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    Crossing the Line

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 807
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Crossing the Line - Page 2 Empty Re: Crossing the Line

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 17th December 2024, 9:49 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Crossing the Line - Page 2 RJtajUnz_o

    For the first time in days, Vandrad had taken some time to rest. He had been a stalwart statue in the command center, which was the best description of the meeting room beneath the manor. He’d finally reached a point of looking so sickly that his loved ones had insisted that he get some rest or, in their words, to at least try. He didn’t think that he would find any sleep when he laid down but exhaustion had a funny way of wringing itself to a person despite their concerns. He wasn’t sure how long he’d slept but it was late afternoon by the time his consciousness roused from the darkness of rest.

    Groaning, he pushed himself up to sit on the edge of the bed. Mythal and Saffron, within days of each other. Fate could not have programmed a better scheme to throw upon their shoulders and yet here they were. Lux’s sanctimonious hijacking had been unprecedented, though that really spoke more to the rest of them than of the Seal. They’d grown complacent, comfortable even, with both of the Seals, viewing them as additions to the group, even allies, in Victoria’s sense. However, they were still unwieldy weapons of destruction and even the Seal of Conquest had once overtaken Serilda in a misaligned attempt to prove herself superior.

    And Saffron. He knew that Cedric was running down every possible lead but in his gut, he knew it was Seberg. His murderous granduncle had set his attention on her with a curiosity only sated by terrible punishment and torture. And while he knew that the Fairy Tail mage was strong, he feared for what the Rhaegarian had planned for her. Worse was, just like Mythal, there was little to no evidence of where to find them. He couldn’t imagine that Seberg would hide Saffron away, as he would probably want to showcase his defeat of her in such a way that it would invite a challenge. He’d want to ruffle feathers.

    “Well, you’re not wrong,” He Who Is agreed, leaning up against the wall nearest the door. Vandrad’s head twisted around to look at him, settling into a glare as he rose to his feet.

    "I am in no mood for your games,” the king spat, pulling on the clothes he had discarded before sleeping.

    “You keep calling them games when they’re really more like lessons. You’re a student three different ways, Vandrad; Victoria, Ryori and myself. Difference is, I only show up to administer tests while the other two provide the material needed. I know that seems like an insult but trust me, it’s not. Especially for Ryori; she had to work to get herself to the level she’s at. And I mean, really work.”

    "You talk of a ‘test’,” Vandrad spoke up, having dressed himself. He made it a point to cut through the idle chatter and get to the meat of the meeting. "What is it?”

    “It’s more of a choice, really. But I’m here to provide the information you need to make a rational decision. And while it is hardly going to be the hardest decision of your entire lifespan, it is easily a top five.”

    The king stared at the Judge, scrutinizing every word he spoke. Yet, despite his obstinance to He Who Is and his colorful demeanor, there was a deeper sense of… concern. It probably arose from his own connection to the man, which gave him pause. "What choice?”

    “If you want to save both Mythal and Saffron’s lives or if you only want to save one.”

    It was several minutes later that Vandrad would arrive back in the command room, rejoining the group that had gathered. There was a sense of urgency in his step, an alertness that had been lacking before he’d been sent to collect himself. Taken at face value, it could only be assumed that he’d gotten the sleep he so desperately needed and had come back with a clear head. Yet even as he reconvened at the map table and sat down, he would seem distant and lost in thought.

    Before he could answer any questions as to what was bothering him, Patricia and Cyrene would come rushing into the room. “We have something!” the good doctor cried out in excitement.

    “It was brief and we’re… honestly not sure it’s even Lux but while we were configuring the machinery, our scans picked up a burst of magical energy. It only happened for a second but we were able to register and analyze it. It seems to resemble dreadether or is, at least, in the same family. Since we know that Kingdom Darkness consists of a more raw form of dreadether, we feel safe in saying that it could very well be what we’re looking for. Maybe it’s even Mythal, trying to send out a signal,” Cyrene explained further, holding a printout from their machine. She laid it out on the table as Patricia continued.

    “The problem is that we hadn’t fully integrated the machine to provide exact coordinates. As you can see, it caught the detonation of magic similar to how we’d read an earthquake. What we know is that it was in eastern Fiore, near the Mysterious Canyons. Unfortunately, that is a lot of room to cover and investigate but it’s better than scouring the entirety of Ishgar.”

    Vandrad stared at the map silently, despite whatever chatter was occurring around him. After a moment, he stood to his feet once more. "We need to prepare to move this command center to a forward base at the Mysterious Canyons. That way we can have everyone available to scour and look for any sign of Lux. I want everything packed up and ready to go in fifteen.”

    The indistinguishable sound of Cedric’s teleport ripped through the air, even as the room began bustling. There was a definite pause as everyone stopped to look at the former Dread Master, haggard and worn. Yet there was no blonde woman beside him, speaking to his lack of success and preparations could continue at the moment. However, there was a sense of conflict, like people weren’t sure if they would all be going to Mysterious Canyons or some would be pivoting to search for Saffron.

    Cedric looked around at the excitement. “Did you find something?” he asked, hopeful.

    "We might possibly have a fix on Lux,” Vandrad explained quickly.

    “Oh.” He sounded disappointed at first before realizing that himself. “That’s good. That’s really good.”

    "What have you found?”

    Cedric sighed. “Nothing. I ran down every avenue I could think to trudge through. I even crossed off anyone else that might have had something to gain by kidnapping her. You’ll hear quite a lovely story from Adamina when you check in her next, sorry about that, Serilda.” Cedric’s hands twitched slightly in anticipation. “I did have… one idea. And since we virtually have nothing else to go on, I was hoping I’d be able to argue my case for it.”

    "And what case is that?” Vandrad asked, expectantly.

    “Well, there’s a rare few people that have had any kind of interaction with Seberg. Maker was one but that happened unexpectedly. Everyone here was either a victim of him or avoided him like the plague. But there’s one person that worked beside him, nearly every day, and who we still have access to…”

    "Xavier,” Vandrad filled in the lingering blank before it could hang for even a moment.

    “Yes, exactly. He spent over a century with him. He must have some idea of what kind of places Seberg liked to frequent. So I was thinking; you give me ten minutes with him and I’ll be able to get some information from him.”

    Vandrad had been quick with every other response to the former Dread Master, impressively so. Yet at the request before him, he paused. He breathed in and out slowly as he rolled the idea in his head. "Or he could know nothing. Seberg was a unique monster who only worked with Xavier because it helped him hunt my family. I doubt Xavier would have kept track of him, if only for his own safety.”

    Cedric’s face twisted in confusion. “But he might have! Anything, no matter how small, could make a difference in helping to find Saffron. Please, Vandrad, ten minutes is all I’m asking.”

    "Fine. Ten minutes,” Vandrad relented. "After we’ve found Lux and saved Mythal.”

    The former Dread Master had just been starting to celebrate when it turned to shock. “What do you mean, after? Ten minutes is no time at all. All you need to do is let me in and then I’ll-”

    "Cedric, I understand. Believe me, I do. Saffron is my pupil and I have been training her for years. And I know what its like for the person I care for to be taken from me. But Seberg won’t kill Saffron. He needs her to fill the gaping hole where his pride once was. He’ll want to dominate and make her submit and she won’t give him the satisfaction. Mythal doesn’t have that opportunity; Lux has stolen his body and, with that, has all the magical power that comes with it. Victoria and Mythal erased a town when they fought years ago. Now? Lux could glass a country. We need to prioritize stopping him before-”

    “Prioritize?! Lux is a whiny child who is throwing a tantrum! Seberg is a predator that could really hurt Saffron in the time it takes you to quell that mewling quim!” Cedric snapped back at Vandrad.

    "You and I both know that if she were here, Saffron would agree with me. Lux is the bigger threat. And Saffron can take anything Seberg throws at her. I’m sorry, Cedric. Once we’ve taken care of Lux, we-”

    The fist clocked him hard, knocking him back a step. He reached up and touched his cheek, red and sore from the hit. Cedric was still standing, mid-pose after his punch. Furious tears threatened the corner of his eyes as he seethed down at the shorter man. “Take your apologies and shove them, your majesty,” Cedric spat at the king. “You’re gambling with a woman’s life, a woman you claim to be your pupil, your friend, against the-”

    "And you are putting her above the danger that Lux is because you love her!” Vandrad roared back, his magical energy pulsing off of him in a wave of fury. Just as quickly as it came, it disappeared, with Vandrad growling in annoyance, though it wasn’t clear if it was because of Cedric or himself. "You are manic and irrational and I won’t suffer you in my presence any longer. When we return, I will question Xavier myself and then I will inform you what he says. You should go and get some rest. You are in no shape to be searching for her, let alone the fight that Seberg is sure to bring.”

    Cedric’s jaw tightened and loosened several times, petulant, vicious words swimming up from within and dying on his tongue unspoken. His lip quivered in anger before he finally scoffed and shook his head in frustration. Before another word could be spoken, his fingers would fly to his forehead and he would disappear.

    Vandrad continued to stare at the spot where Cedric had stood. Sensing the tension in the room, he spoke. “The show is over. Grab what you can and prepare to head out in ten,” he told the room, his tone far softer than it had been a moment prior. Yet he didn’t turn to face anyone yet, still needing to rein his anger in. Though… it still wasn’t clear who he was truly angry with.

    Words: 1954 / 6339 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault, @Serilda Sinclair, @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Crossing the Line - Page 2 Empty Re: Crossing the Line

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 18th December 2024, 6:53 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Serilda was doing her best to keep herself together, though it was a struggle every day. While she presented herself as composed and focused on the outside, at least for the most part, she was a tumultuous storm on the inside. The longer the search went on, the more her emotions fluctuated back and forth between fear and anger. Fear for whether or not they would ever manage to locate Mythal, and anger with Lux for playing the two of them like fools… though in truth, she and Mythal were partially to blame on that front for allowing themselves to be manipulated. She was as much upset with herself as she was with the Lightbringer, though ultimately the Seal was to blame. And on his part, he had smartly been keeping a low profile, knowing that any little thing could give himself away. Missing person cases that weren’t solved within the first forty-eight hours were statistically less likely to be solved at all, and by now they had all but ran out their search options. All they could do was keep people posted in as many areas as possible and hope that Lux eventually did something stupid to draw attention to himself.

    And then of course, there was Saffron. The Rune Knight was equally as infuriated that she couldn’t spend more time or resources on locating the blonde. Saffron had always kept herself at a bit of a distance from the rest of them, and Serilda knew it was because the Fairy Tail mage viewed herself as a lower class in comparison to the rest of their high profile group. That wasn’t necessarily incorrect, but it certainly didn’t do the younger woman’s presence and importance any justice. Her heart ached for Cedric, knowing exactly how he felt in that moment – a moment that she herself was currently living. The only real difference between their situations was that Cedric feared not finding Saffron in time to save her life. Serilda, on the other hand, knew that Mythal was still alive… but if Lux could not be either reasoned with or overwhelmed, then she would be faced with having to kill Mythal herself to honor his wish of not wanting to be in someone else’s control.

    Ruman and Izrael had been working almost non-stop with Aeron, attempting to prepare her as much as possible for the journey ahead. They had to take regular breaks of course to allow the brunette time to rest and eat, but otherwise Aeron’s every waking moment had been spent in solitude with the two arch-angels. The Trumpets kept Serilda informed of how things were proceeding, and was unsurprised to hear that Aeron was pushing herself tirelessly and without complaint for the workload, even if she did have a slight temper and needed some work in the confidence department. But otherwise, the Rune Knight was almost singularly focused, taking her assignment with the utmost determination and dedication. Every time she failed, she grumbled with herself but got back up on her feet and tried again. Serilda felt bad. Calling Aeron out on her feelings for Mythal had been something that Serilda really hadn’t wanted to do, knowing that it would back Aeron into a corner. But at the same time, she knew that Aeron would want nothing more than to help, even if she needed a shove in the right direction to get herself going.

    She was in the middle of contemplating a distraction of some kind when Patty and Cyrene came hustling into the room around the same time that Vandrad had returned from his own rest. The prince seemed troubled, something that both the field marshal and Mercury had noticed. Mercury herself had been about to pull her fiance aside to see if he needed to talk when the flurry of scientists derailed all other thought. It seemed the women had potentially found a lead on Mythal in the form of magic being activated that was, at the very least, adjacent to Kingdom Darkness magic.

    By the time Vandrad gave the order to start packing up the command center, Serilda was already summoning Victoria to her side. “I’m going to send you to the Rune Knight garrison at Oshibana,” the marshal informed her, referencing the garrison that was nearest to the Canyons. “From there, get yourself and a small contingent of Bloodletter scouts to find a suitable spot to set up a forward camp. Quietly, please. Don’t get too close to the Canyon, and don’t do anything to draw attention to yourselves. If this is Lux, we don’t want him to catch on that we’re closing in. Get as close as you can without taking any risks.”

    The Seal nodded. “We’ll be discreet. Where will you be?”

    “We’ll need some encampment supplies to house a mobile command center. The Rune Knights have plenty of such things, so I’m going to swing by Era real quick and gather what we need so that everyone here will have the necessary space and power to run everything that gets moved over.”

    “Very well. I’ll contact you when we’ve found a good spot.”

    With that, the Seal disappeared just as Cedric was materializing. The marshal was in the process of packing up the few things she was responsible for in the room, idly listening enough to at least hear Cedric’s confession about having hunted down Adamina to confront the woman. The claim meant that Cedric had very likely bypassed a few of his restrictions with confidential Rune Knight information to locate her, and in any other circumstance she would have frowned on such activities. Right now, however, all she told him was, “Don’t worry about it. You do what you need to do to find her, Cedric. If there’s any spare Rune Knight resources that you think will help you, just tell me. I’ll do what I can.”

    The fact that Cedric was supposed to be part of the small group that would eventually confront Lux was far from her mind. The moment Saffron had disappeared, Serilda had accepted that their plans would need to change slightly, knowing that Cedric needed to focus on Saffron. Losing him in the fight against Lux was certainly not ideal, but she knew he would not be able to focus on the fight for Mythal while Saffron was still missing, nor would she ask him to. The rest of them would simply have to make due without him.

    In truth, Serilda hadn’t been paying too much attention to the conversation between Vandrad and Cedric after that. It wasn’t until Cedric’s voice raised, the former Dread Master disparaging Lux a petulant and emphasizing the danger Seberg posed that the marshal’s attention was drawn toward the two arguing men, her voice as silent as the rest of those gathered. Her blue eyes went wide in surprise when Cedric fully clocked Vandrad in the face, furious about something to do with Saffron’s situation. Even Mercury looked shocked and at a loss for words as the pair had it out with one another, though no further physical violence ensued. Ultimately, it ended with Cedric storming off in a quiet rage, while Vandrad insisted the small crowd of witnesses get back to work.

    Serilda shared a look with Mercury, the Silver Wolf mage giving a wordless nod to indicate that she’d handle it. With all of her things packed up and ready to go, the marshal portaled off to the headquarters in Era to begin preparations so the command center would have a place to take up residence. Meanwhile, Mercury approached her fiance. “Well, that was awkward,” she commented quietly, her voice really only loud enough for Vandrad to hear above the hubhub of moving parts in the room. The queen apparent took him by the hand gently. “I’m not going to ask why you denied letting him talk to Xavier. I’m sure you had a reason, and that we’ll talk about it at a more appropriate time. I just… are you okay? You already looked bothered even before all that.”

    She understood they were on a time crunch and needed to get moving, but if there was one thing Mercury was always going to make time for it was Vandrad. Even if it just meant pulling him aside for two minutes to make sure he knew his state of mind wasn’t being overlooked.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Crossing the Line - Page 2 Empty Re: Crossing the Line

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 19th December 2024, 2:05 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Crossing the Line - Page 2 RJtajUnz_o

    "What the hell do you mean, only save one?”

    Vandrad’s gaze had narrowed on He Who is with a deadly stare. The Judge’s words were unlike the warnings he had given before, which had almost all been playful, jovial with a meritable weight to them. But this wasn’t all that amusing and it was clear from the king’s tone and glare that he didn’t find the game amusing, if it really was just some trial.

    “No joking this time, Vandrad, so you can calm your anger,” He Who Is prefaced, waving a hand at the king. “But a premonition that you, yourself, should be able to summon up. You may have already seen it in your dreams, considering how close you are to all of them.”

    Vandrad took a step forward, jabbing a furious finger in the Judge’s direction. "No word puzzles or riddles. Explain yourself clearly. Now.”

    He Who Is quirked a curious brow at the sudden threatening tone, having sharpened even more than it had been before. Yet he did not seem intimidated by the rage that was quickly honing in on him. But his face did become far more serious than it had been before, his usual smirk melting away into a tight-lipped frown. “Everyone is granted a day of fate. A day where their destinies are reached and their lives come to an end. That is part of the system; the glorious purpose of life is to be born and then to end. We Judges act as chroniclers of that system; observing and noting events that carry weight in the spectrum of the multiversal Weave. Ryori has taught you about the Weave of this universe but every single other universe possesses one too. And they are all connected through what I was told was the Source Fibers. Whether that’s really the name or if it even exists is… well, I’ve never investigated further than that. I was happy with that name and knowledge.”

    “And as I’ve told you before, after we’ve ascended to the role I’m in and you will one day step into, our interventions become far more minimal. We’re allowed to manually insert ourselves into events, depending on our own predetermined paths, but no more beyond that. This moment right here, is one of my destined interventions. To tell you of the fate that awaits Saffron, Cedric, Seberg… and Xavier.”

    "Xavier? What does he have to do with this?” Vandrad asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

    “A lot more than you give him credit for. You see, Cedric has already worked out a piece of the puzzle that you’re too distracted to figure out. Between locating Lux and Mythal and trying to find Saffron, you’re trying to split focus. That isn’t a criticism, mind you; you’re doing the best you can. But details that would come to you -- any of you -- have been missed because you’re trying to wade through two separate storms. Cedric has all but dismissed Mythal from his mind and, in doing so, he’s realized that there is one connection to Seberg you haven’t considered.”

    "Xavier…” Vandrad mumbled. It was so clear, now that he was hearing it. The former god-king had once enlisted Seberg as his personal hunter and executioner. And they’d worked together for almost two hundred years.

    “The four of them are intertwined, Vandrad. Their days of fate are one.”

    The king’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What are you saying? That the four of them are meant to die, together?”

    “In glorious combat, yes. Cedric will attempt to convince you that he wants to interview Xavier and, in the midst of that, you both will realize he would be better utilized as a guide. You will entrust Cedric with watching over him and they will find Saffron and Seberg together. But in doing so, the four will lose their lives in the fight that follows.”

    Vandrad’s head was spinning. He grimaced and twisted away from He Who Is, huffing in agitation. "Why are you telling me this? To stop him?”

    “To delay him. Finding Mythal must be your priority. You’ve already worked it out, despite how loathsome it is to think. Between the two, Mythal is the one whose situation is far more dire for the world at large. And progress towards discovering Lux’s whereabouts will come momentarily, in near tandem with Cedric arriving. And believe me, he will be furious that you’ll deny him. Most everyone will question it. Stand your ground. And in doing so, you will be able to save everyone. That much I can promise you.”

    Vandrad spun back around to look at He Who Is once more. "Why don’t you just take me to Mythal? Or better yet, rescue him from Lux? Why these trials and tasks when you could use your power to resolve it all?”

    A thin smile crossed the Judge’s face, one that spoke of understanding for the king’s plight. “There are some things we cannot interfere in, Vandrad. Trying to hold all the strings together by force will eventually become too much to bear. And when a Judge falls, the multiverse itself is threatened. I understand your frustration, your anger. And I know it is unfair to ask this of you. But I am offering the path to salvation for most rather than the bare minimum. And I know you understand that too.”

    He did. Despite himself, his demeanor and his mental faculties, there was a part within him, embedded into his very genetics, that understood. That didn’t make the situation any less frustrating, infuriating even, but he knew that the words that He Who Is spoke were the truth. There was no deception or attempt to hide behind confusing statements that had different meanings. He Who Is was speaking from the heart, something he’d only done once before during their initial meeting.

    The memory was still presently soaked in his mind, so much so that he played on a loop even as Cedric departed. The only thing that broke Vandrad from the cycle was Mercury stepping up beside him, commenting on the interaction. He didn’t immediately speak up, even as she took his hand and asked if he was okay. "No,” he said simply. "But we don’t have time to worry about that now. We need to focus on Mythal. Once that’s settled, I’ll be in a better frame of mind.” It wasn’t an overly assuring comment, all things considered. It also didn’t offer much in the way of explanation. But his hand squeezed her’s tightly, promising that he heard her and understood. He just knew if he let himself get distracted by his thoughts any longer, he would falter and stumble. He looked over at her and gave her a silent nod before pulling away so he could finish up his own preparations before they departed.

    Words: 1138 / 7477 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault, @Serilda Sinclair, @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
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    Crossing the Line - Page 2 Empty Re: Crossing the Line

    Post by Xavier Clarent 19th December 2024, 2:08 pm

    Xavier Clarent

    Y Rank
    Confidence Int.
    New Rhaegar

    Jail Break

    Hours had passed and the first beams of sunlight were just barely peeking over the horizon. The cold, winter night was creeping back to sleep and its shadows were beginning to fade away all over the sea. New Rhaegar’s lights had already been turned on, a beacon of illumination against the dark ocean setting beyond the island’s scope. The majority of the group that had been leading the search for Mythal and Saffron had left the island long before the night had set in but even their meetings had left the majority of the island quiet. Those that were part of the still growing military had been tasked with helping with the search, saving a few to remain on the island and act as guards. For all intents and purposes, the investigation had left the island in its rearview mirror and would remain so until they came back successfully.

    Xavier was completely in the dark about any of the happenings in the manor above him. As with all things, he wasn’t clued in to anything, even Saffron’s disappearance. Special focus may have been tended to that particular factor, as there was no telling what the Confidence International guildmaster would do if he learned she had been taken. Nonetheless, he remained naive to it and was relaxing on the small cot that made up his bed. His first meal was quickly approaching but he always found he woke up at sunrise. Not all too surprising, given that ‘lights out’ happened early in the evening. Such was his schedule that he’d grown accustomed to. Of course, he had been in a far different mindset before Aeron had come to visit him. She had pleaded with him to hold out hope that he could make things right and, as much as he wanted to simply return to his usual frame of mind, she had shaken the core a bit. He’d resolved to provide the information he could to Vandrad and the others as the only means of recompense for his past actions. But his friend -- perhaps his only one -- believed there was more he could do, if he only gave it his best effort.

    Hope wasn’t something he was used to thinking about, given his past and his surroundings. Easier to expect the worst so that anything above that seemed like a godsend. And the best days of his life had been with Saffron; playing in their band, slowly but surely becoming lovers and getting to know the fireball with the hidden romantic part of her. It was silly to think that he’d ever get a chance to experience that again, so he found solace and warmth in the memories he did have.

    Then the funniest thing happened. As he was laying back in the cot, eyes closed and lost in his own thoughts, he heard a new sound. And what followed was the shrill sound of alarms ringing everywhere. His eyes flew open in a panic and he sat up, only to find a figure standing in the middle of his cell. A familiar figure of a man that looked beyond exhausted and even slightly manic.

    "Cedric?!” Xavier asked loudly, even as the room was cast in flashing red lights.

    The former Dread Master sneered at the sight of the CI guildmaster, his anger renewed for the man. However, whatever lingering hatred and rage he harbored for the former god king would have to be set aside for the time being. “There’s no time to waste on whatever stupid questions you’re already fabricating in that head of yours. We need to go now, before I am forced to hurt any of the guards. I’m already pushing my luck, I’d rather not have malicious injury added into my soon-to-be criminal record.” He brought his hand up and pointed it at the wall… and held it there. But the look on his face was one of shock. “What? Do they have this room cloaked in an antimagic field?”

    "Guess they weren’t puttin’ all their chips on these fancy things,” Xavier said, patting the ornate jewelry that had been strapped to him. "Why the hell are you doing this?”

    “What did I just say about stupid questions?” Cedric snapped as he walked up to the wall. So he couldn’t simply blast the barrier in his way -- brilliant, really. The fusion of Rhaegarian and Xocili technology was a terrifying thing to think about. But he couldn’t waste time on ladling awe at the idea. He may have had his magic dampened but the Ark would circumvent that. At least, most of it should. His hand swung back and dreadether poured over the limb, transforming it into that of a fallen demon’s, black and swollen with accursed strength. The talons on the fingers spread and slashed down towards the wall as Cedric swiped at it, carving a deep gash into the once-pristine surface. He slashed at it again, claws burying deeper and tearing out stone enough that the cool sea air came rushing in from the cracks.

    “Intruder!” Xavier spun around to see a guard looking in from the door, already running back to presumably grab a weapon and reinforcements. His head twisted back around in time to watch Cedric cleave a hole in the wall, big enough to fit himself and, Xavier could only assume, him as well.

    The former Dread Master’s arm returned to normal as he turned back to Xavier. “Alright, let’s go.”

    "Hell no. What if this is just a trick, something to test if I’m really willing to pay my tab? Not on your life,” the former god king insisted, taking a few steps back and away from Cedric.

    “We do not have time for this. Luckily, you’re powerless right now so it’ll be easy to just do this,” Cedric hissed, rushing forward and punching the guildmaster in the stomach. The air that was expelled from Xavier was a mixture of pain and surprise, his lungs fully emptied and taking all the fight out of him. As he began to collapse to the ground, wheezing to catch his breath, Cedric grabbed him by the arm and tossed him through the hole. The door to the jail buzzed and the former Dread Master turned his head just enough to see a brigade of guards rushing in. He was already jumping through the hole as they brought their weapons up to threaten him.

    His magical energy began to return as soon as he was past the walls, though it was not nearly as quickly as he’d like. Still, it was enough for him to activate his flight and soar down towards the freefalling guildmaster. He grabbed him around the waist and curled up and away from the water, shooting out and away from the island nation. With Xavier in hand, literally, Cedric set his gaze on the horizon, already thinking to the next steps. He couldn’t teleport with the dampening equipment on Xavier, nor did he have any intention of taking it off. He’d just need to fly until he was sure they were safe.

    However, as he crossed over the first set of islands, his senses rang out nearly as loudly as the alarm in New Rhaegar had. He twisted his head around just in time to see a massive body falling down towards him. The former Dread Master tried to pull himself out of the way but a hand grabbed him by the leg and threw him down towards the ground. The impact made him release Xavier, as Cedric bounced several more times before rolling into a crouched position. His eyes lifted from the ground to verify Xavier was still intact, which he was, though still out of breath. Then he set his sights on the titan of a man that had apparently leapt from New Rhaegar to intercept them.

    “Cedric,” Dudley said formerly, lifting up to his full height and staring down at the former Dread Master. His mustache shifted slightly as he huffed. “On the grand scale of foolish actions, this will rate as one of the top most tiers.”

    “Well, I was never very good at taking ‘no’ as an answer,” Cedric replied, rising to his feet as well.

    “Saffron would not wish you to do this, Cedric. What you’re doing is dangerous and could mark you as an enemy of New Rhaegar. You have done too much for us to throw that away now. We will find her, Cedric; if Seberg has her, we will make him pay.”

    "Saffron?” Xavier sputtered out, still holding his stomach. But his head lifted up, eyes wide with concern. "Seberg… has Saffron?”

    “Well way to let the cat out of the bag,” Cedric grumbled. “This is happening, Dudley. I will return him when I find Saffron but he knows more about Seberg than anyone else on this planet. I need him. Please, just… let us go. I don’t want to hurt you.”

    Despite the situation, Dudley chuckled. His hands came up, each one curling into a fist and pressing against the opposite palm to crack loud enough that both Xavier and Cedric could almost feel it. “You and I have never crossed swords, Cedric. And as I recall, you lost to my nephew. You might be surprised how strong I really am.”

    Having said that, Dudley launched himself towards Cedric. The ground beneath his feet nearly vaporized beneath him as he launched off of it, his arm swinging back to prepare a heavy punch. As the limb shot forward, Cedric released a surge of magic, ascending to his own Gold Grade Empowerment. The ground shook from the impact as the half-giant’s fist found purchase against the former Dread Master. However, the hit was not as impactful as one might think. As the dust cleared, Cedric remained in place, a single hand up and as the sole point of contact between Dudley’s punch and himself.

    “You missed the part where we’ve far surpassed when we fought. You’re strong, Dudley… but you have no chance against me.” The former Dread Master disappeared, causing Dudley to falter and stumble a step forward. But he soon returned behind the half-giant, slamming his foot right into the back of his head. The hit sent another rumbling shockwave throughout the island as it shot Dudley forward like he was weightless. A groan escaped his mouth as he soared through the air, slamming through a small lifted area of land before falling into the ocean beyond the edge of the island. The water depressed and yawned loudly as the mass of muscle hit its surface, erupting in a pillar of seafoam and moisture.

    Cedric let out a small sigh as he descended from his Empowerment. He turned to look at Xavier, who was staring at the glittering remnants of water that twinkled in the air. “In case you get any ideas of trying to run, I’ll do far worse to you than that. He’ll survive, though I’m sure his pride took a hit. Now let’s go.”

    The ocean, cold and ruthless, clung to Dudley’s frame as he sank into it. Cedric’s kick had shaken him right to his core and his bones felt like jelly. If the circumstances were different, he may have been thrilled at the strength that had taken him down. He’d always been considered the strongest of the family, the brute whose physical might couldn’t be matched. Vandrad had tried, several times, to match up to him but had always come up short. That was until he went to Fiore. Ever since then, he’d refined himself into a tremendous warrior. He’d gone through so many breakthroughs and broken through so many limit barriers that the half-giant had lost count. And to think that Cedric was just as strong as him, proving that Dudley’s time unrivaled at the top had come to an end.

    However, he refused to be surpassed without attempting to improve himself as well. He may have only been half giant but that still meant that the strength of his people flowed in his blood. And he couldn’t allow Cedric to get away with their prisoner. He’d been left behind to protect New Rhaegar from any threat and the former Dread Master was proving to be just that. He would not allow such shame to fall upon their nation, upon their family, upon him! A burning desire flickered within his soul and with each passing second, it grew in strength. His fists tightened, nails pressing against his skin and piercing the flesh. His eyes flew open, completely filled with light as the water around him lost the sharp edge of its coolness and began to rapidly heat up…

    Cedric had very nearly made it back to Xavier when he felt the ground drop. It felt as if the very earth itself had inhaled and lowered the land a few inches. As he caught himself from falling over, the distinct sound of moving water caught his attention. He grabbed Xavier by the arm and hauled him to his feet as he walked over to the broken mass of land that Dudley had been put through. He looked past it and saw a whirlpool, water churning angrily into an underwater spout. What made it all the more interesting was the fact that he saw tendrils of… steam rising off the water, as if it was getting superheated. It was a phenomenon that could be seen near volcanoes, of course, but they weren’t near any active fissures.


    “It can’t be…” Cedric said softly, his voice completely caught in awe.

    "What is it?” Xavier questioned.

    “I knew he was a half giant but I… they were supposed to have been wiped out decades ago. I never would have assumed that Dudley was one of them.” Cedric was mumbling quickly, the realization hitting him like a ton of bricks.

    "What the hell is going on?” Xavier demanded, looking between Cedric and swirling water. His eyes stopped on the ocean as a form began to emerge from it; at first, it looked like an open flame. But as more of the body began to stomp out from the sea, it was clear that the first bit of flame they were seeing was Dudley’s hair. It had been completely transformed into a blaze; even his mustache had risen up and was undulating like fire. The half giant had somehow grown even larger, easily gaining another two or three feet of height and several pounds of muscle. A ‘v’ shaped cloak of fire emanated off of his chest and abdomen, covering his back as it roared and hissed. Dudley’s hands were completely enveloped in flame, along with his pants but neither area seemed damaged by the phenomenon. If anything, it seemed to mold around him like armor, emboldening his limbs with the fiery strength.

    Dudley set his gaze on Cedric, a wide, manic grin on his face as he looked at the former Dread Master. It was then that Cedric truly knew, seeing the searing flames in Vandrad’s uncle’s eyes that promised punishment for his actions.

    “He’s a godsdamned fire giant.”


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Crossing the Line - Page 2 Empty Re: Crossing the Line

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 22nd December 2024, 4:25 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Mercury frowned with concern. She knew that Vandrad was taking things pretty hard between the only brother he’d ever had and his closest pupil both having gone missing within twenty-four hours of one another. He had to be pretty torn inside, splitting his worries between the two. And while she couldn’t fathom what would possibly spur him to deny Cedric’s reasonable request was beyond her, but she wasn’t about to grill him about it in front of everyone. They’d discuss it later, but for now they had to focus on the lead on Mythal.

    The Xocili did her part to get everything packed up, the vast majority of which involved simply using her magic to pop machinery and computer items into a pocket universe from which she could retrieve it later. By the time everything was ready to go, they received word from Serilda that a suitable place had been found for a camp. When the island residents were ready, she opened a portal to bring them directly to the spot in question.

    There was already a small bustle of activity. A large central tent had been erected on a bluff above a river that marked an entry point into the canyons beyond. Scattered below the tent were several smaller ones that held makeshift amenities such as food and supplies, crude sleeping quarters with military grade camping cots, a small infirmary, and bathroom facilities. A number of men and women, maybe two dozen at most, were running between the tents, some of them putting the finishing touches on getting the frames of the tents hoisted and ready, while others seemed to be walking the perimeter of the camp and laying down wards. Though they were all in nondescript clothing that bore no official insignias, it would be relatively easy to assume that they were members of the Rune Knights that had been called in to assist with the operation and maintaining the grounds.

    Mercury made her way into the large tent to see a wide open space that had been left unfurnished to give the queen apparent plenty of space to fill the area to New Rhaegarian preferences. Reaching back into her magic, she began to materialize equipment including a large central metal table with digital interfaces and displays programmed into it, metal chairs to surround it, and then began to litter the rest of the space with other computer stations and lab equipment. This would allow the central command station and the scientific stations to share an area, reducing the need to travel from one tent to another to relay needed information. The only thing the Rune Knights eventually contributed was a small station for beverages, which mostly just consisted of fresh drinking water, coffee, and tea.

    As soon as the primary command station had been built, Serilda was already pulling up a topographical map of the canyons, and marking the positioning of their base. When Vandrad, Mercury, Themmy, and Gren were ready – along with Ruman, Izrael, and Aeron, who was dressed and ready to go in her sleek combat gear – Victoria used the map to mark out the locations where a few of the Bloodletters had been positioned in a wide circumference around the canyons on all sides, each of whom currently had orders to keep watch and lay low.

    As the orientation briefing concluded, several Rune Knights had joined them in the tent and stood at ready attention in a line nearby, awaiting orders. “These are a few of my top covert ops agents that weren’t already assigned to other tasks,” the marshal explained. “They’re trained to move quickly and quietly, and have more than enough means of avoiding detection. We can distribute them strategically around the canyons and start canvassing for wherever Lux may be hiding. Mercury, maybe you could outfit each of them with a kit of your drones that they can use to feed information back to us in real time?”


    “We could pair each of them up with a Bloodletter for added protection, and to help with detecting any divine or demonic magical activity as well. But, I’d be concerned about Lux sensing them. Mortals would be less suspicious. I doubt he’d bother investigating a single mortal presence, or even a small group of them. Even if he does, they can pass themselves off as regular mage investigators. Since he’s obviously trying to lay low, I’d be surprised if he even bothered engaging with them.”

    While Serilda turned her attention to Vandrad to see if he had any additional ideas or feedback, Mercury crafted a collection of drones, each of which could be controlled and monitored via a digital wrist watch. She passed them out among the Special Ops agents, giving them a brief overview of the devices, and explaining a couple other failsafe measures she’d installed in the items as well, just in case Lux got more brazen and nosy than they were anticipating. Once Serilda and Vandrad had agreed on a game plan, Mercury used her teleportation ray to open up doorways for each of the scouts to the coordinates that had been chosen. Since her device was more machinery than magic, it was less likely to draw attention than a magical portal was. From there, all they had to do was watch and wait as the map updated in real time with the information that the drones and scouts fed back to them, hoping and praying that they could catch wind of anything that might lead them to Mythal – and Lux.

    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 21st January 2025, 10:12 pm