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    Spring and Its Attendant Woes


    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Spring and Its Attendant Woes Empty Spring and Its Attendant Woes

    Post by Fraag 15th May 2022, 8:15 pm

    Few things were better than taking a holiday in times like this. With Winter having rolled away eventually, and with the sun shining so merrily, as well as all the grass growing, flowers with their lovely colors, and all other things that made the earth seem alive again, it was a little wonder to see so many people coming out with a vengeance to celebrate the return of vegetation to what had looked so cold and cheerless months before. Nita, of course, being the kind of person she was, had happily sallied forth as well, seeking to have as much fun as she could, before another depressing thing happened in the world, which was not a very unlikely thing to happen, with the Ishgaran war progressing merrily, and nothing looking like it was going to be stopped anytime soon. And while she could have easily stayed in the Luminous Rose stronghold south of Hosenka, the Pergrandian had decided to visit one of the larger cities. There was bound to be more fun with more people.

    And so it was that she had found her way into Hosenka, apparently just in time for the beginnings of some grand festivity. The colors were so many and vibrant, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Hopefully, there would be no dark mage coming round to attempt killing people mindlessly and spoiling the joyous mood. So far, it seemed that if there were any, they were just as ready to enjoy the break from long winter and have fun. That would be just grand if it were so. In any case, all seemed peaceful and quiet, but though Nita decided she would have as much fun as she could allow herself to have, she could not help but stay as alert as she could possibly be.

    A crowd of bustling people caught her attention, and the blonde mage drew closer to hear what was being shouted over the megaphone. It sounded like it would be fun....

    WC: 334

    Last edited by Fraag on 15th May 2022, 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Spring and Its Attendant Woes Empty Re: Spring and Its Attendant Woes

    Post by Fraag 15th May 2022, 8:16 pm

    Rolling for the Leprechaun Relay Race. It will end in tears...

    Last edited by Fraag on 15th May 2022, 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Posts : 23986
    Mentor : Admin

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    Spring and Its Attendant Woes Empty Re: Spring and Its Attendant Woes

    Post by NPC 15th May 2022, 8:16 pm

    The member 'Fraag' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Spring and Its Attendant Woes Die_04_42161_sm

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Spring and Its Attendant Woes Empty Re: Spring and Its Attendant Woes

    Post by Fraag 22nd May 2022, 8:30 pm

    As Nita drew towards the noise and bustle, she began to make out a few words. It seemed as though people were being invited to run a relay, though the details of the relay were not very discernable from her present position. She decided that she would draw closer and find out what was up with the race. While she was no goddess of lightning, Nita was sure that her physical speed was nothing short of impressive. As a matter of fact, it was very likely that she was the fastest person in this gathering. Still, she was wary of coming to such an assumption. It was never wise to be proud. The universe always seemed to have a way of disgracing her when she became too full of herself. Soon, the Pergrandian girl was in the thick of the crowd, listening to the fellow shouting from the megaphone.

    ”...it's simple! Nothing is required to partake in this race, except your ability to move. Even if you're a tree, I'm sure we can make concessions. There's gonna be fantastic prizes, for everyone who partakes, so don't let them cold feet keep you off the tracks. Besides, what better way to burn calories that engaging in an engaging race such as this? And to spice things up even more, this isn't going to be just a race, it's going to be a relay race. Do I hear people saying nothing is special about relay races? Well, wait till you hear this! You're not going to have a baton to pass along, you're going to pass along a costume! That's right, every runner will wear a costume, which they will take off, and the next runner will have to put it on before they can continue the race. How's that sound?”

    Nita shrugged. ”Didn't know strip-racing was a thing,” she muttered to no one in particular. She wasn't too sure she was keen on the race any longer. Mixing sweat with strangers was not particularly a pleasurable thing to think about. In any case, one of the bystanders in the crowd heard her words, and tried to initiate conversation. ”Well, depends on who's doing the stripping, if you get my meaning,” he said to the young Pergrandian, waggling his eyebrows. Nita resisted the urge to roll her eyes and shake her head. ”While I'm sure that may be to some extent entertaining, I'm not sure I want to watch you stripping,” she replied with a cordial tone and a cool smile, deliberately misreading his message. He began to sputter as he tried to get a comeback, before someone else suddenly elbowed him in the gut, not hard enough to cause pain, but enough to silence him for the moment.

    ”Ignore this oaf,” he said with a grin. ”While he may come off as being totally useless, I'm sure he has good intentions.”

    ”I'm sure he does,” Nita replied with a wry smile. ”I'm Xerxes, and my pet oaf is Melchior,” the newcomer said, introducing himself and hsi friend, as he held out a hand, which Nita took. ”Pleased to meet you. I'm--”

    Her attempt at introduction was cut short, as a third fellow sprang into view, suddenly grabbing the young man that had identified himself as Xerxes. ”No way!” he exclaimed. Nita blinked. ”I'm sure my name isn't "No Way", though that does seem like a fun name to have,” she quipped. Melchior shoved the third guy. ”Buzz off, Nego,” he growled. ”You're spoiling the mood.” The one called Nego paused for a moment, looking at Nita, then he turned to his friends again. ”Are you guys stupid or something?” Xerxes looked unfazed. ”I'll go with 'something',” he replied. ”Okay, well, if you both must know, I know her name, and I'm surprised that you don't.” He beamed proudly, as both his friends stared at him in confusion. ”Her name is Maria!”

    There was a pause, then Nita replied, ”it's not.” Melchior and Xerxes erupted into peals of laughter, as Nego looked at the Pergrandian, it now being his turn to be confused. ”But it is you--” he began, before Nita clamped a hand on his mouth. ”Well, you're somewhat right, but not exactly.” At her confession, the other two stopped and stared at her, and their eyes and mouths widened as recognition slowly dawned. ”If any of you says anything, I'll kick your butts so hard you'll be in the stratosphere before you register the pain,” she threatened. She had come out to have a break, not have herself be crowded. Although, wasn't the recognition what she wanted? ”I'm just kidding, guys,” the Pergrandian said in a placatory tone, ”but really, I just came here to have fun like every other person. I'd be honored if you did me this favor and did not draw attention to me.”

    The three boys nodded eagerly. ”So, is your name really not Maria?” Melchior asked. ”Well, I'm the Black Maria, but that's my codename. I'm called Nita.” Melchior and Nego had just begun gushing about her name, when Xerxes laid hands on both of them. ”Stop being fools, and see that there is a great opportunity before us. If the highly esteemed Nita is minded to join us as a team for the race, we'll definitely be victorious.” The other two seemed to buy into this, and began to vehemently attempt to persuade Nita to join in. Well, there was nothing to lose, and time to spare, so why not? Soon, Nita found herself with the three boys having their names put down to run as Team Yellow. Then she took one look at the costumes, and suddenly refused to participate. The costumes were leprechauns, and while Nita had no issues with green-clad, red-bearded gnomes running a race, the costumes had immense heads.

    ”So, someone is chicken,” Maria said in glee. ”And after you'd given your word that you would join in the race. For shame, girl. For shame. That there is not hero behavior.” That dratted Maria. Now Nita began feeling bad that she was copping out at the last moment, when something came to mind. Since she could move without seeing, she could attempt to do the whole race with her eyes closed. It might just work. She finally agreed, but told the boys that they were to ask no questions about what she was doing, to which they readily agreed. Of the four of them, Nego seemed to be the most in shape, so he would run first. Nita would finish the race, as speed was most important on the last leg of a relay race. And so the run began. While Nego wasn't the first, he was able to get to the line on the tail of the second runner, and he quickly removed his costume, passing it over to Xerxes, who maintained his position. Melchior dropped behind a bit, but Nita could sense him approaching; he was the third presently, and with the rate at which he was going, she was sure she might be able to overtake the other runners and clinch the gold.

    And then it happened. Nita suddenly sensed a pulse of relatively strong magic, and opened her eyes to see what it was. And she saw a travesty of nature, a strange creature with a giant hat perched on a giant head, a crazy grin on its red-bearded face, and all dressed in green, hobbling towards her. Forget that this was a costume. Nita's phobia kicked in, and she shrieked and took off, fleeing the race course. Melchior slowed to a stop in utter confusion, while most of the spectators erupted into laughter.

    And then source of the strong magic pulse Nita had felt revealed itself. A shimmering portal opened above, and a giant pink rabbit dropped out of it, and went on a rampage. Nita stopped her flight and stared at it, her mouth dropping open in shock. ”You have got to be kidding me... and it's not funny, Maria!” Nita could sense her alter ego shrieking with laughter somewhere in the back of her mind. But now was not the time to consider the stark lunacy of this situation. People were in danger. Drawing a card, Nita teleported and appeared right in front of the bunny, as it was charging after some fleeing partygoers. ”Now, that's enou--” She wasn't able to finish, before the rabbit slapped her out of its way, sending her flying into a stall. ”Well, that there is the definition of 'hopping mad',” Maria quipped, still enjoying herself. Nita got to her feet, drew another card, and teleported, appearing right beside the rabbit to give it a blow of her own, which sent the big furry creature through the air.

    ”Violence against animals! You rascal! You ought to be most ashamed of yourself, young woman,” Maria laughed. ”Shut up, mom,” Nita replied gruffly, as she drew close to the stunned rabbit and touched it, reaching out with her Aspect of Knowledge. And she realized why the rabbit was here, and why it was mad. Not too far off in the city was a maypole, and on its top was a single carved flower. Turned out the carved flower was some relic belonging to an ancient forest that had been stolen by an unscrupulous adventurer, who had sold it to whoever had set up the maypole. The bunny had been sent by the forest guardians to find and retrieve this relic. ”Seems it wasn't too pleased with its job description,” Nita thought, as she teleported over the pole, retrieved the carved flower from it, and reappeared before the giant bunny, placing the item down before it. On seeing the flower, the bunny calmed down immediately, picked the item in its mouth, and disappeared through a similar portal to the one it had come from.

    ”Hey, lady, you saved us,” one of the organizers of the festival said with a relieved smile, as he approached Nita and dropped three little eggs in her hand. ”Take these as a sign of our gratitude. If you keep them with you long enough, you'll be surprised at what might just come your way. But that having been said, I see no reason why the festivities can't resume!” There was a cheer from the people gathered, as they expressed their thanks.

    ”Okay, you're all welcome. Glad to be of service. It was my pleasure really. Now, where's the food?”

    WC: 1743
    TWC: 2077

    Partook in the race (to disastrous effect) [2 eggs], and fought the hopping mad cottontail [1 egg].



      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 2:46 am