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    Taming The Dead

    Saiko Akai
    Saiko Akai

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 64
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 11,665

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromantically Touched
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Taming The Dead Empty Taming The Dead

    Post by Saiko Akai 26th August 2024, 7:46 am

    As Saiko’s necromancy grew, the number and size of undead she could control grew as well. Raising her fallen opponents to give her an edge in battle was certainly a handy tactic to have, but it did not nothing to help make those fallen opponents in the first place. For that reason she had been on the lookout for jobs where she could earn some jewels and stock up on some handy skeletons.

    Tolonia was supposed to be a good place for guildless mages like herself to go, and that turned out to be correct. Not long after she had arrived in town did she find just the quest she was wanting. A weretiger was apparently making a nuisance of itself outside of Tolonia, and the local government wanted someone to eliminate them. The pay was not exactly great, but she wanted to get to that tasty skeleton before anyone else so she immediately grabbed the quest.

    Making her way outside of the town, Saiko tried to decide how she would attract the weretiger. Supposedly he was menacing anyone that looked like a tourist, but how did one make themselves look like a tourist? While pondering that exact question, the weretiger jumped out of the trees at her.

    “Get off my property!” he yelled as he landed. Which was a very odd thing to say given that this was a public road. She was not sure if he was insane, or was trying to strong arm ownership over the area near the waterfall. Either way she did not particularly care, he had already hurt several people. All previous attempts at dialogue had failed, and Saiko was not exactly skilled at diplomacy. So that left one option.

    “Not yours," she said as she summoned a spectral knight to strike at the weretiger, and then two ghostly bowmen to attack while he was distracted. As she had expected from his species, he was incredibly fast and nimble, managing to dodge her attacks one after another. At the same time, he could not attack her as he was spending all his focus on avoiding the spirits.

    When he dodged into the shadow of some trees a pair of skeletal jaws appeared from the shadows and launched onto his ankles. The growl of pain he let out was then quickly silenced as the knight slashed him from shoulder to hip, and a pair of arrows lodged themselves into his chest. Even still the weretiger did not die immediately, falling to his knees panting as life drained from him.

    “I have lost,” he said between breaths, “this land is yours now.”

    “Not interested,” Saiko returned before summoning a bone spear and driving it through his heart. Then, letting her other summons return, she drew upon the shadows around her. They crept over the were tiger, eating away at his corpse until only black bones remained. Once complete, the now skeletal weretiger stood up, dripping the shadows like water. Satisfied her job was complete, she stored the skeleton in her Morgue with her other undead and made her way back to town to claim her reward.

    519/500 words


      Current date/time is 13th October 2024, 10:56 am