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    Pantheon’s Puppetry


    Lineage : Demonic Mask
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 28
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Pantheon's Puppetry
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Pantheon’s Puppetry Empty Pantheon’s Puppetry

    Post by Khadim 7th November 2022, 8:47 am


    Magic Name: Pantheon’s Puppetry
    Magic Type:
    • Cursed: Auxiliary Benefit - Associated Magic receives 1 additional signature spell equal to the character's rank (Up to S).
    • Take-Over: Auxiliary Benefit - +15% to HP and MP.
    • Faith: Auxiliary Benefit - +3 effects that may be distributed to spells and abilities in the magic including this magic type.

    Description: The user has been cursed to house a Pantheon inside of them that are able to puppet the user's body. The user is able to mentally communicate with the Pantheon at all times even when they're not in control of his body. Naturally, the stronger the body becomes, the more active the Pantheon will become. Each member of the Pantheon has its own skills and capabilities which it can access when controlling the body, however, the user's eyes change depending on which member of the Pantheon is accessing his body. In this way, only one member of the Pantheon can access the body at a time.

    Unique Abilities
    1. Godly Physiology: Khadim's body, housing a pantheon of gods, has been changed to better accommodate their godly energies. In this instance, Khadim's body is naturally stronger and more resistant to damage than normal humans.
    2. Godly Reserves: Khadim's body, housing a pantheon of gods, has been changed to better accommodate their godly energies. In this instance, Khadim's body has more magic power and health points than normal humans.
    3. N/A

    Plot Ability
    1. Bodily Control: The gods within the user can wrestle control of the body from the user without causing the body to physically change; however, when each god is in control of the body, the body's eyes will change in some way, allowing others to identify who's in control if they know the user well enough.


    Rih - 5 slots:

    Dub - 4 slots:

    Sum - 3 slots:

    Nafsia - 2 slots:

    Last edited by Khadim on 27th December 2022, 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Pantheon’s Puppetry Empty Re: Pantheon’s Puppetry

    Post by Guest 27th December 2022, 2:48 pm

    Hey Khadim, Med here to look this over, there's not much that needs to be done here so I'll just put it as an overarching comment.

    1. You have one too many B+ takeover spells here. The max is two and you currently have three, please lower the rank of one of them down to C+ along with the abilities.


    Lineage : Demonic Mask
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 28
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Pantheon's Puppetry
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Pantheon’s Puppetry Empty Re: Pantheon’s Puppetry

    Post by Khadim 27th December 2022, 2:59 pm

    Oops, sorry. I have made the correction.



    Speaking color: color=#ffe135]

    Thought Legend






    Pantheon’s Puppetry Empty Re: Pantheon’s Puppetry

    Post by Guest 27th December 2022, 3:00 pm


    Pantheon’s Puppetry QlhAT3Z

      Current date/time is 14th October 2024, 7:36 pm