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    Spooky Night in Hosenka


    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Spooky Night in Hosenka Empty Spooky Night in Hosenka

    Post by Fraag 29th October 2022, 7:40 pm

    The night air of Hosenka was crisp and relaxing, as the season of Autumn was in full swing. Although Hosenka was not as close to nature as some of the other cities of Fiore, it was still clear, from the trees and grasses that could be found in parks and other public spaces in the flamboyant town, that all vegetation was preparing for the cold march of Winter, which would soon arrive. The world was so ordered in its workings, even though the planet itself, and the natural geographic and climatic features could not be strictly said to be alive. Everything seemed to respond to a set time, and all nature followed suit. All nature, except humans.

    Autumn was the season of dying. All nature accepted it. Death would run through Winter, and Spring would signal the return of life to the vegetation in such climes as were affected by the four seasons. Humans, however, refused to work in tandem with nature, instead striving to carve their own paths through the difficult world, an effort which resulted in both spectacular deeds and unfathomable pain. Humans celebrated life, but violently rejected death, even if it was a part of the workings of nature. And when they were not rejecting death, they were dealing it on a scale that threw the balance of the world into disarray. Like what had come to be known as the Tragedy of Felidae. Like the event at Cedar.

    Then again, it wasn't humans who were the only ones who seemed to have this issue with trying to force the world to bend to their whims. After all, Cedar's calamity had been caused by a dark angel, although all the blame was not particularly the fault of said dark angel. And the other, on whom the rest of the blame lay, was no human herself. It was very likely though, that Medeia would probably not have cared for the souls that had been lost in Cedar, seeing mortals as little more than fleas. The other culpable person, the one Nita Fortune referred to as 'Maria', had been hit really hard by the event. For she had, against Nita's warning, attempted to get Medeia to attack her at full power, and the result had been so much death and destruction. And even though a few years ago Maria cared nothing for human lives, she had not been Maria then. The goddess had changed much since her amalgamation with Nita. And she had learned to care when unnecessary death was a direct result of her actions.

    If Nita was not aware of the goddess' presence in her mind, and the fact that her powers were still functional, she would have though, for all the silence that presently existed in her headspace, that something about the time in Cedar had removed the goddess from her mind. For the first few weeks after the Cedar calamity, Nita had felt the heart wrenching sorrow emanating from the goddess' soul. It had slowly mellowed down into some sort of sulk. But sulk as it was, Nita had realized it was a serious matter when she offered Maria the chance to control her body, something Maria had always loved doing. Instead, her offer had been met with stony silence, and the sensation of fear. And though Maria refused to reply Nita when the latter tried to speak to her, Nita knew that Maria's brooding was due to being ashamed of herself for not being strong enough to back up her words with the required power. It was to be expected; Maria had never had to deal with shame and regret on such a level before. All attempts of Nita to cheer her up had failed.

    That was partly why Nita was presently strolling along a street in Hosenka, as the Fiorean festivity known as Halloween was being celebrated across the country. Perhaps engaging in the festivities would cheer Maria up, seeing as Maria had some sort of sensory reception of the things Nita experienced. The concept of Halloween was a bit odd to the Pergrandian. People seemed to be celebrating scary stuff, the things that went bump in the night, the things that raised the hair and made the blood curdle, the things that nobody would absolutely want to encounter in reality. Why they did this, the blonde had no idea. But perhaps learning some more about this festivity would not only be entertaining, but would serve the extra effect of lifting Maria's spirits. Hopefully.

    As Nita walked, she came across a large park with a lot of people milling about and engaging in various activities. Maybe she would partake in one or two of them, just for the fun of it. There was the smell of something fruity in the air. It did smell quite delicious, and Nita decided that something to sip at or nibble while she strolled around wouldn't be bad at all. So, following her nose, as her Slayer senses were quite heightened, the blonde mage came across a huge pot, with a white-haired, freckle-faced young lady in not so practical but eye-catching witchy robes and a pointy hat stirring the phosphorescent contents with a wizard's staff. The stirrer looked up and waved to her with a bright smile.

    "Hey there and hello to you! Would you perhaps be so kind as to try out the Witch's Brew?" the witch girl asked, lifting the stirring staff, which had a nifty spoon head at its end, and ladling some of the glowing weird stuff in the pot into a small bottle, that made it look like a magical potion. Maybe it was. The girl held out the bottle to Nita. "You may feel strange, and you may look strange, before this night is over, but I promise you on my black cat's single whisker that no harm comes to those who drink this potion. It's just some lighthearted fun, and who knows you might just be getting a delicious drink, nothing more! What say you?"

    Nita shrugged with a smile of her own, and took the bottle with thanks. Even if something was wrong with the potion, and its effect was unpleasant, she was sure she could negate any problematic effects with her magic. So, why not? Placing the luminescent bottle to her lips, she took a long swallow....

    WC: 1058



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    Spooky Night in Hosenka Empty Spooky Night in Hosenka

    Post by NPC 29th October 2022, 7:40 pm

    The member 'Fraag' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Spooky Night in Hosenka Die_01_42158_sm

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Spooky Night in Hosenka Empty Re: Spooky Night in Hosenka

    Post by Fraag 30th October 2022, 6:21 pm

    Nita blinked twice as she drank the strange drink. Nothing seemed to be happening. She turned and looked at the freckled witch still stirring the pot with luminescent liquid in it. "Am I growing an extra head, or a tail or something?" she asked. The girl shook her head. "Nothing out of the ordinary, sister!" came the reply. So, it was just actual punch. Although Nita wasn't hoping for anything freakish to happen to her this evening, it was a bit disappointing. "Huh. I guess I was expecting more." The white-haired witch laughed. "Be careful what you wish for," she said in a singsong voice. "Oh, and you deserve this for braving the Witch's brew. Take care, now!" So saying, the tossed an object, which Nita deftly caught. It was a weird skull-shaped token. Could be worth a prize.

    Maria had still not said anything since. Perhaps, Nita considered, if she did something hair-raising, she would get a response from the sulking goddess. Since Halloween seemed to be all about scary stuff, she was sure she would find something worthy of her attention, here in this park. And soon, she did. It was what looked like a maze, with a man, dressed in a weird suit stained with fake blood, standing on a podium beside the gate of the maze and calling anyone who had an iron heart to come and dare the challenge of the maze. Nita drew closer to listen to what he was saying. It seemed like the challenge was to navigate through the maze and find the exit, but there was a catch. Shortly after the contestants were released into the maze, they would be hunted by a "killer" with a fake knife. No real violence, of course. If caught by the killer, they would lose the challenge. Kind of like a game of tag, Nita surmised. It sounded fun.

    WC: 314
    TWC: 1372

    Last edited by Fraag on 30th October 2022, 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Posts : 23986
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    Spooky Night in Hosenka Empty Re: Spooky Night in Hosenka

    Post by NPC 30th October 2022, 6:21 pm

    The member 'Fraag' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Spooky Night in Hosenka Die_02_42159_sm

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Spooky Night in Hosenka Empty Re: Spooky Night in Hosenka

    Post by Fraag 30th October 2022, 6:57 pm

    As Nita walked to the entrance of the maze, she realized there was another catch: no magic whatsoever. As a matter of fact, there was a magic-negating field placed across the entire maze, which prevented anyone from accessing their powers. Just as well, Nita thought. For someone like herself who could find her way by using her magic, and the range of her abilities was quite incredible, getting out would have been rather difficult, as she would have been able to find the exit of the maze without needing to do any trial and error.

    What seemed to make matters more tense was the fact that everyone would be entering the maze though a different entrance, and the only exit from the maze would be the one that was not locked. Anyway, it did sound like fun, and so Nita stepped into the gate before her. The plan was to live up to her name, she hoped. Sometimes, despite the fact that she was named Ms. Fortune, the young Pergrandian often did not feel lucky. Perhaps luck was more of a mindset; someone had once said that it was best to create one's own luck, instead of waiting for some arbitrary force to provide fortune for you.

    The gate swung to with a loud creak, and Nita heard it lock behind her with an ominous sound. She was not going to sit here and wait for the "killer" to hunt her. Besides, she was sure she wouldn't do too badly. She did have some military training, after all. She would try to attempt to utilize some tracking methods she had learned in order not to get lost and keep moving around in circles. And then she heard the screams. The "killer" had been loosed. Nita began to run. She did have solid cardio, and so she was sure she would not get winded any moment soon. Still she would prefer not to run around at top speed, conserving her strength for a chase that she suspected would eventually come.

    There were some sounds to her left, and then someone came running. Nita quickly shifted out of the way, and positioned herself at the edge of a different passage from the one he had run into. And not too soon. A tall, gangly fellow in an eerie mask, and wielding a fake knife stained with prop blood, came hot on he heels of the running man. He paused for a moment, and his eyes met hers, then he continued after his original quarry. Well, that was an advantage; Nita knew where the killer was, so she would attempt to create as much distance as she could between herself and him. Choosing another different passage from the one she had originally stepped into, Nita began to jog again. Then she felt something was wrong, and turned.

    Silent as night, the killer was bounding towards her. An unintended scream left her lungs as she fled before him in reckless abandon. She was fit, sure, but without her magic, which granted her great speed, outrunning the athletic fellow behind her was unlikely. Besides, to be honest, although her features had their merits, an ample bosom and wide hips were not the best assets for winning a short distance race, or a chase for that matter. Still, Nita had her wit, and if she was going to be caught, she would give the fellow a run for his money. Literally.

    Just as he reached out to grab her, the blonde Pergrandian swerved suddenly into another demarcation of the maze, when she appeared to be heading somewhere else entirely. From the chaotic steps she heard behind her, Nita knew she had fooled him. But he was onto her again. She made a turn, and then another, and then all of a sudden, at the next turn, she saw a gate. Praying it was the right one, the blonde mage ran to it, her heart pounding in her rib cage, as she turned the handle. It turned, but the gate did not open. Her heart simultaneously dropped and leaped into her mouth at the same time. With more desperation, she flung her little frame against the gate, just as the killer got within arm's reach... and the gate flew open, sending her sprawling out of the maze.

    She stared at the silent masked form standing just at the edge of the maze and watching her, before he slunk back into the shadows, even as she panted heavily, eyes wide and chest heaving. She had made it! With congratulations from the facilitators of the maze, Nita collected her skull token thing, and marched off happily. She was lucky indeed. It was time to celebrate this victory. Maria was still sulking, but she had sensed relief from the goddess when she had managed to escape the maze. Hopefully Maria would come around soon.

    Getting another drink, she made her way to an area decorated with hanging pumpkin lanterns and bone-themed chairs, where what could only be described as spooky music was playing from well-hidden speakers. It was a relaxation lounge, it seemed, a place to enjoy the music and socialize as one prepared for, or winded down after, other events. As she seated herself, someone clad in a vampire costume arrived and handed her another skull token. Turned out one earned that just by coming here to enjoy the music. Sweet.

    Nita would stay here and enjoy her drink, and perhaps a little more of the rest of the night....


    WC: 921
    TWC: 2293


      Current date/time is 21st January 2025, 10:43 pm