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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Alicia Sinclair
    Alicia Sinclair

    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 123
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Experience : 2,368

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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Alicia Sinclair 7th January 2021, 9:20 pm

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] AK-12
    It was around noon, Alicia was alone in one of the raining rooms found in the Rune Knight head quarters, she was dressed in full combat gear. She attire was composed of a military jacket, pants and boots that all fitted nicely. On the jacket she had an accessory belt with multiple pouches containing ammunition and other combat necessities. Alicia also wore long black trousers that seemingly blend into a pair of  low heel boots seamlessly. Resting upon her shoulders was a cloak, her attire was monochrome in color. Although Alicia's attire was primarily focused over function, the attire still looked presentable and sleek.

    Alicia sighed a she tied her lengthy snow white hair into a ponytail with a black ribbon. Once she was done she closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing. She focused the mana through out her body and opened her dimensional vault. In a fraction of a second a fully equipped and upgraded rifle materialized seemingly from out of no where. The rifle was similar in form and function as a Ak-12. The weapon operated with a platform similar to a gas-operated long-stroke piston and a rotating bolt, however instead of relying on the combustion from the firing bullet to cycle the gun, the combusting gas was from the super charged mana particles from mana infused rounds. Unlike conventional firearms, the user could manipulate the volatility of the combustion every time the rifle fires one of its mana infused rounds. Due to this design, the user can easily adjust the damage and explosive force of each shot. This was only one of Alicia's weapons stored inside her dimensional vault. The weapons and equipment that Alicia utilized in battle were a marriage between magic and cutting edge technology.

    Alicia loaded a magazine into her rifle, she then pulled the charging handle. The rifle clicked, every part shifting and moving in its proper place. Humanoid golems suddenly materialized and assumed an offensive stance. A loud beep echoed into the room, the golems then dashed forward towards Alicia. At that moment Alicia raised her weapon and assumed her firing stance. Her feet was placed shoulder width apart pointing straight ahead. In one fluid motion she switch off the safety, and began unloading her rounds. As the rifle would kick up from the recoil she would instantly snap the rifle back in its position, she controlled the recoil of the full automatic weapon as if it was an extension of her body. It was clear muscle memory formed by countless hours of disciplined practiced allowed Alicia to drive her rifle with accuracy and efficiency. Empty bullet shells ejected from the weapon as Alicia weaved through the golems as she dodged and weaved through the attacks. Alicia would eventually reload and swiftly ejected the empty magazine and reloading a fresh mag just as fast. In a matter of minutes Alicia managed to clear out the large hoard of golems.

    The rifle barreled billowed smoke as Alicia knelt down to check the bullet wounds she had left on her target. "....I'm a few centimeters off..." Alicia murmured to her self. She then decided that she would do the exercise once more to increase her already superb accuracy. But before she could commence her training a supervising officer entered the training room. Alicia quickly snapped to attention and dutifully saluted the commanding officer.

    "At ease soldier... There is someone who wants to talk to you private Sinclair. They're waiting in the briefing room." said commanding office, he then turned around and left as quickly as he entered the room.

    "Yes sir." Alicia replied back respectfully as she watched the commanding officer leave. Alicia opened her dimensional vault and stored her weapon. The training room enchantments quickly got to work and the golems returned back into the earth. Alicia hurried  to the briefing room while on her way she wondered who was the one whop summoned her. Eventually Alicia found herself in front of door leading to the briefing room. She knocked and reported. "This is private Sinclair, I was told that I was to meet someone here." Once Alicia announced who she was, she entered the room to see who was the one that called for her.

    708 Words

    Last edited by Alicia Sinclair on 16th December 2022, 6:27 am; edited 1 time in total


    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Siga1
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 20th January 2021, 1:33 pm

    1409 words || @Ryuusei || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    It wasn’t ideal but Mythal didn’t have much of a choice. And, as he saw it, it would be the perfect trial.

    Alicia Sinclair had been part of the Rune Knights for some time now, having joined the organization shortly after Serilda had taken command. Unfortunately, due to circumstances that were continuously changing in his life, the Darkness King hadn’t had the opportunity to spend much time with his soon to be sister in law. He’d met her during his first excursion to the Sinclair manor, during the first Christmas he’d actually cared about. After that, even when they were in the same meeting, it seemed that their chances to see one another were always just missed. And truth be told, he may have considered someone else for the mission if the recommendation hadn’t come from Dakvid himself to look into the younger Sinclair and her record.

    It was impressive, to say the least; Alicia carried the same effectiveness as her sister when it came to operations. Their manner of completion was different but in a way, that actually benefited the younger Sinclair more. Reaper Squadron had been an invention of Mythal’s; an undercover, black ops group of Rune Knights that took on highly dangerous missions for the sake of Fiore. The Special Ops branch of the Knights were already trained in a different capacity than the Combat Corps or the Engineering Corp but there were still matters that they shouldn’t be partaking in. There were jobs that were better suited for those that could think, react and compromise on the spot without the assistance of a greater force. They were the agents that Serilda and Mythal could send in to act accordingly, swiftly and surreptitiously. Their records were redacted to the point that only Mythal and Serilda had any access to their history and missions.

    And now the Darkness Slayer needed them again. But it had been Dakvid that had approached Mythal about Alicia, curious to what he thought about recruiting her into the fold. It was… a bold ask, considering her connection to the Field Marshal. But it wasn’t right to hinder the younger Sinclair either if she was proven to be effective and efficient. All he could provide was a chance to prove herself and possibly join something a bit outside the normal range of the Special Operative field. He sent one of the officers to fetch her as he waited in the briefing room with Dakvid. “How did the Field Marshal take the news?” the Rune Knight corporal asked.

    “She was fine with it,” Mythal said as he flipped through a few of the pages from his document. “As far as she’s concerned, Alicia is a fully grown woman capable of makin’ her own decisions. She joined the Knights, she knew the dangers -- whatever varyin’ levels there are, someone will always have a target painted on our backs. And if she’s effective and you believe she’s a good pick, I trust your instinct.” He sighed softly. “If anythin’, I just feel bad. I ain’t got the time to spend with Seri’s family often and I’ve only seen Alicia once, even includin’ while she was here. Kinda feel like… I dunno, a jerk for not makin’ the effort?”

    “Well I know… next to nothing about family. My dad’s a drunk who is only good for slurred insults and disappointment. I haven’t seen my mother in a few years -- pretty sure she puts all her focus on her new family and forget about me and dad. So I’m the last person that should be offering any kind of advice on that front. But I can say that you’re the Director of the Rune Knights and frankly, you barely have time to breathe, let alone talk to each one of us individually. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

    Time would only tell on that front. Mythal gave the corporal an understanding nod before his eyes flicked to the door upon the sound of knocking. Dakvid went and opened the door and there stood Alicia, presenting formally. The corporal gave her a short salute back and waved her in, where she would finally be able to see Mythal at the other end of the table. “Alicia,” he greeted her informally, as was his nature. “I’m sure you recognize ‘im but if ya don’t, this is Corporal Dakvid Bascomb. He’s the one in charge of Reaper Squad, which I’m sure everyone is now talkin’ about in the mess hall. Grab a seat if ya want to get more comfortable,” he said, waving at the chairs before her.

    Once she was settled, in whatever way she chose, Mythal closed the folder in front of him and gave her his direct attention. “Imma cut to the chase, Alicia -- your record has caught the eye of Dakvid. He’s looking for someone to operate as long range support for Reaper and based on what he’s shown me, you’d fit the bill. But before I sign off on it, I have to see you work for myself. Every single member of Reaper Squad is someone that I’ve personally handpicked and I know what they’re capable of. Statistics on a sheet don’t reflect proper of a person’s ability to operate durin’ a mission. Not that I’m doubtin’ you but you’ll understand that I want to see how you work. Lucky for you, Reaper is startin’ a series of missions that can work as your trial run.”

    The Director pulled out a remote and clicked in the direction of the table. The lacrima cylinder built into the wood lit up and presented a series of holographic images. A few of them were pages of an intelligence report that had been heavily redacted but, before her eyes, the redactions would start to clear. “Thirty four years ago, the Rune Knights launched an operation to dismantle a cult known as the Sons of Faera. They had been kidnappin’ and sacrificin’ civilians from several cities and towns the world over to appease their would-be-goddess, Faera. The operation took place on the night that they were preparing their ultimate sacrifice, one that would bring Faera into this world in the form of a baby. The operation was a success, several key members of the cult were captured and it was believed the Sons had been sufficiently shaken, enough to keep them from resurfacing.”

    “Turns out they were just lyin’ low,” he pressed a button on the remote and the screen changed, revealing a heavily blurred face. It was a man who was as white as paper, both skin and hair, with beedy golden eyes staring out at the source of the picture from dark eyes. “This man is part of the Sons, believed to be one of their elite members. Moreso, it sounds like he is one that has been personally blessed with a portion of Faera’s power, grantin’ him abilities above others. He is part of a collection of like individuals called the Immortal Thirteen and he has been spotted, along with others we believe are part of the Sons, on Mount Hakobe.”

    Mythal placed the remote on the table. “I have a personal stake in this as well. Not only did this man attack a former member of our order but… well, that baby that they attempted to sacrifice was me. Normally I ain’t a fan of talkin’ about my past or things that revolve around reason for bein’ born but these people are dangerous. They are a very real threat that wants to bring their dark mistress into this world and bring about the end of everythin’. And they’re gonna kill a lotta people on the way to get there. We’re gonna stop them before they get the chance, startin’ with this piece of trash. We’re going to drop in at one of the ice villages and set up a base before we trudge off to the mountaintops. From there we are going to investigate their whereabouts and survey them. Once we verify that he is there, we’ll strike.” Mythal leveled his gaze on her in serious consideration, though perhaps softer than she was expecting. “This will be dangerous. But I believe it’s the perfect test for your place in Reaper. Dakvid has signed off on it but it’s up to you. We don’t want you to take part if you aren’t feelin’ up to it and there ain’t no shame in that. The choice is yours and yours alone.”

    HP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Alicia Sinclair
    Alicia Sinclair

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 123
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,368

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gears of War
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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Alicia Sinclair 20th January 2021, 4:20 pm

    Alicia entered the room and was greeted by two gentleman who were ranked very high in the Rune Knights. To Alicia's surprise it was her future brother in law and Corporal Dakvid. "Director... Corporal it's an honor" Alicia would salute to her superiors as she addressed them by their appropriate ranks. Alicia had heard a few things about the famed Reaper Squad, it was special task force composed of elite members hand picked from the ranks of the Ranks of the Rune Knights. The squad was cloaked an enigma but the legends of said squad was often the topic spoken through the mess hall. Whether those stories were just mere gossip, it mattered little to Alicia. She knew that there was a reason why many of the knights whisper about the Reaper Squads skills efficiency. Early on in Alicia 's career as a Rune knight she quickly noted to herself that the squad was not to be trifled with and deserved all of its praise.

    After being invited to sit down Alicia graciously took her seat and began to listen to the briefing. Her face remained stoic and professional some may even call her expression borderline emotionless. For a split second a smug yet playful grin formed upon her lips upon hearing her efforts did not go unnoticed "I'm glad to see I've got some fans" she mused as she leaned forward and nodded to Mythal's words. Alicia was aware that she scored very high in her physical and combat exams, but she agreed to Slayers statement. After all, in real life excursions and combat there was far more unpredictable. "Director Ragnos I take no offense sir. To be completely honest I'd be offended if I wasn't tested for this position." Alicia gave a warm chuckle. It was clear Alicia was similar to Serilda, however one could easily tell she wasn't so "by the book" like her older sister. Alicia was a confident young woman who knew how to make jokes but at the same time had the ability to keep it classy.

    She listened intently the information that was being presented to her taking mental notes, essentially downloading the missions information into her mind. She memorized the images and began putting the pieces together. She hypothesized that the cult was not going down that easy, her hypothesis was proven to be right when Mythal explained that the organization still had power and remained hidden. The next image that was presented was that of a pale man. Mythal explained who the target was and his importance to the mission. "Pale boy needs to get out of his mothers basement and get some sunlight." Alicia joked about the pale perpetrator. Despite her jokes she had payed attention to every little detail that was shared with her.

    Alicia's eyes narrowed and his face became more solemn. "I see..." Alicia noticed the softer look to Mythal, she wasn't exactly surprised but Alicia but she did appreciate the concern. For the first time Alicia addressed Mythal by his first name. "Count me in Mythal... besides... if they wanted to sacrifice you before... whos to say they won't go after your kin.... wouldn't want them to go after my future nieces and nephews." Alicia said half jokingly she smiled sweetly but the warm smile quickly vanished. Her face became more stern and her voice returning to its professional cadence and tone.

    "Might I say something Director Ragnos, Corporal Dakvid.... I've recently been to Mount Hakobe for a mission. It was to locate and extract a nobleman's daughter. The mission was a success, however things didn't go exactly as planned the squad suffered many casualties.... gods bless their souls" Alicia paused for a brief second before continuing on to her explanation "During the mission our cover was compromised due to a traitor among the locals. We were able to find a hidden cave system running through out the mountain, upon investigation we realized that the cave system runs all the way down to the base of the mountain.. apparently the cave system doesn't go all the way to the top of the mountain but it gets pretty damn close." Alicia casually snapped her finger, and opening to her dimensional vault appeared. A small lacrima projection device fell into the palm of her hand.

    Alicia slid the device across towards her commanding officers. The device slid and halted to a stop, a holographic 3D render of a map of the cave system found in Mount Hakobe. "This map is a 3d render, echolocation and seismic waves were used to accurately map out the cave system." Alicia swiped her finger allowing the map to rotate showing the maze like structure found inside the mountain.

    "I have no doubt that you all have a plan. I simply wanted to present what I have discovered, perhaps this could be of aid to us in this mission. You know what they say, knowing is half the battle."
    Alicia folded her arms and began thinking to herself what supplies and weapons she would need. She felt excited at the same time quite a bit nervous since mount Hakobe was the place where she realized just how dangerous her line of work truly was.

    "One final question Director.... on the event we do find our target.... do we bring him and his comrades warm or cold?" Alicia's blue eyes shifted color to a light purple, a split second of blood lust found in the hues of her eyes before shifting back to its naturally crystal blue color.

    924 Words for this post


    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Siga1
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 9th March 2021, 4:28 pm

    731/2140 words || @Ryuusei || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Unfurling all of his past was not easy, especially for someone as closed off as Mythal. But considering the danger that Faera and her followers presented to the entirety of the world, there was no time like the present to just come right out with the truth and deal with it. Reaper Squadron understood and, frankly, didn’t seem bothered by it being a personal matter or not. After all, they were an elite group that focused on the mission and fulfilling the parameters presented to them. Nothing else really mattered, though Dakvid was a bit more receptive and caring. After all, he’d been the Rune Knight that Mythal had inadvertently trained during his brief appearance so many years ago and look where they had come to now.

    Alicia understood that she would have to be tested, even going as far as to say that she would have actually been offended if she wasn’t properly put through a trial. There was the Sinclair pride; a foundation of confidence that followed protocol and a need to prove themselves. It was hardly a bad trait to have -- if anything, it made the Sinclairs strive to be better than the rest, while still maintaining a sense of humility. As the visual presentation was provided, Alicia remarked about the pale man’s flesh, stating that he needed to get some sun as well as  get out from his mother’s home. It was a joking comment that was surprising to come from the younger woman but Dakvid couldn’t help but smirk slightly. “He’s the only one we’ve been able to confirm but clearly you can see that his skin didn’t get the message about being aligned with a goddess of darkness.” A bit of humor that was rare for Dakvid nowadays but good to see. Ever since the assault on Era, he’d been closed off and cold, the loss of his arm hardening to him the world. But perhaps after so many years since, he had begun to pull himself out of his funk.

    Alicia didn’t even wait a moment to agree to the mission and not only for the purpose of getting tested but due to her own personal stake in the matter. As she saw it, there was no guarantee that Faera and her forces wouldn’t go after his family and loved ones and Alicia wouldn’t let anything happen to her future as an aunt. “No doubt they will be planning for exactly that. Your sister left quite an impression on Faera herself so… I bet she’ll be plannin’ something big for the Sinclairs. But that’s just speculation at this point.” Serilda had personally insulted Faera and the punishment for her actions had yet to pay out but no doubt the repercussions were coming. Better to head off the revenge before it managed to gain any steam.

    As it turned out though, they had fortuitous timing. Alicia had just returned from a mission at Mount Hakobe not that long ago; sent there to help locate a noble’s daughter, though the success of the mission had come at the cost of several members of her squadron. However, during the course of the mission, they had been driven into a cave system within the ground of the mountain that acted like a vein system for the earthly growth. As she brought forth her own projector from an interdimensional storage area, she presented her own holographic rendering that outlined the system. It was an impressive display, given that she had run it through seismology and tremor sensors to get a proper analysis of the roots. She was simply offering them additional information to add into their plans. “Not bad, Sinclair,” Dakvid said as his eyes scanned over the caves. “This’ll help us make a better battle plan.”

    Mythal nodded in agreement before Alicia spoke up once more, asking about the status of their kill orders. “We’re tryin’ to limit the death toll, if only so we have a decent amount of prisoners to interrogate. But him…” he said, nodding to the image of the Immortal Thirteen member. “We need him alive. He’s the one we truly need to interrogate. Do everythin’ you can to bring him down alive but don’t sacrifice your life or nothin’ for ‘im.”

    “Unless you got anythin’ else for us, that’ll do it. We’ll be leavin’ from here at oh-six hundred hours tomorrow. Pack warm.”

    HP: x/y
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Alicia Sinclair
    Alicia Sinclair

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 123
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,368

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gears of War
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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Alicia Sinclair 30th August 2021, 5:07 pm

    Upon being dismissed Alicia saluted to her superiors before preparing for the mission. "I have nothing further to add... I'm look forward to be working with you director... you as well Corporal" Alicia smiled and exited the room. She began thinking of all the necessary equipment she would need for the mission, she had already begun creating a list in her mind. Alicia mused the irony that the crucible of her next mission would be the same mountain that claimed the lives of her comrade, the mountain that truly made Alicia realize the reality of her profession. A tinge of guilt began to creep into the corners of her mind, could she have done more? If she was more careful could she have saved the lives of her allies? These thoughts began to bubble in Alicia's mind, she paused and took a breath. She dismissed the thoughts, she would not allow her own guilt and insecurities dishonor the sacrifices of her comrades. Things were different, she wasn't the same naïve girl before, she had something her past didn't have and that was experience...

    Alicia took a turn and stopped at a empty room. She looked around to see if anyone was watching, no one was in the immediate vicinity she entered the room and closed the room behind her. "E.V.A. Requesting immediate extraction..." Alicia murmured to herself as the blue of her eyes shifted to a dark purple glow. A heads-up display appeared visible only to her. A female voice echoed in Alicia's mind in response. "Affirmative... and where would you like to be relocated Ms. Sinclair?" The voice inquired.

    "The Edelweiss... prepare the armory while you're at it E.V.A." Alicia replied as she began assembling a loadout using the virtual heads-up display.  

    "Affirmative...teleportation commencing in 3... 2... 1..." E.V.A. replied. Upon finishing the countdown, a flash of light surrounded Alicia as she was instantly teleported out of the room vanishing instantly. Alicia's vision warped and the scenery of the empty room changed to that white minimalistic room. The slight smell of burnt ozone lingered in the air as she shook off the sparks of energy off her body. Alicia sighed as she brushed her hair  and made her way to the large reinforced window. She gazed Earthland rotating in space. Alicia was teleported to a secret satellite base equipped with highly advanced technology and magic that made it essentially undetectable from Earthland.

    "Ms. Sinclair the armory has been prepared." The voice echoed through out the room. Alicia peeled her eyes away from the beautiful sight. "Thank you E.V.A." Alicia smiled sweetly to her incorporeal virtual assistant. Alicia made her way to the edge of the room, the walls parted revealing it to be a secret door. Alicia proceeded down a white hallway until she stopped in front of another wall. The wall once again slid open to reveal an elevator. Alicia proceeded inside, without even pressing a button the elevator began to move to her desired location. after a few minutes or so the elevator opened revealing another seemingly large empty room.

    As soon as Alicia stepped into the empty room, portions of the the walls, floor and celling began to shift.  The hum of machines vibrated in the air the the empty room quickly revealed it's hidden contents. From the floor lockers began to rise, the walls revealed hidden shelves and containers. From the ceiling robotic arms and various other containers revealed itself.  Alicia walked to the center of the room where a large table rose up from he ground to meet her. In a matter of seconds the empty room had transformed to a highly advanced armory. Firearms, explosives, ammunition, and anything one could ever need for war was in the room.

    Alicia began to toil and quickly began to put together multiple loadouts. She assembled her rifles and side arms as she constantly referred to past field data. She adjusted her weapons, and their respective ammunition types to suit the terrain they would be fighting in. Although E.V.A constantly maintained all of Alicia's equipment, even though everything in the armory could be accessed by Alicia remotely via instant teleportation to her location, Alicia preferred to personally survey her equipment to ensure everything functioned to her personal tastes. After a few hours of tinkering and testing out multiple loadouts, she took a seat on one of the nearby crates.

    "E.V.A. is the Mark II ready?" Alicia mused as one of her customized rifle's on the table vanished and reappeared to her hands. Alicia peered down her scope she then tilted the rifle revealing a canted sight equipped on the rifle. She switched aiming down on the scope and canted sight equipped on to her rifle. "Yes the Mark II has been completed. All changes to the armor has been made to your exact specifications."

    "How did it perform in your tests?" Alicia inquired as the rifle vanished from her hand returning to its original place on the table. She got up and walked towards a case, the case automatically opened up revealing a various array of bladed weapons. Alicia picked up a beautifully made combat knife. She tested it's weight and nodded to herself approvingly, the blade vanished and reappeared on the table along side the rest of the custom gear Alicia personal hand picked.

    "The Mark II performed very well... all marks should be to your liking... shall I send you the recorded data Ms. Sinclair?" E.V.A responded.

    "Yes. I'd apricate that E.V.A." Alicia replied back as her ocular cybernetic implants were flooded with data and numbers. She took a a few moments to assess the data before speaking to E.V.A again.

    "E.V.A. I have compiled a list of a few more things I need... I also included a few adjustments for the armor... I'll leave it to you... for now I'll have some dinner... I'm starving... after I'll get some rest... if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask " said Alicia as she walked to the elevator.

    "I should be good Ms. Sinclair... have a good dinner and a good nights rest Ms. Sinclair." E.V.A replied.

    "Thank you E.V.A." Alicia smiled as she the elevator closed.

    The Next Day...

    Alicia wore her standard uniform, she didn't have any weapons on her, in fact she was dressed as if she was just going to fill out some paper work for the day. She sat in the empty room where she was told to meet the director and the corporal. Since she was early she had taken the opportunity to grab herself a cup of coffee. She took a sip and stared at the wall, to others it looked like she was simply spacing out but in reality she was reviewing combat data on a HUD that could only be seen by her. Alicia had hid the fact that her eyes were damaged severely during one of her own personal missions. She had her eyes replaced with high tech ocular cybernetics, her new eyes doubled as a highly advanced computing assistant which was connected to the Edelweiss' data frame. The secret orbital base , her cybernetic prosthetics and implants were all kept secret from her comrades. Alicia couldn't help but feel some sort of guilt for having kept so many secrets from her comrades and most importantly her family.

    Alicia sighed and pushed her thoughts away and focused on the mission at hand.

    WC: 1,238



    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Siga1
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 26th September 2021, 6:04 pm

    922/3062 words || @Ryuusei || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Alicia very quickly exited the room, stating that she was looking forward to the mission. Mythal and Dakvid each gave her a nod before she left, the door slowly closing behind her. As it sealed itself shut once more, Dakvid looked over to Mythal. “She seems fairly prepared. Very by the book.”

    “I challenge you to find a Sinclair that isn’t,” Mythal said as he shut down the hologram and sat back down in his chair. “No matter how we plan this, I doubt it’s gonna go the way we hope.”

    Dakvid nodded. “That’s how these things go. All we can do is try to be prepared for anything. You going to be alright? I know you told me about your new magic and all; you get any kind of training in with it?”

    “Ironically, yes. I’ve been poppin’ over to Sin and trainin’ with a friend, huntin’ down monsters and shit. Really helps ya figure out ya shit sooner rather than later,” Mythal said with a dry laugh.

    “Is it that former dark wizard?” Dakvid asked with a raised eyebrow.

    Mythal nodded. “Yeah, now she’s just kinda… livin’ on her own. She’s gettin’ by, ‘specially now that we’re providin’ some supplies to her each week. In exchange, she comes out and helps me fight the monsters.” Ever since his discovery of Aeron’s home, he’d kept in pretty decent contact with her. She had been a reliable friend, despite her past, which Mythal was more than willing to look beyond.

    The corporal shrugged. “So long as you’re keeping your guard up. I’m going to go and start marking some preparations for tomorrow and filling in the rest of Reaper Squad. Anything else you need from me, Director?”

    “Beyond you stoppin’ the whole ‘Director’ thing, no,” the Rune Knight said as he leaned back in his chair. “I’ll be able to get us close to the base with my magic, at least within the perimeter of the mountain. I have no idea what kinda numbers we’re lookin’ at. As far as I knew, the Sons of Faera were all but dead. But they were just hidin’ in the shadows, schemin’ and plottin’. Gren could only provide some much intel without gettin’ caught.”

    Dakvid nodded. “No time like the present. Have a good night, Director,” the corporal said again, giving the man a shit-eating grin as he headed out the door.

    The next morning, the sun had barely started to creep over the horizon. The sky was starting to lighten, vibrant colors painted across the edge of the world. Through the hallway, Mythal walked. He was dressed in his usual, casual outfit but the hilt of Curse now rested on his hip. Right behind him was Dakvid, in line with four other Rune Knights. Each of them wore a full Knight helmet, disguising their features. They were armed to the teeth, bearing swords, knives and firearms all along their waists. The door to the meeting room swung open, revealing the group to the waiting Alicia. “Bright and early,” Mythal said as he entered, giving the woman a nod. “These are the other members of Reaper Squad; code names are Buster, Pinpoint, Needle and Black Rider. We’ll have time to do more informal introductions once we get back. I ain’t plannin’ on wastin’ anymore time, no offense to none of y’all. So then.”

    Mythal extended his hand toward the end of the room and from the floor erupted a ball of swirling darkness and purple magical energy. Reaper Squad nodded affirmatively to the young Sinclair before they jogged into the portal, one by one. Mythal gestured towards the portal for Alicia to follow and would bring up the rear with Dakvid. In an instant, they stepped out onto the snowy plains of Mount Hakobe. A surprising chill for the early onset of fall clung to the air as the rest of Reaper Squad took up defensive positions around the immediate area. Luckily Mythal had opened a portal to a section of forest that was heavily covered in foliage, preventing their arrival from being seen.

    “Let’s move out,” the Darkness Slayer said, nodding towards the western front. Collectively the group moved through the hedges, their formation and movements pristine and practiced from previous missions. Within a few moments, they came upon a ridge that looked down over a valley. Just below was the village that Mythal had spoken about in their briefing and beyond that was the mountain itself, rising out of the ground like the tremendous monolith that it was. Dakvid gestured towards the closest building and then took out his knife. “Grab his shoulder,” Mythal told Alicia, each member of the team putting their hand somewhere on Dakvid’s back. With a great throw he sent the knife spiraling into the air, his arm a cannon that delivered the sharp blade right into the village’s outskirts. The knife slammed into the wood and, in an instant, the entire group teleported to the knife. Dakvid withdrew the blade from the wall and sheathed it again.

    They would proceed around the corner, walking into the village’s streets. There were a few villagers mulling about but they didn’t seem to pay the group any mind. They reached the other end of town where another log cabin stood. This one they opened the door and moved inside of, closing the door behind them. “I rented this buildin’ out to use as a base of operations. Let’s set up the survey equipment and see if we can’t find these assholes.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Alicia Sinclair
    Alicia Sinclair

    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 123
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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Alicia Sinclair 20th October 2021, 11:27 am

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] 0010ca10

    Alicia smiled pleasantly to her comrades as Mythal mentioned their call signs one by one. Alicia wondered why those were the call signs given to them. She followed the lead of her allies as the they entered the dark void conjured by the shadow slayer. As soon as Alicia stepped through she felt the blistering winds kiss her skin. Her ocular prosthetics displayed the current temperature of her surroundings. The area was thick with foliage which cloaked their sudden arrival. Alicia looked around, her eyes shifted from their natural blue colors to an dimly glowing purple. Alicia lifted her arm, the air near her palm began to static and shift, a sudden flash of energy, the scent after a lightning strike lingered in the air for a brief second as fully modded rifle akin to an AK-12. The sparks of energy spread across her body as black exoskeleton began to form around her body. In a blink of an eye Alicia had donned a highly advanced suit of armor, she allowed the rifle to hang from its sling on her shoulder as she tied her hair up, she then materialized a helmet and equipped it on.

    The helmet was smooth and black, whoever had the helmet equipped their face would be completely hidden. The helmet flickered to life as a holographic skull revealed itself in the black glass like portion of the helmet visor. Blue holographic text displayed itself before Alicia:

    Reconnaissance Exoskeleton Armor Personalized Equipped Reinforcement

    Project: R.E.A.P.E.R online…

    Alicia now stood fully geared, the armor had completely obscured her small petite figure. The armor was platted and reinforced, the mechanical muscle fibers underneath the plates made her form bulkier and seemingly more masculine. The eerie holographic skull turned to Mythal as Alicia gave him a nod and followed her commanding officers commands. Through the means of a good throw and bit of magic, Dakvid teleported the squad all the way to town. Before they entered their based of operations, Alicia materialized a few miniature cameras. She tossed them to the ground, the cameras sprouted mechanical legs and began crawling up on the building, each camera attached themselves to multiple angles on the building giving Alicia a perfect 360 degree view of their surroundings. Alicia then followed the rest inside, her rifle at the ready. Alicia’s prosthetic eyes scanned the building, there seemed to be no uninvited guests in their midst.

    “I’ll set up upstairs… keep an eye out… I’ll be able to hear what you guys talk about… my helmet should pick it up” Alicia’s voice was scrambled and changed due tot he voice modifier in the helmet. Her voice was cloaked making it deeper making her sound nothing like how she normally sounded. Alicia nodded again, she racked the bolt of her rifle to taker her position as look out and a sniper upstairs.

    477 Words


    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Siga1
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 29th December 2021, 12:54 pm

    838/3900 words || @Ryuusei || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Securing a building for a Rune Knight operation was fairly easy, especially when purchased under a false name. The Darkness Slayer’s time spent as the lead of the Spec Ops division had given him plenty of insight and tricks on how to remain as innocuous and quiet as possible. Alicia had activated what could only be called a battle suit; some kind of full body plated exoskeleton that covered her completely. It made her indistinguishable from the rest of the group, at least in terms of gender, and Mythal was sure that it had plenty of other tricks as well. Once they had arrived in the small town, they moved into the home, with Alicia creating a series of tiny cameras that she ordered to take up residence on all the corners of the structure.

    Once inside, they performed a quick sweep of the rooms before settling in. Equipment was placed alongside the doors and windows -- viewpoints for the team to look through in case things got hairy or suspicious. Mythal pulled out a small device and tossed it into the middle of the room. It opened up, sprouting metal poles that pressed into the wooden floor and raised the circular oval up off the ground. It hummed to life and lit up, crafting a holographic image that was, at the moment, blank and without information. The Director pulled out one of his electronic pads and typed in a few commands, summoning the map that Alicia had provided them.

    “A’ight Pinpoint, yer up,” he said, nodding to the Reaper Squad member. They nodded and walked over to the window, looking out at the mountain that towered above the town. There they stood for several minutes, just staring out through the pane.

    “Do we know if any of the townspeople could be working with the Sons of Faera?” Dakvid asked as he did a systems check on his sniper rifle.

    “It’s possible but I doubt it. One benefit to my magic is I can read a person’s own personal darkness. And I ain’t pickin’ up anyone that seems suspicious, beyond the normal amount.” The Director glanced out of the corner of his eye at the door, looking through it. His senses were within every shadow in the town and he could pick up every trace of good and evil within its members. There were a few that were concerning on a regular scale but nothing in comparison to what they would be looking for. Faera’s influence would be toxic, a bright red beacon of evil and maliciousness that he wouldn’t be able to ignore.

    “Got it,” Pinpoint finally spoke up, turning back to the group. She walked towards the holographic generator and as she came closer, Mythal handed her the datapad. Her fingers flew across the keyboard as she began programming and talking at the same time. “Thirty of them inside a series of metal tunnels and rooms constructed into the mountain. Most of them are dressed like the villagers here, most likely to divert suspicion in case anyone finds them. There are generic articles of mining equipment around the entrances that aren’t hidden, giving the impression of a mine. But there’s plenty of magical arsenal inside. I also think I found your guy… I couldn’t get too close to him. He looked like he could almost see me.”

    “Pinpoint’s magic is Spirit Manifestation. She can leave her body and travel up to ten miles away without bein’ detected, most times. Not surprised the head honcho has extra senses to pick up on that shit.” Mythal informed Alicia, assuming that she could actually hear through her headset. Little icons appeared on the map, designed to represent figures that Pinpoint had scouted out.

    “He’s holed up near the core of the base. So getting to him will undoubtedly rely on us either sneaking through the bulk of their forces or putting them on the offensive,” Pinpoint continued as she finished programming.

    “I can get past most of ‘em to get to him. But if I start anythin’ with him, it’ll bring the rest of ‘em. We’ll need a diversion,” Mythal said with a hum of thought.

    “Our speciality,” Dakvid said with a smirk. Stepping forward, he pointed at one of the rear entrances. “I say Reaper Squad and Alicia draw their attention here. Attack then pull back, drawing the closest guards and the perimeter patrol towards us. Down in this valley just below that entrance; that’ll make for a good kill box. They’ll be hit from both sides without cover and Black Rider will disorient them enough to keep ‘em from forming up. That’ll give you a chance to sneak in and capture the big guy.”

    “Countin’ that it’s that easy. We strike at midday -- set up like that, they’ll be expectin’ someone to try and sneak in at night or early in the mornin’. High noon’ll be that last thing they’ll expect so they’ll be off edge. That gives us a few hours. I suggest y’all get yourselves ready.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Alicia Sinclair
    Alicia Sinclair

    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Posts : 123
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Experience : 2,368

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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Alicia Sinclair 14th November 2022, 8:21 am

    Alicia listened carefully to the information presented to her as her helmet picked up the audio. One of her drones positioned itself in the corner of the room to observe the map and the battle plans, the drone sent a live video feed to Alicia's helmet allowing her to understand the plan completely. The drone in the corner of the room replied back in Alicia's voice. "You're in luck, I'm quite good at getting people's attention sir."

    Alicia smirked as her eyes shifted to the left of the H.U.D in her helmet. E.V.A had begun to present an array of weapons that were effective in combat and most importantly very loud. Preparations began and the allocated time for the operation quickly arrived. Alicia along with the rest of the reaper squad had gotten into position and prepared for the go signal. Upon receiving confirmation that the operation was a go. Alicia would turn to one of her allies and make a snarky quip to Corporal Dakvid.  

    "I certainly hope they like pretty fireworks sir..." Alicia's spoke through her helmet, despite the voice changer filtering her vocals, one could almost see the mischievous grin on the young Sinclair's face from behind her helmet. As soon as she said that plates from the back of Alicia's armor parted, revealing multiple micro missiles primed and ready.

    A deep mechanical voice echoed as the armors A.I. spoke only to Alicia in her helmet.

    Greetings miss Sinclair, I am your Guidance Response Integrated Machine code name: G.R.I.M.

    I will be your virtual assistant in piloting the R.E.A.P.E.R armor.

    With that said a volley of micro missiles darted forward darting towards multiple enemy, the missiles detonated a feet away from the targets. Due to the aid of the E.V.A and the built in assisted a.i. Of Alicia’s armor, the explosions did not kill the enemies outright, but instead peppered them with shrapnel tearing chunks of their flesh rendering those caught in the blast incapacitated.

    R.E.A.P.E.R. armor whirred to life as boosters ignited and propelled Alicia forward, a familiar light and sparks coalesced in her arms spawning a light machine gun. The weapon was similar to that of a RPK-16, equipped with a longer barrel, a bulky compensator, and a high capacity drum magazine. The helmet scanned the area, automatically connecting to the weapon allowing both Alicia’s excellent marksmanship and the armor to perfectly control the weapons recoil.

    Alicia held down the trigger firing from her hip. A shower of empty bullet shells rained from her gun as unleashed a torrent of bullets to the surprised enemies. Just like the rest of Alicia’s toys, the cartridges were custom as well. The bullets were enchanted with a high thermal emitting coating, allowing the bullet to instantly cauterize the wound it would cause. Despite the heavy arsenal, Alicia aimed to incapacitate. Even so, Alicia wasn’t kind enough to leave the enemies only bruised, each bullet fired would painfully pierced skin, shatter the bones, and tear flesh and sinew. All at the same time painfully cauterizing whatever wound she inflicted. She purposely aimed for non lethal shots, avoiding any major arteries and vital organs.

    In a matter of two and a half minutes Alicia had already left about twenty cultists screaming in pain now trapped as prisoners of their own broken bodies. Alicia’s turned her head allowing a cultist to come face to face with the visage of the electric blue skull of  her helmet. The cultist cursed and yelled for back up as he raised his arm to cast a spell. The thrusters on Alicia’s armor ignited one more propelling her towards the cultist. With her free arm she grabbed the cultists arm, the armor and its cybernetic muscle fibers tightened, and with a  grip of an industrial vice clamp Alica’s armored hand wrapped around the man's arm. With minimal effort she squeezed instantly crushing the cultist’s forearm. "Resistance is futile...” Alicia growled, her voice morphing to a deep robotic tone. With Alicia’s other arm she pointed her LMG at the screaming cultist, and with two quick shots in succession Alicia blasted the kneecaps off the sorry man, the bullets cauterizing the wound immediately preventing the man from bleeding to death.

    Alicia let go of the cultists mangled arms allowing him to buckle at the weight of his own body on his obliterated knees. The man howled in pain as he crumpled into a useless screaming bag of flesh. As an extra precautionary method Alica brought down her armored foot swiftly to crush the cultist's other arm.

    Alicia suddenly was violently thrown a few meters back as an explosion detonated at her side. Alica’s armored body tumbled a few more feet, she grit her teeth as she swiftly got up.

    Damage minimal, no injuries sustained to the pilot, deploying  countermeasures. The A.I. reported as Alicia returned fire at the incoming surge of hostels rushing towards her. Alicia smiled seeing her explosive entrance had indeed managed to grab the attention of most of the lackeys.

    “G.R.I.M deploy the Hellhounds… support the rest of the squad… authorize corporal Dakvid with the command protocol…” Alicia commanded as energy sparked from her armor forming a spherical barrier made out of translucent energy forming multiple hexagonal shapes. Bullets and magic collided with the energy shield, as Alicia reloaded her firearm.

    Affirmative Ms. Sinclair deploying Hellhounds.. standby for drone deployment…

    After a few seconds the skies echoed with a loud boom as four large metallic pods crashed upon the earth causing a large burst of snow and dirt. From the four pods four quadrupedal drones each standing about half a meter tall, emerged immediately sending out a volley of suppressing fire. Each drone, projecting a forward facing energy shield. One of the drones backed up until it was next to Corporal Dakvid. Its heavy mechanical steps firm and steadfast, a single glowing green lens faced the corporal.

    Greetings Corporal Dakvid, Private Sinclair has deployed us to aid you in the operation. We are on standby for your commands.

    The mechanical hound spoke through its speaker, its voice inhumane, cold mechanized and un feeling. The other three drones took defensive positions granting the rest of the squad cover and suppressing fire.

    Giving the whole squad a good opportunity to safely make their move. While Alicia tanked multiple attacks from the cultists. One could consider this whole scenario a bit much, but if Alicia was to be a distraction she decided she would do it guns blazing. Alicia had been waiting to try out her new toys. While all of this was going on, she only could hope that she and the rest of the squad could neutralize the rest of the enemies in a timely manner so that she and the rest of the squad could come to Mythals aid.

    WC: 1135


    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Siga1
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd December 2022, 1:45 pm

    1001/4901 words || @Ryuusei || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Soon enough, the time had come to take action. Reaper Squad and Alicia headed out to the pass to set themselves up, lying in wait until the appointed time to launch their distraction. Mythal, in the meantime, stayed near the tree line, focusing more on his senses than anything else. Crouched behind one of the larger trunks, he remained with his eyes closed, spreading his cognitive abilities deep into the shadows underground and beyond. The mountain was a devastating maze of pathways and caverns, dimly lit with torches, candles and a few electronic lights. As he searched through the shadows and made note of the number of people, patrolling. Soon enough, his senses picked up on a unique presence, one that resonated with the magic he had control of. The Immortal Thirteen member.

    Now with the man located, all he could do was wait. Several miles away, Corporal Dakvid glanced at his watch, checking the time. Alicia stepped forward and commented that she hoped that their quarry enjoyed fireworks, earning her a glance from the ranking officer and a smirk. “No time like the present to get them acquainted, right?” he replied before giving the hand gesture for them to act. Immediately Alicia began the assault, launching several missiles from her armor that exploded close enough to take targets out of the fight immediately. As the younger sister of the Field Marshall dove into battle, the rest of Reaper Squadron began attacking with their own weapons and magics; bullets, spell trails and destructive elemental effects raining down on the rear entrance to the hidden complex.

    Guards began to pour out of the entrance as the mechanical door lifted up, new effects filling the midday sky. Alicia acted as the primary antagonist, drawing the most attention and most fire from the cultists as she dispatched anyone within her proximity. Dakvid knelt down and checked his watch once more, even as bullets and magical spells whizzed just above his head. The sound of gargantuan pods rushing down from the sky and crashing into the earth distracted him for a moment before he went back to his watch. He barely looked over as one of Alicia’s drones approached him, stating its purpose in providing aid to the rest of Reaper Squad. “Well she seems to be a one man army all by herself, ain’t she?” Dakvid rhetorically asked with an amused grin. “Provide covering fire for the rest of Reaper while they retreat to secondary positions. We have to draw them down into the valley so that we can incapacitate them.”

    Dakvid tapped on the small earpiece buried in his ear, opening up communications. “Move to secondary position. Minimal engagement only while retreating. Sinclair, do what you can to keep their attention while moving. Alert us if you sustain any concerning damage. Let’s move, Reaper” With the order given, he began his retreat, each one of Reaper squad moving at the same time.

    Within the base, the uncomfortably bleached man known as Thrand stood, an amused smirk on his face. Alarms were sounding all around him and several dozens of the guards had rushed to the rear entrance due to a sudden and surprising assault. A small part of him wanted to go and join them, eager to cut down the human filth that felt confident enough to attack him. But there was also amusement to be found in these other humans being cut down, the ones that had sworn full fealty to him and his Dark Mistress. A few remained near him, on edge and guarded. But each one of them would suddenly be pulled down into their own shadow, too quick for any of them to even make a noise before they were gone.

    Thrand chuckled. “You know I could sense you searching for me. Like fingers blindly grabbing inside a shark tank. Just begging to be snipped,” the Immortal Thirteen member remarked loudly to the empty room.

    A wave of dark magic rushed up from the corner and out of it walked Mythal, already brandishing the broken hilt of Curse as he walked towards the center of the room. “Had a feelin’ ya might,” he added casually. “After all, ain’t Kingdom Darkness connected to all darkness at some level?”

    “Shouldn’t you know, oh great and powerful Darkness King?” Thrand asked, turning to face Mythal and giving the man a mocking bow of the head.

    “All I know is that you hurt Gren and have hurt a lotta others. I’m gonna take that outta your ass.”

    “The big guy with the beard? Oh it’s been so long since then. Old bastard moved quicker than I expected. Then again, I was so sure that my Dark Mistress would be the one controlling you by now. But apparently the meat puppet is stronger than expected.”

    Mythal snorted. “Yer one to talk. You ain’t nothin’ but a walkin’ husk full of Faera’s hateful magic. Subhuman at this point. Only reason I ain’t cuttin’ your head off right here is ‘cuz I need information.”

    “I’m not big on talking. But you did promise to punish me,” Thrand said with a chuckle. Whipping his arm out and away from him, he brought forth a large sword composed of black steel, completely void of color and giving off trails of pure darkness. “Let’s see what you can do with that flimsy little handle there!” With that as the only warning, Thrand rushed at Mythal, laughing maniacally and swinging the blade towards him,

    His sword came to an abrupt stop, hitting a solid form of light that had suddenly appeared from nowhere. Thrand’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked down and found that a sword of glimmering color and light had erupted from the broken hilt, completing the once-broken blade. “Kid, you ain’t got any idea what yer dealin’ with,” Mythal remarked with the slightest of sneers before he pushed the man away from him and launched himself in return, going on the offensive and truly beginning their battle.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Alicia Sinclair
    Alicia Sinclair

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 123
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Experience : 2,368

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    First Skill: Gears of War
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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Alicia Sinclair 16th December 2022, 7:40 am

    Enemy location, ammunition, and data regarding terrain displayed before the Sinclair. Her eyes darted around taking every bit of information displayed on her hud. A storm of arcane blasts and artillery hailed down upon the armored Rune Knights. Her energy shields acted like an umbrella for the ongoing onslaught of the enemy. Alicia's mana was depleting faster than she anticipated, she had to constantly cast multiple shields back to back to defend against her foes. The voice of Corporal Dakvid echoed in Alicia's helmet, she listened intently to the orders of her superior. She promptly responded as she let loose a barrage of lead at the encroaching enemy. "Affirmative, falling back to the second position now." As if on cue Alicia's armor fired a projectile from one of her shoulder mounted launchers, the projectile detonated unleashing a plume of thick heavy smoke that not only masked visibility but any magic and energy signatures. The smoke screen was pretty much useless against powerful mages, but it would be more than sufficient for the grunts they were dealing with.

    The k9 drones were also quick to respond to the orders of the Corporal, the drones concentrated their fire pinning the enemies down providing plenty of covering fire for the squad. Alicia and her drones acted as the rear guard, supporting and tanking most of the assault of the grunts. This allowed the squad to fall back safely to the secondary position. Alicia made sure to maintain her aggression, allowing her enemies to reestablish vision as she weaved in and out the smoke. She knew had to make it convincing so she fired a missile which split into a cluster of micro explosives instantly incapacitating a group of enemies with ease. Alicia then allowed the cultists' spells to break her energy shield. A concentrated explosive spell blasted Alicia a few meters back, as the metal of her armor groaned at the sudden force it absorbed. A small trickle of blood leaked from the damaged portion of Alicia's armor. To the enemies, it looked like a prime opportunity to attack the wounded Rune Knight.

    This was all according to Alicia's plan, the armor had quickly responded by applying a quick acting bio foam that would seal the wound. Due to the armors thick exoskeleton, the done damage was minimal. Alicia ignored the slight sting from her shoulder, as retaliated with a spray of bullets at the blood thirsty cultist. Smirking to her self as she watched the fools take the bait. Alicia's jumped back with the aid of the thrusters on her armor. This allowed her to fall back while making a convincing retreat. "One of them is wounded, follow them!" Barked one the cultist as the rest roared with fury and began their pursuit.

    "Status update: Damage minimal, the cultists took the bait. Ready whenever you are corporal." Alicia reported as she led the thugs straight into the valley. Alicia had done her part well, all was left was to incapacitate the cultists.

    WC: 500 words


    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Siga1
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 16th December 2022, 8:36 pm

    845/5746 words || @Alicia Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    Alicia provided the largest target, a moving tank that was taking most of the attention of the cultists as they fired all sorts of arsenal upon her. The rest of Reaper moved quickly through the snowy mountainside, dodging spells and firepower. They were able to reach their secondary positions quickly while Alicia tanked the damage, even allowing herself an opening so that the cultists hit her square. The supposed damage drew their bloodlust in, causing the cultists to swarm with even more spirit than before as they attempted to bring Alicia down. The younger Sinclair remarked through communications that her damage was minimal and that she’d gotten the flock into position.

    “Good job, Sinclair. Pull back and join the party. Reaper! Let ‘em have it!” All at once, the members of Reaper Squadron popped up from their positions and unleashed the brunt of their spells and weapons. With all of the cultists pooled into one open area, there was nowhere to duck and cover, their numbers quickly dwindling down as they were overwhelmed. Within minutes, they had given up the fight and were attempting to flee back the way they had come. “Cut ‘em off, Sinclair. Keep the stragglers from getting away,” Dakvid ordered through the comms as he continued to fire into the kill pit.

    Counting that Alicia was able to cut off their escape, it would only take minutes for the entirety of the cultist group to be brought down. With devastating injuries all around, the snow was thick with blood and remnants from spells. Reaper Squadron slid down from the hillside and began applying cuffs to the injured, locking them off from their magic. “Cauterize their wounds so they don’t bleed out,” Dakvid ordered the rest of the squadron. “Sinclair, you’re with me. We’ll go and provide back up to Mythal.” So long as she was amenable, he would lead the charge back up the hill towards the mountain entrance.

    Inside the cultist base, Thread was completely and utterly on the offensive. Despite his bravado, Mythal was proving too much for him. Worse, it didn’t even seem that the Darkness Slayer was trying all that hard. Thrand continued to attack from all angles, swinging in his sword of darkness and unleashing volleys of dark globes. But Mythal cut through them all and blocked every strike with ease, almost boredom.

    “How are you this strong?!” Thrand demanded as he leapt back and summoned forth a wall of darkness.

    “Because I made myself better, rather than suckin’ on the teat of that dark bitch,” Mythal replied as Hopebringer sliced right through the wall, splitting it in two and making room for Mythal to walk through.

    “How dare you! The Dark Mistress is all powerful and her gifts will eviscerate you!” Thrand roared as he sent forth a storm of dark pellets.

    “Maybe,” Mythal admitted as he brought up his free hand. A pattern of moonlight and rainbow erupted from his hand and formed a shield in front of him. “But your second-rate attempt ain’t gonna cut it.” The black pellets hit the shield and bounced towards the ceiling.

    Thrand disappeared into a puddle of darkness, rushing around Mythal and reappearing behind him, sword already swinging. The Darkness Slayer didn’t seem to notice and Thrand grinned as his sword ripped into the image of Mythal… only for said image to split into two and begin to evaporate.

    Mythal reappeared behind Thrand. Pulling magic from his core, he funneled it through his veins and a shroud of darkness wrapped around his entire form. The presence of his power caused the ground to shake and Thrand turned, eyes wide, as he stared at the unfathomable strength before him.

    And then he attempted to run. He turned and tried to sprint down the hall, now more focused on saving himself than anything else. But another figure was there, his arms extended and chains of light shot out from his palms, wrapping around Thrand. It tied him up tight and then he fell to the ground, his sword imprinting into the snow before melting away.

    Lux grinned down at the man. “From bravado to bitch in zero point two seconds. That’s impressive even to me,” the Lightbringer remarked.

    “I had ‘em right where I wanted ‘em, Lux,” Mythal remarked as he powered down his magic, relaxing.

    “Yeah well, I was about to head out on a little walk and wanted to get a quick stretch in. I saw you playing with this guy and I just couldn’t help myself,” the Seal replied with a shrug and a kick to Thrand’s chest. “This one of those… Immolation Fifteen guys?”

    “Immortal Thirteen.”

    “Right, that one. Not much to look at, huh?” Lux said, inspecting the man once more. “Ah well, I’m out. Have fun!” With a flicker of light, Lux disappeared just as Davkid and Alicia would be rounding the corner. There they would find Thrand tied up in chains of light and Mythal standing there, his sword already dissipating from the hilt.

    He looked at them. “Rest of them handled?”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Alicia Sinclair
    Alicia Sinclair

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 123
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,368

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gears of War
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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Alicia Sinclair 5th January 2023, 7:53 am

    Through a hail of fire, the cultists were gunned down with ease. The plan had gone off with a hitch, the enemy numbers were swiftly culled however a few stragglers remained. The Heads up display beep indicating the location of the run aways. Upon receiving the orders from corporeal Dakvid, Alicia simple followed the command and aimed all weapon systems on the R.E.A.P.E.R armor. In unison her weapons unleashed their payloads, dropping all the run aways exactly at the same time. The sound of despair and pain echoed in the cold frigid air as the enemy combatants lay bleeding in the snow, heavily injured but still alive. The mechanical canines emerged from the tree line, each dragging a cultist. Their mechanical jaws clamped down on the squishy flesh of the foolish enemies that tried to get away. A sickening crunch of bones being crushed and snapping was audible from a few cultist that struggled in futility. The metal hounds dropped the captured enemies before Corporal Dakvid like worn out chew toys before turning their mechanical gaze to their original master.

    One of the mechanical beasts came forth and spoke using its robotic voice through its built in speaker.

    Ms. Sinclair we will assist the rest of the Reaper Squad here, if you require any back up G.R.I.M will inform us.

    Alicia nodded and joined darted off with the corporal to lend aid to Mythal. The young Sinclair doubted that he would need assistance but she wasn't the type to question orders. Through the aid of small micro drones deployed from her armor, 3d mapping, machine learning, and AI assistance they were quickly able to locate their leader. As soon as Alicia rounded the corner with Dakvid, she noticed that the primary target had already been subdued. It was not surprising to to Alicia, after all it was something she had expected. Considering the fact her sister and her fiancee were absolute monsters when it came to power and strength. Compared to the two she was simply a tin soldier marching amongst individuals some would consider gods. This however never upset Alicia, for she knew there would always be someone or something stronger than her. For now she was just glad that she could be of some use to those she cared for in her life. A part of her shuddered at the thought what these evil men would do should Mythal and Serilda ever have biological offsprings. Something didn't sit well with Alicia, she was indeed glad the whole operation seemed to be a success, but she couldn't help but feel that it was almost too easy.

    Airing on the side of caution, She set all of her weapons to target the already captured target. She then took additional measures by deploying two micro drones that would provide personal barriers on Mythal and Dakvid. She then ordered G.R.I.M so send out a pulse of mana to scan the area around them for any surprise. Alicia's eyes darted across the stream of data being presented on her H.U.D. as she raised her lmg at the enemy, as if silently warning him not to try to do anything funny. She doubted her precautionary measures would be effective, but every ounce of protection should be taken if possible.

    "Sorry... it doesn't hurt to be cautious." Alicia said softly through her scrambled voice as he skull helmet started at the subdued pale man. "And yes sir, the rest of the cultists have been taken care of." Alicia reported as she glanced at the live video feed from the hellhound drones, it seemed that the team had all cuffed and bagged the baddies. "So, what now? Extraction?" Alicia asked as she once again looked over her armors radar to check for any enemies.


    WC: 628 words


    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Siga1
    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1085
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 37
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 3rd December 2024, 9:22 am

    839/6585 words || @Alicia Sinclair || job info/job sign-up || short note here

    “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with being cautious, especially out here,”

    Mythal waved Alicia’s apology away. After all, they were still in enemy territory and it wasn’t like the Sons of Faera weren’t crafty. Dakvid walked past the younger Sinclair, pulling out a pair of magic-blocking cuffs from his belt as he did so. Mythal would release Thrand right as the corporal and leader of Reaper Squad pulled the overtaken man to his feet. The Director let out a small sigh as he turned to Alicia, giving her a nod. “Good work. This wasn’t an easy mission by any stretch and seems like ya handled yerself well. I bet Seri would be proud.”

    He looked around the room, verifying that no other cultist was lingering around any order before he nodded in agreement with the younger Sinclair sister. “Extraction it is. Dakvid, let’s-“ He had begun to turn back to the corporal but his words came to a hard stop. The Reaper Squad leader was mid-movement, a dagger rushing forward towards Mythal. The Director managed to dip out of the way of it but both the corporal and the Immortal Thirteen member disappeared in a flash. His senses spread out instinctively and he twisted around to look up towards where the dagger had landed, somehow altering its path. Dakvid stood near a wall, directly next to Thrand. The cultist leader was very clearly not held by the cuffs and a wicked grin was on his face.

    Dakvid brought up his hand and in it, was some kind of cylinder with a button on its top. “One step from either of you and Reaper Squad is no more.”

    Mythal froze and brought up a hand towards Alicia, silently indicating that she follow suit. “What’re you doin’, Dakvid?” he asked, his tone dark and sharp.

    “What I should have done a long time ago,” the corporal explained, gently resting his finger on the button of his explosive device.

    “What’s that mean? Yer joinin’ up with the Sons? For what?”

    “For what? Dakvid snapped, baring his teeth at Mythal. “How about the fact that my entire time with the Rune Knights, I’ve gotten the shit end of the stick? You disrespected me when I was infantry and then I let myself be talked into helping while Era burned. And what did I get for my efforts? A missing arm and a ‘good job’ commendation. Meanwhile you get elected to the highest offices of the Rune Knights and you get us mixed up in this Faera mess, as if that is our problem at all!”

    “Dakvid, Faera and her followers are a danger to everyone. It’s a Rune Knights’ obligation to-“

    “Screw obligations! I’ve given my best years to you and to the Knights and all I have to show for it is a stump and a useless title. And you pit us against a goddess that is going to wipe us all out like we’re nothing. I’m not on the winning side by standing with your stubborn ass. And I refuse to lose anymore than I’ve already lost. So when the Sons contacted me and offered me a position in their ranks, there wasn’t any way I was turning down that opportunity. Now I can finally do and get things for me, rather than the greater good.”

    Mythal was boiling with rage, his hands clenched tight and shaking. “You don’t want to do this, Dakvid. There is no coming back if you cross this line.”

    “That’s what I’m counting on.”

    Thrand tore open a portal, cackling as he dove into it. Dakvid pushed his finger fully down, depressing the button beneath, and tossed the trigger at the pair before disappearing into the portal. The moment he was through it, it would disappear. Just as the trigger bounced off the ground, a series of explosions would rip through the land beyond the mountain, causing the caverns they were in to shake violently. Snow began to shake loose from its resting place and large clumps began to fall from the ceiling. It was clear they had seconds, at best, before they were trapped under the mountain.

    “Come on!” Mythal roared, slamming his fist into the ground and created his own portal of darkness. He would gesture for Alicia to go through and then follow after her, just as the bulk of the ceiling gave way and collapsed. They would return to the Rune Knight compound, stepping out onto the training grounds. A puff of snow followed after them before Mythal closed the portal, cutting off the avalanche.


    Behind the portal and the two of them would appear Reaper Squad, looking confused and concerned. “The corporal gave us the order to fall back here after we cleared the perimeter using the Fall Back devices. Where… is Corporal Dakvid?”

    Mythal let out a heavy breath as he looked over at Alicia and then back at Reaper Squad. “Where he needs to be. Follow me; it’s time you all be informed of the true purpose of this mission.”

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Alicia Sinclair
    Alicia Sinclair

    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 123
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,368

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gears of War
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    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Empty Re: Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal]

    Post by Alicia Sinclair 30th December 2024, 8:44 am

    "Thank you, Director." Alicia responded with a nod to Mythal's compliment. The mission seemed to be a success, the enemy was captured, all that was left was extraction.... Things however, turned out differently....

    As soon as Dakvid made his move Alicia's rifle snapped to a ready position. The drone she placed on Dakvid, primed itself to self-destruct. Her finger already on the trigger, the slightest pressure and the rifle would send a round down range. However, the sound of the gunpowder igniting would never ring. It seems there was a rat in their midst....

    Alicia watched silently as Dakvid vented out his frustrations to the director. Alicia pitied the man, at the same time found him pathetic. She would have wanted to shoot Dakvid but it was clear by Mythal's gesture she was to hold her fire. She lowered her rifle and let the two talk it out. Unfortunately, Dakvid had already made up his mind. He chose to side with the enemy....

    Alicia would eventually follow Mythal's orders and escape through the portal. Upon returning to the rune knight compound Alicia noticed the rest of the squad had made it back safely... she silently scanned the team for any injuries or bugs planted on them, nothing showed up on her scans. The squad had a few nicks and bruises but all in all everyone seemed to be okay. Once she confirmed everyone was in the clear she doffed her armor storing it back into a its personal pocket space.

    She silently crossed her arms, a bit frustrated but there wasn't anything she could do. "I'm all ears sir." She says as she awaited Mythal's explanation.


    WC: 276 words


    WC: 276 words


    Mission Plausible? [Social With Mythal] Siga1

      Current date/time is 21st January 2025, 9:53 pm