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    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
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    Experience : 5214

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    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Empty Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 22nd March 2020, 3:20 pm

    Rekka smiled as she had gained some important information while being outside of a guild was fun, it was much more fun to be with others with the same mindset. While out of the light of the world she had kept track of many guilds and one, in particular, that was a rising star got her attention. It was called Errings Rising. Due to her particular skill at getting information from people she was able to discover its location, a mountain she could remember from her past for sure.

    She would head to the location they supposedly were at, as she waited as she knew dark guilds didn't exactly like unannounced guests, she would simply shout who she was, this always seemed to be her best method.

    "Do not worry I am not here to come after you my name is Rekksa Lawless, some of you I am sure have heard of my actions, but I am not here to fight I want to join you. If you wonder what I have to offer, well I did help with several legal guilds downfalls, it was quite the joy to fight them. We have for far too long played hide and seek, we have let this world return exactly to what it was before I had disappeared into the shadows. I had hoped the world would change, it simply went back to its twisted sense of justice and discrimination, those that are wealthy continue to abuse those that are not. Many sick individuals hide under the mask of being legal, those type of people anger me. So let us talk and see if we can come to an agreement."

    She waited for a response as she was well above the settlements and in the mountains behind it. She did wonder how much they wanted to change the world, Rekka deeply wanted to change the world. To unite the world under one guild, no more than a guild to force all nations to obey their rules and their laws.


    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 606
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,266,477

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Dragonborn Magic
    Third Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic

    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Empty Re: Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Post by Sanguine 28th March 2020, 11:17 am

    It wasn’t much of a problem for work to be done within the main area of the hall. Surrounded by other moments lounging around, one would think a high seated member would not be here among the others cleaning as though she were just some hired help. No, this was to help show that despite her title, she would not allow that to change what she enjoyed doing. In her mind, being a maid was as much as being a nun had been. At least, the way in which she had been trained and taught was the reason behind it. Still, the white haired maid did not let the looks and whispers get to her. Instead, she just showed them the same kindness from which she showed anyone else. That was just whom she was; nice to a fault until she didn’t have to be. An angel of mercy or a devil of destruction.

    But just then, the doors bursted open and a sole woman stood in the hall entrance. Beginning her monologue reminded her much of Ohdran and his attempts to seem like some all important being. But her name... it struck her memories well who she was. While a few members snickered and chuckled at her announcement of accomplishments, the head maid shoo’d them from the room, leaving only herself and the new arrival. ”The catastrophic cannibal of Savage Skull is still alive, huh?” She mused, chuckling to herself, but also aloud as she did find this wonderful to see. Whether it was true was another story, but she would surely find out if this woman was the real thing or not.

    ”Well, allow me to be the first to welcome you to Errings Rising, Mistress Rekka.” The maid gave a full curtsy, her head lowering as well before she would return to her former position, hands rested in front of her. ”I am the head maid of the guild. You may call me Sanguine if you please.” She returned the greeting, remaining where she stood from the moment of her greeting as the doors would close on their own with Rekka still inside the building. ”Please do come in, take a seat if you wish and if you’d like a drink or food before we begin, I’ll be happy to fetch it for you.” Her offer carried no malice or concern. Though, the only concern would he having to begin stacking up bodies to help feed a cannibal... occasionally. She was a wanderer after all, one capable of hunting her own meals. Still, it would be an interesting addition to this already dysfunctionally functional family.

    438 words
    775 thread total


    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Empty Re: Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 15th April 2020, 4:37 pm

    Rekka heard a few snickers as she glared deeply at them, they had no idea what sort of monster she was, if they had any idea they would not laugh at her, they would deeply fear her. However soon a maid came down and mentioned her name and title, ah yes at least some people had respect for the past. This young woman at least realized what Rekka was, or well who she was. She offered to get her food and drink before she shooed the others away.

    "Well if you are offering I would like some Domaine Leroy Richebourg Grand Cru any year is fine as well as a burger with black truffles not cooked on a potato roll. I am glad you at least know my name its a sham,e some of these others don't study history at all."

    She would wait to see if the maid could get her what she wanted, surely a guild of this nature could afford such things, if not she would be greatly disappointed. She was happy to be in a guildhall once more, she wondered just what the guild leader was like and if they knew who Rekka was. Her lips curled up as she thought about the taste of the wine and the truffles, she loved such high-class food and hated when people disappointed her with low-quality garbage.


    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 606
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,266,477

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Dragonborn Magic
    Third Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic

    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Empty Re: Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Post by Sanguine 25th April 2020, 10:07 am

    This woman’s requests were rather specific. They reeked of that of a spoiled Savage Skull mage for sure. One of the much older, empowered ones for sure. She didn’t knock or scoff at the request as though she were an old timed villain in the new age, but the idea was certainly there. Her eyes still spoke of kindness however, masking those internal thoughts of hers while she took a mental note of the food and beverage choice. Such things did not exist as far as truffles, nor did that brand of wine, which she knew Rekka would not much enjoy to hear, however that was out of her hands. ”I regret to inform you madam, that such things do not exist in the guild. We do have a somewhat extensive wine collection and array of foods, however I can assure you such choices are not ones we carry.” She informed her, giving a bow of apology towards the cannibalistic mage.

    The snickering of the other members did not really go over well for them. Her eyes darted their way, the stern glare causing them to freeze up for a moment. No maid or butler around dared make any of those shy types of childish antics around the head maid specifically for that reason. Quickly, the room emptied out of members, leaving only a pair of maids, the head maid, and their new guest. ”I apologize for their rudeness. Their ignorance is not so much their fault. Not only have I read up on you before, as a former Savage Skull member myself, it’s nice to see that you’re alive and well. My time was much passed your time there, however one can’t dismiss the idea of the old archives room. The ones located near the old laboratory.” She knew the location would mean something, just withholding information to assure that she was truly the same Rekka Lawless and not some fake trying to use her name for their own gain.


    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Empty Re: Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 25th April 2020, 1:07 pm

    She was not shocked they did not have what she wanted, in fact, it amused her she actually told her they did not have those things. She did mention Savage Skull, this felt like a lifetime ago for herself, and really it had been many years since those days. She finally remembered as she clearly had an aha moment on her face. It had been ages but she did remember you had to turn the skull head a certain direction in the room in order for the door to open.

    "I am not shocked you do not have the food I asked for, as for that room, of course, I remember it. We had to turn the skull three times to the left 4 times to the right and a push forward to be able to open it. We had some things people couldn't see out in the open. I understand you are trying to figure out it is me but I can tell you details of how I bit a man's penis off and ate it if you want such details."

    She simply grinned, she didn't care if she had food, this was more of a test to see how much this guild could handle her. She felt comfortable here, the castle type building so fitting for someone like herself. She certainly enjoyed the settling, a dark place that likely had a fun dungeon to enjoy herself in.


    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 606
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,266,477

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Dragonborn Magic
    Third Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic

    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Empty Re: Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Post by Sanguine 5th May 2020, 8:40 pm

    It made her a bit delighted to hear how specific that Rekka was in having to access the room that was mentioned before. A smile even began to light her face as she had brought it up and then nodded her head in approval. She could remember the entirety of that guild hall from memory, enough to draw its entire decorum with every bit of ease. It was a nice thing to the Demi-dragoness for her to make use of this, however there wasn’t much else that would do for someone whom left before the shift in the look of the guild upon the number of changes in guild masters and mistresses in the time since her vanishing. However, none of that mattered anymore. Rekka Lawless was a treasure that would not be wasted in the chance to add to the collection that was very dangerous and driven mages from which Errings Rising was making itself known for. That helped her significantly in her own recruitments, of which meant a world to her when it came to quality over quantity for her Queens sake.

    The woman then brought up something that she had felt was... rather improper. She had blushed up some, just upon hearing those words, however the white haired maid shook her head in response to that comment. ”I-I... I don’t believe such a thing is necessary, Mistress Rekka... I-I ask your refrain from such lewd speech please.” There was a hint that Sanguine truly was more like a normal teenage girl. Her facial expression of averting from the guest, her face flushed, biting lightly on her lip, and the light squirming of the body showed it was both embarrassing and uncomfortable for her. She’d never had such a thing around her before and the lack of experience in talking among such topics had her crawling in her skin while reflecting on her childhood life.

    It took her a moment of time to shake it off, with a literal shaking it away before she gave herself a couple prepping smacks to either of her cheeks and exhaled. ”Anyway, as for your joining the guild...” She tried to get herself on target and put on her prior smile, trying to leave the comment out of her head. ”While we would love to have such a veteran among us, I must first go over some things with you. Please, take a seat and I will have a couple maids bring us some sandwiches and tea.” Giving a couple nods to the remaining maids, they quickly scurried out of the room, never having seen their boss acting in such a manner. She moved herself to a couch with several cushions, sitting on one side while motioning for her to take a seat down. ”So, firstly I must ask why it is you chose Errings Rising, much else what it is you seek from joining with us. Power, money, infamy, for example.” There was Hope she saw more in it than just for the sake of Rekka wanting the basics. There just had to be more.

    514 words


    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5214

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    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Empty Re: Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Post by Rekka Hecate 17th May 2020, 4:36 am

    Her response to the dick being eaten was great, she was such an innocent flower, Rekka would simply grin widely and wink at the girl. She could teach her so many things, so many fun and lovely things if given the chance. She squirmed and even showed signs of being uncomfortable. This was so much fun, she would love to tease the maid but she quickly regained composure. She asked Rekka to take a seat as she was going to be given sandwiches and something to drink. It appeared she wanted to know what Rekka wanted from the guild, this was easy she wanted to change the world, she was tired of the vile filth hiding behind wizards and the politicians and nobility being untouchable.

    "That is quite simple my dear I want to completely change the world and control it, I know that's impossible but changing the world and exposing those who are the true enemies I can do. I just need to set the flames of rebellion and watch it happen, to long have nobility and those in high political spots been protected. I know the true disgusting facts about nobility little games they play because of my personal experiences. I wish to change the world by having a revolution remove the nobility from power, instead of the joke of a magic council we will determine what must be changed to better the world."

    She would wait for her to digest the words she said, those were not minor words, and those goals were much bigger than she likely thought. Rekka didn't consider her actions evil, this world made her what she is. They could blame themselves for letting her suffering break her, to prevent this from happening again she would do whatever it took to change this world with or without a guild.


    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 606
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,266,477

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Dragonborn Magic
    Third Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic

    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] Empty Re: Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join]

    Post by Sanguine 28th May 2020, 12:32 pm

    Much to her delight, she saw that the cannibalistic behavior that a Rekka showed had quickly dissipated from the conversation. If there was one thing that got under her skin more than spiders did, it was anything that related to cannibalism of people. There was quite the difference between how nature had committed such acts, and then in humanity. Then again... much of humanity was far more basic than that of nature, but that was a rant for another day in it of itself. Before Rekka would have gotten to speak, the tray of tea was set down as well as another with assorted pitchers; sodas, seltzers, plain iced water. Whatever she sought to want, she could have. In a sense, this was a flavor of persuasion to have her join. As much as it would be for another of rank to join along the cause of reclaiming a new order of royalty among the world under the rule of Errings Rising, Sanguine felt it great to have a name that would still leave some boots to shiver. The rumors of the old mages return would surely throw a ring of uncertainty in the communities of this country for sure. ”Why thank you. One last thing is just a bottle of red wine and two glasses. Then, feel free to take a break.” She shot the pair of maids a smile, whom returned it with a curtsy and skipped off to grab her the requested bottle.

    Though the head maid poured herself a cup of tea in the meantime, she had listened to the plans that Rekka had. To push forward her plans and help tear down the council, overthrow the tyranny of the royal family? They all sounded fitting, however the unexpected push to throw civilians into the mix as being the types of people to use a rising rebellion of people into the fray of a warpath. ”Ah, that sounds like a sound plan, Mistress Rekka.” She commented, pausing to take a sip before setting the cup down and placing her hands on her lap. ”As you’re aware though, your name is not as revered as it used to be. As such, you should know making a name for yourself in this day and age is much harder. However, having it out there once before doesn’t make it hard to spread old and new rumors.” Then, in the midst of a break in her voice, she formed a menacing smirk. ”Just picture the branding of your name, tainted in the fearful sputtering of people everywhere, combined with the growing name of Errings Rising. A group unafraid of taking over entire countries, such as Hostia. Another of our aces having slaughtered nearly the entirely Hakobe Settlement, as well nearly killing me as well, but I digress. I myself have made myself an enemy of the Rune Knights. Crucifying a member to their wall using the bones of other knights I killed for trying to stop me. Of course, I let him live. It’s one thing to kill someone, but simply imagine scarring someone for life. Making them unable to fully heal as the scar of that one night would haunt them for the rest of their days.”

    Frankly, she was getting carried away at this point. What was starting as a normal conversation became her painting the guild and herself in a light that would fit so well into what Rekka was trying to look for. As much as some could consider her grifting the woman into being stamped, she was not for doing such a thing. Besides, those who joined willingly usually did more more the guild than for those whom did not. After she’d finished replying to that of Rekka’s comment, the wine and glasses had been delivered, set down beside the rest of the drinks. With a thanks, the two maids headed off for their break and left the pair to themselves once again. ”So, with that said, I would like to extend the hand of invitation to join Errings Rising. I do believe you would enjoy yourself quite well within the castle and to enjoy the collapse of Fiore as we know it one day.” As she spoke, she had popped open the bottle of wine, pouring a glass of a highly vintage and old wine, holding the glass out for the cannibal to accept, should she choose to join after all. In the meantime of her eyes paying full attention to it, her hair would wrap around the bottle, pouring into the other glass and taking it in her free hand. Should she accept, they could toast to the joining before drinking.

    778 words


    Do You Like Darkness?[Open guild join] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

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