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    Motor Citry Rush!


    Motor Citry Rush! Empty Motor Citry Rush!

    Post by Guest 11th January 2020, 7:09 am

    Honestly, Vanita didn’t think too much of Motor City, finding the entirely metal look of the place to be quite off putting. She’d always loved nature and there wasn’t any of it here, replaced by the grey and drab landscape that only a city could provide. The purple haired woman had only planned on just passing through but when she walked past a shop offering driving tests, her curiosity had been piqued and she’d decided to have a try at it. She didn’t know all that much about cars but she was a quick study and her elderly instructor had been kind enough to teach her the basics, rather than just leaving Vanita to struggle. As it turned out, the mage was pretty good at it and she was soon quite easily making her way through the almost endless streets, performing the right hand movements and using her indicators when needed. She wouldn’t say that it was something she’d do often but it was always nice to learn something new and perhaps it would come in handy one day.

    The pair spent about an hour or so simply travelling before the test started in earnest, with the old girl being surprisingly patient and almost seeming to be a little too laid back. She didn’t criticise Vanita at all about her driving and there were moments where the phase mage wondered if she was even paying attention. As it turned out, that didn’t seem to be the case as the instructor seemed to nod off more and more often, not that Vanita complained at all. The road was pretty much clear anyway and there was little in the way of obstacles. It was little more than a day time cruise in truth and it was only when the old girl woke up for what must have been the tenth time that she suggested that they head back to the testing centre. As they made their way back, the elderly woman would start to fill out the various forms, as well as making notes about how the test had gone. There was a sparkle in her eye that seemed to be a sign that Vanita had done well and the mage was quietly confident about her chances.

    By the time they returned to the depot, the instructor seemed to be finished and with a smile, led the mage into the building. As it turned out, the purple haired mage had passed with flying colours and the next half an hour or so flew by as Vanita went through the process of gaining her brand spanking new licence. The old lady seemed to be more pleased that the mage was and grinned from ear to ear as she finally handed the document over. With a fond farewell, the mage would then take her leave of the place and take to the road once more, vanishing into the distance as she headed for her next job. These first few jobs had been rather simple ones and perhaps she would push herself a little more next time with something she could get her teeth into.

    (521 Words)

    Last edited by Vanita Narcista on 11th January 2020, 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total

    Motor Citry Rush! Empty Re: Motor Citry Rush!

    Post by Guest 11th January 2020, 7:10 am

    (Rolling, rolling, rolling.)

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    Motor Citry Rush! Empty Re: Motor Citry Rush!

    Post by NPC 11th January 2020, 7:10 am

    The member 'Vanita Narcista' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Motor Citry Rush! R2fEWNz

      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 2:34 am