Fairy Tail RP

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    The Cringe


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dark Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Motor City Rush- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Anti-Space magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Cringe Empty The Cringe

    Post by Smrt 10th November 2020, 3:23 pm

    This was Smrt's first test. For the guild and for himself personally. Turning a new leaf is not a small thing and it not being completely clear to him either did not make things easier. He opened the paper with the job and started reading.
    "As a new recruit... bla bla bla... helpless dark man... that sounds racist... Oh, mage. The Cringe... stupid name for a stupid person... despite being weak.. bla bla bla... When he’s cornered he will shed all of his clothes except his fedora... what?... and become oddly slippery. He will offend you, making you want to wring his neck, but you can’t. At least, not long enough to kill him. The odd thing is he’s immune to being knocked out, so he has to be taken not only alive but awake. Feel free to gag him to shut him up."
    Smrt raised his eyebrows and  started biting his cheek. "This is going to suck." He folded the paper and put it inside his breast pocket.

    He searched the city trying to find the one that goes by the name the Cringe but those that he asked knew nothing at those that did know were happier not talking about him. It was really hard for him and then when he was about to quit his search a man with a fedora and a tacky neon colored shirt smoking a cigarette, but not really inhaling the smoke, was standing at the corner. Smrt slowly took out the paper and the man fit the description perfectly. He approached slowly and just as he was to say anything their eyes met and The Cringe jumped, all his clothes disappeared in a moment and only his oily body stood there. Smrt winced in horror, he could feel the anger boiling inside him.
    "WHY?" Smrt shouted, but the man looked him in the eyes.
    "Why what?" asked Cringe in fake deep voice, trying to sound cooler.
    "It is only natural. Every body is beautiful in its own way, and will not let some muscle head dictate if I can and have to be clothed on the streets. Freedom."
    Smrt was sure that he will kill this man if for nothing else than to make an example out of him.

    The Cringe tipped his fedora and started running, and Smrt followed. They weaved through the buildings, up the streets, down the boulevards, and every time Smrt was about to catch the Cringe, his hands would slip on Cringe's slick and slippery skin. Smrt thought about using magic but was afraid of killing and failing the task. In a moment of pure luck while Cringe was trying to slip between two narrow buildings, his slipperiness got the better of him, and he got launched back. To make things worse he slid between two bars of a cage and got stuck inside. Smrt could not believe his luck. He moved slowly and realized that lifting the whole cage would be easiest and also would be the only way to finish capturing this creep. Upon returning to the guild, with a cage filled with a slippery naked man, he was paid for his troubles.

    WC: 532


    The Cringe Smrt_sign


      Current date/time is 20th January 2025, 9:33 pm