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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 28th September 2019, 8:33 pm

    Job Description:

    Traveling through the mountains wasn’t difficult, but excruciating and uncomfortable.  Although Zachariah donned his warmest fur-lined parka and boots, the icy air and freezing breezes cut through his clothing.  The settlements weren’t too far in the distance from what he could see.  The archaic stone buildings dotted the horizon like wolves on the tundra.  The sun was barely rising, painting the clearing with shadows of their homes and smoke billowing from the chimneys and the animated silhouettes of the ice farmers.  Zachariah tightened his gloves, slowly losing feeling in his fingers, and waved at the nearest person.  He pointed at the guild mark on his chest, and the woman gestured for him to come closer and lead him into the village.

    “Good morning,” Zachariah greeted, though he wasn’t sure if the woman did not speak Fiorean or could not hear him.  She merely turned her back to him and expected him to follow.  She lead Zachariah to a round, stone building with a warm fire pit in the center.  Around the walls were drawings and depictions of a large creature.  Through the windows, Zachariah peered at the surrounding village, wondering if this was the same creature that wrecked nearly every building.  Large building stones and wooden planks jutted out of the ground, as if thrown around by a hurricane.  Everything was quiet, too, not a voice in the air.  The children wandered about, some injured and bandaged, while many of the adults carried ice and firewood back to what remained of their homes.  Not too far, he could see the path leading higher up the mountain.  He had heard stories of people heading up the mountain and disappearing, or coming back completely insane and on the verge of death.  The thought of heading up there made his blood run ice cold.

    As he heated himself by the fire, he occupied himself with as warm thoughts as possible.  Many of the locals came by and stared at him, wondering what he was here for.  Of course, they hoped for a savior from the beast laying waste to their village. Though, after his last job combatting the majestic phoenixes of Shinku and Kyoka, he promised himself to only slay the beast if he could not calm it.  His anxiety only built up as he awaited his partner, a young woman named Belladonna Black.  He knew not what guild she was from.  Hell, he had never heard of this mage before.  But, he would appreciate the company on a mission such as this.  Several young people stood outside the door, staring his way.  There was a trio of workers appearing about his age, two of which were supporting a strong-looking girl in the middle.

    Zach figured he had enough time, and offered to heal the girl.  So, he allowed the trio inside and unveiled the Dagger of the Hatałii.  To his surprise, the others did not flinch, and allowed Zachariah to perform a healing.  The girl had a wound on her shoulder that was yellow and totally scabbed over.  It was as if a bear had taken a jab at her.  Zachariah examined the wound and determined it was an easy fix, then sat at the girl’s side and held up the Dagger of the Hatałii.  It glowed as he used an ability called the ‘Invocation of the Yei'bi'chai,’ and dragged the blade across her wound like a scalpel. The wound sealed over, fresh and clean and the scab fell and turned to sand.

    The girl bowed her head and left the hut, whispering only to Zach, “It lives in the forest, not the shrine.”

    Zachariah didn’t know how to respond, or what to do with that information, and he wondered what exactly resided in Mount Hakobe.  

    WC: 624
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    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Dia Izuna 30th September 2019, 3:06 pm

    Back to Mount Hakobe, and as Belladonna looked upon its frigid, ice-capped, rugged peaks, a sense of nostalgia mixed with unease flowed through her mind. For quite a while, she had called this place home, but she had slammed shut that chapter of her life so hard that opening that door was always difficult to do. And yet, here she was, drawn by the mission she had accepted. She could have turned it down, but she didn't. It seemed there were those who needed help, and perhaps to prove that she was not as dark a mage as her classification, she would try to help in any way she could. She had noticed, on the contrary, that even though she managed to get her missions done satisfactorily, she always left a signature of calamity behind, a mark that was slowly building up her reputation into something she didn't want. Still, she was always drawn to the cause, like a moth to the flame, to make Earthland a better place, whether its inhabitants wanted it or not.

    The cold was hardly a bother to her; her magic saw to it that she was well protected against it. And so, unlike the average person who covered themselves and insulated their bodies securely, Belladonna strode towards the indicated settlement, wearing nothing that was suited to the weather. With her usual outfit, she ought to have been frozen to a popsicle, if she tried making her way into the unrelenting cold, but she sauntered indifferently past anyone who was trying to make an early start outside. As expected, they stared at her like their eyes would pop out, and she usually responded with a stoic nod, which due to the utter astonishment of the mountain people, could not be replied. Eventually, she found herself at the town the mission briefings spoke of, and she slowed to a halt.

    The place looked like a natural disaster had passed through it, a violent, aggrieved maelstrom that had targeted its malice at this geographical location. She resisted the urge to use the Left Eye of the Mind to see what had caused this carnage, but she figured that sooner or later, she would have to. First, she wanted to get a picture from the local townspeople on what this creature was after. Then, she would use her power, and come to her conclusions. And she would find who was responsible and ensure that justice was done.

    Without using her powers, she was aware that quite a number of people had stopped to stare at her, first of all because of her "impractical" clothing, and secondly because she was definitely a stranger in these parts. She walked up to one of them, a woman of about her age, and smiled at her. "Greetings. I'm here to take care of your monster problem..."

    The greeting was not reciprocated, but the woman simply pointed at a circular building, which had managed to survive the onslaught. From the wisps of smoke that rose from above the walls, there was a fire going on inside. She could sense that someone was already there, a male, and he was, like herself, not a native of these parts. Belladonna nodded a thanks to the woman, remembering how the dwellers of Mount Hakobe were just as friendly as their alpine climate. And as she approached the stone house, she was aware that many of the villagers were gathering to watch. They seemed rather wary of foreigners, and she hoped that it was not because of her last visit to Mount Hakobe. If she remembered correctly, the village she exterminated was not too far from here. But so far, if the villagers here knew she was responsible, or she was even from a dark guild, they were wise not to approach her about it. She walked up to the building and entered.

    The young man she set her eyes on, sitting close to the fire, was even more of a sight than herself. It appeared that some parts of his body were made of crystal, and his eyes seemed to have a peculiar glow to them. Belladonna slowly smiled broadly, not because she recognized him, or wanted to be extra cordial; truth be told, she was cordial to everyone she met for the first time (often even in combat). It was more because this man looked interesting, and her mind was already running through various theories on how important the crystals were to his functioning. Maybe they even had a thing to do with his magic. Well, she would find out sooner or later, and while she hoped that she might even get to study him, that probably was asking for too much. She recalled his name was Zachariah, from the mission details.

    "Pretty fine day to go monster hunting," she said in her breathy voice as she approached him. "Zachariah, right? I'm Belladonna. Pleased to meet you."

    WC: 822
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    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 5th October 2019, 10:23 pm

    Whilst Zachariah tried to shelter himself from the cold, he gained the sudden feeling that someone was staring at him.  He should have been able to sense the presence of another mage earlier, though the cold seemed to be taking a majority of his focus.  When he looked up, his jaw dropped to see a woman dressed as scantily as Belladonna.  Then he quickly realized how rude he must have appeared, and shut his mouth immediately.  “Yep, I’m Zachariah.  Most of my job partners call me Zach, for short,” he introduced.  “Every day is a fine day to go monster hunting,” he added.  A part of him wanted to take off his own coat and wrap it around her, just to believe she was warm at the very least.  There was a curious aura to her, and Zachariah sensed a familiar, ominous feeling the longer he looked at her.  Perhaps it was his intuition reading too deeply into her, but she reminded him of his last venture to Shinku, the shadowy planet.  He was taken aback by her politeness, and learned another lesson in judging books by their covers.  Though, he questioned whether or not her tuff-ness was merely a facade, or if this was her at her most authentic.

    As was the case with most people, Zachariah figured she was eyeing the parts of his body that weren’t all organic.  He was well aware that  parts of his face were crystallized, that his eyes were slightly different in hue.  Of course, he never minded explaining what happened to him, but typically waited until he was asked.  Though, despite how menacing she was, there was an odd comfort he felt around her, as if their spirits were more kindred than he thought.  Out of instinct, he caressed the left side of his jaw, a nervous tic whenever he felt someone notice it.  Although he grew out of his insecurity long ago, he still couldn’t help but do so.  “I was struck by arcane lightning when I was younger, in case you’re curious,” Zachariah explained, then stood and proceeded to peel a part of his jacket away and trace the lightning bolt-shaped scar exposed on his neck.  In the white light of the tundra, the purple, crystallized scar tissue glinted slightly.  His finger followed the mark to where it was blocked off by his shirt.  “The rest of the scar reaches all the way down to my waist, and some of my teeth are partially crystallized, too.”

    He then took a deep sigh and sat back down.  “Anyways, enough about me.  We need to learn more about this monster.  From what I gather, it could very well be a bear.  But I don’t think any normal bear would be able to cause this much damage, so some greater, magical forces are probably at work here too,” he continued, then turned to the window to look outside.  It dawned on him that, to some extent, the settlement reminded him of his former home in Shirotsume.  The main difference between this village in Mount Hakobe and his hometown was simply the climate; Shirotsume experienced nature in its fullest, and this place seemed to be perpetually cold.  The longer he thought about it, the Hakobe settlements resembled the Silent Glaciers, too, only less Silent.  His gaze moved onto the forest and the broken trees that opened like a gateway inside.  “I think it might be in our best interest to try and track the beast, perhaps find where it rests?”

    What, Zach wondered, did these poor village folk do to invoke the rage of some forest beast?  Maybe they encroached too close onto its territory one night, or perhaps competed for prey.  Whatever the cause, Zachariah hoped to find a peaceful solution with the least amount of casualties.  At the very least, he hoped to return home alive.  This was, after all, a job slightly above his pay grade.  He was confident in his strengths as a mage, but he also knew that, like any other human on Earthland, he had his limits.  In any case, he hoped this job would not push him past those limits, or even extend them.  With Belladonna at his side, though, he figured that two powerful mages would be able to crush any challenge that came before them.  Zachariah was finally beginning to see himself become a full-fledged wizard, capable of powers he never thought were imaginable before, and he only hoped to keep growing.

    “My magic is mostly useful for travel and combat, but I do have a summon that can allow me to see farther than the average person,” he mentioned.  “Though I’m not sure if we’ll need it if we can successfully track the beast.  My only concern is if we will have to wait until nightfall.  By then it may be too late to keep what remains intact.”

    WC: 814
    Total: 2260/14,000
    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Dia Izuna 7th October 2019, 9:58 am

    With no small amount of humor (though she did not burst out laughing), Belladonna noted that she had somehow caught the man off guard, what with the way he looked at her... and did his jaw just drop? She wasn't too surprised, though; most people found it unthinkable that she could waltz about in such cold weather with such 'un-protective' garb. Even if she would not admit it, there was a part of her that liked seeing the reactions she evoked from people with her looks. Anyway, he seemed friendly enough, so far. That was a good start in their interaction.

    "Zach... I can work with that," she said, as she sat beside him and folded her legs.

    Zach was right, she had found his crystalline parts rather intriguing, and while he gave an explanation of sorts, it did little to explain to Belladonna why his body was crystal in some places. It did tell her how he got his scar, however, which interestingly, had assumed a lightning bolt shape. Until he explained further, or she got to know him better enough to ask him probing questions, she would have to draw her own assumptions. Most likely, the arcane bolt of lightning would have nearly killed him, injuring his body extensively, and in order to survive, someone had, or (less likely and more impressively), he had himself used the crystal to heal and augment his form. Perhaps in the course of the day, and the mission, she would get to know more about how he used his magic.

    Her eyes drifted from Zach to the flames that fed on the brushwood in the center of the room, as he sat back down. From his words, he wanted to identify first what kind of monster they were up against. This was a fresh breath of air, when compared to many young people who would rather run in, shooting from the hip and playing it by ear. He seemed to have an analytical mind, and that implied that he thought things through before carrying them out. That meant that they could both come up with a workable plan, before they headed out into the unknown. She agreed with him that the creature could not be a bear; its level of destruction was much too large for a single carnivore, no matter how heavy or rabid it was... unless it was not a normal single carnivore.

    "Yeah, couldn't have been a bear," she agreed. "The destruction is much too... massive. I would have considered a natural disaster, but it would have torn through the forest to get here. More like something came over here and dropped the bomb."

    Zach suggested that the mage duo look for the abode of the beast. "Hmmm, that's a good idea, Zach, but it leaves us with pros and cons. Taking the fight to the beast will give us the element of surprise, but we might end up fighting on its turf. Still, that doesn't deter me."

    She pulled her glasses off her face. "We might not have any problems with tracking the monster responsible. Unless something is keen on hiding its tracks with very powerful magic, that shouldn't be a problem for me. It's still morning, so we might be able to get to the end of this before evening, unless something else takes our time."

    She nibbled at a temple tip of her eyeglasses pensively. "There's something about this mission," she said. "If the evidence of our beast is anything to go by, when compared with how recently it happened, I want to believe that the villagers may have angered our beast. Obviously, the destruction started at a certain time, and prior to that, the villagers seemed to be at peace with whatever powers were in charge of the forest. But now, that has changed."

    She turned to look at Zach, her eyes questioning. "If we're dealing with a guardian of nature, unless we find a way to completely exorcise it from these parts, killing it will probably only be a very temporary solution. A more permanent solution would then be necessary to ensure that it doesn't return with more malice. So, in the absence of exorcism tools, we might want to appease it. However, I've never known appeasing to be really palatable to many humans."

    She rose to her feet, her eyes still searching his face. "So, Zach, are you up for appeasement or exorcism?"

    WC: 740
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    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 10th October 2019, 10:24 pm

    Zachariah felt his body tense up when Belladonna sat next to him and he straightened his back slightly.  Though, hearing her refer to him as simply ‘Zach’ filled him with an odd sense of relaxation.  While he wasn’t sure why, this colloquial manner of being addressed distracted him from the impending battle of this job.  As wild and fun as bursting in guns ablaze sounded, the recklessness and danger that followed such a process would make Zachariah want to escape to the countryside from the stress.  “We have a few advantages.  We know that the beast will eventually return to try to finish what it started, but that would require us to fight where there are village folk.  Or, if we search for its hiding place, we can definitely get the drop on it.  The only problem is we don’t know when its active hours are.”

    Belladonna remarked that fighting in the creature’s territory would not stop her, a fact which Zach agreed on as well.  If anything, he perceived that the prospect of fighting on its turf excited her.  “Fighting on its own turf is not a problem for me either.  I’d very much prefer fighting away from the village, just to prevent as many casualties as possible.  You know how these villagers can be, getting caught in the crossfire all the time,” he explained.  “If need be, I can light up the forest with my magic.  Not in a fiery way, of course, but I can use light magic to illuminate our battlefield.”  He fiddled with the Dagger of the Hatałii as he planned, “I can heal us one at a time as well, if things get too dicey.”

    Zachariah sighed, thinking about the tranquility of the village at the moment.  Perhaps they weren’t as peaceful and quaint as they let on.  “As much as I want to disagree, I do think that the villagers may have crossed some line, whether they realize it or not.  There seems to be an imbalance here, between nature and people residing here.”  Belladonna gazed towards Zachariah with an emotion he could only understand as curious, interrogative, or eager.  “As appealing as appeasing the spirit may be, I am no expert in communicating with spirits.  I think defeating it might buy us more time if we need it; allow us to better determine the root of the problem.”  He scratched his chin, weighing out decisions in his head.  “What I think is...we stay vigilant.  Do our best to arrive at a peaceful solution, though I doubt it might be possible.  Exorcism if it really comes down to it.”  With a lighthearted chuckle, he remarked, “Besides, we’re both fairly powerful.  If anything, this should be a good training session,” then cleared his throat and more grimly added “if we survive.”

    With that, Zachariah rose and made his way outside, gesturing to Belladonna to follow him.  In the mud were unnaturally large, somewhat dry footprints leading into the forest.  A section twice as tall as he and many more times wide was broken; whole trees felled and branches scattered about.  Zachariah could only guess what forced its way through in such a manner.  “So, I believe this should be our starting point, don’t you?”  His body tingled as he knelt down and touched the footprint, sensing a startling degree of magic within it.  “I’m not sure how fresh these tracks are, but they may very well lead us directly to the beast and whatever else that might want to eat us.”

    He paused, trying to simulate the battle in his brain.  Whatever kind of creature it was, it was much larger than the two of them and a direct hit might prove fatal.   While he didn’t know how to get around to asking, he was genuinely curious as to what his partner’s magic was.  Observing how she was dressed, perhaps she benefited from the cold weather?  She was much shorter in comparison to him as well, nearly an entire foot, but from experience Zachariah knew that height did not affect physical strength or combat skill in any manner.  In any case, he wanted to ensure her safety, too.  The same rule applied to every mage he partnered with; their safety over his own.

    WC: 710
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    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Dia Izuna 14th October 2019, 5:48 pm

    Zach was up for taking the fight to whatever beast it was that was responsible for ravaging the village. It was the best course of action, because, as he had rightly stated, there was bound to be collateral damage in the form of villagers, not to mention what was left of the buildings that would be further decimated in their battle with the beast. From the way Zach described his magic, it involved light. His crystalline parts probably had a way of channeling or perhaps even generating light, and he also mentioned something about healing, while fingering a strange looking dagger. It was most likely a battle accessory, or perhaps it was connected to his magic. Whatever it was, Belladonna was sure she would have enough of a chance to witness it in action; it was almost absolute that there would be a skirmish before the day was done.

    Belladonna resisted the urge to sigh wistfully and shake her head, when Zach considered the fact that the villagers may have been somehow responsible for their dilemma. Light mages always looked for the best in people; someone like herself, instinctively tended to view people as firstly having evil motives. At least, unlike many of the light mages out there, he was not so naive as to live in denial and assume that every suffering person was a good soul in need of salvation. Most likely, someone, in an act of selfishness, had desecrated something of great importance to the irate spirit, and its ire had been kindled.

    "Well, either way," she replied, "it will end in a fight. We could keep pummeling the spirit involved, till it's tired and leaves for less truculent pasture, or it will wait, if it's wise, till we're gone. Then, it will return and continue its mess. I think if we get a chance at getting it to talk to us, we should try to find out what caused its disturbance, and how to resolve it. We do that, and the spirit leaves. The problem will be permanently solved."

    Springing spryly to her feet, she followed Zach out into the soft morning sun, noting mentally that the wood fire felt more comfortable to be around, even though she was quite resistant to the elements. Inasmuch as this was Mount Hakobe, not everything was covered in a thick layer of snow. There were still many muddy patches, some of which were the result of the raging beast's violent incursion into the village. She looked at the tracks, half expecting to be unable to identify them as those of a regular animal. She wasn't disappointed. They looked quite unlike what an average animal, or even a much larger variant of an average animal, would leave behind. Her partner suggested that they start their work from the tracks, which was the logical thing to do. "Yes, this is the perfect starting spot." Crouching beside Zach as he placed a hand on one of the footprints, she adjusted her glasses and commented:

    "The tracks are relatively fresh. The one you just touched was made at dawn, just before the rising of the sun. This seems to be the spot where the monster decided to call it a night and went on its merry way."

    She straightened up. "Unless our monster is a shape shifter, we could follow its tracks right into its arms. And even if it could change its form, I think I've seen enough to be set on its trail." She did not have to rely on her psychic powers, especially her Left Eye of the Mind, to follow the tracks, but she was sure it would come in handy if a confusing aspect came up while they were hunting down the beast.

    "Judging from its size, at least we can rest easy that it won't be taking us by surprise with a concealed attack; it's much to big to be ignored, if the mayhem says anything about how big it is. The downside is that a creature capable of this havoc is best attacked from a distance. I'm not sure either of us would want it to lay a hand, or paw, or whatever it has, on us."

    Belladonna began following the tracks without using her magic, as they were large enough and easy to trail. "Let's go, Zach. The plan is: talk first and blast later, right? Or should we just skip to the blast part?"

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    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 19th October 2019, 3:21 pm

    Zachariah felt his body suddenly relax, only now realizing how tense his shoulders were, how clenched his jaw was.  He was rather impressed by Belladonna’s tracking skills and was all the more grateful to have her as a partner.  Had it just been himself alone, he might as well have been walking in blind.  While he had some basic knowledge about the wilderness from traveling, he knew much less about the behavior of fauna and hunting.  Going in alone, he definitely would have been caught off guard and wound up confronting the beast before he was ready.  He absentmindedly twirled the Dagger of the Hatałii between his fingers while he thought; a pensive tick he’d begun to develop since first acquiring the weapon.

    Despite his being a light mage, Zachariah had always considered himself to have a suspicious disposition. Even between friends, he rarely, if ever, believes a person at face value.  Perhaps it was a testament to the many lonely years he spent when he was younger, living almost as a hermit studying magic.  His general reservedness aided him in many cases, especially in jobs involving criminals, but it also meant that making new acquaintances was a struggle.  From experience, he knew all too well that people are rarely totally benevolent; everyone has some inner evil no matter how deep inside it is.

    “Perhaps we could try restraining it,” he recommended, though felt the idea was somewhat far-fetched.  He couldn’t do much with his magic to restrict a magical beast, only slay or maim it if necessary. “Though I’m not sure how good of a job we would do at that.”

    Although he shivered a bit from the chilling wind, Zachariah felt altogether eager to go after the beast.  Hearing that the tracks were fresh excited him in a way that he couldn’t explain or understand; it was as if his body was aching for a good brawl.  Luckily, the daytime sun illuminated the way and most of the forest, and he wouldn’t have to expend extra magic on making sure everything was visible.  As she explained the beast’s probable behavior, Zachariah found himself focusing on whether or not she was incredibly intuitive or if she had some type of magical aid to help her track.  Regardless, he commended her for the assistance, “perfect.  I don’t think I could ever be a successful hunter, I’d probably end up becoming the hunted.”

    Zachariah half-heartedly chuckled at the prospect of the creature being a shape-shifter.  Albeit unlikely, he knew it was a possibility.  “If it was a creature of this size, I doubt it would need to change its shape to survive,” he replied.  As he looked forward, he got the ominous feeling that following the tracks would be only one of a long list of concerns.  If there was a spirit large and powerful enough to cause this must destructive, Zach hypothesized that there must also be smaller, just as dangerous creatures around these parts, like prey.  He agreed with a subtle nod of the head, knowing that if a single blow were to land on either of them, it would be devastating to the group.  “You saw what it did to those buildings.  Imagine what a single attack might do to one of us.”

    “I believe you should take the reigns, given your tracking skills,” he said, gesturing forward.  There was a small region of plains between the village and the forest, covered mostly with mud and upturned patches of tall grass.  The ground squelched and sank underfoot in some parts, often threatening to pull him under as he followed.  And as his eyes scanned the wilds around them, he saw humanoid figures wandering about the edge of the woods and in some of the tall grass.  At first, Zachariah figured they must have been laborers or other people from the village, but upon closer inspection appeared almost transparent, as if on a different plane of touch and sight.  They seemed to have caught a whiff of both mages, turning their bodies to face them and drifting closer.  Once Zachariah was able to see them, he realized the figures were a mix of angry-looking spirits and spectres.  Albeit weaker than the creatures he expected to see, the sheer number of them might be enough to injure either of them.

    “Keep your guard up,” Zachariah said and raised a hand up in the air, calling down a column of prismatic light and summoning the Bifrost Blade.  He held the near weightless katana in one hand and the Dagger of the Hatałii in the other.  “Looks like things are about to get feisty.”

    WC: 772
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    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Dia Izuna 22nd October 2019, 6:29 pm

    Belladonna shook her head gently when Zach suggested restraining the beast. She didn't give a reply, because one wasn't needed; Zach himself mused at its improbability. And he was right. With its sheer size and rampaging power, it would take much more than anything Belladonna could muster to hold such an irate creature down. She knew nothing about his magic, but from the way he had described it: "travel and combat", it was likely going to be more suited at blasting it, rather than holding it down. Come to think of it, she might have a chance at immobilizing it with her magic, but she was not sure how a creature such as itself would react to poisons. When the time came, which was very likely soon, they would both find out.

    Following the tracks left behind by the massive village shredding monster proved to be just as easy as she had anticipated. She chuckled at his joke of not having what it took to be a good hunter. Wait, it was a joke, right? "You'd be surprised how quite a number of prey are a lot more dangerous than their hunters. I suppose it's all about the mindset, though. For as long as the prey fears the predator, they remain at their mercy. However, when the prey attains a strength of body and will, or realizes it is strong enough to turn the tables, then the hunter has need to be afraid. Quite frankly though, as far as this mission is concerned, I can't tell which category we fall into."

    Zach was right; the creature they were after was most likely not going to rely on shape-shifting to surprise them. And then, a thought occurred to her. "Indeed, Zach. I doubt we should be worried about it trying to deceive us by changing its form, like they always do in the folk lores. I have a little concern, though: where had the monster been all this while, prior to its being incensed? If it dwelt here in bodily form, I suppose someone should have come in contact with proofs of its existence, though that idea may be moot, what with the extent of uninhabited land on this mountain... and by uninhabited, I mean by humans."

    Just as she was about to mention what she was trying to infer, she noticed that the tracks led into a clearing of sorts. Actually, it was more of a plain, that stood between the village and the forest from whence the beast had come. And it looked like a very good arena for a showdown. Already, her Right Eye of the Mind informed her of the unnervingly large amount of spirits that roamed in the area. They seemed to be more confined to the forest regions, but they were beginning to venture forward towards the mage duo.

    "Spirits. Huh. Whatever disturbance the villagers must have caused to summon the village smasher seems to have riled up a lot more than they know. These spirits are clearly angry at something; I think it's quite obvious what that is, but we're the next best thing they can lay their hands on."

    She watched Zach with interest as he conjured a blade, which he wielded alongside the dagger he had been holding all this while. Perhaps Requip was one of his magic types, or something like a Holder type, that relied on items. Anyway, like he had said, things were starting to get pretty interesting, and Belladonna was convinced that as far as getting a glimpse of the other's magic was concerned, both of them would be satisfied. However, what was more important was getting out of this alive.

    "We might want to save our big guns for later; these guys may be a nuisance, but they're not worth expending all our energy on. They don't seem tough, and certainly not the one we're after." She smiled, a strange grin which looked excited and feral quite at the same time. "I bet that if we do a really good number on these guys, maybe our big friend might just show up and spare us the hike into the forest."

    As she concluded her words, one of the spirits suddenly broke into a crazed run, like it was both staggering and sprinting at the same time, and somehow managing to move swiftly without falling down. Behind it followed two specters, floating and wailing shrilly. Belladonna shrugged and drew back an arm, waiting for the spirit to get close enough before she threw a solid punch into its torso. The spirit was thrust back and knocked to the ground, and the specters pressed forward. As her arm withdrew, she aimed a kick at the first specter, intending to disallow it from catching her off-guard. To her surprise, her leg went cleanly through the wraith, which was obviously not bothered by her physical antics.

    "Wha-? Intangible? Then how do they attack...?"

    The specter closer to her extended an arm, a clawed appendage that glowed with ethereal energy. Nobody had to tell her that it would be unsafe to let it connect with her, so she twisted her body and avoided the claws by a mere inches. Her jacket was not so lucky, though, as the attack left three ugly gashes in the fabric.

    "Why you little...!"

    She noticed that more specters and spirits were converging on her position, meaning to overwhelm her with their sheer numbers. As it were, the spirits let the specters go first, noticing that Belladonna had relied on corporeal strikes, which were of no effect on the latter. "Smart creepy devils..." she thought with no little amount of amusement at the fact that the ghosts were utilizing strategies in battle. She had to do something about them quickly, though, otherwise, she would soon find nothing funny about the whole ordeal.

    She drew in a deep breath, then like a creature of legend, poured out bright purple smoke that stayed close to the ground and swirled around her form. Within, she folded her arms and smiled smugly at the ghosts that still tried to swarm her. Of course, they did not seem to care about the cloud until they rushed into it. With eerie screams, those unfortunate to get into the cloud were dissolved into nothing.

    "If you do need some breathing space, you could retreat over here," she called to Zach. "This gas here is only dangerous to those I don't like," she concluded, still grinning at the ghosts. If they were foolish enough to charge straight in, well, she would have her work cut out for her. If they were smarter, she would take the fight out to them.

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 27th October 2019, 3:13 pm

    Zachariah smirked and forced out a chuckle.  “I’m fairly certain we fall into the predator category, but there’s always a bigger fish, isn’t there?  If anything, I believe the monster has been in a sort of hibernation or dormancy.  Maybe it was awoken too soon? I can’t tell.”  Belladonna made an intriguing point, too.  To him at least, it made sense if their target beast would arrive after enough spirits were exterminated by the duo, unless the creature was intelligent and simply twiddling its thumbs until they were tired.  Nevertheless, weak enemies like these spirits helped him gauge later battles, relieve stress even.

    “Spirits are always angry at something,” he scoffed, half-joking, half-serious, “if they’re not angry, they’re dormant.  That’s just how it goes most of the time.”  He moved swiftly, ducking and evading the spirits’ slow strikes as if it was merely practice.  Without thinking, he threw the Dagger of the Hatałii at an incoming spectre, expecting it to stick in its sternum for him to retrieve.  Instead, the dagger continued sailing through two more spirits before digging into the dirt.  One of the spirits scratched his face, picking some of the crystal from his cheek, but he dodged and slid right through it.  He covered his eyes, expecting to feel something press up against him.  Though, all that brushed his skin was a ghostly, icy sensation.

    Of course they’re intangible...they’re ghosts, he chided himself, realizing he should have known earlier, then retrieved the Dagger of the Hatałii from the mud.  Although he couldn’t necessarily touch them physically, they could manifest enough to harm him.  Dangerous, sure, but required only a simple solution.  He sheathed the Dagger of the Hatałii, realizing it wouldn’t help much in a battle like this, and held up the Bifrost Blade.  It always surprised him how quickly he was able to channel light into the sword.  Beams of sunlight directly shined onto the sword, like the faint reflection of a mirror or window.  Color temporarily wavered and drained from the area, leaving only grey plants and mud.  Immediately, the sword began to glow like a neon sign, shining in an array of changing colors.  He pointed the blade forward and conjured the Spatial Reflector, an auxiliary spell that boosted magic strength.  The spell appeared before his opponents in an inverted reflection, displaying the spectre’s backward forms.

    “Lotus Eater!” he called, and swung the blade in a horizontal fashion.  A rainbow of flame and magical pressure released and singed the spirits.  The light magic was intensified by the Spatial Reflector, blinding the group of spirits and sending them back to whatever afterlife they came from.  But, victory seemed short lived.  Like a hydra, killing a few only called upon more.  In the heat of the battle, he’d been separated from Belladonna.  Though she seemed to fare well by herself, Zachariah noticed something had scratched her, but he couldn’t assess the damage before his line of sight was blocked.  Several spirits rose from the ground and grabbed his limbs, preventing him from using his sword.  Amidst his struggle, he could see a few more spirits congregating by the entrance of the forest, patrolling like sentries, meaning the duo still had quite a ways to go.

    Before the spirits could do more damage to him, he tensed his body and summoned the Starlight Surfer underfoot.  A platform of orange light formed and spun him like a carousel, breaking through the spirit’s fragile forms.  To ensure they were completely eradicated, he triggered the Ultraviolent Flash to dissipate their forms and make his way back to Belladonna’s side.  He sailed over the purple smoke and back-to-back with his partner.  When he landed, the Starlight Surfer disappeared into a cloud of dusty light.  He could hear the cries of several unfortunate spirits that wandered too close to the smoke.  He tried to sense for any remaining spirits as well, though only found his own magic power and Belladonna’s.  “You think we’ve cleared all of them already?” he pondered, “or did they retreat?”

    When the smoke settled, not many living things remained on the field.  Luckily, the spirits had no corporeal features, otherwise the terrain would be littered with unspeakable carnage.  He returned his attention to the forest and cautiously approached, sword held tight and ready.  “Stay alert,” he warned.  Something strong suddenly popped into his mental radar, alarmingly near to them.  A spirit or creature much stronger than what they had already faced was charging towards them.  Zach did a three-sixty trying to find the source, but didn’t see the beast until it was too late.  A bear larger than both mages stacked on top of each other was rushing towards them from the horizon.  Out on instinct, Zachariah tackled Belladonna and dove out of the way when the creature crashed its way through the plain. The Bifrost blade flew from his hands and clattered away into the mud.  A single footprint on the ground was just as big as he was.

    The Creature:

    At first, Zachariah wasn’t sure if the creature noticed them.  But, the bear abruptly stopped and snorted at the air, then turned around and roared at them.  “So, uhm, I guess this is what we are looking for,” he joked, and got into a fighting stance.  The sword glinted into his eye, but Zachariah wasn’t sure if he’d be able to safely retrieve it in time.  The patrolling spirits from earlier joined the battle too, holding spears made from tree branches in their ghostly arms.  They were way too close for comfort, too close for Zachariah to safely use his most powerful ranged spells.  The bear raised its claws and swung it down onto the two of them, and Zachariah’s first instinct was to transform into Ymir.  In a cold, blue flash, Zachariah channeled the Wrath of the Nine Realms into his body.  Ice encased his limbs, as well as a white crest of fur around his torso.  Two branching antlers sprouted from his head and runes glowed on his chest and palms. “Jotunn Soul: Ymir!” he chanted, and caught the beast’s strike.  A geyser of ice formed around its fist, then shattered when the creature staggered back.  “Are you alright?” Zachariah asked, turning to Belladonna before the beast reared up again.  The armed spirits lunged towards them as well, attacking in unison.  “It seems now is out chance!”

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    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Dia Izuna 29th October 2019, 8:17 am

    Belladonna's Consumption cloud proved to be just as effective as she had hoped. The spirits and specters were unable to breach the corrosive defense, and to her unspoken delight, they seemed so intent in their rage to rush in and attack, so that their numbers were swiftly and surely decimated by the purple fog. She had been mildly worried that the ghosts would try to lure her out, but with the way things were going, that fear was unfounded. With the moment of respite afforded her, she could look for Zach and ensure that he, as well, was on top of things.

    Zach's magic looked very interesting. It did involve light, as he had mentioned, but what was intriguing was how it seemed to absorb light from the environment and utilize it in offensive techniques. It also seemed that the slender blade in his hands was used to channel the light magic. As she watched, the spirits employed a different ploy against him, opting to attack from beneath. It was quite surprising how these ghosts seemed to adapt to the two mages' battle techniques. That posed a question: were the spirits operating with a hive mind, or were they all just blessed with some sort of after-life intelligence? What was more important now was getting the better of them before the battle dragged on for too long.

    She was going to use another technique to aid Zach, when the man proved his versatility in both thinking and combat. "Good moves, Zach," she said, impressed, as he not only took care of a good number of ghosts, but also got himself to her position. Their position now had an advantage: apart from the Consumption that provided a perimeter defense, standing back to back ensured that it would be more difficult for an enemy to attack a blind spot. With such protection in place, both of them could now focus on crowd control...

    It would seem that their work was cut out for them, however. Belladonna noticed that between Zach light magic and her Consumption, the ghosts were all but obliterated. She allowed the fog to disperse, and it appeared that the ghosts had already fled, or had been destroyed. With a smirk, she shrugged. "Perhaps both," she replied, in response to his query about the whereabouts of their spectral assailants. "Either way, I believes it favors us. What I'm interested in is whether we should press further into the forests, or duke it out here..."

    As if in answer to her question, she suddenly sensed something immense and powerful, like it had appeared close by. And it was moving fast... way too fast! In an instant, a bear like creature barreled through the forest, moving in their direction like a freight train of bone and sinews. Before she could respond, she found Zach tackling her out of harm's way, and she found herself on the ground. She raised an eyebrow, but smiled, nonetheless. He seemed to be the "knight" type of person, always looking out for the well-being of others, and also protecting the ladies. She almost laughed at that thought, because anyone who knew her would understand that she could easily take care of herself. She didn't hold it against him, however; if the roles were reversed, she would probably have gotten him out of harm's way herself. But the idea of him rescuing her still seemed quaint.

    She got to her feet as the monster turned on them and roared. It was easily three times her height, with four arms, or forelimbs, and two hind legs. No doubt this was the creature that had wrecked the village. "Yep, that's our vandal, no doubt. Let's hope it doesn't have a bigger brother or something."

    Belladonna felt a surge of excitement. This beast was certainly going to pose a threat, what with its speed, size and strength, but that was the thrill of battle: overcoming an adversary that seemed greater than one's self. And that was why she hated "minion battles", sometimes. The spirits and specters were returning, arming themselves with branches and other crude tools of war. While she was not in any way preparing to let herself be taken down by the large spirit bear thing, she found the thought a lot nobler than being dispatched by a bunch of flimsy spirits. And annoyingly, it was more of the truth in real life for someone to be taken down by the unnamed minions, rather than the "boss".

    "Let's deal with this interference, shall we?" Belladonna thought to herself, just as the beast raised a paw and brought it down for a massive strike. And Zach transformed. Belladonna mouthed a silent wow, as the giant form of Zach, complete with antlers, runes and a cosmic air (thanks to the miniature planets that revolved around his antlers) grabbed the incoming paw and fended off the attack. So, he was also a Take Over mage. Interesting. And his transformation presented an opportunity that could not be passed off. If she could just cripple the monster's speed, it would be easier for it to be engaged. But the ghosts were still there.

    Belladonna clapped her hands together. "Mal Aria!" she cried.

    A sudden outburst of blood-red gas exploded from her body, covering a large area of the plain. The ghosts that were brave or stupid enough to venture close to the fight found themselves dissolving away, once again, as the venom ate into their bodies. The big beast which Zach grappled was too powerful to be destroyed by such an attack, but at least, it would discover that visibility would be seriously impaired for the next few minutes, not to mention the damage the gas inflicted on it. But, Belladonna was not done.

    With the spirits that were attacking being taken care of by the Mal Aria fog, Belladonna took in a very deep breath, just as the beast was recovering itself.

    "Venom Demon Exorcist's Rage!"

    A dark purple blast of energy issued from her mouth, catching the beast full in the torso and driving it back some meters. she was sure that those attacks would not take it out, but at least, with its speed and sight affected, both Zach and herself would have more than a fighting chance to take it down.

    "My poisons will make it harder for our friend to move about. Clobber him or something, I think. I'll offer support and keep these niggling ghosts off our backs," she called to Zach.

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 2nd November 2019, 8:58 pm

    Zachariah couldn’t help it.  When it came to battles, he was a simple man: he sensed danger, immediately rushed to protect.  Who it was didn’t matter, or even if they would do the same for him, just as long as he was able to prevent as many casualties as possible.  As the beast began to regain its standing, Zachariah prepared himself to knock the daylights out of it.  He started to wind his fist up, and parried the beast’s incoming swipes at him.  In between breaths, he shouted back to Belladonna in reply, “I. Do. Think. Eventually,” he paused, and struck it enough to create an opening.  “Eventually, we may have to enter.”

    Now was Belladonna’s time to shine, and she conjured a red fog that seem to stretch in every which way.  Zachariah’s first instinct was to cover his mouth and nose, but realized the gas was harmless to him.  The beast seemed mildly irritated, and began to rise again.  Just as it rose its mighty limbs to crush him into oblivion, Belladonna shouted and a purple blast raced through the air, throwing the Beast a fair distance away.  “Nice shot!” he exclaimed, then turned back to the beast.  When he was about to aid her with the ghosts, she suggested he do some “clobbering” while the beast was still down.  “Gotcha,” he said, then turned his attention back towards their large guest.

    Zachariah leapt closer into range and locked his hands together, then swung them downwards.  He called out, “Jotunn Fury!” and a pair of frozen hands larger than life formed in the air, crashing down on the beast. The creature roared out, but Zachariah felt its life force slipping in only miniscule increments.  To save power, Zachariah concluded his barrage and prepared a light spell.  Three rings resembling the primary colors, red, yellow and blue, formed and interlaced just above the beast.  “Shinedown!”

    From the rings rained down blinding pillars of color.  Fiery red light crashed down alongside icy blue and an electric gold.  Zachariah gave the attack all he could, constantly pushing until the light faltered and faded.  “I think it’s incapacitated for the time being,” Zachariah shouted back towards Belladonna.  He stared at the beast and cautiously approached.  It wasn’t moving, and its body was smoked from the barrage of attacks.  Zachariah temporarily transformed back into his normal form and let out a deep sigh as he did so.  His body felt incredibly warm now, literally letting off steam from his shoulders. Although the beast appeared to be maimed, he feared it might get up at any moment.  It wasn’t dead, or at least not yet.  Zachariah still sensed a sliver of a life force within it.  Looking down at its face, he almost felt a pang of guilt for the creature.  It was magnificent to observe, but it was a shame to see it in such an angry fit, ready to be put to rest.

    “I wonder if defeating it will permanently put it out of its misery, or just put it into a dormant state for a long time,” he thought aloud.  Whatever the answer was, he just hoped defeating it would stop its destruction.  He then stared up at the mountains, wondering if there really were any other creatures like this one, out there looking to wreak havoc on everything.  He then turned his attention back towards the beast and recalled the Bifrost Blade.  The sword sprouted from his fingertips, and he approached the beast’s head.

    The beast groaned as Zachariah tapped on its shoulder with his free hand, then snorted in his face as he came close. As he was about to put it out of its misery, it roared at him.  Bright blue magic erupted from its throat, and Zachariah did his best to guard himself and brace for the attack.  The sheer loudness of the attack resonated with his skull and threw him off his feet.  He tried to absorb some of the attack’s power into the Bifrost Blade and reduced some of the damage.  Oof, he groaned tumbling backwards trying to land back on his feet.  The Bifrost Blade glowed brightly, supercharged by the beast’s attack, but Zachariah was disoriented slightly.  He found himself by Belladonna’s side once again, glad to be fighting with her and not by himself.

    “I have a feeling it is going to take our combined powers to really do the trick,” he commented.  His ears rang, muffling all the sound around him.  The bear slowly got back to its feat, breathing heavily and pounding its chest.  “I still have a couple trump cards up my sleeve, but I was really hoping we wouldn’t have to go that far today.  The way this fight is looking though, we might need a trump card.”  As he psyched himself out for battle again, he anticipated the beast’s possible attacks.  It might be able to cover a lot of territory in a short amount of time, but its large limbs were easy to track and evade.

    “I think...I have a plan.  We gotta be kinda close for a bit, but for the most part I’m sure we can pull it off,” he explained.  “I can blind it, then temporarily subdue it with a spell, but not for very long.  In that short opening, you and I will have to hit it with all we got.”  Though, if the beast were to roar like it did earlier, the spell he had in mind called Void Division, would be interrupted.  And so, they would have to be quick, unbelievably so.  “Unless you have another, less risky idea.”  True, Zach had faith in the two of them, but he was also well aware that mistakes can happen, and a mistake in a battle like this would be grave.  The beast was beginning to close in on them, faster and faster.  He would have to make a decision, and make one fast.

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Dia Izuna 4th November 2019, 8:07 am

    The rest of the spirits that haunted the plain were no match for Belladonna's Mal Aria venom. The specters, which were completely incorporeal, were instantly annihilated by the red fog. As for the more tangible spirits (which had decided to arm themselves with sticks), they fared barely any better, and Belladonna swiftly assisted the ones that still struggled to survive to make it back to the after life promptly. Her corrosive fog inflicted such havoc on the spirits that they were not even given the opportunity to put up a fight. As she dispatched them, Belladonna wondered whether ghosts felt "pain" the same way mortal creatures did. If only she had some capturing device that could restrain ectoplasmic energy, she would have tried her hand at securing one of these spirits for later experiments. Sadly, she did not, and would have to be content with her assumptions, for now.

    Having succeeded at dispelling the offending ghosts that were close enough to be a menace, she turned to see just how Zach was faring, and if he required any help. Honestly, she was sure that he would come out on top in his skirmish against the massive spirit creature, unless it had some special trick up its sleeve, or was resistant or immune to her venom. From the way it had reacted to the Mal Aria, it did not seem to be, and since she had seen Zach fend off some of its blows, it would be less of a hassle for him, now that it was handicapped. She was just in time to see Zach plant a spectral hay maker on the beast (well, from where she was standing, that was what it looked like), and even though it definitely caused a dent, the monster was not down for the count. Zach probably realized this too, because he pressed the attack, and treated Belladonna to an impressive display of lights and energy. Belladonna almost clapped, but caught herself, opting for a smirk instead. She didn't want to look too impressed.

    Even though she was standing further away from the beast than Zach was, she could tell that his "Shinedown" technique had knocked the shine out of the creature. She began approaching it slowly, unsure as to whether it had been finally vanquished, or was trying to play possum. She was aware that it was still alive, and that meant that it was still a threat. "You might want to be careful around it," she replied. "It might just be acting dead for all we know." It was relieving to see that he had armed himself with his sword once more, but Belladonna knew she would feel safer when the creature's head had been separated from its shoulders. And if somehow, after that, it could still manage to get back up and fight, at least such a thing wasn't expected to happen.

    Zach wondered if killing it would end its pain, or just press some unseen timer that would usher it back into their world at a later time, still up for revenge. Belladonna shrugged. "I guess there's only one way to find out. If the villagers call back, I suppose that would mean our beast wasn't totally banished. To that end, perhaps we should do a little searching around when all this is over, to see perhaps if there's some desecrated shrine or something. Almost always, that's what causes some rampaging angry territorial spirit to leave its abode and cause mayhem elsewhere."

    Just as Zach was about to deliver the final blow, the spirit beast roared at him, magical energy emanating from its maw. The force of it was strong enough to throw the man backwards, but fortunately for him (and herself, considering all the circumstances), he was neither seriously harmed, nor was there anything close by to take advantage of his disorientation. "Well, fooey!" she said, as the creature struggled to its feet and beat its chest in an obvious sign of defiance. "Looks like its round two for us."

    Zach was right about both of them needing to combine their powers to take the monster down. She nodded in response to his suggestion, and considered herself what technique she could best use to take the creature out as soon as possible. When Zach mentioned his plan, Belladonna paused, then shook her head gently.

    "You let me worry about restraining it or something. You obviously have a spell in mind that would act as your trump card, right? I don't know how much magic you expended, transforming into Universe Man, but I'd bet it was something. So, here's my idea: I'll carry out the subduing of the beast, and then we hit it at the same time, once I do so." The beast flexed its muscles and charged. "It's still slowed down somewhat. Let's take advantage of that."

    So saying, she sprinted towards the creature, hardly waiting for Zach's reply. It was not as though she didn't care for his opinions, but with the beast closing in on them, waiting to hear what he would say might just be the stupidest thing she would do in her life. And it might cost them greatly. As the distance was closed between them, Belladonna gestured. A formula seal appeared on the ground between herself and the monster, but quite closer to it than to herself. Judging by its speed, it would be over the seal and beyond in an instant, and that was why she did not create the seal behind it. Thick, black tentacles, like the appendages of a marine nightmare, burst out from the seal and wrapped themselves tightly around the monsters legs, arms and neck, pulling it backwards and bringing it to a halt... for the moment. There was no questioning that the beast was physically powerful, but her tendrils ought to hold it down for, at the very least, two seconds. Belladonna hoped two seconds would be enough.

    "Now!" she yelled.

    Belladonna thrust forward her arms, palms facing outwards, towards the creature, and cried, drawing all her energy into the space between her palms: "39th Imprecation Curse: Primeval Schism!"

    A powerful burst of psionic energy ruptured forth, plowing into the creature's face. Even though it was large, the force of the Primeval Schism was powerful enough to send it flying. Surely, with this attack, and Zach's "trump card", they would defeat the monster this time.

    At least, that was what she hoped.

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 7th November 2019, 11:54 pm

    Zachariah couldn’t help but smile at the way Belladonna talked.  Perhaps it was just in his head, but there was an odd sense of joy that her diction gave him, even when she cast her venomous magic.  “Looks like round two indeed,” he replied, and got into a fighting stance for the millionth time today.  She was right.  In comparison to earlier, the beast appeared about as sluggish as a black bear in the winter months.  It seemed Belladonna moved on instinct, which was natural in battle.  He followed her movements carefully, running around the two in an effort to flank the beast and strike from behind.  With the Bifrost Blade still charged to capacity, he was sure that the final blow would be quite a grande finale.  A few spectres tried to revive themselves and strike Zachariah at his ankles, but he quickly reduced their bodies to cinders with the Ultraviolent Flash.

    “I’d cover my eyes if I were you,” he commented.  It was more of a half-hearted warning to Belladonna, in case she wanted her vision in tact for the next couple of minutes.  Zachariah dashed up behind the beast and leapt into the air, coming down in a somersault to finally cut through the beast’s hide.  He couldn’t help but shout the final spell he hoped to cast, “Lotus Eater!” and unleashed the blade’s immense energy.  Streaks of neon blue filled the air and into the sky like a flash of lightning.  Magical energy was released in a sharp indigo wave, sharp enough to cut through realms.  The blade sliced in every direction imaginable and tore right through the beast’s left shoulder.  The limb fell clean off, charred to the point where no blood dripped from the open wound, if the creature even had any to begin with.  It writhed as it fell, clawing weakly at the air.  It roared weakly as its heavy body came racing towards the earth, slapping the ground with a resounding thud.  To make sure the beast would stay down, Zachariah lifted his blade high and shut his eyes, then brought it down with a fell swoop.

    Zachariah wasn’t sure to be proud or feel embarrassed for carrying out such a task, but the deed was done.  There was no going back now.  “And like that, it is...dead,” Zachariah said, then proceeded to poke the corpse with the dull side of his blade.  “I’m pretty sure.”

    But, Zachariah had the sinking feeling the job wouldn’t be over for a while.  Ever since they had encountered this spirit beast, he had felt off, as if there was something greater that they should be pursuing.  The specters that had previously inhabited the plains had now evacuated the vicinity, retreating to the far ends of the grasslands.  Zachariah stared into the forest at the foot of the mountain, past the village.  Fog and grey mist surrounded the peak, and Zachariah could see the snowstorm battering the mountain paths.  Merely thinking about traversing the freezing mountainside made his spine tingle, but he felt as if something was calling to him from within.  “Let’s head back to the village,” he said, and wandered back over to the circular hut where they began their journey.  “Do you feel...off, too? After fighting the beast?

    He couldn’t stop himself from staring up at the mountains, searching for any outstanding things; a shrine of some sort, specifically.  There was something lurking about the trees, evading his senses, more powerful than the beast they slayed moments ago.  “I think we’re going to have to do some hiking,” he half-heartedly said.  “Killing the spirit beast will keep the village safe at the moment, but that was too simple a solution.  There must be another spirit or creature we have to pacify in order to ensure that the village stays safe.”  As he spoke, he tightened up his jacket once again and sat by the fire, pondering what they might have to do.

    His eyes wandered about the hut, tracing the scriptures left behind by the oldest of villagers many generations ago.  The walls were almost smooth and concave by now, no more susceptible to the elements than anything else in the village.  Curious, Zachariah read through the inscriptions; each depicting a tree that was rather large in comparison to the villagers in each picture.  Zachariah stood and stared closer at the inscriptions, wondering what was going on.  One depiction was a large tree, separated from the rest of the forest and surrounded by four towers.  At first, Zachariah thought it might be a golem or something of that genre, but golems are not typically so closely recorded by villagers.  So, he assumed the creature must be a living, animal-like tree.  While Zachariah had fought similar creatures in the past, he certainly did not enjoy it.  In his experience, the monsters never really died, they simply planted themselves again in another location, waiting to strike later.

    Anxious, he gripped his dagger and spun it around his index finger.  As much as he wanted to leave the cold behind, he knew he couldn’t leave this village behind and at the wrath of an angry forest god.  He watched the base of the mountain, searching for any movement by a creature large enough to topple a fully grown redwood.  Lo and behold, in an exposed clearing, Zachariah found a tree with a thick trunk and too many branches to count trying to uproot itself.  Zachariah waited for the creature to do something irrational, like begin to sprint towards the village or wreck the rest of the forest, but it waited and simply turned its head in their direction.  Ice cold fear struck him, mixed with eagerness and nerve.  The tree creature uprooted completely and began to slowly walk through the woods.  Even from here, Zachariah could see the disturbed tree canopy like bushes with a rodent running through them, and wondered what their plan of attack should be.  “Looks like you were right in a way...there’s always something bigger isn’t there?”

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Dia Izuna 8th November 2019, 8:22 am

    Belladonna dared say that Zach and herself had some good team chemistry when it came to combat. It was like they knew how to cover each other's bases, and like a well oiled machine, when one part shifted out, the other filled its place fluidly. It was certain that Zach knew how to hold his own in combat. There was nothing more annoying than to create an opening, and watch someone else stumble on it and muck things up. Thankfully, such was not the case here. The specters were little more than an afterthought of a nuisance now, and with her magic blast hitting the spirit animal and leaving it open, she watched Zach take good advantage of the opportunity.

    Shielding her eyes with her hands, she couldn't help but peep between her fingers to see just what Zach would do with his colorful display of light. His magic seemed to have the extra advantage of flashing so brightly, causing blindness as a secondary thing to worry about (if you were his enemy). Still, it might be bothersome in the long run if Zach's magic blinded his allies as well. Maybe he had a way to mitigate that, but it wasn't very likely, what with the caveat he gave before the attack.

    Quite honestly, it would be quite difficult to tell what the blade did to the creature, but what was obvious was that it lopped off a limb cleanly, leaving little more than a smoldering cauterized stump. "Heh. So much for a 'Lotus Eater'. More like a Lotus cutter or something."

    The beast had obviously had more than enough, as it collapsed to the ground. Zach performed the coup de grace, and seemed somewhat reluctant to do it. Belladonna, for her part, watched as he brought the blade down on the creature, with an inscrutable expression on her face. Was the beast the one in the wrong, simply because it wasn't human? If the roles were reversed, and perhaps a monster did something to a human establishment to desecrate it, calling for the humans to invade monster territory, would the humans be right to do so? Sometimes, it seemed "right" and "wrong" were just relative terms, and the person who could complain and grieve and hold a grudge was the one who decided what was good or evil. She shrugged with a soft sigh, and turned away.

    "Yeah. It's spirit meat, now."

    Still, she did not feel it was over. Rather, something else felt amiss, like this creature was just another piece on the board that was not the king. Glancing back at the corpse, she half expected it to reanimate itself, but it remained on the spot, dead as a dodo for all intents and purposes. It would seem that the threat might come from a totally different, yet related, direction. Interestingly, the ghosts that had pestered them left immediately, a further pointer to the suspicion that something else, that was not the beast, was coming.

    There was nothing more to do here; Zach was right. She returned with him to the village, back to the hut in which they had first met. She expected something to pop up in her radar during the return journey, but the entire scenery was still, like the proverbial calm before the storm. And funnily, she was not the only one who had such a premonition. "You feel it too, right? Like something is going to happen?" she replied, as they approached the hut.

    Within the small circular structure, she leaned against the wall, watching Zach as he studied the artwork on the wall. Obviously, they told a sort of story, most likely an ancient tradition about the founding of the village, or some similar past story. As she looked at the mural herself, her eyebrows slowly furrowed until she was glaring at the wall, a realization coming to her all of a sudden. She wondered why she had not noticed it before, but then, perhaps she was very interested in the mission at hand, and felt the answers were out there, that she failed to notice that perhaps some of the answers were with them in the room.

    She opened her mouth to speak, but noticed that Zach was looking at something quite far off. Her slayer senses granted her superior vision (whether she wore her glasses or not), and she squinted at the trees at the base of the mountain. Then she saw it. One very large tree was pulling itself out of the ground, like that was the normal thing for trees on this side of the universe to do. She glanced at Zach, then back at the large... thing (was it even a plant or an animal?) as it finally pulled itself free.

    "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!"

    Belladonna laughed at herself for quite accurately predicting their current situation in an act of offhanded sarcasm. "Looks like our spirit vandal really had a bigger brother... and this one is probably more destructive than it."

    She stepped outside and began walking towards it. "If we wait for it to come here, we risk turning this entire place into one massive carpet. It's best we go over and see what it wants. Who knows, unlike its little buddy, it might be willing to talk... but I wouldn't count on it."

    The mural in the round hut came to her memory again, and she was very sure that the walking tree was probably the same, or something similar to what was in the painting on the wall. Now would be a good time to ask Zach if he had any ideas about what the mural was about, before they started another fight that would likely be hotter than the last.

    "Say, Zach, you were looking at the painting on the wall, right? Is it me, or was there a tree involved. I'm willing to bet some jewels that there's a connection with that," she pointed at the walking plant, "and this."

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 12th November 2019, 10:41 pm

    Zach nodded his head, tensing up a bit more.  “Perhaps the spirit beast was a warning shot.  Like the first wave, or the gentle rains before a big storm,” he explained, though just as he spoke, fresh snow began to drift down from the sky.  As he looked up farther into the clouds, he could see thickening sheets of snow to come.  “We must have been so caught up in the first spirit that we overlooked another, more frightening one.”  His fingers traced over the drawings to one at the very end of the wall, right by a windowsill looking into the forest.  In the last inscription were three spires taller than the trees, each with a unique symbol on them.  Zach figured it must be the root of the problem; it must have been the creature’s resting place, and it must have been recently desecrated.

    Snow began to fall in heavier, thicker clumps, gradually decreasing visibility.  Zachariah desperately searched for a similar structure, or at least a hint of it, and did a double take around the room to see if there were anymore conveniently helpful inscriptions.  Lo and behold, there were none.  Zachariah’s heart began to pound in his chest feeling the ground pound underfoot.  The creature was closing in on the village, just as the snowstorm was beginning to kick in.  He wanted to laugh at Belladonna’s reaction of disbelief, but he honestly wanted to cry as well.  Although they succeeded in the last battle, the spirit beast was a tough nut to crack.  “I think this one might be the adopted brother,” he joked, albeit halfheartedly.  “but...I think we have to incapacitate it and restore its resting place in the forest somehow.”

    In the dying flames of the hearth, a log-sized object in the cinders caught his eye.  A glowing, orange-hot stone containing the same symbol as those in the inscription was lying right there, inside the fireplace.  He reached in to try to pick it up, but its heat radiated through his gloved hands still.  Before he tried to take the stone, Belladonna stepped outside and marched towards the creature.  Zachariah chased after her, quickly finding snow in his ears and atop his eyelashes.  The winds began to kick up, whistling and fluttering his jacket.  “That...is definitely the spirit we are looking for,” he gulped, instinctively focusing his magic into his hands and forming a single, warm Morning Star.

    “I think I have a solution,” Zachariah explained, “but we have to be able to calm it down at least a little so that we can communicate.”  He backed away slowly, trying to stay out of range of the monster’s incoming rage.  “You see, I think I found what it’s looking for.  The village folk must have stolen something from its shrine, cause there’s a rock inside with a symbol that looks a lot like the one in the inscriptions.” He watched as the monster raised its branching limbs and wreck a (hopefully) empty house with a single swipe.  “If not, then it looks like we’re a frozen kebab.”

    As the blizzard quickly turned the terrain into a freezer, Zachariah tossed his Morning Star straight up into the sky and willed it to burst.  The miniature sun released a bit of warm light and improved the visibility of the battlefield greatly.  “I wouldn’t count on this one being diplomatic either,” he said, pointing at the ‘face’ that the creature had.  The cracks in its wood formed holes resembling the carvings in jack o’ lanterns.  “It just looks so angry.  But we have to try.  Otherwise I fear we run the risk of enraging a less forgiving, stronger creature.”

    Zachariah steadied his hand and aimed it at the creature’s center mass.  His hand turned to glass and blue light formed within his palm. “Unison!” he conjured, and a straight blue beam struck the beast and knocked it off balance slightly.  Immediately, he felt its energy draining into him.  Crystals formed and hung from the creature’s branches like ornaments, draining magic power from it and returning it to the duo.  It immediately reared its ugly head and heightened its pace towards them.  Zachariah quickly summoned three Spectral Drills and crushed the beast’s incoming jabs.  The colored arrows ate through the wood and sent pink and green streaming across the snow.  His mind raced, a futile act of trying to formulate a plan to survive, defeat the beast, talk to it somehow, and restore its shrine.  His breathing hitched and he quickly realized how distracted he was from the heat of the battle.

    The monster’s arm raced towards him, and he had little time to cast a spell before he was slapped into the snow.  His body felt hot where he was struck, though everywhere else was covered in slush and sapped the heat from his body.  He tried to get up, and hobbled over to the side of a building to recuperate.  He couldn’t leave Belladonna alone to face that thing, and did his best to pull himself together.  His body straightened up, and he looked through the window of the hut and into the fire once again, then returned his gaze back at the creature.  He ran to Belladonna’s side and decided to make a show of himself.  “I’ll distract it!” he said, “there’s a stone in the firepit.  Think you can bring it here? Maybe we can negotiate with it.”

    He made sure to duck this time, and felt twigs get caught in his hair.  In response, Zachariah formed as many Morning Stars as he could and hit the beast with a massive orange explosion, sublimating the snowy ground around him.  “I think we got this!”

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Dia Izuna 21st November 2019, 6:37 am


    The walking tree had come to the outskirts of the village, and began to slowly, but surely and systematically lay waste to the village. Zach tried to gain the creature's attention with some attacks. The attacks were successful... in that the creature had now noticed them, and seemed to believe now that smashing them like it had done to the building was the best pastime in a Hakobe blizzard. Zach defended against the creature's physical barrage by using magic barrages of his own, but there was this feeling Belladonna had that whatever chance they had with the spirit beast would not be available with this walking tree. They had to employ a different strategy.

    The tree made another attack, and Belladonna saw it in time to use her Void Cicada to avoid the attack, positioning herself just out of harm's way. Zach was not so lucky, as, next thing she knew, he was flying through the air to land some meters away in the snow. She was about to attack the tree to distract it and draw it away from him, when he got up and shuffled around a building. She shook her head slightly, though she had an impressed smile on her lips. This Zach was a lot hardier than he looked (even though he looked quite durable already). It was at that point that Zach came over and mentioned seeing a strange stone in the fire pit of the hut they had just exited to stall the tree. She nodded, the whole thing making sense, or at least sounding like it should. She was not keen on letting Zach go against the creature without a little help, so as he turned to go, she released two spells in tandem: a golden glow to heal his injuries and restore his stamina, and Zach would also realize that his body was about 60% faster than normal. She was also wise enough to apply these boons to herself also.

    "Okay. Let's do this."

    As Zach went off to face the walking tree house again, Belladonna scooped a handful of sand and ran into the circular hut that housed the fire pit wherein the duo had warmed themselves some time ago. Since it had no roof, it was open to the elements, and the fire within was struggling to survive in the cold of the blizzard. Belladonna dumped the snow in her hands over the ice, extinguishing it with a sputter and a hiss. She reached into the ashy slush and retrieved the stone, a hexagonal block with a symbol on it. It still radiated warmth, but it was not sufficient to burn her hand. And as she picked it, her Left Eye of the Mind was activated, and a series of memories rushed through her mind. She saw a figure steal the stone from a pedestal, though she couldn't make out where exactly, and bring the stone back to the village. Whatever the person's reasons were were unknown, but perhaps it was an act of malice to summon the wrath of the forest against this place. If the stone was returned to its pedestal, perhaps everything would be over.

    Clutching the stone firmly, she walked out to meet Zach, holding it forward towards the walking tree house, just as Zach blasted the tree house with a large orange explosion. Smoking and missing some bark and branches, the tree house trudged out of the resultant crater, and stopped short when it saw the stone. Belladonna decided to try something.

    "It is this stone you want, right?" she projected telepathically to the tree house, though she also allowed Zach to connect to the telepathic hub, so that he could be aware of all that was going on. The walking tree house did not move; it just stood there, watching the stone intently. It looked like perhaps the tree could be reasoned with. "We both want the same thing: you want to return to your rest, and we want peace."

    The walking tree house rustled its leaves, and raised a massive branch. Through her telepathic connection, Belladonna, and Zach heard the tree house's response:


    It brought down the branch towards them, and Belladonna jumped out of the way, severing her connection with the walking tree house, but keeping hers with Zach maintained. "Looks like we have to return the stone ourselves, and still have this tree house tumbling after us. Judging from the direction whoever was responsible for this came from, I'd say that the pedestal involved lies in the same location as where the tree house came from. Perhaps the same place even; that is quite likely. Anyway, we need to draw it away from the village and back to where it came from. Let's go!"

    She dodged around a kicking twig foot, and ran towards where the tree house had come from. Since she was holding the stone, it followed her, ambling after her with a speed surprising for its size. Provided it didn't go throwing things after her, hopefully, she would be able to locate the site of interest soon enough.

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    Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth Empty Re: Zach and Belladonna: The Raging Behemoth

    Post by Lemony.Boy 25th November 2019, 10:25 pm

    The raging spirit lashed and viciously swiped at them, attacking them with a flurry of leaves and sharpened branches.  Zachariah did his best to avoid and evade the creature, now rejuvenated thanks to Belladonna.  In a bout of instinct, Zachariah grabbed his partner by the wrist and summoned the Starlight Surfer and hopped aboard.  The board glowed and turned the ice underneath to slush, and the two rushed into the forest in search of the pedestal.  The tree followed suit, though not far behind.  Although they moved a fair few paces ahead, the creature’s throws and wooden projectiles came closer and closer.  Zach did his best to rise above the treeline to get a better aerial view, but figured some divine intervention was necessary.

    He merely called into the sky the names ‘Hugin and Munin!’ and the birds descended from the sky.  Through their interconnection to him, they quickly read his thoughts and soared above the canopy.  The two crashed through some branches and pine as he tried to man the Starlight Surfer and locate the shrine.  Belladonna’s magical aid as well as the help of Hugin and Munin helped him find the shrine, though it was still some ways up in the mountaintops.  To slow down the beast, Zachariah summoned the Spectral Drills and chopped down a few trees for the spirit to hurdle, though he hoped not to offend it in doing so.

    “It’s still about a mile away!” he shouted, and pressed hard on the Starlight Surfer to go faster, almost sickeningly so.  Though, they arrived in no time, to a clearing with an icy crystal floor and thin towers reaching above the trees.  An empty slot for the stone glowed with warm light, and Zachariah knew what they had to do.  He could hear the creature approaching ever closer, and picked up the stone and threw it into its original place.  The spirit was about to skewer the two of them, but froze as soon as it saw the stone returned.  With a sigh, the creature’s face disappeared, and it rooted itself in the ground once again.  Zachariah breathed out in relief as well, and took Belladonna back to the village, glad to have finally completed this task.

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