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    Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread]

    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread] Empty Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 3rd October 2021, 10:00 pm

    She heard most of the powerful dark guilds no longer existed, this was certainly troublesome, anyone she knew was long gone and the world had become far too peaceful for her. With her discovery of what she was, she had learned to control her vampiric powers quite well and had the ability to get many secrets ordinary people had no chance to get. The world thought it had true peace but it was built on quicksand. The corruption was eating away at the very foundation of society and would collapse sooner than later.

    She would continue to climb the mountains with the information she was easily able to obtain she knew exactly where they were located. As she made her way up she found many frozen to death people long lost of the life they once had bringing a smile to her face. This was going to be quite a fun place to be, she did wonder what they would think of her she was once one of the rising stars of dark mages, but that glimmer and fame had long worn off.

    As she approached the massive structure she could only smile, she seemed to be wearing no clothing to keep her warm yet she appeared perfectly fine and healthy. If anything she looked like she was pristine and in perfect health, was she to knock, or was she to wait.

    "Would you mind letting me inside, I promise I won't bite if you don't want me to, the name is Rekka Lawless. Some may have heard legends to be but that was long ago in the lost past of when dark mages actually meant something. I am back to raise chaos and open the world's eyes to just what quicksand society is built upon."



    Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread] Empty Re: Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread]

    Post by Guest 5th October 2021, 7:05 am

    The doors would remain closed for a few moments before opening, revealing a dark haired woman, dressed in little more than a skintight Desiertian outfit. It was hardly fitting for the frigid temperature of the mountain but the cold did not affect anyone who bore the guild mark and so she saw no reason as to cover up. Besides which, why would she wish to hide her form anyway? With a body as ample as hers, why not flaunt it? She had never been shy, after all. How had she known of the woman’s approach? Simple, her scent. The angel could detect a beautiful woman from a mile away and her slayer enhanced senses only amplified that. Oh, she had heard the newcomers boastful words and while they were intriguing, they did not quite add up in the mind of the immortal being.

    Approaching the woman, Medeia’s purple eyed gaze would fall upon her. “Greetings, Rekka. I am Medeia, an Ace of the Errings Rising guild. I must say that it takes courage to walk all the way up here, only to insult us. Dark mages still do walk this land and unlike those of the past, we do not simply allow our guilds to fall apart after a few months or at least, not this one. If chaos is what you seek to create then you will find many within these walls who desire the same thing. We wish to remove the law and allow the people to live their lives for themselves. No more council, no more knights and no more pathetic politicians who try to force their laws on others. When we are finished, none of them will remain.”

    Pausing a few feet away, Medeia would look over the woman, uncaring as to whether Rekka noticed or not. “I must say that you have lovely taste when it comes to clothing, my dear. I see that you are not lacking in confidence which will serve you well here, should you be accepted.” There were no guarantees and the raven haired woman was not entirely convinced of the woman’s claims. She had not heard of this woman before and her magical power did not seem to be all that strong either. Still, magical power was not everything.

    Beckoning the woman towards the castle, she would then add. “Come on inside and tell me a little about yourself. I am curious to hear about these legends of yours.”

    With that, she would turn on her heel and start to walk back through the castle doors.

    (427 Words)
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread] Empty Re: Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 10th October 2021, 1:19 pm

    It seemed the guild's ace had come to greet her, how charming, she was quite a looker as she would smile coyly at the woman. She was right many dark guilds in the past simply vanished but many of them did a lot of chaotic things and part of the disappearance was because of infighting. As for the removal of law that seemed nice and dandy but there needed to be a special place for human traffickers, those people were not meant to be alive. She certainly agreed with most of what she said however and continued to follow and listen to the woman.

    She noticed the woman's look and her words, so it seemed the woman liked the fairer sex, Rekka clearly did not mind this. She had been with both more than she would like to remember so she was fine with either sex. Rekka had a lot of confidence in her body because she had an amazing one as they would now enter the building Rekka would look around and smile. A perfect place for someone like her, she did notice a lot of maids, whoever was in charge of this guild really liked their maids.

    "As I said the name is Rekka Lawless and a lot of the things I did would not be known, while I am not the strongest mage I have particular skills that manipulate people's minds and they don't even realize they gave me the information. I can also gain complete loyalty from people and they will want to serve my every desire for the rest of their lives. I am what is known as a vampire, I can control many things in people, so while I won't wow you with my magical power I will be able to get a lot of information whenever I want. I do also want to ask why are there so many maids, does the lady of this castle have a maid fetish?"



    Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread] Empty Re: Rekka finds Errings Rising[Open][Introduction Thread]

    Post by Guest 11th October 2021, 6:41 am

    Listening keenly to Rekka as she spoke, Medeia tilted her head to the side in thought. Her abilities sounded quite wonderful and the angelic being knew that they would be valuable to the guild. In truth, they did not sound all that different from hers in a way. The Ace had many abilities that could bewitch and command, control and deceive. To be able to bend the mind and soul of others always gave her a thrill and with the level of strength she possessed now, there were few who could truly fight off her desire to take the reins. She wondered if perhaps the lovely woman in front of her had the same want and lust for control but perhaps that was a topic for another day. For now, it was about getting to the heart of the matter at hand.

    “A vampire, hmm? It has been quite some time since the halls of this castle have had one walking around it. We did once but unfortunately like so many, she has vanished into obscurity and who knows where she is now. No doubt she is out there somewhere, feasting on the weak and drinking her fill of blood. The guild will of course not deny you your share of that lovely crimson liquid if that is what you need but please do not feed on other members of the guild, unless they want you to of course. The members around here do have some odd quirks and it would not surprise me if at least one would love to have your fangs around their throat.”

    A chuckle escaped her lips for a moment and her gaze once more surveyed the gorgeous woman. Rekka was not the only one who used blood in their magic and the slayer could not help but wonder just how delicious her spells would taste, as well as her lovely lips. Her mind briefly began to follow a more perverse line of thought although Rekka’s comment regarding maids caused her to laugh.

    “I am not sure if the guildmaster knows what a fetish is to be honest with you but I confess that I am rather fond of them. In fact, I have one myself although she is a little tied up at the moment.”
    The truest words she had ever spoken. “Anyway, the leader of the guild refers to herself as ‘Queen Saraphina’ and runs the guild more like a royal castle than your typical guild. When you are in her presence, she will expect you to treat her as royalty and it would be wise to humour her, unless you want to incur her wrath.”

    (444 Words)
    (871 TWC)

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