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    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V]


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 650

    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] Empty A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V]

    Post by Taiga 15th December 2019, 9:55 pm

    "This - brrr - is the - brrr - last time - brr - I do a re-re-request in Mt. Hak-hak-hakchuuu!" Taiga sneezed, a small clear liquid hanging from his nose before wiping it away with a sleeve. The young mage had arrived in Mt. Hakobe the earlier in the day in order to deal with a request that required him to pick up some rare plants atop the mountain. He wasn't looking forward to it though, he stood in the middle of town with his arms wrapped around himself in a futile attempt to keep himself warm from the freezing temperatures.

    A few of the locals who seemed adjusted to the temperature chuckled at the site of Taiga's display which embarrassed him a little. It would normally bother him more but he was too cold to care. His teeth chattering and his whole body was shaking almost uncontrollably when he walked up to a nearby resident. "E-excuse me. I-I'm looking for - brrr- a rare plant called th-the - brrr - Actulaprinithia." He was actually a little surprised that one, he remembered how to pronounce it and two, he said it without the interruption of the cold. Unfortunately, the woman just shook her head. "Honey, you've come at the wrong season. This is the cold season, the coldest of the year. You need to come when its slightly warmer." Taiga frowned in disbelief and pulled out the piece of paper with the request on it. "Wha!?" He wish he hadn't taken this request in the first place. At the bottom of the paper was in very fine writing 'only go in the warm seasons'.

    Defeated, Taiga slumped down into the snow as the woman walked off. "St-stupid snow. St-stupid cold. St-stupid re-re-rechuu!!! quest!"

    Word Count - 294 / 1,500

    Last edited by Taiga on 21st December 2019, 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
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    Posts : 427
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,593

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    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] Empty Re: A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V]

    Post by Elyon 21st December 2019, 6:06 am

    334 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    The veil of winter had set upon the land. And yet, Mount Hakobe looked the same, only much colder, if that was even possible. Thankfully, the tattooed man couldn't care less for the freezing temperatures. It was precisely this type of weather where he thrived. He was dressed in his usual attire, which would normally raise a lot of eyebrows, considering the time of the year. He had his trusted cane with him, which quietly clicked on the stones that made up the road up the mountain.

    V was slightly bored and without any muse to keep him occupied in the castle of his Guild. Thus, he decided to see if there was anything remotely interesting happening in the settlements. He didn't think that he would find anything as blood pumping as the last time he decided to gather the muse, but there was no telling what could happen. Soon enough, his steps brought him to the settlements. There were few of the locals going about their business, but nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. Though some of the people who noticed V arriving sped up their pace and looked away.

    After walking for a little bit, trying to find something inspirational for a poem, the man did notice something unusual. Or rather, somebody unusual. It seemed to be a young man, sitting in a pile of snow. An ill advised thing to do if one wasn't raised in a pile of snow themselves. With soft steps the tattooed man would approach the other. He seemed to be down on his luck, somehow. "There are better places to sit than a pile of snow." V would say in his typical icy voice, as he flipped his cane. The man would flip the cane so that he was holding the bladed end in his gloved hand and extend the handle to the young man. If the young man took the opportunity, V would pull him up to his feet in a one fell swoop.
    @Taiga || A Cold Encounter


    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 650

    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] Empty Re: A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V]

    Post by Taiga 21st December 2019, 5:39 pm

    Taiga jumped a little in his skin when he heard a voice come from behind him. The young man quickly whipped around in his position to see another young man standing in front of him, holding a cane and covered in tattoos. "Y-yeah, I guess your right." Taiga smiled as he responded to the man's comment on sitting in the snow. He couldn't help but blush a little when he took the stranger's appearance in, he was a very good looking man and seemed to be covered in sexy tattoos so how could he not resist thinking naughty thoughts that made him blush.

    The new arrival had held his cane out towards Taiga as an offer to help him climb to his feet to which the young mage accepted. Taiga reached forward and took hold of the end offered to him, only to be pulled to his feet instantly in one fell swoop. "Wow!" Taiga exclaimed as the sudden force brought him to his feet. "Thank you." He said as he looked down at himself and began dusting the snow off of his legs and butt. "My name is Taiga." Taiga looked back to the young man in front of him. "Its nice to meet you." Taiga had a huge smile on his face, clearly sincere with his words. "And you are?" He asked, curiously.

    Word Count - 853 / 1,500



    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 427
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 24,593

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    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] Empty Re: A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V]

    Post by Elyon 28th December 2019, 7:02 am

    268 - 1121 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    V was glad to see that the young man agreed with him. He was also very much glad that the other accepted his help to get himself up. Once the young man grabbed onto his cane, V pulled him up, seemingly surprising the other. V's body felt broken, but pain was his everyday spice of life, so this little gesture of helping didn't concern him much. The other thanked him and V flipped his cane again, the bladed end clicking on the ground as he leaned on it for support.

    The young man introduced himself as Taiga as he dusted off the snow that was still stuck to him. Taiga then also asked V for a name and the man obliged. "My name is V. It is a pleasure to meet you." The tattooed man would introduce himself, as he slightly tilted his head to the side, where his mark of Errings Rising was. It was to hint that he was not aligned with the most legal of mages. Still, he was intrigued as to why a young man found himself in a place such as those settlements. They were not exactly a tourist attraction or a house to a famous mage or anything. The most they had going for them was the fact that the area was populated with dark mages, such as V. Though V would call himself a neutral with an ulterior motive, but his motivations were not the main topic. "Say, Taiga. What brings to Mount Hakobe? Out of all the possible places one could go for a trip." He would ask, genuinely curious.
    @tagged || This is the space for any notes you might have. If you end up writing too much, it should scroll nicely ^w^


    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 135
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 650

    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] Empty Re: A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V]

    Post by Taiga 29th December 2019, 10:38 pm

    "V..." Taiga whispered to himself. This was the first time the young mage had met someone who had a single letter for a name. He had met quite a few people in his travels around Fiore and there were some that even had names that were a little excessive, for example: Sebastian Aims Royal Jurian Lesquite III, the reason why he was on the snowing mountain. "I like your name. Its simple." He smiled, continuing to dust off some more snow that he had no noticed earlier.

    Taiga had glanced over the opposing man's tattoos and guild mark but didn't quite pick up on the fact that the handsome man in front of him was a member of an illegal guild. The young man in front of him was quite attractive and the tattoos were apart of the attraction. Unfortunately, Taiga can sometimes be dumb as bat shit. "Nice tats!" Taiga mentioned, flirting a little unintentionally. His ears perked up a little when the man named V questioned him. He chuckled lightly, reaching up and touching his nose to confirm that it was still attached and hadn't fallen off from the cold. "Yeah, I came to Mt Hakobe because I had a request at the top of the mountain. Just finished it and now I am looking for somewhere out of this---" He froze for a moment, mouth wide open, eyes tightened and flared nostrils. The expression on his face was easy to recognize. "Achhhoooooouuuuuuu!" The young mage sneezed to his side, making the upmost effort of avoiding the other young mage in front of him. "How about you?" He asked, as if nothing just happened and was now rubbing his itchy nose.
    Word Count - 1,405 / 1,500



    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
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    Posts : 427
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,593

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    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] Empty Re: A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V]

    Post by Elyon 11th January 2020, 2:17 pm

    346 - 1751 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    Taiga seemed to like V's letter for a name. There was a first for everything in life. "Thank you." The man would thank the other. The story behind that letter was better not spoken of, however. Not to a stranger, at least. The young man dusted himself off a bit more, before praising V's tattoos that littered his torso. He couldn't say that he particularly liked them, seeing as he had them seemingly from birth. There was no way to check if that was true, but that was his assumption. "...Thank you, again." The man would thank Taiga again, feeling kind of strange. People generally didn't express fondness towards his name or visage.

    The young man chuckled and replied to V's previous question about the reason as to how or why Taiga found himself in the settlements. A request was the answer. The tattooed man nodded, though he couldn't fathom as to whom would have placed a request or what it would entail. The young man sneezed, before Taiga turned V's question around to him. "I live up the mountain. I came down here in hopes of regaining my muse." The man replied his reason. He was taken slightly aback by Taiga's lack of reaction to V's guildmark. Was it because he wasn't up to date with dark Guilds? Or did he simply not care about one's allegiance? The man couldn't say.

    However, it was clear that Taiga was not doing the best in the cold of the mountain. "Would you care to join me in the inn? You seem like you could use a bit of a warm up." V would extend an invitation to the young man, as he motioned towards one of the buildings. It had a sign that was snowed over, but was still readable to those with good eyesight. It bore the name 'The White Vulcan', perhaps poking at the local fauna. Even though V wasn't thinking of going to an inn when he left the castle, he was fine with connecting somebody new. They could prove useful in the future.
    @Taiga || A Cold Encounter


    A Cold Encounter [Taiga & V] 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

      Current date/time is 26th January 2025, 8:59 am