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    A little Tavern Fun

    Icarus Archon
    Icarus Archon

    Lineage : Chaos Eye
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    Posts : 13
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    A little Tavern Fun Empty A little Tavern Fun

    Post by Icarus Archon 26th January 2023, 12:46 am

    A little Tavern Fun Nico-v-xiao-hrghkhg

    🜂Icarus sighed as he plopped down at the table in the corner of a tavern in Hosenka, while not being the main tavern it still was somewhat heavily populated as people filtered in for late night drinks and partying. A barmaid, young and around 19 years of age – too young in Icarus’s opinion to be working there – skipped forward and swooned as she gazed at him. Though he was just as young as she, he was built strongly and his body seemed older due to the many fights and brawls he put himself into, it was very common for the young folk or even women and men older than him to attempt to flirt.

    "What can I get for you today?" She said cheerily. She got some leers and cheers from older drunken men as she bounced across the room. Each cheer made Icarus feel ever more grossed out. Yes he wasn't the definition of good, but he at least knew how to respect women unlike the drunken old oafs cataloging someone way to young for them.

    "Oh just a simple spiked cider would be nice, nothing too strong." Icarus smiled and admired the young woman's body, she was well shaped he had to appreciate it. Maybe she would be willing to take a stroll with him sometime.

    "First of all, ew. Second of all, we don't have time for romance it won't be long till they find those dead bodies and alert the guards. One drink then we are out of here." Hybris's voice rang through his head and he physically scowled as the girl walked away to get his drink.

    "You get to enjoy the act of killing our target, I get to enjoy the drinks and rewards of the money afterwards as per agreed and if that money means girls, I'm fine with that reward so suck it up demon." Icarus responded, irritated with her meddling while he was at front in their body.

    He mentally heard her growl but she hushed as the girl walked up. "Your drink as requested, I even added some extra flavoring to the drink just as a little special."

    "Thank you." He set down double the price of the drink and she picked them up quickly thanking him. "Don't mention it. It's the least I can do."

    As Icarus sipped and inspected the crowd, eyeing a particularly loud group if Luminous Rose guild members. He decided to move closer as their boisterous conversation with anyone who would listen got more intense.

    "Hell! The guy didn't even know how to fight let alone assasinate pur client!" A large man in some silver Armour loudly spoke throwing his hands up as he explained his story. "Oh and don't even get me started on theifs! Their sticky hands can't nab anything while I am around, I can smell their kind with my nose plugged!" He demonstrated by pinching his nose and completely drowning himself in his beer.

    Icarus smiled at the mans display, but not in admiration or humor, but out of pity for the man. Little did he know that right now his buddy next to him had just been lifted of a heavy bag of coins by the young barmaid herself. As she walked by he gave her a knowing smile and she laughed and did a little gig and mimicked the boasting man. This made Icarus laugh.

    "We should show them up." Hybris said nonchalantly. She prodded his mind to the unoccupied till at the counter. All the barmaids were out serving the customers.

    Icarus waited patiently. Finally, the man frustrated with the lack of service due to the high amount of people flowing into the tavern, bumbled over to the till counter and loudly got the attention of someone who eventually got him his drink and he went over to his spot again.

    "Time to move."

    Swiftly Icarus slid off his chair and with great stealth slipped behind the till without anyone seeing, reaching in he pulled out all the money including the fake bills tagged with the tavern sign as to identify any theif whole stole from them, and put it into a pouch with a draw string. Moving quickly Icarus then strode over to the big man and pretended to be drunk as he stumbled into him.

    "Watch it man! Stupid drunk!" The man pushed Icarus away and groaned in disgust. Icarus just stumbled over to a chair opposite them and smiled. The bag of coins no longer in his hands was now in the bag of the bragging man. He sat down and patiently waited.

    Finally after another refill of his cider, he heard a loud exclamation coming from the till.

    "Someone stole all the money!" within seconds the group of bragging guild members blocked off all the exits and started to investigate. Soon people started pointing fingers and accusing people.

    With a swiftness and agility no drunken man would have Icarus jumped onto the table in the middle of the room, pointed his finger at the bragging man and shouted, "IT WAS HIM! I SAW HIM SWIPE THE MONEY AT THE TILL ONLY A FEW MOMENTS BEFORE!"

    He jumped down from the table and All hell broke loose as the people turned towards the man and more drunken people started speaking up saying they thought they had seen it too. And just as planned soon people were calling to search their bags.

    The man, thinking that he was not in the wrong agreed and several buff men, appointed by the barmaids, searched his bag. Soon one held up a bag and went, "I found it!"

    Icarus just smiled as the mans face went beet red and he muttered and stumbled. Soon his drinking mates, ashamed of being with him, grabbed his arms and drug him out of the tavern and as they walked away you could here him stumbling with his words trying to claim that it wasn't him.

    Icarus just leaned back, smiled, caught eyes with the young barmaid and lifted his drink in a silent toast and chugged it. Deciding he had enough fun he left the tavern and decided to head out of town. After all he had other things to attend to.

    post wc: 1093


    Icarus Archon
    A little Tavern Fun Zxh8aorv8e761

    "I'm willing to protect you...
    "But don't think about getting close, and stay out of my way, or all that awaits you is regret."

      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 1:27 am