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    Urban Nights

    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
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    Posts : 1413
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Urban Nights Empty Urban Nights

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th August 2020, 7:53 am

    Event details: Clicky
    Event Sign up: Clicky

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    For a woman like Serilda, duty was rarely something she would consider a burden. She was a disciplined woman that took pride and enjoyment in fulfilling her role as the heiress of her parents’ duchy in Clover. Even the harder parts of the job that were less glorious than most people might think were tasks that she didn’t necessarily delight in doing, but she took her responsibilities in stride and didn’t let them jade her. However, today was… well, not necessarily a burden, but also not something she was entirely excited about.

    Serilda enjoyed a good party, and was quite capable of loosening up from time to time. Her ability to embrace the casual world had only increased ever since she had met Mythal and started spending more time with him. He was extremely laid back in comparison to her, and while she maintained much of her poise and dignity most days there were times where she was able to let go a little more than she otherwise would. Even with all of his influence, though, this kind of event wasn’t exactly what came to mind for her when she pictured a good time. She was a fan of more subdued gatherings. This? This was more on the… well, wild side.

    Unfortunately, the event was taking place in Clover and even if she didn’t have to oversee it as a Rune Knight she was expected to make an appearance as the local nobility. Serilda’s father had taught her at a young age the importance of maintaining a good rapport and relationship with the citizens that relied on the Sinclairs for protection and representation. It was best, he had always told her, to be seen by their people as more than just a rich family that made important decisions which affected many lives, but rather for them to view the members of the Sinclair family as humans; people that they could relate to on some level and feel like they can trust. So while she wasn’t necessarily bursting with excitement over the idea of participating in a rave, here she was nonetheless and she had put aside her own personal tastes in the interest of enjoying herself while present.

    Since it seemed uncouth to not participate as much as reasonably possible, Serilda had elected to step slightly out of her comfort zone in order to dress similarly to other party goers. A loose, off the shoulder white top covered her chest, with just the slightest dip into her cleavage and her stomach laying bare. The top was supported by a dark leather strap that wrapped around her back and ran over her shoulders, keeping the blouse in place. A snug pair of jeans hugged her legs, with a loose belt adorning the ensemble around her hips, the strap of leather resting around her body rather than being strapped into her pants. Since raves were all about bling and flash, she accentuated the look with a delicate silver chain that ran down from inside her shirt and draped along her belly before sweeping around her lower back. A little bit of magic allowed her to utilize a belly button ring with a small ruby gem and some simple but elegantly crafted pendant that hung from the jewel and looked like light, twisting vines of silver. A simple pair of dangling silver earrings matched the torso jewelry, as did other similarly simple but fine silver chains around her wrists. While she was certainly wearing more jewelry than she typically did, almost all of it was humble rather than a display of wealth, with the most expensive piece being her engagement ring Mythal had given her. All in all, the look was fun and appropriate to the setting while still being classy and relatively modest in comparison to what a lot of others were wearing.

    Granted, it was still the most scandalous thing she’d worn in public since the ball back in Minstrel.

    After meeting surprised with the existence of Mythal’s adoptive brother, she and the darkness slayer had taken it upon themselves to invite Vandrad and his “friend” Mercury to the party. They had explained at the time that it really wasn’t their kind of thing, alerting the other couple ahead of time to the nature of the event and explaining that the only reason Serilda and Mythal were even going was more out of a sense of duty than necessarily wanting to participate, but it was still likely to be an exciting gathering and it was an opportunity for the four of them to spend more time together. They had agreed to meet at the event, with the understanding that it likely would not be difficult for the Silver Wolf and Fairy Tail wizards to find them among the crowd, as all they had to do was look for the oversized wolf that was Gren. So for now, Mythal and Serilda simply were walking about the town, observing the rave’s participants and getting a feel for what kind of activities were available.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
    Position : God of Sedulity
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 15th August 2020, 9:22 am

    Mythal had clearly made a mistake by deciding to marry a noble.

    Truthfully, he hadn’t really focused on the responsibilities that came with joining a family nobility, far more focused on the individual of Serilda than the overall medium. And immediately after becoming engaged, the only thing that really seemed to spark up was the new tasks of planning the wedding and getting ready for the big event. But slowly, things started to crystallize to what his life would be moving forward and, while he didn’t regret his big step, he certainly began to understand how much of a challenge it was going to be remaining an introvert. There was a new level of responsibility that came with joining the Sinclairs and at the top of that list was respecting and attending events held in their hometown of Clover. Overall, that wasn’t so bad -- a few cocktail parties and mingling with dignitaries was pretty much like being back at work.

    But this was not going to be like that at all. Somehow, someway, a massive party had been organized and approved to move forward. And it wasn’t like they tried to deceive anyone on what their intentions were; they were straight forward with their purpose and design and it had still been given the green light. So what equated to one giant rave had been planned and was currently in full swing upon the Clover streets, lighting up the night with music, color and sweaty bodies. It was… certainly one way of getting people out of their houses and letting loose but it was the farthest from ‘enjoyable’ within Mythal’s mind. Darkness wizard or not, the idea of being around a bunch of people grinding, undulating and partaking in activities he rightfully should be arresting them for seemed downright unattractive. Good thing he didn’t have to go, right?

    Wrong. There came that pesky noble responsibility thing again. He probably could have opted out of going but he wasn’t about to leave Seri all on her own -- he was her fiance after all and, as such, bore a part in any hardship she went through as well. So he had agreed to attend as well; if anything, there was the possibility of sampling some unique booze mixers while he was there, though he wasn’t sure how safe they might be. He’d toned down his drinking in comparison to his early bouts in Fiore but he still enjoyed alcohol at a comfortable, social pace. Nonetheless, he would be spending some time along the streets of Clover and taking in all the ‘sights’ as it were.

    Serilda had opted to dress up -- dress down? -- for the occasion, choosing to blend in with the other rave attendees by wearing a scandalous lack of clothing. That was probably the only benefit to going to this event and Mythal made it very well known that he appreciated the dressed-down look, though not as aggressively as he had in Minstrel. For his part, he had opted out of his normal attire, which was shocking to say the least, and dressed in a slightly more up fashion. He’d traded in his old black, white and red colors for a full red dress shirt and a black vest, paired with black slacks and his regular boots. He’d rolled up the sleeves so that they hung around bicep level, giving away just how trained his muscles were despite his lean physique. He most likely would be the most dressed person attending but it was as far as he was willing to attempt any kind of blending in. If anything, he looked like a man that was looking to get laid -- and perhaps he was just that.

    At least he and Serilda wouldn’t be alone though. After the incredible, out-of-left-field revelation that he had an adoptive brother, he and the Voidwalker had been trying to find reasons to connect with them. Vandrad had been robbed of a whole side of his family for most of his life and had expressed that he wished to learn more about the Ragnos side by spending time with Mythal. Frankly, the rave scene seemed even less appealing to the stalwart, upright man from Bellum but it was an opportunity to mingle, at the very least. Much to Mythal’s surprise, even after giving a full description of the event, the other pair agreed to meet there, though the Darkness King wondered how much of that was influenced by the Prince’s ‘partner’. Mercury seemed far more lively than her grumpy comrade and the chance to let loose and have a little fun was probably something she had teased him hard enough to cause a break. The meeting place would be wherever Seri and Mythal happened to be on the street and the symbol they would convene on would be Gren, the mutant Star Wolf easily standing above the crowds of partying people.

    That was if Mythal could keep the hound from running off to play. The younger Star Wolf was invigorated by the sights and sounds of people, more so than usual. As they walked through the streets, Gren’s tongue was bouncing over his lips as his head swung from side to side, taking in the sights excitedly. Watching people moving around him, it was clear the Star Wolf wanted to hop in and meet all the fresh faced people. “Chill out, bud,” Mythal said, reaching back to pat the hound on his neck. “I know it’s excitin’ but you gotta reign it in a little bit.” The only answer he received back was a half-bark and groan, much like a child being told to wait by a parent. Mythal turned back to Seri, his eyes scanning past her and over the heads of the people. “Amazin’ how fast a mild little town like this can be transformed into a club…”

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    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 15th August 2020, 10:08 am

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury was intensely giddy with excitement. The moment Serilda had brought up this rave party and invited the two of them to it, the Silver Wolf Ace had already started counting down the days. She’d never been to a rave before, nor had she heard of one, but the more the Rune Knight couple talked about what would happen there, the wider and brighter her eyes had gone. It was like they had depicted a vivid image of heaven in her mind’s eye, giving her some weirdly misconstrued understanding of the concept that she’d been struggling to understand ever since being introduced to religion. Frankly, it sounded very similar to the orgy that the du Wolffs had brought her too, though this even sounded like it wouldn’t be quite as lascivious in nature. But thumping music, neon lights, black lights, drinking, punk styled dress codes… she was drawn in hook, line, and sinker.

    Vandrad had surely seen it on her face, just as she had likely seen the horror on his. But now that Mercury knew such an event existed, she was going to go, with or without him, and if that meant she was going to be alone with his newly introduced adoptive brother and future sister-in-law… well, so be it. Fortunately, he seemed to think better of the kind of disaster that would turn out to be and opted to take the offer to spend the time with the other couple, even if it wasn’t the kind of scene any of them except Mercury would be interested in. She’d spent the next several days planning, and when the big day finally came she was fired up and ready to go.

    Since Magnolia was between Clover and the Phoenix Mountains, Mercury agreed to meet Vandrad at Fairy Tail before moving on to the princess’ home town. So elated was she for the night’s gathering that she practically fell off her hover disc when she got outside the main hall and dramatically threw the main doors open as she strode inside. As always, the Fairy Tail hall had quite a number of people milling about inside, most of them members of the guild but a few of them guests such as herself. Nearly everyone stopped to turn and look at her, taking in the sight of her peculiar outfit: A high collared blue jacket with short, puffy sleeves covering a gold trimmed white top with a sweetheart neckline that curved daringly around the tops of her breasts. A matching pair of tight fitting booty shorts squeezed around her ass, and a dark set of knee high leather boots sat over top a set of white stockings that rose up to about mid thigh. In fitting with the rave theme, parts of her outfit were trimmed in gold metal, and there were pink hearts on her sleeves and stockings that glowed with light. Similar hearts were on the face of a pair of goggles that rested on her head over her hair, and she had also used a bit of her magic to make the gear shaped tattoos on her arm and neck glow pink like she had traced them with glow in the dark paint.

    “TIME TO GO, DADDY!” she called out loudly into the hall, drawing the attention of anyone that hadn’t already been looking at her. It was fairly common for her to do something like this in an effort to tease Vandrad, who was already well known in his guild for hating attention in any form. Most of his guildmates were used to the antics by now, having long ago accepted that the Silver Wolf ally had somehow managed to wrangle the surly man into spending nearly all of his free time with her, despite how exasperated he often got with her shameless behaviors.

    She strode into the room confidently with a huge grin on her face as she looked around to see if he’d even come down from his room yet. “You better be wearing that outfit I got you, or so help me I will strip you naked in front of your entire guild and dress you myself!”

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Posts : 789
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    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 15th August 2020, 12:16 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Urban Nights RJtajUnz_o

    This was outrageous.

    How had he, the Prince of Bellum, allowed himself to be talked into joining this… this… buffoonery? Vandrad enjoyed music; he certainly didn’t seem to really enjoy himself just performing for other people but there was nothing wrong with listening to it. But he didn’t enjoy dancing, he didn’t enjoy party atmospheres and he certainly wasn’t that big of a fan of debauchery. That last one had lessened as of late, in thanks to his partnership with Mercury but that didn’t mean he was prone to jump into an orgy willy-nilly. He would still scoff and roll his eyes, even if he was attending and that would have to be out of some misplaced sense of honor or companionship. So in short, it would have to be because Mercury was going.

    But that didn’t mean he was jumping to his feet everytime that she suggested something outside of his comfort zone. Indeed, he seemed more like to point out how underneath him such events were yet still followed after her. Was it duty to his partner? Concern that someone could make a move on her while he was away? A whole sum of different explanations and excuses ran through his mind every time he questioned himself, opting to ignore the deeper sensations that tried to bubble to the surface. He was a master of inner denial and perfectly capable of pushing emotions down when they needed to be. He just chose to display his annoyance and dislike for people, places and things because he wanted to ensure people understood just how much he tolerated for the sake of friendship. So it was not hard to imagine that when Serilda had mentioned this… ‘rave’ in the town of Clover that he looked utterly dismissive of the very notion of going. Yet it was Mercury who lit up like a firework, her face flushing with excitement and her eyes twinkling like a flame in the dark. She had been almost this excited about the after party at his family’s estate, perhaps more so because it was going to be so publicly displayed.

    That, of course, meant that she could publicly display him. She knew better than to force the subject with him, as Vandrad expressed very little interest in wanting to take part in anything at the rave. But he didn’t immediately dismiss the idea, out of courtesy for his newfound sibling and his betrothed. Serilda and Mythal seemed like fine individuals and he was very interested in getting to know them further. Turning down an invitation, especially in the face of a royal such as Serilda, would have been rude and his pride refused to let him do so. Besides, it seemed like Mercury was of the mind to go no matter what and gods forbid whatever mess she got into while he wasn’t around.

    She had insisted upon dressing him for the event, a suggestion that he had refused outright. But upon seeing the outfit that she had chosen for him -- one greatly inspired by his usual armored-attire -- he was pleasantly surprised. The only outlier was the addition to a mask but he supposed that was for the sake of blending into the crowd. She had learned what he enjoyed wearing and had gone out of her way to prepare something for him. That, in itself, made him wary; Mercury had been crafty from the moment he had met her and he assumed that this was some kind of trick or prank that he’d yet to unfurl. He agreed to wear the outfit, though he went out of his way to give it a thorough examination with his scanner before giving it a thorough wash. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with the material and he imagined that whatever she had used would have shown up in his scans or easily been cleaned from the hot water. Amused that he had gotten a step up on her, he finished bestowing himself with the outfit and making sure it fit before he headed down into the main hall to meet her.

    Mercury was excited, that much anyone could gather. She flung open the doors and demanded his attention and hastiness, once more making him the center of attention against his will. Vandrad was waiting by the job board, leaning up against the wall with his arms folded and a deep frown embedded in his face. She insisted that he honor his oath to wear the outfit, even threatening to strip him down right in the main hall. "Will you get ahold of yourself, woman?” He asked, already knowing she wouldn’t. "I’m wearing the blasted thing. Now let’s get this nonsense over with. I’m passing up training to take part in shenanigans.”

    Oh and shenanigans they were. It was like being in Bellum all over again, with the throbbing music and the ridiculous bass levels and the half-naked people gyrating and thrusting and all kinds of disgusting actions. Vandrad scowled as he walked through the crowd with Mercury, looking less impressed by the second as he glanced around. "This is idiotic,” he mumbled to himself.

    “What’d you say, brah?” A man, dressed in a bright neon banana hammock and covered in glowing tribal symbols, spoke up, thinking that Vandrad had spoken to him.

    "None of your business, imbecile,” the Prince snapped back, barely taking the time to look his way.

    “Worrrrd,” came the utterly unintelligent response, the man clearly inhibited by some kind of narcotic. His eyes were glazed and red and he was looking far past Vandrad. “Cool suit, by the by. Laterrrr.”

    As the man danced away, bobbing between two women like a guppy looking for a drink, Vandrad’s brow furrowed. His gaze turned downward and, much to his chagrin, he saw precisely what he was talking about. His outfit was glowing, having been drawn in a reactive material that activated around the dark lights of the rave. His head swung up and around to look for something reflective, only managing to catch half a reflection in a nearby shop window but… it was enough to confirm that the mask, too, had been painted. "God damnit, woman,” he hissed, more than sure she felt quite victorious.

    Now in an even grumpier mood, Vandrad caught up to Mercury just as she met up with Mythal and Serilda, who looked far more proper than either of them. He should have just worn something different from the beginning but his own pride in trying to outsmart Mercury had proven his downfall once more.

    Words: 1115/2000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1413
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th August 2020, 12:47 pm

    Rolling for shiz



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    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by NPC 15th August 2020, 12:47 pm

    The member 'Serilda Sinclair' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Urban Nights Die_01_42158_sm
    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- So Extra- EXP Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Helper- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Motor City Rush- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Scion of the Void King
    Position : Goddess of Conviction
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1413
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 12,421,054

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Voidwalking
    Second Skill: Sword of Wrath
    Third Skill: Cruorthurgy

    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th August 2020, 1:28 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    “I certainly give the hosts points for enthusiasm,” Serilda said with a slight smirk by way of agreeing with Mythal’s sentiment on how different the main square of Clover looked right now. She certainly wasn’t keen on the sheer number of people walking around high or drunk, but she couldn’t let her personal preferences skew her judgement, considering that everything being served was legal and had gone through proper channels. Or at least, it was supposed to be. There was always a handful of people that used these kinds of gatherings as an excuse to take things further and break the law, but there were plenty of Rune Knights out and about, scanning the crowds and making sure nothing got too out of hand. Several of them waved or saluted the two of them as they passed by before going back to their posts.

    As they walked along, Serilda stopped at one point and picked up a box of glowsticks that one of the vendors was passing out for free to attendees. She always tried to find a way to participate, even with gatherings that she wasn’t particularly fond of, and sometimes that was as simple as just taking an extra box of give-aways and playing a part in handing them out to some of the older teens and other adults present. They walked along for a bit, stopping here and there to watch people going to town on paint drums or trying their hand at DJing music. A good handful of people were pretty awful, likely due to drinking and some drugs, but they were certainly having a good time. And surprisingly enough, there were actually quite a number of people that were actually very talented at the games, and that was enjoyable to watch.

    At some point she got thirsty and they opted to get something to drink. They made their way to one of the makeshift bars that Mythal had expressed an interest in before, and after taking a look at the selection, Serilda decided to go for a pink beverage that the bartender described as one that people liked so much ‘they always come back for more’. That sounded good enough to her. She was aware, of course, that sometimes the drinks and things passed out at these parties contained some kind of magical effects, but generally everything was pretty harmless and since this guy was an official vendor he wouldn’t be selling anything that would get her in trouble. She accepted the drink and gave it a taste, earnestly surprised by how delicious it was, even turning to look at it with a somewhat amazed expression. “Wow, that… actually is very refreshing,” she murmured, immediately going to take another sip.

    Once Mythal had what he wanted, the two of them went back to wandering and it wasn’t long before Mercury found them. The lavender haired woman had spared no expense in dressing for the occasion in an outfit that was much more scandalous than Serilda’s, and even sported lights and metal accents. She also had mechanical tattoos in glow paint on her arm and goggles on her head. It was quite the outfit, but it weirdly suited her and from the little she’d interacted with Mercury so far, Serilda really wasn’t surprised. Mercury was practically beaming with delight, her expression filled with genuine joy but also a very shameless impishness, and it wouldn’t take long to see why. Shortly behind her was Vandrad, looking quite grumpy over his bright mask. This one Serilda was surprised at, as he hadn’t seemed at all interested in what was going on before. Yet here he was, in clothes that would otherwise seem plain but were vividly reactionary to the black lights that revealed neon designs hidden within the weave of the fabric.

    “Hey, guys,” she said with a smile, taking another long sip of her drink. Wow, was it already almost gone? She should get another one. “Glad you made it. You seem to be enjoying yourself already.” The last comment was definitely made toward Mercury, whose grin widened into a perfect cheshire expression. She held up the box of giveaways, which were almost gone. “Glowsticks?” the noblewoman offered, as Xiuhcoatl pranced with excitement beside her, eager to be given permission to go greet the familiar acquaintances. When Serilda gave the go ahead, the wolf practically skipped over to Mercury and Vandrad, throwing her body against their legs and demanding attention with about as much puppy like charm as Gren.

    Unaware that her body was beginning to steadily glow blue, Serilda looked at Vandrad with a small but genuine smile and a slight chuckle. “I have to say, I’m impressed you dressed up. I figured you’d be about as eager as Mythal to be here.”

    WORDS: 1671/2000 | @Mythal Ragnos @Vandrad Ragnos @Mercury Arseneault

    Activities completed: Drinking
    Serilda Sinclair


    Mythal Ragnos
    Mythal Ragnos

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Heir to Darkness
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 1057
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux (Former)
    Experience : 11,070,431

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kami No Ken Sutairu O Taosu
    Second Skill: Kingdom Darkness Embodiment
    Third Skill: Soul Stone/Trickster's Illusions

    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Mythal Ragnos 15th August 2020, 2:28 pm

    Enthusiasm was certainly a word for what the organizers had clearly tried to display. They had gone all out with transforming the streets of Clover into the tight confines of a club. With all the room in the world to make use of, they had spread out tables, DJ stations, interactive activities and plenty of bars from one part of the city to the next. It was impressive enough that with the darkness of night, one might even think they were within a warehouse, save for the buildings. And everyone was so excited to see it -- there had to be hundreds to thousands of people in the streets, in the alleys, hanging off of buildings and such. They were dancing, singing, playing drums, DJing and all around partying like there was no tomorrow. It was entertaining to a point but for Mythal, who disliked being in crowds, it was a bit claustrophobic. He decided just not to think about it too much and focus on Serilda and, eventually, Mercury and Vandrad.

    Serilda paused at one of the stations to grab a handful of glowsticks, seemingly wanting to blend in with the rest of the crowd as well as take part in one of the activities. It was definitely one of the more laidback opportunities to take part in -- several stations had been set up with paint covered drums, allowing people the opportunity to play to their heart’s content as well as drench themselves in glowing liquid. The DJ station probably should have been turned down so that those with a lack of musical talent could simply get their fill without blaring outrageously off-beat music but alas, they were instead given full reign to simply go wild and let everyone hear it. Mythal supposed that the organizers simply believed that being as intoxicated as many of these people were, they simply wouldn’t care.

    It was grating but not the end of the world. Besides, if anyone got too uppity, the Rune Knights stationed around the town would act accordingly and swiftly. That was counting that neither Serilda or he happened to act quicker. The Voidwalker led them over to a bar that Mythal had been eyeing earlier to get some drinks, partaking just a tiny bit more in the event. The bartender suggested a drink that had been popular most of the night, some kind of pink beverage that seemed just a bit too fruity for him. For the moment, Mythal simply ordered a simple Midian beer, not wanting to try anything that was glowing, bubbling or humming. Yes, one of them was humming. Seri commented on her drink, surprised at how good the liquid was upon taste and taking another eager sip.

    As they departed from the bar, they happened upon Mercury, who was living her best life. If her outfit wasn’t glowing bright enough, her grin would have shone across the entire town. Her excitement was palpable and her outfit was… well, a bit outrageous. She had gone full metalcore, with mechanized tattoos and metal parts that simply added onto the lack of clothing she was wearing otherwise. Right behind her was Vandrad who was, surprisingly, also dressed for the occasion. He bore a sporty-looking armor that was painted in neon-colored streaks, along with a mask that covered his face from the bridge of his nose down. Even through the mask Mythal could tell he was grumpy about something.

    “Yeah you guys make quite the pair,” he commented, looking between the two. Gren bounded in from Mythal’s left and came up to Mercury and Vandrad, smelling them eagerly before lapping at his lips happily at the smell of familiar scents. The Voidwalker turned her attention to Vandrad, commenting on his apparent agreement to come dressed as well. “Not gonna lie, I kinda thought the…” Mythal’s words faded as a pale blue glow caught his attention and, upon looking at it, found his fiance starting to emanate light. “Hey-uh, Seri? Yer kinda… glowin’,” he pointed it out to her, looking equal bits concerned and amused. What had been in the drink anyways?

    Before Vandrad could offer an answer to the posed question, he was gone. Rather, a large man had stepped in out of nowhere and slammed his feet onto the ground, releasing a shockwave of energy. Vandrad and several other party goers were sent flying from the blast, opening up an area around the perpetrator. A man dressed in a glowing robe with a round hat, he looked like a Midian samurai who had a penchant for raving. Beside him stood a teenager who seemed far more interested in her iLac, an amorphous kind of elemental thing and a soldier in full cyber armor.

    “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” the samurai spoke, his voice suddenly overtaking the sounds of the music. From a quick glance, the soldier seemed to have hacked into the system with his own speaker and was relaying the leader’s words. “I’m terribly sorry to barge into this lively party but insults must be answered posthaste. You see, PL4GUE was the originator for this street rave and yet it seems our ideas have been stolen. As such, it is imperative that we interrupt your good time so as to pay vengeance upon those that have wronged us. Separate and wreak havoc, PL4GUE.” In a flash, three of the members leapt into the air in different directions, off to raise hell on their own.

    All except the teenager. Mythal, concerned for the public and Vandrad, rushed in and grabbed her wrist. “What the hell are you guys doing?” he demanded.

    The teen scoffed. “Hands off boomer or I’m calling the cops.”

    “I am the cops.”

    “Okay well police brutality then, whatever boomer, get bent,” she dismissed him again.

    Mythal reached up and tore the iLac out of her hand, tossing it onto the ground. Immediately her eyes flared in rage. “You bastard!” She swore as she swung at him, her fist finding flesh. But despite the fact that it was, in fact, flesh, she may as well have hit a brick wall from the clear lack of damage it did to Mythal. His other arm came up and he swung it down in a chop to her neck, dealing a quick and decisive knockout blow.

    That was one. But where were the others? And where were Seri, Vandrad and Mercury?

    HP: x/y
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 15th August 2020, 4:51 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    “You know what I’m about,” was her only retort to him when he grumbled about her getting a hold of herself and how he had to pass up training to go to what he viewed as an utterly ridiculous event. This, as always, did nothing to deter her spirits. “Yeah yeah yeah, you have an aversion to fun. Luckily for you, I’m here to build up your tolerance. Let’s gooooooo..!” She was not to be stopped, eagerly ushering him out the door and into the sky.

    It was a short flight later that they found themselves in Clover. Mercury already knew where to go as she had, unbeknownst to Vandrad, visited Serilda’s home town a couple times before their meeting in Era in her efforts to study the woman and Vandrad’s brother. So, she was already pretty familiar with the general layout of the city and where the bulk of the event was taking place. They could see the lights from quite a ways off, which just made Mercury all the more excited. Soon enough they touched down, and Mercury folded up her hoverdisc, tucking it away in the small pouch on her hip that she used to conceal her use of magic to summon devices. Then, barely able to really contain herself, she hooked him by the arm and pulled him along with her into the crowd.

    She was immediately captivated by… well, everything. The flashing lights were a beautiful sight that filled her with energy both emotionally and magically. Music poured in from practically every corner of every street, giving a wonderfully chaotic rhythm and theme to the setting. People were packed together in clusters around DJ’s and stations where people were beating on drums and spraying paint everywhere, and while the idea of being covered in liquid and staining her clothes almost never appealed to her, she couldn’t deny that taking a round on the drums and making a mess actually sounded kind of fun.

    Vandrad followed along with her all the while, grumbling his protests at how annoyed he was to be taking part in this. “Aw, c’mon. You learned to enjoy the after party. I’m sure we can find a way to make this fun for you, too,” she said, teasing him a little but also being somewhat sincere in trying to encourage him. Whether it was because she felt that was the right thing to do, or because she was trying to earn back some of the brownie points she was about to lose when he saw his outfit lighting up like a canvas of fireworks, was anyone’s guess. She was already having a hard time keeping from revealing the twist, wanting him to figure it out on his own.

    It wouldn’t take long as he got momentarily distracted by one of the attendees who was high as a kite. At the same moment, Mercury saw the unmistakable form of Gren and waved to try and get their attention. “There they are,” she said, not really even realizing that Vandrad had gotten side tracked. By the time she realized he was a few paces behind her he would be searching for a reflection to see himself in, Mercury turning to look just in time to catch him staring at himself in agitation. She cackled merrily to herself before finishing her approach, her self satisfaction written all over her face as Serilda and Mythal greeted them. Both had drinks in hand, and while they were certainly more on the conservative side of things it was worth noting that both had actually dressed for the occasion. Mercury was actually quite impressed that Serilda had her stomach showing, given her understanding of how staunchly proper the heiress typically was.

    Mercury’s grin widened when Serilda commented on how pleased she seemed. “Oh you have no idea,” she told the noblewoman merrily. At the offer of glowsticks, the Xocili happily dug into the box and pulled out a couple in various colors, snapping them to get that satisfying crack and shaking them into life. The wolves happily greeted her and Vandrad, and while Mercury didn’t quite gush over the animals like most women probably would she was quite happy to see them again and to get some pets in. Her subtle enthusiasm had less to do with any sort of dislike of animals so much as just still being somewhat new to the concept of pets in general. It was a phenomenon that she was quickly growing to like, as all her previous interactions with beasts up until recently had been mostly as sources of food.

    Serilda commented her surprise at Vandrad’s apparent willing participation, with Mythal following the sentiment up in agreeance. Mercury grinned and jabbed a thumb at the prince lightly. “Poor guy made the mistake of trusting me with picking out his clothes. I’m probably in trouble so, if you find my body in the street tomorrow you know who to look for.”

    Mythal was getting ready to form a new statement furthering the conversation along when he got distracted with the same thing Mercury was just noticing. Serilda was starting to glow, very much like one of the many sticks she’d just offered the pair. She blinked at the older woman even as the director voiced the occurrence aloud, causing Serilda to frown and lift her hand up in surprise to confirm that she had, in fact, started glowing. “So they’re selling the good shit at the bars, then?” she asked, confident in being able to make light of the situation given how both Mythal and Serilda didn’t seem too bothered by it. A lot of nobles might have been embarrassed or upset, but the princess of Clover seemed to have taken it in stride and found honest amusement out of it.

    Then everything went buck wild. Vandrad was suddenly and rudely shoved aside by someone rushing quickly by, causing him to collide into Mercury who was equally thrown off balance. “What the hell?” she exclaimed as she recovered herself, simultaneously trying to determine how Vandrad had fared and to identify those responsible. The latter part wasn’t hard. Some Midian looking fuck stood at the center of the space that had just been cleared, and with him was a teenager not much younger than Mercury, some weird creature that looked like it was made of a mixture of light and liquid, and some faceless person adorned in cybertech armor. As Mercury quickly tried to judge how far she’d been separated from Vandrad, Serilda, and Mythal, she listened to his speech about how this party had supposedly been their idea and it had been stolen from them, so now they were going to cause problems about it.

    “That so?” she murmured. Like hell was she going to let anyone take her fun away. The four individuals scattered at the samurai’s word, with Mythal snapping a hand out quick to catch the teenager before she could get too far. Mercury herself had her sights set on the one with the armor. Curious equipment, that. Without moving from her spot, she pulled her customized iLac out of her pouch and starting punching in commands with a devious little smirk, her own wireless waves rippling out invisibly through the air and infiltrating the tech. In a blink, she had quickly and easily hacked the soldier’s armor and put it under her own control.

    “What the…” the guy inside muttered as the suit suddenly forced him to come to a grinding halt right when he was about to overturn a stall. Suddenly, without his instruction, the armor began to move. It turned him around and almost robotically made him walk right up to Mercury, stopping at attention before her.

    Knowing by now that the others of this vagabond little party were already being seen to by others, she kept her focus on her own target, walking circles around him as she examined the armor. “My my, what a delightful suit you have here.”

    He struggled in vain to try and get control back. “Who the hell are you? What did you do to my armor?”

    “Well you see, I simply decided to ruin your night before you could get the chance to ruin mine. You should count yourself lucky that you got me and not my very angry friend over there.” She pointed at Vandrad, who was busy putting the PL4GUE’s boss in his place. “So! Let’s see what this baby is capable of, eh?”

    Scrolling through her tablet, she got to work reading though the specs at computer speeds, quickly absorbing the armor’s features. “Nice sound system,” she commented, pulling the settings up and making adjustments so that the output was internal rather than external. “Tell me, is it true what they say about the brown note? That there’s a level of bass so strong that it forces you to expel your bowels? Let’s find out, for science.”

    She pressed a button and loud thumping began to vibrate the suit violently on the inside, the sound muted to those without. The man inside cried out in agony as the impact and intensity of the beat began to make his head throb and disorient him. Mercury monitored his vitals with her scanners and while he was certainly experiencing a rush of adrenaline and bright spots of pain on the lobes of his brain, he did not, in fact, shit himself.

    “Ah well,” she lamented. “It was worth a shot.” Turning off the music, she switched tactics. WIth one press of a button the armor’s mask flipped itself open, revealing the wearer’s pained and bewildered face. Then, with a pleasant smile, she entered another command and one of the guy’s armored arms lifted itself up and forced him to repeatedly punch himself in the face several times until he ultimately collapsed, unconscious. Quite entertained with herself, she glanced up to see how everyone else was faring.

    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 15th August 2020, 5:31 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Urban Nights RJtajUnz_o

    Mercury was certainly proud of herself, that much was true. She laughed so hard that he could literally hear it over the booming music and dancing people. His eyes snapped to her in disgust and agitation, once more the punching bag at her bag of tricks and wiles. Yet after a moment he simply sighed and let his anger flush out of his system, even managing a scoff that was oddly close to a laugh. He’d taken precautions and she’d still managed to get one by him. She was upping her game and frankly, all he could really do was be impressed. He poked at the mask on his face a few times, trying to decide if I was going to pull it off and remove the ridiculous disguise but opted against it. If he was already in it at this point, he may as well commit. He’d find a way to get back at her at some point, whether it was that evening or not.

    Despite her little trick, she did seem genuinely interested in finding a way to help him enjoy himself. He highly doubted they would find anything but he wasn’t unwilling to let her try. She was right after all -- he’d managed to enjoy himself at the after party, if only in an attempt to spite her. So he followed after her, meandering into the small group of known individuals with the same demeanor of a cat in a shower. He gave both Serilda and Mythal a nod and when the wolves came over for attention, he held out a hand for each of them to sniff and then gave them a few strokes through their fur. Vandrad was sympathetic to pets, though he’d never owned one personally. And he could sense the connection between them and their owners; a bond that was deeper than most relationships even went. It was only right that he treated them with the same respect.

    Serilda and Mythal both pointed out their surprise that Vandrad had actively chosen to participate in the grand charade, given his… everything. Before he could explain, Mercury owned up to her prank, stating that she was the one responsible for his clothes and even musing over the fact that he would probably end her before the night was over. He snorted. "You’ve done far worse things to me than to dress me like a clown. I’m sure I’ll survive,” he shot back, saving face by putting on a confident front. He may have been smirking behind the mask as well but there was no telling. As he reached in and pulled out a single glowstick, more to examine it and wonder why such trivial things were such a piece of attraction, Mythal’s voice stammered and quickly changed direction. Upon glancing up, Vandrad, too, found himself surprised at Serilda’s sudden… illumination. It was like she had become a walking glowstick herself, a pale blue hue emanating from her flesh. "Hmph. Be wary; I’ve heard of such drinks that make you glow such as this. It’s supposed to heighten the atmosphere or something like that,” he explained what they probably already suspected. His mother was prone to having such beverages in the underground bar every now and then.

    Well introductions as settled as they could possibly be, it seemed time to plan out… well, what to do. But before any of them could even properly speak to move forward, a large man released a magical pulse as he came dashing in, sending several civilians flying as well as Vandrad himself. He’d been off his guard and he had crashed through Mercury before sailing into a drum set, causing the current drummer to scream and dive out of the way. The Prince turned the instruments into scrap, spraying paint all over the area as he slammed into a shop window afterwards and came to rest against the cash counter.

    "Goddamn cheap-shotting son of a bitch,” Vandrad hissed furiously as he pushed himself to his feet, his form completely and utterly covered in glowing paints. He reached up and wiped his eyes with the back of his arm, freeing them from the luminescent sludge while the rest of his body remained painted. He could barely hear the samurai’s words as he stalked forward towards the hole he’d made, his anger quickly funneling into his magic. Just as the sword-wielding man announced the plan to separate and leapt into the air, Vandrad screeched forward, slamming his fist into the samurai with a downward stroke, sending him crashing down into the concrete from whence he’d left. The impact caused the entire rave to shudder, even as the music suddenly resumed.

    Vandrad landed on the ground as the smoke cleared, revealing the samurai on his feet. “A most impressive speed and strength. I see I should not have underestimated you. Forgive my hasty counter but I cannot afford to tangle with such an opponent,” the samurai relayed to Vandrad, even as he began to draw his sword. Pink flames began to surge from the hilt, making up the entire weapon itself. It snapped out, unleashing a wave of colorful fire at the Prince, who casually stepped to the side and let it fly by him. The samurai grinned, knowing all too well that Vandrad would most likely be forced to turn on his heel once he realized that the fire striking the buildings would be a far worse fate.

    But instead, the fire slowed before it hit the building. It came to a complete stop and then began to return in the direction it came, though slightly askew. The Prince’s aura had sparked to life and his ethernano-absorbing presence had begun to vacuum up the fire. "You know how to put out a fire? You spark a larger one right next to it, snuffs it right out,” Vandrad replied coolly, even as the fire cloaked over his aura and melted into the golden form. As the remnants of his attack faded into Vandrad’s energy, the samurai took a surprised step back. "I think it’s about time for you to say your prayers. This isn’t personal -- I’m just in one hell of a bad mood,”

    Vandrad disappeared and reappeared in an instant, an uppercut swinging up into the samurai’s body and sending him skyward. Another teleport and he was in the air above the leader, slamming his fist into the samurai’s stomach. Vandrad spun and sent a kick into the leader’s side, launching him up and above the city. The leader, now fearful, invoked his summon and brought forth another one of the elementals that had been with the original group. But before it could do anything, a beam of light pierced through it’s torso, released from Vandrad’s palm. The Prince was gone again and this time he was behind the flying samurai, thrusting his knee out and bending the gang leader backwards so hard, it was amazing his back hadn’t snapped in two.

    "This is the end!” Vandrad roared as he suddenly transformed, his hair turning a brilliant blue hue as he wrenched both arms back and brought them down, delivering a hammer blow into the samurai’s head. Down he shot into the town, once more crashing into the cement but this time with a definite finality. Vandrad landed on the ground beside the unconscious samurai, slamming his foot down onto the katana’s hilt and crushing it. As the flames died out, the ravers all around him began to circle him, amazed at the glowing color of his hair. "Whoa, back off!”

    Words: 2396/2000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault @Serilda Sinclair @Mythal Ragnos | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Serilda Sinclair
    Serilda Sinclair

    Ice Queen

    Ice Queen

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    Urban Nights Empty Re: Urban Nights

    Post by Serilda Sinclair 15th August 2020, 6:34 pm

    Seri Banner
    Conviction never shames nor condemns us.
    It calls us back to who we truly are.
    Holy shit, this drink is so good.

    Serilda literally couldn’t get over it. No matter how hard she tried to focus her attention on their guests, her thoughts lingered on the quickly draining glass in her hand. She had gone through the liquid so fast and it had been wildly more refreshing than she’d expected it to be, though oddly enough she somehow was even more thirsty than she had been before getting the drink. She wouldn’t exactly complain about needing a refill, though. Actually, they weren’t that far from the bar they’d been at. She could easily just go back and get another--

    Her train of thought was interrupted by Mythal speaking her name. He looked a bit bewildered, while Mercury seemed to be doing her best not to laugh right in Serilda’s face. All three of them were staring at her. She was… glowing? Lifting a hand to look at herself, she realized that she was, indeed, giving off a clear blue light that seemed to be growing brighter with each passing minute. How had that happened? She hadn’t taking anything except… the drink. Enlightenment dawned on her and she laughed lightly, shaking her head. “I really should have expected this,” she said. It was too late now to feel sorry for herself, and it wasn’t like she was doing anything wrong. She was just under a spell that was probably temporary and just illuminated her body. And apparently made her beyond thirsty.

    Vandrad commented a word of caution, stating his understanding that drinks like this were somewhat commonplace at some parties and were hailed as elements to enhance the gatherings. “Well… it’s certainly an experience,” she told him with a wry smirk, twisting her hand around and turning much like he had earlier to try and find a reflective surface to see herself on. “This must be what it feels like to be Lux.” The dry comment was aimed at Mythal, though it wasn’t so quiet that Mercury and Vandrad wouldn’t hear. As she turned away, however, all hell broke loose.

    An explosion of energy sent people flying, causing Serilda’s instincts to kick into high gear. Just because she had a drink and was glowing didn’t mean she was indisposed, and in an instant she had both of her swords materialised in her hand. Moonlight burned a blue-white almost as bright as Serilda’s flesh, the silver blade rippling with a holy atmosphere, while Malice was practically invisible in the night, soaking up the light from all the glowing paint and paraphernalia and forming a spot of almost anti-light in her left hand. She was lock stepped into a cool but ready stance, Xiuh poised and ready at her heel.

    Curious to the reasoning for the intrusion, and having no interest in stopping these hooligans from confessing to their upcoming crime in front of thousands of witnesses, Serilda calmly waited for the leader, a Midian in samurai gear, to finish his little speech. All at once, the group attempted to scatter, and it didn’t quite go as planned. Mythal wrangled up the teenager before she could get very far, knocking her out clean and quick. Vandrad came seemingly out of nowhere, him having been launched the furthest out of their group, and immediately set himself to subjecting the man to his knuckles. The brief glance she got at Mercury didn’t show her doing much just yet, but the woman seemed to at least be tracking the individual that had been in a suit of techno armor. Which left the weird amorphous creature of liquid and light that suddenly split into five such creatures and tore off in different directions.

    Serilda swiftly flicked her wrist and sliced Malice through the creature that attempted to zip past her. She could smell the acid reeking from its body, hinting as to the corrosive effect these things had. That was going to be trouble if they got to any buildings or touched any people. She needed to act quick, and to hit the remaining four all at once before they got too far away. Taking a calming breath and never losing her composure, Serilda closed her eyes and used her Void Sense to locate each elemental. If they were liquid then they could freeze, right? Tapping into her magic, small glyphs formed beneath each elemental and miniature but powerful vortexes of black wind forced them up into the air, several meters higher than the confused and inebriated people below. Then, a much larger such glyph formed in the air above everyone, stretching out wide enough to cover the entire area the elementals filled.

    The glyph began to spin and churn, and a thick cloud of black frost permeated the air, sinking into the bodies of the elementals and turning them to ice almost instantly. Once they were fully frozen, Serilda deactivated her spell and the amorphous constructs dropped to the ground, shattering on impact into soft bits of ice that quickly melted into nothingness. Looking around, she took note that Mercury had managed to subdue the armored man without even moving from her spot, somehow using her peculiar looking iLac to hack into the suit and use it to toy with the man inside. Vandrad, curiously, had beaten the PL4GUE leader unconscious and turned his own hair from stark black to blonde, his body glowing almost like her own with a fiery aura about it.

    And of course, that was attracting all the drunk party goers like moths to a flame. The prince barely had time to soak in his victory before they were starting to surround him in awe and wonder. Since she could see her Knights already working on rounding up the other captive criminals and that the danger was over, she dismissed her swords and quickly made her way over to Vandrad. Despite her casual clothing, there was no mistaking her as the commanding noble in the area as she walked with a sense of grace and control that was powerful enough to cause everyone to overlook her somewhat skimpy clothing and her glowing skin. She quickly slipped between the crowd to Vandrad’s side and placed a gentle, professional hand on his shoulder to gently draw him back from the people.

    “Yes, he put on quite the show, didn’t he?” she asked the crowd with a pleasant smile, ever the politician, unflappable at the worst of times and able to redirect the attention of a scene with ease as she quickly got him out of the spotlight he clearly wasn’t pleased about and took it temporarily upon herself. “I do apologize for the party poopers, but the Rune Knights will take it from here. I’m sure they’ll have the drums and DJ back up and running in no time. If any of you are ready for another drink, I suggest Danny’s stall right over there. Just watch out for the one that makes you glow!” She grinned lightly as the small crowd cheered, elated over the idea of more alcohol as their short attention spans quickly drew them toward the aforementioned bar and away from the Bellum wizard.

    Boy, another drink sure sounded great, now that she thought about it...

    WORDS: 2892/2000 GROUP TOTAL: 9766/8000 | @Mythal Ragnos @Vandrad Ragnos @Mercury Arseneault
    Serilda Sinclair


      Current date/time is 15th September 2024, 8:09 pm