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    To Fiore, and Beyond!


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 13
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 50

    To Fiore, and Beyond! Empty To Fiore, and Beyond!

    Post by Ardent 20th March 2020, 10:21 am

    "Well, being denied for a job due to lack of paperwork is never fun." Ardent mused to himself, the breeze attempting to carry off his hat into the warm, if a tad bit salty sea air which overlooked Hargeon Town's international sea port and fishing harbor. He walked down the main Street, following a small pocket map of the town towards what would end up being the office for which he'd receive his passport, allowing him to travel to and from any international country, city-state or Vista, without the hassle and embarrassment of being unable to travel in the first place. The day was markedly beautiful, the sun's rays reflecting off the cool aquamarine tinted bay; though it reflected right into his eyes, so Ardent covered them slightly; in the attempt to mitigate damage done to his rather sensitive eyes.
    With a tad bit of luck, and stopping for directions a few times in conjunction to his map, Ardent made his way successfully (if a bit on the roundabout side of finding his way there) to the Hargeon Branch of the Magic Council International Travel Bureau offices. He made his way through the door, and was greeted by the sight of a slightly longer line than what was hoped for. Ardent made his way to the end of the 50 odd person queue, and began to wait. Of the five windows that were open at the start of the day, by the time Ardent had made it to what was essentially the top ten of the remaining lineup, only two windows remained. In front of him was a rather oversized fellow, as he stood maybe 8 feet in excess. Flanking him at his six, Ardent noticed a mother and a couple of maybe toddler age children, which had irritated me through the entire process of waiting.
    By the time he had made it to next in line, he felt pity for the mother, as her face spelt out the stress of trying to keep her two unruly children from causing too great a scene. So, when it can to his turn, Ardent took the time to offer his place in line to the obviously stressed woman, to which the mother of the children took with a look of relief etched in her face for a moment. She did her paperwork, and Ardent took the open window that had been taken by the comically tall ser that had occupied it.
    With the help of the stressed man behind the counter, the process of filling out the proper paperwork, and denoting his unfortunate Guildless status, which had to be verified and took extra work for the poor man. Ardent, whilst feeling a bit bad to cause a hassle on his behalf, gave the man a bit of his remaining Jewel. To be fair, it wasn't much; but it didn't work against him as the man took out and handed me my official passport. He smiled and wished the man behind the counter a good day, exiting the building with a smile briefly visiting on his face.
    Word Count: 514 Words.

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