Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Master of the Other World
    Position : None
    Posts : 117
    Guild : Less
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 16,460

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yin Yang Lightning
    Second Skill: Material Advantage
    Third Skill:

    Here to Help Empty Here to Help

    Post by Believer 4th August 2021, 7:53 am

    Tad had heard that an aging herbalist was looking for assistance, even offering payment so he went to check it out. This was his first time in Hosenka, but he'd been taking advantage of all the spas, which had led to his current shortage of jewels. An easy job helping an old lady was just what Tad had been looking for. He checked the address once more, before knocking on the door.

    "Come in! Hurry, I need some help over here." The herbalist rarely got guests, clearly assuming the knock had been from someone who'd come to help her with her work. She often had helpers come by, so it wasn't out of the ordinary for some of them to be repeat helpers. Tad opened the door slightly, poking his head in. He was instantly impressed with the setting: the house was immense, but more than that, there were plants of all types all over, a lot of natural light coming through numerous skylights, dirt was found covering nearly every inch of the floor, and tomes were scattered throughout the residence. Once he saw the lady, he pushed on inside, reaching her quickly and grabbing the heavy pot from her. "Put it over there," she said, pointing towards a table while turning back to a tome.

    "Sure." Tad wasn't really used to taking instruction from others, but seeing how this woman lived and worked had almost instantly made the young mage respect the aging herbalist. He carried the pot over to the indicated table, placing it there. He turned back to her, a smile on his face. The mage almost wished he had the same sort of passion for something like this herbalist did for her work. He wondered if he should ask for the next instruction or if he should wait, but his hesitation answered the question for him.

    "Yes, mhmm" she mumbled to herself before raising her voice so Tad could hear. "You see the seeds in the blue bowl over there?" she asked, though she didn't wait for a response. "Plant those in that pot, about 8 inches deep and an inch apart. That should be fine. Then, you'll need to water them, naturally."

    Tad looked for the bowl as he continued to listen to the instructions. Once he had the seeds in hand, he grabbed a spade from the table and began shuffling the dirt to the edges of the large pot until he'd dug deep enough. "What kind of seeds are these?" he asked as he continued moving dirt around. He then placed the seeds in the dirt as he awaited the answer.

    The herbalist stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Tad. Most people just did the work that was asked of them, not bothering to ask questions; though she wasn't sure if they usually just weren't interested or if they were worried they wouldn't understand the answer. "Those are magically altered carrot seeds and the dirt is magically imbued. My hope is that a mage can grow a carrot with just a bit of magic, eliminating the need to carry rations."

    Tad finished watering the newly planted seeds, simply nodding his head at the woman's words. This might be more fun than I thought...

    Word Count: 544


      Current date/time is 26th January 2025, 7:32 am