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    Good Bad Influence

    Pandora Dagger
    Pandora Dagger

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Inferno's Herald
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 159
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,350

    Good Bad Influence Empty Good Bad Influence

    Post by Pandora Dagger 27th March 2022, 7:11 am

    With a soft whisper Pandora ushered the wyvern to lower itself towards the fields next to the village down below, where they had been circling for some time now. The reason for the hesitant landing had been nothing more than the redhaired rider being unable to make up her mind on what today's schedule would entail, and where to park the wyvern, so it too could enjoy its day off without too much issue. On an earlier visit she'd agreed with one of the onsen owners near Hosenka's outskirts to peruse one of the larger springs they had available, at the cost of hiring said specific spring for the entire day, and that the cleaning would fall unto her if anything went awry. Something the Dagger did not mind one bit, especially with her manifested powers now properly taking form.

    For the occasion she'd kept Amyntos without saddle, making the short ride from the Luminous Rose guildhall to Hosenka a bit more bumpy than usual, but kept her from having to spend time on getting the gear on and off the beast. That, and he too deserved a few moments not encumbered by its battle armor, just as much as she did. The freerides were just an enjoyable extra to that mindset. When they touched ground Pandora checked the hour; it was shortly after noon, and she'd only booked the inn from midday onward until the next day, so she could enjoy a nightly swim after her training as well. It meant she'd have more than enough time to kill to give Amyntos some extra care. Slipping off the wyvern pat any of the remaining dust from her pants; she'd forgone any of her usual outfits for a plain white shirt, black skinny jeans and heels, with a dark jacket now loosely hanging over her shoulders. She could've gone for something more classy, or even her signature kimono, but both options would've been a hassle on wyvern-back.

    Pandora smiled softly as she smooched the wyvern's scaley face, hearing a content huff escape from its nostrils. "Yeah yeah, I haven't forgotten, silly beast," she chuckled at its reaction, playfully pushing its face away as she opened one of the portals to her pocket dimension, pulling an oversized steel-haired brush from it. The brush itself was the size of a sword, but it did not seem to limit the Dagger as she started using it on Amyntos, who promptly lowered itself until it was entirely sprawled out across the grass.

    Wordcount: 419



    Good Bad Influence Empty Re: Good Bad Influence

    Post by Guest 27th March 2022, 10:40 am

    Soon enough, there would be another flying creature that could be seen gliding through the air although this one was far smaller. Deciding against using her shapeshifting abilities, Medeia would be wearing her usual travelling outfit, a Desertian one that did little to hide her rather curvaceous figure. It was rather amusing in a way that despite her hatred for the country of her birth, she still continued to wear their style of clothing. What could she say? It was comfortable and helped her to attract those who she desired to get close to. With her large angelic wings, she would have looked rather regal but due to her status, they were dark purple in colour rather than yellow and white, revealing her less than holy nature. A being of the heavens she was but the raven haired woman was anything but humble or serene, anything but. Her purpose today? What it almost always was. To find a lovely individual to spend some time with. The life of an immortal being was awfully long, after all and a lonely one too.

    “Seriously?” The dark mage uttered to herself grumpily as she flew. “Is there no one around here who can relieve me of my boredom?” She had been travelling for quite some time and not once had she felt that tingle, the spark of interest that could suddenly capture her attention and draw her in. Oh, a few people had noticed her but the majority of them had simply run off in fright. It was not all that surprising in truth and the look that she had given them in return would have been enough to cause the most stalwart soul to curl up in the foetal position. A glare was all she had given them though, as the purple eyed witch was not in the mood for wanton slaughter. They were simply cockroaches, nothing more.

    It was just at the point where Medeia was considering a change in direction that a rather unusual sight caught her eye in one of the fields below. A large dragon-like creature appeared to be laying on the grass, its long and lithe body stretched out for the world to see. The Errings Rising Ace had to blink twice to make sure she was seeing things correctly but her slayer senses had never failed her and that was the case now as well. To make the scene even more bizarre was the fact that a red haired figure seemed to be grooming it with an oversized brush.

    The scene managed to bring a smile to her face and her grumpiness faded away as her focus turned towards the human. Medeia could sense the familiar feel of magic, which was enough to arouse the curiosity of the angel a little and after a moment or two, she also detected the scent of the person. A female. Now her interest was well and truly captured and the Warlord dismissed any idea of changing course in any direction other than down.

    Uncertain as to the intentions of the creature beside the woman, Medeia refrained from simply swooping down and trying to fly off with the woman. Oh, she was not afraid of it but it seemed an unnecessary risk to try and provoke it nonetheless. She had fought dragon kind before and was well aware of their might, even from ones which were not fully mature, as this one appeared to be.

    So, she descended far more slowly and came to a stop about ten feet above the pair, a small smile on her face. “Hello there. My name is Medeia and I was hoping that I could join you and your lovely friend here for a while, assuming it likes other people.”

    (626 Words)
    (1040 TWC)

      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 2:17 am