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    Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra]

    Kathrine Albrecht
    Kathrine Albrecht

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 34
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,185

    Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra] Empty Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra]

    Post by Kathrine Albrecht 27th August 2024, 6:42 pm

    Turns out when you’re homeless, you care a lot more about the weather outside than you might otherwise. Not that Ione was actually homeless, she just… chose not to settle in a single location. Yes, that was it. Anyway, being of a transient housing situation, she found she preferred places that were warmer. Streets get really cold overnight, that’s all. The fact that occasionally, completely coincidentally you see, that buildings would collapse when she was nearby made it hard to find one place to stay. Which meant she was running out of places in the warmer southern part of the country she could stay without immediately being run out of town.

    Personally she would much rather leave Fiore and head to a warmer country down south, but the war made it difficult to travel when you had no papers. She wasn’t a vagrant, she just kind of lost them when her parent’s house, again completely by coincidence, collapsed when she was inside. Just really bad luck, that.

    But yes! Since she could not leave FIore, southern Fiore was the best she could hope for while she was homeless, I mean undecided on a permanent residence. Which was why Reinford was so great! It was in a nice area, had a beautiful sea to enjoy, and lots of machines and stuff. Ione did not understand machines, but when they randomly stopped working no one blamed her for it. That was nice.

    So while she was still trying to find work someone with her unique magic could accomplish, at least she could relax and enjoy a delicious (and most importantly cheap) bowl of soup. She was pretty sure they watered the soup down, and it truthfully tasted awful, but beggars can’t be choosers. Oh no, was she a beggar now!? Being homeless was bad enough!

    Okay, breathe, have a self identity crisis later. Eat soup. Soup good for Ione. Yes, she could eat soup. Carefully she brought up a spoonful of the soup to her lips, only instead of tasting its unique and totally not at all bland flavor she heard the splash of something falling into her soup.

    Looking down she saw her hand, still holding the spoon, in her bowl. The moment she saw it, though, it immediately popped back to where it was supposed to be, now minus the spoon. Her magic was terribly inconvenient like that. Once the hand was back she stared at it for a few moments wearing a frown, as if making sure it was going to stay put. Then she picked the spoon back up and returned to eating.

    Normally finding someone’s hand in your soup was a bit off putting, but since it was her own hand that made it okay. Right? Yeah, she was pretty sure how things worked. As she ate, she quietly looked around to see if anyone else had spotted the Mystery Of The Soup Splash (part one). As no one was screaming or looking at her in disgust, she assumed that she was safe for now. Having only just found a place that offered cheap watery soup to the housing impaired, it would really suck to get driven out now.

    525 words
    525/2000 total
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 144
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra] Empty Re: Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra]

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 29th August 2024, 9:18 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    "It's always nice seeing some people out here to volunteer for the work, isn't it, Kyra?" Ozzie asked. The two siblings were sitting in the upper floor of rather fancy restaurant, one that the food mogul Velkhomme son had stationed a soup kitchen outside of. He seemed much too optimistic about the quality of the food, Kyra having seen the rather irked look of the owners and employees making the food. He had promised to fund the entire expense to the store, but none of the cooks enjoyed making soup for an entire shift.

    "It would be better if they didn't need it," Kyra rather plainly stated.

    Ozzie's brow furrowed. "Well, of course. But it's a luxury we can't afford. We're a productive family, a productive city, so if they want to-"

    "I know... if they want to get housing they need to work to earn it. But it's not that simple." Kyra looked out the window, wistfully reminiscing about her time in Errings Rising. While it certainly was a different situation, considering the literal castle they resided in, Kyra always felt this same sort of propensity and affinity for the downtrodden. Medeia was fantastic at that. Kyra felt stronger than ever with the witch, yet she was always assured by her and the Queen and the maids that she was still a useful tool. The ravenous beast that rested beneath the surface was something that was so appealing to them, to their cassus belli of conquest for the Queen. Begging for food, the slimmest morsel of flesh, something to satiate the hunger that thrummed inside of her stomach, inside of her core thanks to her accursed magic. Just the tiniest bite would-

    Her daydreaming was cut short by something out of the corner of her eye. A hand in some soup. A girl was huddled away, fairly separated from the rest of the group. Could be easy to pick her off, the beast rumbled. It seemed as if it would be easy prey, and she could even get some snacks if nothing else...

    "I'm going to check on them myself," Kyra said, part of her mind yelling at herself for acting upon this thing's whims.

    "Be safe," Ozzie said with a wave.

    In some ways, Kyra appreciated Ozzie's laid-back nature. Many of her other siblings were just so overprotective, but perhaps Ozzie took it too far in the other direction. Amongst the common workers and those needing the food, Kyra looked out of place. She felt out of place, as well, a horde of eyes staring her down, some in disdain, others in admiration, and others yet in jealousy. She chatted with - though it would be more apt to say she said a few hesitant words to - the people that approached as she made her way towards the girl she saw through the window. Gulping subtly, she approached, having broken away from the pack of others. "How is the food?" Kyra asked, a bright smile on her face as she squatted down beside the girl.

    WC: 0508 | TWC: 0508

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra] ULxbPj2
    Kathrine Albrecht
    Kathrine Albrecht

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 34
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,185

    Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra] Empty Re: Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra]

    Post by Kathrine Albrecht 30th August 2024, 4:40 pm

    While partaking of her barely palatable soup, Ione found herself approached by another room. This seemed like a big deal, as usually only creeps approached her. Which was totally fair, Ione was adorable after all. Was that why this girl had approached her? That would be neat. Unless she was a creep. Could women be creeps? Ione wasn’t sure.

    She didn’t look creepy. She was super pretty and had super fluffy hair. Like so fluffy. It made Ione want to pet it. Would that be rude? Yeah that would probably be rude. Don’t pet the fluffy girl. Yet. So why had she approached Ione then? Was it because Ione was cute? Wait, she’d already had that thought. Actually, was Ione cute right now? The lack of owning her own bath made staying clean harder than it used to be, but she still did her best. Did she have something in her teeth? Vegetables liked to get stuck in her teeth, they were rude like that. They should learn to not be rude like Ione, who had made the grand sacrifice of not petting the fluffy haired girl. Wait, what had she been thinking about a second ago?

    Suddenly she realized she had been silent the entire time as she thought about why the girl had approached, creating an awkward silence. It was a bad habit. Habit rhymes with rabbit, and rabbits like carrots. Oh, and carrots were a vegetable! Right! Vegetables in her teeth. She decided that was probably unlikely, it had been weeks since she had eaten any vegetables.

    And the awkward pause had gotten longer while she was thinking about the awkward pause. Well that was awkward.

    “It’s absolutely awful,” she finally answered in a cheerful tone that did not match her words. “It’s the best thing I’ve had in weeks! Would you like some?”

    As she started to offer the fluffy haired girl some of her soup, she noticed that with all the awkward silence it had begun to cool. “Oh no, it's gotten cold. It’s okay, I can fix it!”

    Now she stared at the bowl, trying to control the chaotic magic within her body. The air around them cooled, and then a moment later steam began to rise again from the soup. Moving heat from one place to another was not the most useful of magical skills, but it certainly was handy when one had to cook without access to a kitchen. Rats tasted much better when she cooked them first. Not that she ate rats of course, that would be gross. And Ione was not gross. She was cute. Probably.

    “All better!” she announced, offering the bowl and spoon to the other girl. Then she remembered this soup was all the food she would get today and pulled the bowl back to herself with a sad expression. “Sorry, Ione can’t share. Ione’s tummy would be very angry at her if she did. And angry tummies are extremely rude. Unlike Ione, she is not rude at all.”

    503 words
    1536 total
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 144
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra] Empty Re: Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra]

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 19th December 2024, 12:03 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra had a few moments where she seemed ready to answer the girl's questions, but each time she was met with another odd response. Presumably this girl was Ione, speaking in the third person for whatever reason, but there were still more questions than answers being provided by this girl. Especially when the air cooled and steam slowly rose from the bowl once again. It was one thing to create your own heat, that was something entirely expected, but something such as transferring was of more interest.

    "Of course, I would never think you were rude!" she said, her befuddlement hidden beneath her soft exterior. She was used to faking her emotions, the beast dwelling within forcing her to become a skilled liar with more than just her words. "I'm full, anyways. I'm... helping with the kitchen distributing, but sometimes I just happen to notice people who look a little worse for wear compared to others." She blinked, pausing for a moment. "A-ah, sorry! I probably sound rude, now! Um... what I mean to say is that I can tell you've maybe had it a bit rougher than some of the others here. I can tell you don't live here in Reinford. I-I don't know if you're a refugee from the war or s-somewhere abroad, but... when I saw you out here by yourself I knew I had to do something to help you out more. If you're okay with it, I know of a place I can get you some better food. Certainly better than mass-produced soup."

    Kyra offered a friendly smile, hoping her performance was enough to convince the girl to follow her. Of course, her mind swirled with a variety of different thoughts. Her even lying to this girl in the first place, simply for the sake of trying to satiate the beast within her, choked out her esteem, pressed her in a way that she hated her circumstances even more. Yet there was still the caution lingering that this girl was definitely... out there, so to say. Perhaps even if she did have the perfect pitch, this girl would be too odd to listen, or she would run off, or anything of that sort. If there was one thing the beast did not like, it was uncertainty, and it could not tell anything about this girl. Yet. there was still a bit of intrigue with that regardless. It would at least be a fun meal, if nothing else. And it was not like anyone would notice her gone. After all, she most likely was an outsider anyways. No family, no home to report to, nothing. It at least would make work easier and less suspicious for Aria. A vagrant going missing was rarely anything worth mentioning. She already had been getting in trouble for her hunts being more common than liked, so if she could pick off more people like this, it would be all the best for everyone. Still, even as her thoughts raced with the possibilities of dealing with this odd girl, the soft smile remained painted on her face, warm and inviting for the blonde with her steaming soup.

    WC: 0526  | PTWC: 1034 | TWC: 2062

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Can You Give The Girl A Hand? [Kyra] ULxbPj2

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