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    Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya]


    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,415

    In Progress Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya]

    Post by Ignacio 24th October 2020, 7:15 pm

    Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya] VzIPKw1

    May the bridges I burn light the way.

    "Ehhh... blood is such a pain to get out of the floor, man. What's it take—super bleach?" Juuya droned on about his chore, leaning on his mop while lazily examining his fingernails. He was a man new to this whole guild thing, and even newer to Errings Rising. In fact, just after he was accepted into the fold, he made a mad dash into the depths of the nation in order to catch up after years of isolation, and needless to say, he was pleased with what he found. He met a guy who reminded him a lot of those Orio cookies, and he got a fair share of rumbles in too. But now that he had briefly returned back to Mt. Hakobe, he was greeted with a task demanding brooms and buckets—cleaning.

    Although it wasn't his idea of first-day-back, at least he had a partner with him, and unfortunately for them, Juuya loved to get a rise out of people. His playfulness was jeering and teasing, but at least they wouldn't be dusting and scrubbing in silence.

    "You wouldn't happen to have some sort of talent that magically cleans this dump for us, do you?" said Juuya, looking at his partner through his messy, unkempt black hair and sharp turquoise eyes, "It'd be awfully nice of you to bring it out right about now, ya know."

    || Word Count: 227 || Thread WC: 227 || WC Needed 1000|| Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 47
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Jester
    Experience : 2,280

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Portal Magic
    Second Skill: Thousand Forms
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya]

    Post by Julius 24th October 2020, 11:26 pm

    Julius was just shy of visibly displeased with his current predicament. Cleaning house was important, surely. Yet, he did not much care for dirtying himself outside of the most necessary circumstances. Did Errings Rising not have their own butler and maid staff? Why did they require help with such things from standard members of the guild? Julius had to be careful not to start grinding his back teeth as he got yet more dust on his person. Sure, it would be all to easy to remove from himself after the work was done. However, it caused him distress in an almost knee jerk reaction of a way, he could not stop himself from being upset. "The things I do for a lovely woman," he muttered quietly under his breath.

    He was unsure if he felt some modicum of relief knowing he was not alone in this. His partner seemed to be even newer than himself to the guild. An odd fellow with what looked to be severe burn scars and perhaps piercings at the edge of them? It was an odd look, but Julius could not cast stones. Julius had his fair share of visual oddities after all. His eyes, the tattoos that seemed to appear as if from nowhere over the course of his life, and the piercings he had gotten to hopefully downplay the odd, sudden appearance of tattoos. Not to mention the man likely had not obtained a magic like Julius' own, where he could just willingly reinvent his look at will regardless of height, build, or even gender.

    Finally, and in Julius' opinion thankfully, the other man broke the monotonous silence with a question. Julius eyed him approvingly. He did indeed have a spell for that with his portals, but unfortunately it would not help the man with his mopping up blood....unless.... "Actually I do, depending on if you have a magic that would allow you to pick up the bloodied sections of the floor and put them back?" Julius grabbed a nearby lamp that was fairly splattered with blood itself. Honestly, who made this mess?! That annoyance aside, Julius lifted the lamp to show the man his meaning.

    Using the hand not holding the lamp, he made a horizontal portal a few feet off the ground. Gently he passed the lamp all the way through, moving it or the portal as necessary. As it came out the opposite side it was free of blood and grime in its' entirety. Julius would fairly bet it did not look that clean the day it was made. Looking back at the man as he set the lamp back in its' place, he gestured at it. "I can clean just about anything spotlessly as long as I can physically pass it through this portal. Unfortunately floors, walls, and ceilings present an obvious issue for me. Unless?" He cast a hopeful glance at the man, one eyebrow raised.

    WC: 488
    TWC: 715



    Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya] GaJcsjc

    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,415

    In Progress Re: Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya]

    Post by Ignacio 25th October 2020, 12:45 am

    Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya] VzIPKw1

    May the bridges I burn light the way.

    "Ehhh? What, so you're just like a glorified janitor? Do you use that instead of taking showers, too?" Juuya jeered, although the dumb look of curiosity on his face begged to differ. What, so all he had to do is remove the sections of the floor that were bloodstained and then put them back? Just that and he'd be on his way, roamining around the castle floors without a single care in the world?

    With that blissful idea in his head, Juuya tossed his broom away and crouched over the section of the floor that was bloodstained. The irises of his eyes began to glow this faint, cyan color as his fingers began to transform into these black claws, outlines of that same cyan color running through them like veins. He was half-infernal, after all, so it was only natural that his biological magic was to turn into one... sometimes. To be completely honest, he had the firepower, but transforming his body into that of a complete and whole fire elemental was still something he had yet to master. All he ended up doing in the laboratory he was experimented in was push his firepower to such limits that he charred his own and transform only parts of his body into an infernal at a time. Still, it was at times like these where such abilities were convenient.

    With ease, Juuya had quite literally ripped the stone flooring from its grounded frame and began to lift it out of place. Obviously, not all of it stayed in one piece, but by the time he was done navigating around the room and digging his hardened, monster-like fingers into the flooring, he was able to basically separate the bloodstained sections from the dirty-but-passable ones, carelessly tossing them into a pile.

    "Ta-dah. Work your magic, cowboy," Juuya made jazz hands with a mocking smirk on his face before taking the nearest seat and lounging on it, watching him. "What's the point of cleaning all this up if they're just gonna make a mess again anyway?"

    || Word Count: 342 || Thread WC: 1057 || WC Needed 1000|| Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 47
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Jester
    Experience : 2,280

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Portal Magic
    Second Skill: Thousand Forms
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya]

    Post by Julius 26th October 2020, 1:38 am

    Julius turned his nose up at the very idea of using his magic instead of bathing or showering regularly, the janitor comment not even registering. "Of course not, it would not remove the smell of dirt or grime from my person. Besides, bathing is...pleasant." It was one of Julius' favorite times of the day in fact, the warmth of the water and steam embracing him as he washed away the day's disgusting build up. It was not a luxury he had in his younger days, and it was one he certainly did not take for granted now that he had reliable access to it. The only way one could improve upon the pleasure of a relaxing bath in his opinion, was by sharing it with a lovely lady. Now that was true bliss.

    Julius watched with lightly masked interest as Juuya began actually tearing sections of the floor out. He had to admit, he was mostly joking about the magic to remove parts of the floor. Hell, even the part of him that was serious only really expected it to happen if the man had some kind of earth magic. Just removing it by hand was both impressive and moderately intimidating. Granted, almost everyone Julius had come across since coming to this country could crush him were they to get their hands on him. Thankfully Julius did not like to fight in ways that allowed his opponents to touch him to begin with, so the concern was diminished somewhat. Just another person to not allow to grab hold of him should they fight.

    Though Julius did not foresee that happening in his new home. It was oddly familial, the feeling he got from being part of this guild. A pleasant feeling he had never obtained being at the center of Iceberg's underground info network. He let slip a small, contented smile as he went about passing the sections of the floor through his cleansing portal. It made relatively quick work of all the blood and grime on each section. Much like the lamp, when all was said and done they looked very nearly cleaner than when they were first laid. Dismissing his portal and glancing at the lackadaisical Juuya, Julius raised an eyebrow at his question.

    "The point? Well like anything, it is to prevent the dirt, grime, and detritus from building to a point of becoming a living hazard. Just as we clean ourselves despite expecting to become dirty in short order." That was...unless this man did not bathe on the regular to begin with. Surely that was not the case though. He looked more than cleanly enough, as far as Julius could tell. The only marring that was apparent were his burn scars. Perish the thought of what the man would smell like if he did not regularly clean himself. Julius put that out of his mind and returned to dusting the edges of the ceiling, leaving the replacement of the floor to Juuya.

    WC: 496/984
    TWC: 1,553



    Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya] GaJcsjc

    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,415

    In Progress Re: Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya]

    Post by Ignacio 26th October 2020, 7:26 pm

    Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya] VzIPKw1

    May the bridges I burn light the way.

    "Pft—what the hell? You took that way to seriously, man. You a robot or somethin'?" Juuya cackled as he quickly got the hint that it was time to put the flooring back into the floor once it was done going through whatever his guildmate had done to it. Needless to say, they were spotless as promised, and Juuya meant to put the flooring back where it belong just like how he removed it to begin with.

    At first, he laid out the stone in the missing sections across the floor like puzzle pieces. Some of them fit perfectly back into place, but because of the amateurish and careless removal of the sections, to begin with, some of them didn't fit back at all while others... well, he wasn't sure where they belonged either. As a result, just like earlier, he brute-forced his solution and just forced the sections of flooring into place if they didn't slip in with ease. He mended the loose ends and edges with his blue flames, melding the stone together so it looked practically brand new! Practically! Anyone who looked hard enough would notice its cleanliness, but also how its patterns were out of place compared to the rest of the flooring. But who cares? It was clean and functioning, so that was all that mattered.

    With a coy and triumphant expression on his burnt face, Juuya dusted his hands off of one another, his fingers returning to normal as he looked over his job well done. Meanwhile, his guildmate was busy dusting the ceiling of all places, and Juuya went back to lounge on the chair he had found from earlier, watching him while carefully scratching around his nostril.

    "So? Got a name? I'm Juuya," Juuya looked at him with that dumb look on his foxlike face.

    || Word Count: 302 || Thread WC: 1855 || WC Needed 1000|| Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???



    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 47
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Jester
    Experience : 2,280

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Portal Magic
    Second Skill: Thousand Forms
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya]

    Post by Julius 26th October 2020, 10:44 pm

    Of all the things Julius had been accused of acting like, a robot had never made the list. He made an active effort to not put a finger to his chin, dust covered as they were, as he considered his own answer. His answer seemed rather human to him. He eyed his compatriot and realization dawned on him that the other man was just teasing. To not realize so obvious a ruse, Julius would be disappointed with himself in any other situation. However, given it was a guild mate and he was distracted by filth, he was giving himself a pass in this circumstance.

    Putting down the duster, he picked up a spray bottle and rag. While his partner went about putting the stones back in place, he used his magic to help him reach the ceiling proper to deal with several small blood stains. Spawning several horizontal portals, but giving them no connected portal as an exit, he essentially made several malleable disks of which he could stand on. They were rather springy like rubber as they wanted to allow Julius to pass through, but with no exit they just sort of softly bounced him back up in place. It made for a mildly precarious foothold, but one that had sufficed for him numerous times.

    Descending from and dismissing said portals when the small ceiling blood stains were clean, he found his partner had replaced the stone floor. Julius admired his work for a moment. While it was clear here and there that some of the stone did not quite look as if it matched the surrounding stone, it all appeared clean enough. It would not be likely anyone would be eyeing it that closely to begin with however. Casting his gaze up to Juuya, who he already knew thanks to his information network, Julius gave a small smirk and a bow. "The name is Julius. Julius Reilly, and thankfully it looks like our work here is done. At least in this room."

    WC: 334/1,318
    TWC: 2,189


    Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya] GaJcsjc

    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 145
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,415

    In Progress Re: Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya]

    Post by Ignacio 26th October 2020, 11:07 pm

    Brooms, Buckets, & Butlers [Julius/Juuya] VzIPKw1

    May the bridges I burn light the way.

    Julius, huh? Well, he seemed like the type of guy who took and did things seriously and was relatively mild-mannered. What was his position here in the guild? Why was he here at all, actually? Were his ambitions fueled by hatred, anger, lust, greed? Which was it? As careless as Juuya acted, his thoughts were a continuously sewn tapestry of questions, a web of queries of if someone could benefit him, and how. Maybe through some lenses, Juuya and others like him had no power at all. He didn't have the strength of a thousand men, and he couldn't split the world in half at the lightest of touches. But power wasn't just brawn, it was how you used your resources and bringing out the very best of everyone in your arsenal. Being intelligent enough to draw out one-hundred-percent in even the weakest of pawns was a power in itself, but in this case, they were just exchanging names. It was no big deal.

    "Juli, huh? That's cute. Say, while we're at it, why don't you give me a tour of the castle too?" Juuya suggested, ascending from the chair with hand-stuffed pockets and meandering down the hall, "It's all doom and gloom in this place, but I think we'll get along juuust fine."


    || Word Count: 214 || Thread WC: 2403 || WC Needed 1000|| Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???


      Current date/time is 4th October 2024, 8:31 pm