Fairy Tail RP

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    Nuance of Nuissance [Social]


    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 141
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gravity Gear
    Second Skill: ??? [Locked]
    Third Skill: ??? [Locked]

    Nuance of Nuissance [Social] Empty Nuance of Nuissance [Social]

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA 18th August 2020, 10:36 pm

    This town reminds me a lot of some of the places in Joya, if only in the slight architecture. She surmised to herself as she went from roof to roof. Vaulting over them silently in the moonlight while doing gainer flips. Twisting about as she easily moved through the air thanks tot he gravity gear on her feet and the belt that acted like a gyroscope so everything seemed to be on the level. As she traveled through Hosenka at night, without making much of a noise, there was not much of a problem.

    Save for all of the flash photography she was taking in passing of the streets from above, and the brief moments she took to lean over the edge of a building and hurl. She still had a slight case of vertigo.

    Someone must have caught wind of everything she was doing because there was more foot traffic about and mumbling voices commenting on the disgusting point that some 'DRUNK' must have made to get around the town like this to throw up in multiple places.

    Holding a hand over her mouth as she came down to the ground at a floating pace, she walked to one of the railways that people could lean on to look into the river, holding onto her stomach as she just took a moment to catch her breath. You can do this, stay calm, deep breath. You're fine....


    Character | Bank | Journal
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Rank: C | HP: 300 | Mp: 300 | Mana regen: 15 every turn
    Move Speed: 30 m/s | Melee: 30 hp/hit | Sensory: 150 m

    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nuance of Nuissance [Social] Empty Re: Nuance of Nuissance [Social]

    Post by Ran 20th August 2020, 7:15 am

    "Ooh, a camera?" Seika thought she saw a hint of a flash as she was walking by, the darkness of the evening only making the light stand out more starkly. The mage peered in the direction of the supposed picture-taking, only to see another one. A smile lit up her face. There was someone else here, someone as interested in taking pictures as she was! Beaming widely, the girl immediately scooped up Aphelia in her arms and made a beeline in that direction. The pops of light began to fade away until they were took a pause, and then they stopped altogether.

    Disappointed, she was about to turn around and continue walking back to her destination when she heard a noise. Perhaps surprisingly, she wasn't particularly squeamish when it came to these types of things. Vomit, in itself, didn't bother her too much! However, seeing this lady hanging over the edge of the barrier over the river reminded her of that encounter with Nemo. "Umm, are you okay? Being chased by dogs or something?" Seika bounded up to the stranger, blinking as she examined her from head to toe.

    On the whole, she seemed to be really cool! And like, in that unique type of way. First of all, her hair was pink, which, Seika had to agree, was a fabulous color. Personally, she preferred a nice yellow, but for some reason, Aphelia insisted it was not her shade. But the girl didn't really understand that, because- there were so many different hues when it came to vague colors like "yellow," that there must be something that looked good, right? Shrugging her thoughts away, she tried to give the stranger a friendly smile.

    "Hi! I'm Akies Taneda, but everyone just calls me Seika! And she's Aphi!" The mage pointed to her feline bond mate, who was now balanced precariously on the railing.

    312 Words, 549 Total



    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 141
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gravity Gear
    Second Skill: ??? [Locked]
    Third Skill: ??? [Locked]

    Nuance of Nuissance [Social] Empty Re: Nuance of Nuissance [Social]

    Post by TOGAtogaTOGA 26th August 2020, 1:32 am

    She was so busy horking it up that she had no way to tell when someone was approaching her. Of course, when she was finally approached and someone got her attention she squealed in surprise. "EEP!" She shouted before hoisting herself up into the air, her feet hanging freely. Her gravity boots letting her have copious amounts of airtime before she came sinking right back down.

    "Dogs? No. I wasn't really doing anything. Anything worth...Anything worth being chased around for." She said, covering her mouth as she leaned over the railing for a moment. Turning back to offer a thumbs up to the girl and her companion.

    "W-Willow Omens of the Silver...Of the Silver Wolves. I'm just...Gimme a second to HRK-" Coughing and sputtering, she finally pulled herself over, slumping her backside against the ground. Looking up up at the two, she cleared her throat.

    "I'm trying to get used to taking higher speed shots...and action shots...And well, I may have a bit of motion sickness. Great thing to have with gravity magic, right?"

    of course while all of this was happening there were guards shouting to each other about finding another batch of throw up spots. Willow just sweated a little, and gave a nervous grin to the duo. "I, uhhh. I'm a bit sorry for causing a ruckus?"


    Character | Bank | Journal
    First Magic | Second Magic | Third Magic
    Rank: C | HP: 300 | Mp: 300 | Mana regen: 15 every turn
    Move Speed: 30 m/s | Melee: 30 hp/hit | Sensory: 150 m

    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nuance of Nuissance [Social] Empty Re: Nuance of Nuissance [Social]

    Post by Ran 25th September 2020, 1:38 pm

    This poor stranger didn't really seem to be in the best shape. Maybe it had been the experience of being chased around? Seika blinked concernedly as the lady cut off mid sentence to lean over the railing, managing to flash her a thumbs up sign still. Ah, well at least she got her name! "Nice to meet you, Willow! That's a really cool name! And I think I know the Silver Wolf guild," she tapped a finger pensively on her chin, her eyebrows scrunching together a bit as she tried to recall that other person on her mind. Ahh, but it was too hard to remember at the moment.

    Anyway, the stranger went on to say something about taking shots! Ooh, that was like, alcohol, Seika was pretty sure. After working at a bar for a while, she knew all about shots. Consuming them at high speeds was probably a bad thing, but hey, whatever floated the boat! "Mm, I think its not that good to take too much at once. Especially with motion sickness. But gravity magic probably helps, yeah!" She clapped her hands enthusiastically, and a bit thoughtfully, considering the possibilities gravity magic could have on affecting the stomach and stuff like that. "Do you need like, healing or something like that?" While the bond mage wasn't very advanced with those type of spells, she could be known to throw heals in addition to the normal shields from time to time.

    The unknown girl then apologized for umm... what was that word she had used? A roofus? Maybe that was the word for a high speed chase across a roof top. Cool stuff! Either way, Seika just waved it off. She didn't really mind, especially since things like this tended to be fun. "Mm, I don't care! So, did I see a camera? What kind of pictures have you gotten so far?" The mage barely remembered that flash of a camera she had seen before, and she regained her curiosity as to what type of photos had already been snapped. It was just so tempting to want to see other photo addicts' work.

    667 Seika, 1124 Total


      Current date/time is 26th January 2025, 8:43 am