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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran


    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 23rd June 2021, 2:48 pm

    3 Strong(+) Armors (upgraded)
    Strong(+) Equipment
    3 Strong Equipment - think these were the ones upgraded into strong(+) armors
    1 Legendary Equipment
    1 Legendary Equipment, 2 Strong(+) Equipment)
    Strong Equipment
    Strong (+) Equipment
    Legendary(+) Equipment
    Legendary(+) Equipment
    2 Artifact Equipment
    2 Artifact Equipment
    Artifact(+) Equipment - using for Aegir
    Artifact(+) Equipment - using for Mint
    1 Legendary, 1 Strong(+), 2 Strong Equipment
    Strong(+) Equipment, 2 Strong Equipment
    artifact from EG 1
    Artifact from EG 2
    Artifact from eg 3
    Artifact from EG 4
    artifact(+) equipment from 10y with tam - gemini linked pet

    https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t14656p400-the-pet-shop#428478 8 pets

    4 Rotten Applekins, Semper Vigilans, Soulbound Blade, Avatar of Humilitas

    recent trade for soulbound blade and semper vigilans

    Moar Exp
    Moar Exp 2
    15 Spell Slots
    Fairy Floss Slayer Lacrima, Ancient Scroll (currently on Riia)
    Ancient Scroll - used for prismatic radiance
    Spate 2020

    Last edited by Ran on 15th July 2021, 5:15 pm; edited 11 times in total



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    Third Skill:

    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 23rd June 2021, 2:55 pm

    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 PbNaXxk
    ⤧ Roleplay Threads and IC Posts:

    ⤧ Outstanding Job Signups:

    ⤧ Resolved Job Signups:


    <div align="center"><div style="text-align:justify;padding:10px;width:550px">
    Type Here

    [center]X Words[/center]




    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 23rd June 2021, 3:43 pm

    - seika and clem (aelu says its fine)
    - dogventures

    Player(s) Name(s): Ran
    Player(s) Guild(s): Guildless
    Player(s) Rank(s): Y
    Job Name: Adding to the Photo Album
    Job Approval page number: Linked Here
    Link To Job Thread: Linked Here (Ran's WC only)
    - forfeiting exp for +100% bonus jewels (40k), lineage bonus is 100% (40k), gold rush ascendant ability is 100% (40k) and golden lac is 25% (10k), also receive equipment from lineage -> 170kj + strong(+) equipment

    Player(s) Name(s): Ran
    Player(s) Guild(s): Guildless
    Player(s) Rank(s): Y
    Job Name: Adding to the Photo Album [C Rank]
    Job Approval page number: Linked Here
    Link To Job Thread: Linked Here (Ran's WC only)
    - forfeiting exp for +100% bonus jewels (20k), lineage bonus is 100% (20k), gold rush ascendant ability is 100% (20k) and golden lac is 25% (5k), also receive equipment from lineage -> 85kj + strong equipment

    Player(s) Name(s): Ran
    Player(s) Guild(s): Guildless
    Player(s) Rank(s): Y
    Job Name: Adding to the Photo Album [C Rank]
    Job Approval page number: Linked Here
    Link To Job Thread: Linked Here (Ran's WC only)
    - forfeiting exp for +100% bonus jewels (20k), lineage bonus is 100% (20k), gold rush ascendant ability is 100% (20k) and golden lac is 25% (5k), also receive equipment from lineage -> 85kj + strong equipment

    Player(s) Name(s): Ran
    Player(s) Guild(s): Guildless
    Player(s) Rank(s): Y
    Job Name: Adding to the Photo Album [D Rank]
    Job Approval page number: Linked Here
    Link To Job Thread: Linked Here (Ran's WC only)
    - forfeiting exp for +100% bonus jewels (5k), lineage bonus is 100% (5k), gold rush ascendant ability is 100% (5k) and golden lac is 25% (1250) -> 21,250j

    Player(s) Name(s): Ran
    Player(s) Guild(s): Guildless
    Player(s) Rank(s): Y
    Job Name: Adding to the Photo Album [D Rank]
    Job Approval page number: Linked Here
    Link To Job Thread: Linked Here (Ran's WC only)
    - forfeiting exp for +100% bonus jewels (5k), lineage bonus is 100% (5k), gold rush ascendant ability is 100% (5k) and golden lac is 25% (1250) -> 21,250j

    Player(s) Name(s): Ran
    Player(s) Guild(s): Guildless
    Player(s) Rank(s): Y
    Job Name: Adding to the Photo Album [D Rank]
    Job Approval page number: Linked Here
    Link To Job Thread: Linked Here (Ran's WC only, last 500 words)
    - forfeiting exp for +100% bonus jewels (5k), lineage bonus is 100% (5k), gold rush ascendant ability is 100% (5k) and golden lac is 25% (1250) -> 21,250j



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 23rd June 2021, 3:45 pm

    Jewels from Lineage: 2,150,000 || Jewels from Golden Lac: 550,000 || Jewels from Gold Rush: 900,000

    Credits to Leah for the bar!

    ⤧ Applications and Items:

    ⤧ Purchased or Received:

    ⤧ Misc Threads & Posts:

    Tracker/Reference Posts
    <div align="center"><div style="font-family:Georgia;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;color:#ffffff;padding:10px;width:500px">
    Calibri Applications
    <div align="center"><div style="font-size:9pt;font-family:calibri;text-align:justify;color:#ffffff;padding:10px;width:500px">

    Artifact is always 250K and Artifact(+) is always 350K

    • Legendary(+): 75,000 Jewels.
    • Legendary: 70,000 Jewels.
    • Strong(+): 35,000 Jewels.
    • Strong: 30,000 Jewels.

    • Legendary(+): 85,000 Jewels.
    • Legendary: 80,000 Jewels.
    • Strong(+): 45,000 Jewels.
    • Strong: 40,000 Jewels.

    Magic Items
    • Legendary(+): 75,000 Jewels.
    • Legendary: 50,000 Jewels.
    • Strong(+):  35,000 Jewels.
    • Strong: 20,000 Jewels.

    Combat Pets
    • Legendary(+) Pet: 80,000 Jewels.
    • Legendary Pet: 60,000 Jewels.
    • Strong(+) Pet: 40,000 Jewels.
    • Strong Pet: 30,000 Jewels.

    Buy a Lacrima Coffee (500k) or remember to use Moar Exp

    Adding to the Photo Album



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

    Character Sheet
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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 23rd June 2021, 10:33 pm

    Name: Shiva | Hiyori | Mattea Bethel, Gift of God
    Gender: Female
    Age: Young Adult
    Birthday: March 7
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Special Characteristics: Shiva gauges personal trust towards other people in "Trust Ranks" that are acquired in different ways.


    ""I have to resolve my own issues.""

    The cold denizen of the ocean, Shiva is an easily amused woman with a passion for wildlife, particularly certain types of it. Her sense of humor can be confusing, but it usually consists of laughing as people make fools out of themselves. Inside of Shiva exists a certain level of sympathy for idiot people. At the same time, though, she lacks empathy for their blunders and cannot understand how or why she shouldn't laugh. Straightforward in certain ways and mannerisms (such as with her own apparent facial emotions) but extremely discreet with her personal information and history, Shiva is like the surface of an ocean. It's easy to penetrate one or two layers, but it's difficult to discern how much is your reflection being shone back at you. The essence of Shiva that lies beneath her depths is almost unreachable.

    Shiva dislikes zoos, and she doesn't see the point of mankind learning more about animals. Rather than see them from a scientific stand point or that of a kindly woman only wanting to help rescue them, Shiva sees animals for what they are. Imperfect, but beautiful. She yearns for animals to be given the freedoms they deserve and not to be seen or observed as a spectacle. While Shiva appreciates knowledge and agency that human customs and obeying them can bring her, she'd much rather go about life as she wants. Remaining a part of civilization for too long can cause her to feel misplaced. There's a lot she can derive from cities and towns and other human settlements, using money and connections (after forming/earning them). Yet, in the end, they're worthless except for their relative value. Shiva truly finds the highest love for something with intrinsic value not assigned to it by any government or people. The pure joy and taste of salt in her mouth as she rides an orca across the waves. That is worth so much more than money, in the end.

    Still, Shiva admits that she is lured in by the promises of what gold or jewels can provide. Nonetheless, she finds that many people are weighed down by the judgement seeping from others' eyes. She, too, feels that heaviness on her back as she goes about her life. The difference with Shiva is that she might understood what a person's reputation is and what it can do for them. But the level at which she cares about it is lower than her desire to do what she wishes and act on behalf of whomever she wants. There's a lot to be gained from questioning and meeting new people. Shiva isn't really a charismatic person, but her bluntness and surprising affection at times (such as towards whales) can give the impression that she has a hidden good side. Her expressions are usually easy to interpret and will paint her emotions across her face.


    • Darkness || Some people find being unable to see unsettling, but for Shiva, it represents the cool, welcoming embrace of the unknown. She feels confident when faced with the darkest depths. Walking forwards is not a problem. Claustrophobia can be a problem for many people, but Shiva grew accustomed to diving in the deepest and narrowest sea-caves. For this reason, she feels comfortable nestled on all sides as long as the temperature is bearable.

    • Ocean || Untold depths and endlessly dark waters hide a thousand secrets. Shiva's home will always be in the marine biome. More than just the water itself, she adores the creatures and environment of these large bodies of water. Fresh flowing rivers will be pleasant, she loves taking baths, and her hydration is key. All of these derive from a deep and sincere adoration for the sea.

    • Whales || Her favorite animals, and the catalysts for at least a portion of her powers. Their natures can vary from skittish, peaceful, savage, and many more. Often, Shiva finds that whales make better company than that of humans. Also included under this general umbrella are creatures like dolphins, orcas, and certain sharks.


    • Boundaries || Particularly when they prevent her from doing what she wishes or going where she would like. She is willing to ruthlessly step over the place the legal law has marked a Do Not Enter zone. Shiva's goals come before the maintenance of any local dictations. She respects most humans at a level lower than that of animals, who are more meaningful to her.

    • Presumptuous People || At the same time that she would be quick to step over someone's visibly marked boundaries, Shiva dislikes the same being done to her in turn. Anyone who tries to harrass her or intrude on her personal space will not be welcomed with a smile. It's really a toss up with Shiva what she can find amusing and what would be over the top, too much.

    • Posturing || Shiva is not about intimidation tactics nor putting on a visibly false front. While not someone unwilling to lie, she tends to dislike blatant acting. If someone is doing it in a subtle way and manipulating a situation she's in, she may respect them for the bold move but will likely be displeased.


    • Information || This goes both ways; she likes to keep her own secrets private and hidden. At the same time, a part of Shiva craves knowledge about others. It's not so much the usage of those personal details as the possibility that attracts her. In the most basic way, she likes to play God with the ability to influence others' lives. Not that she would.

    • Power || Everything is much better when you're at the top. Or not exactly at the top, but close to the top. Shiva is looking for direct power and training in her skills. She doesn't want to be the head of an organization, but she understands that she needs to be able to beat them in a fight. Even if it's inadvertent, she often gravitates towards situations that will allow her to become stronger.

    • Wealth || Straight and simple, Shiva likes having money. To elaborate, she likes what it can bring her. The free agency that being wealthy provides is undeniable. Although she's not a simple mercenary willing to go beyond the law for a small sum, she's not unswayable, either. Many forms of wealth exist beyond currency: property, favors, allies, and more. All are tempting and can provide various forms of support.


    • Gods || Shiva will receive her judgement one day, that she is sure of. As a woman originating from a culture steeped in religion, she lacks piety but has accumulated a massive burden of trepidation mixed with distress. Living in a world of magic and deities, there is no possible way, in her mind at least, that gods could be exactly as they've been described to her. Still, the fear exists, having been trained into her from a young age.

    • Decimation || Although Shiva understands that life goes on and the world will change, she cannot bear the thought of mass extinction events or large groups of animals she cares for dying. There is no way to protect all of them, but she will cut down whoever she feels like is a huge threat to the safety of the oceans or her companions. Her sympathy can even extend to strange or unknown beasts and the hunters or adventurers who try to kill them.

    • Dry Deserts || Dry, barren lands. Arid sand and rolling dunes as far as the eye can see. There must be some way to navigate them properly, but for Shiva, these methods elude her. It is so unlike the ocean that she cannot manage to fully comprehend the idea of a desert in her mind. Of course, deserts exist in many forms, and they do not necessarily have to be stereotypically sandy ones. Shiva mostly fears those of a sandy and scorching nature, though.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 121 llbs.
    Hair: White
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Appearance: Image below!

    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Left shoulder, in black



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 24th June 2021, 12:56 pm

    Description: Seika originally met Aphelia when she was submerged in the sea and nearly drowned. After being turned into a cat, she met the flame bubble spirit in her true form, which is that of a goldfish in an oxygenated water bubble. Nowadays, Aphelia prefers feline forms over anything else, but she can shift shape at will and in every form retains the ability to swim and to breathe and speak underwater. Being a magical spirit, she detests physical activity and prefers to float everywhere, although she can pretend to walk, run, and prance around like an ordinary animal or person when necessary. Out of combat and with the OOC permission of anyone involved, Aphelia is able to teleport herself and any companion to a location she has previously visited or to an individual/object she previously interacted with. Though she does not technically have MP, she is able to cast character spells as a result of her link with Seika, and these require MP.

    Aphelia comes from a long line of summoners, although she herself was never formally educated by her clan. Instead, after her family home was destroyed by a shipwreck that crashed into their bubble spirit reef, Aphelia has set off on an adventure with Seika to learn together with her and discover new things and magical mysteries. Despite her lazy attitude, Aphelia is a sharp eyed, observant companion who notices nearly everything. Her problem (in Seika's opinion) is more of a lack of willingness to act or intervene in many situations where her assistance would be most helpful. In addition, being unable to actually digest food has never stopped Aphelia from stealing Seika's snacks whenever she feels like it, another frustration for the mage. This form is an incarnation of the original Risa Aphelia, and is able to combine with any other forms of Aphelia who are present into a single entity. At all times, regardless of whether their forms are visually or physically combined, all incarnations of Aphelia share memories and sensory information. Album of Known Forms

    Original Form (With Seika):
    Favorite Form:

    Abilities: 3 S Rank Abilities (one from bond), 1 A+ Rank Ability

    Passively, Aphelia's spell durability is first increased by 90% (A+), and her spell speed by 60% (S).

    Active Abilities:



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 2nd July 2021, 9:24 am

    [color=lightsteelblue][size=16]Approved Magics[/size][/color]

    [color=lightsteelblue][size=16]Approved Weapons[/size][/color]

    [color=lightsteelblue][size=16]Approved Armors[/size][/color]

    [color=lightsteelblue][size=16]Approved Items & Pets[/size][/color]

    [color=lightsteelblue][size=16]Ongoing Threads[/size][/color]

    [color=lightsteelblue][size=16]Finished Threads[/size][/color]



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 11th July 2021, 9:53 pm



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 14th July 2021, 7:01 am

    Extraordinarily bored of waiting, Shiva leaned back on the beach without a care for the dirty staining her garments and stared up at the dying sun as she popped a cherry into her mouth. Immediately afterwards, she spit it out onto the rocky sand. "That's absolutely disgusting," she grumbled as she hacked and coughed as the taste leaked across her tongue, down her throat, and into her stomach. "I'm sick of waiting for people, can we just pirate or kill then pirate them all and call it a day?" Shiva asked loudly and rhetorically to the quite literally nonexistent crowd around her. The island was empty aside from several mystical monsters, which she quite approved of. Oh, and Jack. And his sister Avantika. They were also somewhere on the Shadow Island, but she had to admit she wasn't sure exactly where. Shiva had just popped in as per their previous agreement, and she had to admit this set up was pretty cool.

    The Shadow Isles were honestly a great place to stay. Freedom and independence were the main concerns of most of the denizens of this island, and there were little human residents to the point where she could avoid them altogether if it so pleased her. Shiva rubbed her fingers in the sand as she mumbled to Aegir through their mental link and sat up slightly. Responding in kind, the orca dropped to the beach from where he had been hovering over her shoulder and slowly shrunk down until he was barely the size of a fifth of his ordinary mass. Aegir curled his lower body and tail around the back of her neck. Pulling her sun hat off of her head, Shiva playfully placed it on Aegir's own noggin before she telepathically sent him a sleepy thank you, 'for being her temporary sleep cushion.' Then she leaned back onto him and fell asleep. If some murderous or frightened people arrived, she assumed she would hear them. Or be awoken in some way or another. If not, well, guess she would die.

    Today, Shiva had dressed particularly casually because Aegir had lauded the importance of "looking cute," which was a stupid thing for him to say as a currently bright red and white orca who always was adorable, but. Such was the advantage animals had over humans. Now, as she was sleeping soundly, Shiva appeared to be something of a common beach goer, with blue shorts and a thick grey belt paired on the top with a flowy, summery half dress in white and gradient blue. The small red stripes across her bodice and the hem of her off the shoulder sleeves were reminiscent details of the sailors she had killed a while ago in the past. Shiva had no idea if people still considered this color set nautical, but, well, she had tried her best to evoke that feeling. Red tinted sunglasses completed the look, and now as she lay on the beach with her eyes closed, she appeared to be a regular girl suntanning. Well, suntanning in the dim sun of the Shadow Isles, with random mythical monsters roaming about nearby. Since Shiva was so pale at the moment, perhaps it made sense that if she always tried to tan herself here, her attempts to naturally attain a darker skin tone would be utterly useless.

    558 Words, 3340 Total

    You can click here to get a rough idea of what Shiva is wearing for this 'beach party.'



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 15th July 2021, 3:01 pm



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 16th July 2021, 10:18 am



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 15th August 2021, 10:34 am



    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    Third Skill:

    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 Empty Re: ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran

    Post by Ran 19th August 2021, 11:40 am

    The Philosopher’s Homunculus

    Summoning Key

    Unknown Key

    Melee Damage:
    User Rank Unknown Summon Melee Damage (Up to H)

    Summon HP:
    User Rank Unknown Summon HP (Up to H)

    User Rank Burst Range (Up to H)

    User Rank Burst Speed (Up to H)

    User Rank Max (Up to H)

    Proof of Acquisition:
    [Insert Link to Purchase Post]

    A byproduct of a genius alchemist, the Philosopher’s Homunculus is considered the very apex of successful physical transmutation. After all, it involves the creator having firstly crafted a Philosopher’s Stone, which some already consider impossible. The next step requires the alchemist to transcend the physical plane and journey into the spiritual, infiltrating a realm known only as "the Garden". An angel’s chrysalis must be stolen and returned to the mortal plane and then, only then, does the alchemist have the means to transmute the Philosopher’s Homunculus into existence. Of course, the last ingredient is the alchemist’s soul, but that step is only discovered upon undertaking the final step.

    ⤧ Shiva's Nova Bank & Tracker ⤧ - Ran - Page 2 AAixy72


    Plot Ability:

    Name: Forbidden Transmutation
    Rank: User Rank (Up to H)
    Category: Supportive
    Type: Multi Target - Buff, Regen, Counter-Effect
    Healing: User Rank Multi Target Healing
    Range: User Rank Multi Target Range
    Speed: User Rank Multi Target Speed
    Duration: User Rank Max
    Description: The Philosopher’s Homunculus creates a ring of golden light around itself as its core activates. From this ring, lassos of glowing energy leap out and attach to the maximum number of people as designated by the user (up to H rank limit and equal to the max duration of this ability at most). The targets are healed instantly with residual energy remaining to continually resupply healing energy throughout their form, healing them once every post this ability remains active. This also buffs the target’s Spell Speed by user rank active values for the ability's duration and reduces the effectiveness of any debuffs applying to targets of this ability by 50%, halving them.

    Name: The Unending Wall
    Rank: User Rank Advanced (Up to H+)
    Category: Defensive
    Type: Multi Target - Buff, Anti-Piercing
    Durability: User Rank Advanced Multi Target Damage + 50%
    Range: User Rank Advanced Multi Target Range
    Speed: User Rank Advanced Multi Target Speed
    Duration: User Rank Advanced Max
    Downsides: Sacrificing two effects for 50% increase to durability
    Description: Once more the Philosopher’s Homunculus crafts a ring of golden light around itself. Each target indicated by the user, a shimmering field of gold and white surrounds them, creating a thick shield of magic. Those targeted by the spell have their own Spell Durability buffed by user rank advanced active values. These shields are Anti-Piercing, further protecting the targets from outside damage. A number of targets equal to the maximum duration of this ability can be shielded at any given point while it is active.


      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 10:54 pm