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    Incalculable Destruction

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 27th February 2021, 3:00 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Incalculable Destruction RJtajUnz_o

    So it had finally come to fruition.

    As a native of Bellum, Vandrad was not lost to the bad blood that remained between Pergrande and his home nation. It had been educated into him during his school; of the evil nation that lay to the north east, ready and eager to wipe out magic and its users from the world. There had been a peace, if one could even call it that, between the two nations for some time. It was more of a ceasefire -- an unwillingness to engage in a conflict that would very quickly boil over into an international event. In the meantime, both nations had prospered on their own paths, growing and evolving in manners quite unlike the other. Bellum became a hub of magical power and catering to those that wield it. And Pergrande had continually developed itself without the aid of the supernatural force, crafting technology that could hopefully rival and usurp the strange power.

    But somewhere during their growths, they had each developed traits more similar than different. Vandrad was not lost on the fact that Bellum mistreated those that didn’t harbor magical power, often considering them less than human. Enslavement, abuse and even outright murder had occurred over the nation’s growth as the ancient grudge they held against Pergrande made them apprehensive and violent towards those not dissimilar from the other nation. And Pergrande had been known to round up magic users and treat them in the same manner. It wasn’t something that the prince approved of; ripping someone’s freedom from them just because they were different seemed stupid at the basest of levels. And yet he carried very little power or influence to change that, especially in a nation where the ideology of magic was religious. Strength was strength, whether it came from magic, brawn or technology -- an aspect that Vandrad himself had only begun to understand in recent months.

    Pergrande was still a problem though; it was a nation that sought to destroy the use of magic and spread its influence over the world. For that fact alone it was worth stopping and so when the letter came asking for him to return to Bellum and reenlist against the enemy nation. While he was hesitant to depart in such quick terms, he also understood the importance of his rejoining for the sake of his family’s honor. He imagined even his mother had been contacted because of the event. He informed Fairy Tail and Mercury of his commitment and explained that he would return once the skirmish had come to standstill, the prince hoping he could hurry along such a conclusion. And then he was off, his demeanor dark and already in combat.

    Once he arrived at the forward camp, several things happened quickly. The first thing was that he was granted a promotion -- Cleric of Arcanos. While Vandrad was not a weapon user that usually came with such rank and glory, he had been trained well enough in weaponry to easily show he could stand on par with others. But Bellum wished him to be a force within their number; a beacon of destruction against the impurities of Pergrande’s wicked ways and a hopeful light for the spread of Arcanos, Bellum’s deity. It was an aspect that Vandrad was neutral about, though he spoke no ill will against the divine that supposedly guided the nation. He’d never been much for the blind commitment to deities or even devils, his recent run-ins with others within a different pantheon only furthering besmirching any desire to become spiritual. But to turn down such a promotion would be a poor choice and, as such, he accepted it and all the responsibilities that came with it. After that, he was tasked with heading out onto the snowy tundra where the two nations bordered and wreaking havoc upon the Pergrande forces that were fighting. Bellum’s own mages and soldiers were hunkered down and fighting back but they needed an overwhelming force to join in and turn the tides; the deployment of Clerics and Archpriests were the solution or so it was believed.

    Unlike the other Clerics that were dressed in their full mythril plate, Vandrad had made some alterations to his usual armor set. He’d opted not to bring any of his own tech, for the sake of not confusing or concerning Bellum’s officials with such high quality machinery. Instead, he fabricated some bracers to attach to his gloves and some armor to go over his boots, along with pauldrons that covered his shoulders. Once that was all set, he adorned a heavy blue-black jacket, insulated pants and a light red scarf that was long enough to act almost as a cape. Hopefully it would be enough to keep himself comfortable in the colder conditions. With that he headed out, soaring into the sky and quickly coming upon the battlefield in the mountains.

    The entire area was alive with spells and gunfire, the two nations throwing everything at one another along with other mercenaries that had been hired from both sides. As Vandrad scanned the battlefield, he noticed a small pocket of Bellum troops that were pinned down on a hillside. They were cowering behind the snowy mound and a trio of soldiers were approaching, looking to take them by surprise and mow them down. Growling softly, Vandrad released his magic energy that was allowing him to fly and flipped over himself, now diving straight down towards the ground. Just as the Pergrande soldiers were cresting the hill, down came the prince, slamming into the snowy earth with such force that several soldiers on both sides stopped firing to look at the massive cloud of snow that had been kicked up. For several long seconds, eyes stared at the haze before it started to clear, revealing Vandrad standing only feet in front of the group of soldiers. Realizing that he was no Pergrande backup, the soldiers raised their guns and shot at him, a haze of bullets showering the Bellum native. The slugs slammed into his armor and against his face, his armor denting and bruising but his body unharmed as the metal shrapnel flattened and fell into the snow. As their clips ran dry and they stared, horrified, at the unharmed prince, the magical shielding about his body flickered into existence for only a moment. Vandrad’s eyes narrowed. "My only promise is a quick death.”

    It was the only warning he would give before his magical aura erupted to life, wrapping him up in bright and shining gold. His hair instantly grew long and bulky, sharp spikes poking out among the mass that hung down to the back of his legs. As the Pergrande soldiers quickly tried to reload, Vandrad’s arm rose up and unleashed a pure white blast of magic that ripped through one of the soldiers. It vaporized his gun, his armor and his chest, leaving a gaping hole where his torso should be. As that man fell dead, the prince rushed forward and slammed his hand into the next man’s faceplate, a hefty punch that dented the metal covering. But it also had left an imprint of his knuckles that was still glowing, melting through the helmet and causing the soldier to panic and burn. In his fear and pain, Vandrad was able to wrench the gun from his grip and throw it at the remaining soldier, the unloaded gun hitting him hard enough to cause him to stumble back. Vandrad then grabbed the branded man and threw him into the dazed soldier, spinning him by his arm and tossing him against his comrade. Both of them flew back together, crashing into the ground and then the burning brand ignited and exploded, swallowing them up in the deadly magical flames that erupted.

    One group down but, as he scanned the battlefield and saw soldiers now remounting their efforts after their initial shock, there was still many more to bring low before this battle was over.

    Words: 1332  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Tsubasa Kageyama | © marzia at shine & gs.

    Last edited by Vandrad Ragnos on 27th February 2021, 7:41 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Posts : 807
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 27th February 2021, 3:01 pm

    Rolling for Vandrad's enemies.



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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by NPC 27th February 2021, 3:01 pm

    The member 'Vandrad Ragnos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Incalculable Destruction PzArA86 Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction R2fEWNz Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction NXDHjfc Incalculable Destruction PzArA86 Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 27th February 2021, 5:04 pm

    Rolling for Mercury's new playmates.



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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by NPC 27th February 2021, 5:04 pm

    The member 'Mercury Arseneault' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Incalculable Destruction R2fEWNz Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction NXDHjfc Incalculable Destruction R2fEWNz Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction NXDHjfc Incalculable Destruction R2fEWNz Incalculable Destruction R2fEWNz Incalculable Destruction R2fEWNz Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh
    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 28th February 2021, 1:52 am

    Rollin' for baddies! Lemme at 'em!


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.

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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by NPC 28th February 2021, 1:52 am

    The member 'Tsubasa Kageyama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction NXDHjfc Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction NXDHjfc Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction R2fEWNz Incalculable Destruction OdAaNwh Incalculable Destruction NXDHjfc
    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 23rd March 2021, 6:34 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury was aware of the vague history between Bellum and Pergrande, of course. She had done her research on Bellum not long after finding out that Vandrad hailed from the country, back during the golden age when the two of them were more frenemies than anything else. Her digging into Bellum and it’s evolution over the years had yielded plenty of results involving their sordid past with the neighboring nation, so she had certainly put a few things together pretty quickly. But in truth, her interest in the politics between the two nations hadn’t gone very far, as everything seemed to be at a stand still, if a tense one. She had assumed -- wrongly, it seemed -- that she would never have to experience a fall out between them because it seemed more likely that other events would transpire first.

    So it was a rather delightful surprise when her iLac beeped lightly and she picked it up, viewing a message from her princely companion informing her that skirmishes were breaking out along the border and he was deploying himself to go participate in an effort to protect his home country. Was it a little insulting that he hadn’t invited her to assist him? Maybe. But then again, Vandrad knew well enough by now that he didn’t always have to invite Mercury anywhere. If she wanted to go, she would be there, and he was probably already assuming that she would find a way to show up. Which was exactly what she was planning on doing, naturally.

    Wrapping her current project up to a stopping point, Mercury notified the present members of the Scholar branch that she was going to be gone for a while to see to an emergency that had come up. Then, she hurried up to her room at the guild. Despite owning a home in Bellum now where she primarily lived, she still utilized the room at the guild and maintained the impression that she lived there. Afterall, no one needed to know about any extraneous residences she owned. Once inside, she quickly changed out of her jumpsuit and into her stealth attire, which she hadn’t worn in some time. Ensuring that she had Mercy strapped to her hip and her new toy ready to summon, she dialed the coordinates into her translocator ray to near where Vandrad had gone. She wouldn’t be able to get his exact location, of course, but even if she could she would have teleported herself a bit outside the combat zone anyway. While Mercury was perfectly fine with the bold bluster of storming down a castle Vandrad style, there was no denying that she was far more deadly when working under the radar, and if this really was a situation verging on the resurgence of a war… well, she wanted to be at the top of her game.

    So she popped into existence a ways outside of his location, able to hear the ringing of battle through the trees though much of it was muffled by the snow. Bandit flew out into the area just before the portal shut, cawing loudly and circling her a couple times before landing on a branch to wait. Mercury adjusted a setting on her suit that kicked in a camouflaging field that bent light around her in such a way as to render her invisible.With that set, she rushed toward the battlezone, the sensors in her internal HUD alerting her to the locations of all the bodies ahead of her until she was close enough that she felt it prudent to slow down to take stock of the situation. All around her, Pergrande soldiers were engaged with a number of mages, many of whom sported Bellum attire while others appeared to be allies of the nation. No one paid her any mind, unable to see or sense the woman where she lingered and scanned the battlefield.

    A bright white blast drew her attention away to a different part of the skirmish, and she knew without a doubt that it had originated from Vandrad. She couldn’t sense his magic the same way that others from Earthland did, but she did recognize it. Smirking, knowing that he would be fine, she focused on her immediate surroundings for now. There was a great deal of havoc she could wreak before revealing herself, and that was exactly what she intended on doing. Moving through the snow, she covered most of her tracks by keeping to ones that had already been put down -- not that anyone would likely notice a new set being tread among the chaos. Everyone was far too busy fighting for their lives against one another, but the battlefield was not a place to get lazy and make assumptions. Every once in a while she stopped and quickly buried small devices under the snow before moving on, moving in the general direction of her partner.

    In the meantime, Vandrad would find a familiar looking crow flapping down near where he was fighting. Well, the crow itself wouldn’t necessarily look familiar, as Bandit didn’t really stand out from any others of his brethren. However, the fact that there was any kind of bird bold enough to linger in the area, and to land as close as it had to Vandrad, would be a sure enough sign to the prince that he could reasonably deduce that Mercury had arrived, even if she hadn’t made a grand entrance for once in her lif-

    A massive explosion rocked the ground a little ways over, sending a number of Pergrande soldiers flying. Given the confusion on the faces of the Bellum agents and their allies, it was obvious none of them recognized the attack as anything from their own ordinance or that of the powers of those who filled their ranks, yet it was attacking their enemy all the same. As if complaining about the noise, Bandit tilted his head in the general direction of the epicenter, flapping his wings to regain his balance against the miniature wave of explosive wind that had blasted out from it and squawking in complaint.

    WORDS: 1021/1021 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair

    Last edited by Mercury Arseneault on 28th March 2021, 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Posts : 807
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 27th March 2021, 8:00 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Incalculable Destruction RJtajUnz_o

    To say that there were a lot of Pergrande soldiers infesting the field would put it lightly. It seemed Vandrad had stumbled upon a rather immense group, right in the middle of a firefight with the defending Bellum fighters. The prince had taken a brief moment to scan the field as quickly as possible, getting an idea of what he was up against. His knowledge about Pergrande and it’s ranks was, to put it lightly, expert-level. It needed to be, when the magic-hating nation was sitting right across the border from his home. It had been one of the first things drilled into his head during his upbringing and then revisited once he joined the army. He needed to know the armor craftsmanship of each soldier, so that he knew who was a primary target. It also helped soldiers understand who they could or couldn’t stand up against.

    Of course that didn’t matter to Vandrad. As far as he was concerned, the Emperor himself was well within his reach, if it got to that point.

    The first group of soldiers he had run into were lower ranks; grunts that had most likely been noticed by the officers as potential recruits into the upper ranks. Clearly they had overestimated them, given the scorched, sizzling bodies of all three now covered the ground. The perfect white snow was not tainted with the ashy outline from the magical explosions and the bloody runoff from the first soldier that hadn’t been almost completely vaporized. Empowered to his golden form, Vandrad’s eyes snapped to the field now too far away, where four officers were setting up positions to attack him. His aura flared out once more as he shot into the air, his golden covered form bright against the gray backdrop of the sky. The weapons let loose, riddling bullets into the air around him as he soared, Vandrad having to angle his body to and fro to avoid the whizzing metal. He swung down low to the ground, his body practically skidding across the snow. Due to his rate of movement, the snow was ripped from its resting place, creating a cloud of white power behind him. The bullets continued to plunge through the air behind and around him, a few accurate shots managing to connect on his limbs but finding no viable means of penetrating his flesh. His magical shield was still up, preventing any sharpshooters from taking him out easily.

    He swung around a rock and soared back into the cloud of snow he had made, disappearing in an instant. The officers continued to fire but their aim was completely gone, the four Pergrande natives now just shooting and hoping to make some kind of connection. Vandrad came exploding out from the smoke in front of them, above where their rifles were aimed. Magical energy pooled into his palm as he thrust it down towards them, a globe of magic rushing down at the group. Having the wherewithal to move, the four soldiers dove in opposite directions, all of them managing to avoid the explosion that followed the impact. But it also separated them, creating a pillar of smoke between the now two groups. It also provided Vandrad with the perfect opening to teleport one of the soldiers as he was rising to his feet, the prince’s arm glowing with energy. He punched into and through the man’s chest, his magic so heavily coating his arm that it dug through armor, flesh and bone. The soldier gasped in pain as he looked down at the fist sticking out from his chest, Vandrad’s magic so intense that it instantly cauterized the wound.

    The prince wrenched his arm out from the dying man, and grabbed him by the collar as the other officer whirled his gun up and started shooting. Bullets sunk into the armor of the impaled officer, some of the damage kept to the surface but several shots breaking through and burying into the Pergrande man’s flesh. Vandrad held the body until he heard the gun click out of ammo and then he tossed the man aside, launching himself at the other officer. The man managed to get his clip into his gun and was bringing it around to shoot once more but Vandrad broke into a slide that brought him right up to the man’s legs. He kicked him in the knees, causing his legs to bend backwards in a way that they weren’t physically made to. As the man cried out in agony, Vandrad launched his entire body up and headbutted the visor of the soldier’s helmet, shattering it. Then he twisted his entire body, delivering an uppercut into the jaw of the man but with magic once more rushing through his veins. The buffered attack was so strong that it punched not only the helmet off of the soldier’s shoulders but his entire head, leaving the headless torso to stand on its feet for a moment longer before it collapsed onto the ground.

    No doubt the other officers were rushing over to offer assistance.Vandrad thrust his hand in that direction, funneling his own magic through the ground where the other two officers would be approaching. He waited until they burst through the smoke before his hand swung up, pointing towards the sky above. The ground exploded upwards in a funnel of magic, swallowing up the two men as they struggled against the intense heat. Somehow they had managed to survive, though their armor was worn down to nothing and their flesh was charred, a bubbling mess clear as day through the holes in the protective covering. Vandrad already had his next attack lined up, magic forming in his palm before he launched it up into the air above the struggling officers. Down came a cascade of magic bullets, exploding as they hit everything and anything below them. The Pergrande soldiers had no time to prepare or defend themselves, their injured bodies dealt killing blows by the second attack.

    Before Vandrad could start moving, he heard the odd cry of a crow. Given their location in the mountains, it was highly unlikely that a crow had managed to get itself lost and wind up here, especially in the middle of such an intense firefight. The only answer, and one he was hardly surprised to conclude to, was that it was Bandit. That meant that Mercury had found her way to his location and it was only a moment later that a massive explosion ripped the ground and the Pergrande line to shreds. Clearly she had decided to make an entrance, most likely to protest that he hadn’t gone out of his way to invite her himself. Vandrad shook his head, barely suppressing the amused smirk on his face as his eyes caught sight of more officers gathering on the hillside. He snorted in annoyance before he shot himself back into the air, prepaying for the next attack.

    Words: 1158/2490  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | 1 Weak, 2 Normal Defeated © marzia at shine & gs.

    Last edited by Vandrad Ragnos on 3rd April 2021, 5:14 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 28th March 2021, 6:13 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury cackled as snow and mud flung in a thousand directions, accompanied by several men and women in Pergrande attire as they came into contact with one of the many remote mines she had placed around the field. The ensuing chaos was delightful as everyone suddenly realized they had to be very careful about where they stepped. None of them seemed to have caught on yet to the fact that there was an interloper in their midst, no one so far having any sort of abilities that allowed them to perceive her through her invisibility. As such, she elected to make proper use of the advantage while she held it.

    Withdrawing Mercy from its holster, she flicked it into sword form and rushed up behind an unsuspecting Pergrande recruit that was busy trying to fire bullets into some of the other Bellum mages present. Everyone, including the mages, stared in shock as a sudden gaping wound appeared in the man’s chest, his blood seeming to drip down the edge of an invisible blade before it was ripped out of his body, the man collapsing into the snow that was quickly being saturated with crimson ichor. Mercury flicked the crimson fluid off the blade and took off, a wicked smirk on her face that no one could see as the Pergrande soldiers in the area began to frantically look around for an enemy they couldn’t see with their eyes. The only thing that kept them from firing randomly into the air was the fear of accidentally hurting their own comrades, a weakness that Mercury was more than happy to exploit.

    She dashed from person to person in quick succession, aiming her weapon in key locations where there were gaps in their armoring. A sliced artery here, a severed jugular there… While Pergrande was certainly known for its warfare and ability to stand up to mages without the use of magic, it was obvious that these recruits were… well, just that: recruits. Their guns and armor were certainly decent, but outside of being able to spray an number of bullets so vast that anyone could have hit something given the odds, they really had very little by way of protection, particularly against her own highly advanced tech that may as well have been magic to the citizens of Earthland.

    Rushing past a particularly spooked recruit, they stumbled backward and swung their rifle around, peppering the area blindly with his gun in the hopes of getting lucky with hitting her. Instead, he rather unluckily stepped back onto another one of her mines that she had set down earlier, causing another violent explosion to rip through the countryside, swallowing up the man and several of his comrades. Using the cloud of dirt and debris as cover, she swapped Mercy into its gun setting and loosed some blasts of her own, the high powered charges rocketing at several recruits and slamming into them so hard that they were knocked off their feet and sent flying backward a number of meters. Mercury would continue to move, knowing her best strategy was to stay a non-stationary, unseen target. Every time she came past a grounded soldier that was recovering from a previous attack she would mercilessly fire another round into them for the double tap, making sure they were dead and down for the count before carrying on, and when all was said and done she had a headcount of fifteen recruits.

    I suppose it’s time to catch up with daddio, she thought to herself, locating where the prince was currently hovering in the air in preparation to attack a fresh group of soldiers. Whipping out her hoverdisc, which was cloaked in a steal field much like her body was, she hopped on and flew straight for the group, aiming to get in a few more surprise hits while they were distracted with the prince. As she got closer, however, she picked up on something peculiar. Many of them were turning, seemingly in her direction. Could they see her? She narrowed her gaze even as a couple of them suddenly lifted their rifles in her direction and Mercury made a last minute, lightning fast adjustment to her course, recalculating her trajectory and putting herself on the defense to out run the line of bullets that trailed after her.

    Diving from the hoverdisc, she rolled through the snow and into a ready crouch, having positioned herself so that the officers firing at her would have to risk shooting at their own allies in order to hit her. Still, the officers regrouped quickly, moving to adjust themselves so they could try to keep an eye on both parties. Figuring she no longer had the element of surprise anyway, Mercury dropped her cloaking field, revealing a tight fitting, stealth suit in black and navy colors that had a number of utility pouches attached to her hips and thighs, A somewhat looser jacket made of a thick, pink material clung to her chest and biceps, and she smirked at the officers with her usual careless attitude. “You know, stealth fields aren’t nearly as much fun when you have heads-up displays that can pinpoint my location anyway.”

    Twirling her pistol around on a fingertip, she glanced up at Vandrad in the air and gave him a shit eating grin over her sunglasses. “Hey there, daddy. Anyone ever tell you it’s rude to go to war without inviting your very best friend in the whole wide world? Only imagine how hurt my feelings are. You’re lucky I installed that tracki-- actually you know what, nevermind about that. So what’s the plan here? We taking prisoners or just enjoying a good, old fashioned free for all?” A couple of the officers nearest to her opened fire rather than wait to give them time to chat. Hardening the subsurface of her skin, Mercury crossed her arms in front of her face and tanked the damage, letting the metal bullets impact with her body enough to slide her back a couple feet in the snow, but not enough to pierce her own metallic flesh. As the spray of bullets ran out and there was a temporary reprieve, they could only watch in horror as the bullets dropped off her body seemingly harmlessly, the secret slayer highly resistant to the metal. She casually caught a few of the bullets in her free hand as they fell, crushing them together until they formed a single ball of fused metal that she gently rolled around in her hand.

    “Do you mind? I’m trying to have a conversation, here.”

    WORDS: 1099/2120 | @Vandrad Ragnos

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Posts : 807
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 3rd April 2021, 2:02 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Incalculable Destruction RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad came scorching down to the ground, his aura ablaze. He slammed into the mountaintop with such destructive force that the snow exploded up in a wave of white, following after by muddy dirt that had been festering beneath the cold. The officers that had been gathering on the ground were thrown every which way, a circle of Pergrande soldiers mixing in with the brown and white as the prince, half-kneeling, began to rise. His magic shot out of his hand at one of the soldiers while he was still in the air, blowing a sizzling hole through one of the officers. He repeated the same motion with his other hand, this time vaporizing the helmet and head of another officer as he started to fall to the ground.

    As everything came to settle, the officers managed to land on their feet and take aim at Vandrad. Bullets burst from their weapons, shooting out to try and riddle the prince with bloody, life-ending holes. The shrapnel certainly found purchase but only on the defensive film that covered his entire body. There Vandrad stood as the bullets rippled across his defense spell, cold teal eyes staring out at each Pergrande soldier. As he withstood the synchronized attack, he reached into two of the bags on his belt, sliding it in and pulling out a small disc, around the size of a coin, from each pouch. He pressed down on the devices with his thumbs and they lit up, quickly gaining size and shape as he tossed them into the air above him. The discs unfolded and became two matching blades, the weapons that Mercury had gifted him for Christmas. They spun through the air as they descended, their journeys stopped only by Vandrad grabbing the handles and pulling the swords to him.

    He brought them together, the weapons clicking together. The storm of bullets came to a stop as the Pergrande officers ran out their clip, each one of them dropping the empty case and grabbing a new one. As one of them managed to fully reload their weapon and leveled it to take another shot, a long string, looking similar to an arrow, shot up into his helmet. It pierced the armor easily, the end bursting out from the backside of the helmet and sizzling loudly. The officer’s head jerked back and his entire body followed as he dropped into the snow as Vandrad stood, now wielding a bow made up of his swords. As he drew back the magical strong, composed of his magic, he took aim at the next officer and unleashed another arrow, sending it soaring through the air. It broke through the chestpiece of the officer, piercing him in the heart and bringing his life to a quick end as he toppled to the ground.

    The prince managed to teleport just in time as another slew of bullets came storming at him. He reappeared behind the two remaining officers, unhooking the bow and transforming them back into swords. One of them he threw at the back of one of the officers, the weapon piercing through the back shoulder and causing the Pergrande soldier to stumble forward and cry out in pain. The other continued to change, turning itself around as Vandrad changed his grip on it. He dashed in towards the remaining officer, who was now turning to face him. With the blade now a tonfa, he swiped it across the stomach and chestpiece of the officer, rending his armor with gouges and biting into the flesh beneath. He twisted around and brought his arm up, almost like he was going for an elbow strike. But instead the tip of his blade punctured on the chin area of the helmet, piercing the head protected beneath as well. Vandrad drove it deep inside and then withdrew it, bringing forth a waterfall of blood as he pushed himself back. His blade was glistening with the crimson plasma, the prince taking a moment to swipe his arm and send a wave of blood to splash down on the snow beneath. Removing himself from the proximity of the dying officer, he ran over to the last remaining officer, who was still trying to function with a sword impaled through their shoulder. Vandrad flipped over them, grabbing the hilt of the already impaled sword while also swinging the other tonfa as it transformed back into a sword. The whirling prince managed to pull out the sword while also simultaneously divorcing the officer’s head from his shoulders, leaving another bloody mess.

    As he finished up that group, he glanced down at Mercury, who had now decided to reveal herself to all who could see. Dressed in a tightfitting suit that somehow was both stealthy and attention grabbing, she called up to him, relaying her grief that he’d gone to war without her. In an instant, the prince teleported from his spot and reappeared beside her, slightly facing away as he transformed his swords once more into their holding discs and placed them back in his pouches. "What are you talking about, woman?” he asked with a snort as he glanced over his shoulder at her. "I told you where I was going and what was happening. That’s about as much invitation as I’ve ever given you. Perhaps you could appreciate that I’m being so thoughtful.” He watched humorously as a group of soldiers shot at Mercury, her body tanking the damage with little impact. Once the attack was finished, the Silver Wolf mage let the shrapnel fall off of her form and into her hand, where she morphed their bullets into one large ball. "If you leave anyone alive, they’ll just keep up the attack. Best to end this quickly. Pergrande is hardly taking this seriously. They have officers deployed along with recruits. If they were serious, they would…”

    Vandrad’s words fell from his mouth as his eyes caught movement off to his left. Something was zipping along the hillside, moving swiftly towards them. He barely had time to throw up his arms in front of him when a new soldier appeared in front of him, thrusting her sword at him. There was far more force than he was expecting, the blow sending Vandrad flying backwards at extreme speeds. He crashed into a mountainside, causing the entire earthy growth to shake as he broke a large chunk out of its body. The swiftly moving attacker followed through with the same attack motion, trying to once more hit without giving Vandrad a chance to rally. Unfortunately the prince expected a follow through and just barely managed to avoid the attack long enough to twist his body and deliver a hard hitting punch to the woman’s stomach. It sent her back a few yards before her heels caught the ground.

    An Imperial guard; there was no denying from her armor what she was. So the Pergrande army had sent someone of worth into the battle then. They had kicked the nest a bit harder than he expected. Vandrad glanced down at his arms, cut open and bleeding into the snow. Already his magic was working to fix the damage, the wounds starting to knit themselves back together. Smirking, the air around the prince shifted and his aura flared up, melting into a bright red. His hair shrunk back down to its normal state and took on the bloody hue as well. "That’s more like it,” he said quickly before he pushed off of the crater he’d created, launching himself at the new opponent.

    Words: 1259/3749  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | 1 Weak, 5 Normal Defeated © marzia at shine & gs.

    Last edited by Vandrad Ragnos on 3rd April 2021, 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 3rd April 2021, 5:05 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    “What? I can’t be appreciative of you in public. All these soon to be corpses might get the wrong idea.”

    Mercury grinned over at him briefly before the officers let their attacks loose and she had to take a moment to focus on the steady rain of bullets coming her way. Thankfully, the metal material of their ammunition was hardly something that was going to cause much damage to her. If anything, they had just offered her a magic booster -- not that they knew that, of course. Giving them a playful chastisement, she slipped the orb into one of her pouches for later, just in case, even as the prince informed her that leaving anyone alive was just going to result in more work for them later. He was in the middle of surmising that Pergrande wasn’t taking the scrimmage very seriously, given the low level status of the soldiers present, when movement from the left caught both of their attention. Something was coming at them, and very quickly.

    The Silver Wolf mage tracked the incoming enemy with her own internal HUD, her computerized brain calculating their course in a flash as they made a beeline straight for what was arguably the biggest -- if not necessarily the tallest -- Bellum mage in the area. Before either of them could do so much as shift stances, Vandrad got sent flying back and away, violently colliding with the side of the mountain hard enough to release a mighty tremor through the area. Mercury considered the situation briefly, trying to decide if she should get involved… but frankly, Vandrad would just complain and grumble about her getting in the way of his fun. So instead, she shrugged and casually turned back to the six officers before her. “Now then, where was I? Oh yes.”

    A dark smirk crossed her face, one that bordered unnervingly close to being sociopathic as she considered the group before her, a predator taking pleasure in the sight of its prey before her. No survivors.

    Her body began crackling with small jolts of prismatic electricity, the multicolored energy leaping from place to place along her form in tiny bursts of high powered shocks. By now the officers had all reloaded their guns and were ready, once again wasting no time in unloading the clips at her despite the fact that they had done little previously. This time, rather than tank them, she shot forward with blinding speed due to the boosts in the prototype subdermal chips she had recently made and installed into her chassis. In fact, her speed wasn’t the only thing being boosted. In a blink she was beside one of the officers, her hand wrapping around the barrel of his rifle and crushing it easily in her grip, the metal giving way to her control of it without question. She couldn’t see the man’s expression beneath his visor but she liked to imagine that it was ripe with shock as she used her hold on the weapon strapped around his shoulder to yank him toward her. The electricity around her zipped along her form until it could coalesce around her freehand, supercharging the limb enough that when she punched him square in his gut it sent a fatally high voltage of energy through his body. He twitched and squirmed so violently that his body practically lifted into the air before he fell to the ground, his body twisting and spasming like an epileptic in the midst of a seizure, despite the fact that he was quite dead.

    The remaining five unloaded what was left of their clips, Mercury grimacing as the bullets made contact upon her body. Yet, between her physiology and the nature of her slayer magic, what might have been absurdly fatal to anyone else had little effect on her. Oh there was certainly some damage, and the attacks didn’t land without pain, but it wasn’t as effective as they probably were hoping. The ammo smacked against her hardened flesh, their heads flattening to a stop where they stuck in place momentarily. Breathing in deep, Mercury focused and the officers could only watch in horror as the metal studs slowly sank into her body, the slayer absorbing the bullets and combining the metal with that which made up her own body, allowing it to turn around and recharge her energy. A burst of prismacolored light exploded from her body, briefly turning her into a miniature sun. While it did nothing to blind them as their helmets protected their eyes from the brightness of the energy, the heat was more than enough to instantly melt the snow in a wide swath around them, leaving nothing but the cold, hard ground beneath their feet as the light died down and disappeared. “Thanks for the snack,” she taunted as they once more scrambled to reload their weapons, the empty clips dropping to the ground as they worked on snapping new ones in place.

    Putting herself back on the move, Mercury raced in patternless circles between them, keeping herself on the run and forcing them to keep up with her heightened speed, preferably without firing upon one of their own comrades by accident. With each step she took, she subtly released a bit of oil into the ground through her feet, the greasy substance soaking into the surface of the dirt. Approaching the first officer, she moved herself up close and personal where it would be difficult for him to properly aim his rifle, unloading what appeared to be a great number of mundane strikes at his body with her fists. However, much like she had been doing as she ran, each time her punches made contact with his body she released a bit of oil with her magic, targeting his clothing until it was sufficiently saturated with the grease. Then, she moved on to the next officer, and the next, doing the same to each until all five of them were in the same predicament.

    It wasn’t a flawless strategy, of course. Each officer had plenty of chances to riddle her with more bullets, which seemed to be the only real method of attack they had -- one that they continued to utilize in the hopes that if they just kept firing at her then maybe the bullets would finally start to do some real damage. To their credit, they did deal some pain. While she had a heavy resistance to metal and her defenses were up thanks to her magic, it didn’t make her fully bullet-proof. Instead, she relied on her speed to try and keep ahead of most of the projectiles, as well as the light from the sun to continuously rejuvenate her each time they managed to inflict a wound upon her. Finally, when she had managed to coat each of them in a thin film of her oil, she came to a stop in the center of them. With a cruel, exceptionally cocky smirk, Mercury raised a hand to the air and snapped her fingers.

    Lightning jumped from her fingertips and down into the ground, instantly igniting the flammable grease and lightning it on fire. The flames spread in an instant, not just along the ground but also jumping up into their saturated armor, causing each of them to catch fire too. The remaining men and women screamed in agony as the flames ate away at their armor and then their flesh, dropping their weapons in an effort to try and rip their clothes off or drop to the ground to roll and put it out. It was no use. The immediate area was an inferno at this point, and everywhere they could turn to go there was only more flames that awaited them. Mercury’s hoverdisc flew by at her wireless discretion and she leaped onto it, soaring up into the air to watch the carnage from above with a look of sick satisfaction, their agonized shrieks piercing the sky and reverberating through the mountains. She only looked away when her internal sensors picked up more movement as before, two individuals moving with greatly enhanced speed that she wouldn’t have been able to track without her HUD and her genetics.

    But this time, they were coming at her.

    WORDS: 1377/3497 | @Vandrad Ragnos

    ENEMIES DEFEATED: Weak x5, Normal x3
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 3rd April 2021, 5:54 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Incalculable Destruction RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad came soaring in at the Imperial guard, she swung her sword at him in an attempt to take him off guard. The prince was quick to arc his body away from the swing, his magic giving him complete maneuverability in the air. As such, he used the momentum from his altered flight path to bend his body and let loose a kick at the soldier’s neck, a hit that set her off balance for only a moment before adjusting. His strike hadn’t ripped through her armor or flesh as easily as the others but that was hardly a surprise. It was well understood that Pergrande had outfitted their elite soldiers with armor that had been enhanced by Oblivium. The insufferably strong metal was durable not only against other means of damage but magical ones as well. She would be a tough takedown.

    But that made it more fun then, didn’t it? The Imperial guard teleported away from him, her body fragmenting into pieces as she rushed to a different spot. His senses already working to the maximum, it was not hard to feel her as she rematerialized and dashed in at him with another sword strike. Pivoting in the air once more, Vandrad ducked under the slash and thrust his hands forward, unleashing a barrage of magical blasts directly into her chest. The consecutive explosions pushed her back several steps, her armor protecting her from most of the damage but certainly not all of it. She managed to dip back into her psychic abilities and rip herself from the crosshairs, teleporting once more.

    She had to have a limit to how many times she could zip around. He just needed to wear her out. She came back into form off to his side and Vandrad spun, hocking a ball of magic at her in an attempt to get her to flee. Instead she cut through it, literally ripping her sword through the heart of the blast and rending it into two pieces before it exploded behind her. She rushed at him once more, her sword swinging into position. Opting to meet her, Vandrad charged in response, fueling magic into his limbs. Each one came dangerously close to the other before the prince finally threw a punch at her. This time it was her that ducked it and swung her sword horizontally, looking to cleave him in two. His armor and magic barrier took the brunt of the damage but she carried through, using her strength to keep on pushing. Focusing all of his magic on the shield granted her the opportunity to lift him from his feet and send him flying once more, this time depositing him on the nearby hillside.

    She’d managed to draw blood once more, having ripped into his side. Vandrad got himself to his feet as two other officers came running in at him, wanting to take advantage of the situation. They were quickly surprised when Vandrad unleashed a volley of magical spikes from below them, piercing their bodies and ending any attempt at them interrupting. The prince glanced down the hill to see the guard charging at him, sword once more in position. But it was a different stance; one where it looked like she was preparing to stab him. She was preparing to teleport again. Magic funneled into his arm as he turned to face her, staring her down up until she disappeared. Just as she reappeared in front of him, he teleported as well, only a few inches but enough to take him forward and out of stabbing distance. The result was him putting himself right before her, arm cocked and swinging forward as they both fully materialized.

    This time the fully powered limb managed to break through her chestplate. His fist drove through metal, flesh and bone and emerged from the other side of her body, a bloody stump sticking out of her back. The woman was gasping and gurgling, blood building up and bubbling up in her throat. Growling, Vandrad wrenched his arm back out of the open wound he’d created, stepping back and away from her as she stumbled forward. She had just enough life in her to look at him with fury and dismay before she toppled to the ground, bleeding over the pristine snow like so many of her comrades.

    His senses told him of two more enemies; no doubt more officers rushing in. Vandrad summoned another globe of magic in his hand and then turned, hurling it at the pair walking towards him. The ball split into two and came rushing in at the two new enemies… only to fizzle out and fade into particles. Vandrad’s eyes widened a tad in surprise as he actually took in the sight of the two different soldiers. A man and a woman in armored robes, plates of metal adorning their limbs. There was no denying it; these were two Imperial Paladins. They looked to be of the lower ranks, perhaps privates, but that mattered very little. Any Paladin was dangerous, even ones that had just started out.

    Well if that’s how they wanted to play it. Vandrad relaxed himself for a brief moment as the two Paladins continued to walk towards him calmly. Focusing inward, the prince drew from the deep pool of fiery rage that lay within. But rather than utilizing the mark like he had done so many times before, he went a different route. It started on his arms; flames of black-purple started to spark to life around his wrists and started to spread up his limbs. A similar flare up appeared on his legs and started to overwhelm his extremities. In a sudden burst, his entire body was engulfed in the flames. A metal plate swam up to the surface over where Vandrad’s face used to be, a mask adorned with eye slots as well. The new transformation didn’t seem to catch the Paladins by surprise but it did prompt them to start running at him, now prepared to take down the unholy creature before them.

    The transformed prince’s muscles flexed and a billow of deadly magic exploded out from him in a vaporous cloud. The dreadether seeped into the air around him, even as the Paladins charged in and through it. There was no immediate reaction, even as they launched their attacks at him. Vandrad’s body reflexively moved to block the first strikes and then countered. What followed was a battle of physical strikes being thrown back and forth at one another; the Paladins trying to overwhelm the transformed prince while the latter sought to undo their advantage. Bits and pieces of Vandrad’s transformative state were dealt damage, nearly dissolving from damage but were quickly replaced. The Paladin’s own armors were beaten and dented over and over, the full Oblivium protection holding out but not preventing full damage.

    Things finally took a turn as the cloud around Vandrad and the Paladins started to take effect. The two Pergrande soldiers found their movements slowing, their lungs tightening and their muscles starting to weaken. Soon enough they were coughing, blood spattering their hands and the ground below them as their bodies felt the effects of the dreadether. The first Paladin to fall was so caught in trying to catch his breath, he never saw the magic scythe form as it swung down and split his body in two. The remaining Paladin fought back as hard as she could but was soon knocked into the air and there, defenseless, Vandrad’s scythe once more found its mark as it sliced her head from its neck.

    As the bodies came to rest on the floor, Vandrad deactivated the cloud of magical essence, as well as his transformation. The flames settled down, revealing Vandrad breathing heavily, with several bruises and cuts along his form from the battle. Taking a quick look around to make sure no one else was going to attack him, he glanced down to see how Mercury was faring.

    Words: 1332/5081  | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | All enemies defeated © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 694
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    Experience : 7,126,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Incalculable Destruction Empty Re: Incalculable Destruction

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 3rd April 2021, 10:40 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury was already more than aware of how quickly these particular Pergrandians could move, having already witnessed one get the drop on Vandrad earlier. There was no mistaking that these two coming at her now were the same class of soldier, either, as her HUD was calculating the method of their approach, analyzing it in milliseconds and comparing it to that of the previous guard to find them a match. They had clearly had similar training. She hadn’t really gotten to watch any of Vandrad’s fight, having been too preoccupied setting the officers -- and a good portion of the surrounding mountainside -- on fire, but she had seen the one thing that would likely matter most: their speed, and the way they practically teleported when rushing an opponent. And luckily for Mercury, she was well used to that strategy of attack thanks to countless fights against Vandrad, who often pulled similar moves.

    Standing on her hoverdisc, she watched and waited, letting her head run the numbers and configure the most likely outcome for her without really having to actively think about it. When the numbers hit the right spot, she leaned heavily back as if to fall backward off her hoverdisc. The sound of air being sliced rang out just over her face as a large sword swished in a horizontal arc where she had just been standing, the guard practically popping into existence over her even as she fell right out of the line of the strike. Mercury flipped heels over head in the air to right herself, sending her hoverdisc flying with the flick of a wrist and taking the guard along with it while she landed on the ground in a steady crouch just in time for the second guard to make their strike. It was a well executed combination move, the first forcing her into movement while the second responded in kind to her reaction. Using the speed enhancing chip installed in her body to boost the momentum she already had from her fall, she rolled to the side and out of the way once more of the incoming strike, the dirt spraying into the air where she had just been as the man’s sword practically cleaved a small fissure in the ground.

    Mercury reacted by supercharging her foot with lightning and coming out of her roll with a spin, torquing her body around to kick him with all her might. He managed to turn just in time to partially block the strike with one of his arms, sending him skidding across the ground where further trenches were dug through the muddied dirt. Yet, the strike didn’t quite have the effect she’d wanted. Tilting her head, the smirk on her face was replaced with a studious and calculating look, her electricity rippling over his body for a brief couple seconds before fading out of existence. The man looked like he had barely been touched by it, straightening out and shaking off the effect like she’d done little more than toss a blanket of dust on him. In truth, she shouldn’t have been surprised. Everything she had learned about Pergrande since coming to Earthland was how much they utterly despised magic and the people who used it, so it made sense that they would have equipment that would be effective against magic. Did that mean that the majority of her magic would be next to useless against these foes? Or just certain types of magic?

    Best to play it safe. The last thing she needed to do was be overconfident. Luckily, Mercury was far more versatile as a non-magic user, given that she had spent nearly her entire life up until recently not even knowing that magic existed. Going back to her roots, she withdrew Mercy from its holster, the oversized pistol snapping out to lock into its bladed form. The man came at her again and they traded several blows, the air ringing with the sound of metal against metal as the two swords scraped and clapped against one another. Knowing it was only a matter of time before he tried to get the drop on her with another teleport, Mercury watched his body language carefully, her internal sensors closely monitoring the pattern of his strikes and body movement until the pattern broke. Without even thinking about it, Mercy’s blade recoiled to set itself into gun mode once more, following the man’s hyper speed with her lightning fast sensors and bringing the gun up just in time to fire off a protective round.

    The man’s sword met the green plasma shield and reverberated off of it. She could tell by the way he stumbled backward that he had not expected the energy to stop his attack, and as the plasma fizzled out of existence he took a moment to reconsider her much like she had done with him mere moments ago. “That was not magic,” he stated, almost academically.

    Mercury shrugged, her smirk returning. “Magic is pretty and all. It certainly has its uses.” Mercy snapped back into sword mode, even as she put herself in a ready position. “But I’m a woman of science at heart… and not all energy is magic.” She leaped back into the fray before he could respond or react, hoping to take the advantage in the offensive. And for a while, it certainly did seem like she was keeping him pushed back. Unfortunately, by the time she realized that he was almost too easily being pushed around, it was too late. Her internal sensors screamed their warning about the incoming attack as the second guard damn near materialized next to her, having recovered from the little trip Mercury had sent her on with her hoverdisc. Mercury knew she wouldn’t be able to fully evade the blow in time, so she spun in an attempt to block the blow, focusing her magic on boosting the fuck out of her defenses and hardening her flesh so the blow wouldn’t outright impale her.

    And while she had certainly managed to keep herself from being skewered like a shishkabob, her magical defense wasn’t nearly enough to deal with the blow. The Xocili grimaced as a spray of her blood splattered upon the snow, turning it black with the oil that served as her life force. The wound upon her shoulder was thankfully shallow, if rather large. The dark grease oozed down her arm and trickled down, continuing to mar the once pristine gathering of frozen flakes upon the ground. The tiny wires that served as her veins sparked and flickered with miniature bolts of electricity, and below one could see the silver sheen of the impossibly metallic flesh of her muscle. Both guards faltered in surprise, even as Mercury’s genetics took over and naturally began to knit the wound back together. The Silver Wolf ace turned a dangerous eye upon them, the smirk on her face cold and venomous. “You really should not have done that,” she informed them coolly, a simmering beast of rage taking over within her.

    “What the hell are you..?” The female guard reinforced her stance, but it was obvious that she and her partner both had been taken back by the sudden realization that their opponent wasn’t as human as she looked or felt.

    Mercury didn’t answer them. Instead, she burst forward to engage them both in close range, her systems running in overdrive as she planted herself squarely between them and tapped deep into the vicious and traumatic training of her past. She moved with vicious grace, often loosing attack simultaneously, striking one with a fist, foot, knee, elbow, and everything in between while Mercy swapped masterfully back and forth between sword and gun to shoot, slice, and counter against the second guard in the same breath. As one guard thrust their blade forward with a quick boost from whatever ability they had that made them practically zip from one spot to another, Mercury dipped back and snatched the second guard, tugging them forward and causing them to be at the receiving end of their ally’s strike, the sword severing a large portion of muscle in the man’s side. The woman growled in fury at her attack having been redirected and pulled back to prepare for a second strike only to find the passage of her arm blocked as Mercury stopped it from behind at the elbow. Snapping out a kick, with one of her chips greatly enhancing the strength of the blow, she struck her heel right at the side of the other woman’s knee, causing it to snap and break in a direction that knees were not meant to bend.

    The man recovered from his pain quickly, snaking his blade up to try and get revenge, aiming right at her face. Mercury spun and opened her mouth, clamping onto the blade and biting down, causing the metal to shatter. She quickly chewed up the hard material like it was little more than a handful of corn nuts, swallowing it and letting the metal rejuvenate her and feed the healing effects to the wound on her arm, so it would knit back together faster. The man seemed at a loss of what to do without his weapon, and Mercury capitalized on his hesitance, running him through the chest with her own blade before turning it inside of his body and ripping it out the side. He dropped to the ground in shock as his blood pooled out at a dangerous rate. Knowing his fate was sealed and leaving him to die an agonizing death, she loomed over the remaining woman. Swapping Mercy into its pistol form, Mercury shot several high caliber bullets into the Pergrande woman, each shot carefully aimed to maim and wound rather than to kill, prolonging the woman’s suffering until her body had finally lost too much blood and she finally ceased breathing.

    Satisfied, Mercury smirked as she looked down at what she was currently considering artwork. Bandit squawked noisily from wherever he had been hiding, flapping down to land on her shoulder now that the fighting was over. Giving him a quick stroke with a finger along his beak, she holstered Mercy and made her way over to where Vandrad was standing.

    “You should take me on dates like this more often.”

    WORDS: 1720/5217 | @Vandrad Ragnos

    ENEMIES DEFEATED: Weak x5, Normal x3, Strong x2
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 21st January 2025, 8:36 pm