event or focus. Now I'm aware and understand of the gaps in that event and the lack of follow up falls moderately on us, the staff's, shoulders. I own up to the mistakes and stumbles that have been made both prior, during and after its run. And while I personally have always continued to write as if the war was going on, I would understand if other people, especially newer people, haven't.

    So while discussion it with Seri, we decided it was best to host a poll. We want to see what you guys think is the best way to begin moving forward. As a note; one of the next lore events is already written up and the second is in the drafting process. And there is already a planned follow up that will go soon after the conclusion of those two. It is after that point that we want to have an idea of what the community wants moving forward. So please put in a vote and feel free to offer thoughts and suggestions below.


    Saiko Akai
    Saiko Akai

    Lineage : Last of the Returned
    Position : None
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    Posts : 140
    Guild : Confidence International
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 223,992

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Returned
    Second Skill: The Shackled
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    The War Empty Re: The War

    Post by Saiko Akai December 18th 2024, 8:51 pm


    I just want more Ironheart people so there can actually BE a war The War 1f62d


      Current date/time is January 21st 2025, 11:52 pm