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    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls

    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls Empty (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 16th November 2022, 3:33 pm

    Username: Sojiro Sakura
    Link to Previous OOC Exam: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t46391-decimals-to-conjuctions
    Current Rank: C
    Applying for: B

    Completed Threads:
    • First Mission - 337 EXP (75+262) (Turned in as group D-Rank and C-Rank Freeform.)
    • Second Mission - 175 EXP
    • Third Mission - 786 EXP(262x3) (This was turned in as three separate C-rank Free Form missions)

    Total EXP: 1,298

    Additional Information: All of the above missions, except the solo, have team EXP rewards. Would also like to skip the exam portion.

    Last edited by Sojiro Sakura on 19th November 2022, 8:01 am; edited 3 times in total


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls Empty Re: (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls

    Post by Guest 17th November 2022, 5:07 am

    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls 3VD2Vy6

    You need to state how much EXP you got from each job so that it can be checked properly @Sojiro Sakura.
    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls Empty Re: (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 17th November 2022, 2:30 pm

    Sorry about that, they've been added @Medeia


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls Empty Re: (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls

    Post by Guest 17th November 2022, 2:39 pm

    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls 3VD2Vy6

    It seems you have 100 EXP more than you should have, going by your totals, which means that you don't have the 1200 required to rank up. I'm going to have to deny this and remove the extra EXP. @Sojiro Sakura

    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls Empty Re: (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls

    Post by Guest 19th November 2022, 8:24 am

    (C)onjuctions to (B)arrelrolls QlhAT3Z

    Welcome to B rank!

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