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    To Earthland and Beyond [Solo Job]


    Lineage : Excitavit Tetria Oculus
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 88
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair (Current) Vanessa Scáthach (Former)
    Experience : 2,282

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fool's Arcanum
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland and Beyond [Solo Job] Empty To Earthland and Beyond [Solo Job]

    Post by Fin 2nd December 2022, 9:22 am

    Job Description:

    Last edited by Fin on 4th December 2022, 4:45 am; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Excitavit Tetria Oculus
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 88
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair (Current) Vanessa Scáthach (Former)
    Experience : 2,282

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fool's Arcanum
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland and Beyond [Solo Job] Empty Re: To Earthland and Beyond [Solo Job]

    Post by Fin 4th December 2022, 2:37 am

    Fin made a mad dash through the city as he vaulted across the rooftops of multiple buildings. His rose red scarf fluttering behind him as the rhythmic sound of his boots stomping on the rooftop bellow him. He jump and flipped over some large pipes, kicking off a nearby wall to propel himself further towards his destination. Like a ninja on crack Fin through the means of parkour, traversed through various obstacles, climbing, vaulting, and rolling his way through various gaps and barriers. As Fin pushed forward his gaze came upon the sight of a large gap far too large for him to simply jump over. A mad grin curled upon his lips as he furrowed his brow and went on a full on sprint. With a single bound he launched himself forward, the rushing hair blew past his ears tossing his orange locks about as he traveled air born for a few seconds. Fin could feel himself slowing and falling, he wasn't going to make it. He grit his teeth and focused and willed himself to relocate at the empty rooftop in front of him.

    The sound of rushing air was suddenly silenced as Fin's body acted as a knife to cut through the fabric of space and time. The light around Fin was devoured as he was thrust into a dark spatial rift. For a brief moment in time there was nothing but complete sensory depravation. The only thing Fin felt was the shadows clawing at the corners of his mind. Every fiber of his being screamed at him, telling him that he wasn't supposed to be here. Fin nearly losing focus, steeled himself and forced himself to remember his destination. His eyes were instantly greeted the blinding light of the noon day sun as the cool wind rushed on his face. Fin took a deep breath as was thrust back into reality. He was back, but not at the exact location he imagined. Fin had teleported himself a couple of meters too high.

    "SHITE!" Fin yelled as he plummeted to the ground, he flailed and tried to regain control but it was eventually useless as he came violently crashing down on the rooftop. He rolled a few times due to the left over momentum, eventually skidding to a stop. He lay there in pain for a few seconds groaning. "ughhhhh.... I think I'm gonna need more practice..." He grumbled to himself as he rolled over and pushed himself back up. He held on to his back and winced. After allowing himself to recover, he continued down his way towards the office where he could get his passport.

    After a less exciting trek down a flight of stairs and walking a few blocks, Fin finally got to the office where he lined up to get his passport. The line was quite long, but Fin was patient and waited in line just like everyone else. After waiting for about half an hour he was able to reach the desk where he provided all necessary information and received his passport. With that done he headed back home.

    WC: 517 words


      Current date/time is 5th December 2024, 8:59 am