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    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by Jennifer Ford Sun 22 Sep - 6:43

    Jen had been having fun getting to know her guildmates in Errings Rising. They all seemed to be an interesting group to work with. There was however, one in particular that Jen especially enjoyed spending time with. She was a witch named Medeia, and their introduction to one another had been rather interesting. Medeia had been there for Jen when she lost her arm, and Jen felt indebted to her. More than that, she felt something for her that she didn't feel for many, if any. It was deeper than affection, but Jen didn't quite know the name for this feeling, or how to properly express it.

    When Jen heard about the upcoming festival for the Equinox, she thought it might be a good opportunity to not only figure out what was going on within her, but also to deepen her bond with the witch. She didn't ask her directly, but rather slipped a note under Medeia's door before heading out on her own. The note would read as follows.

    "I'll be wearing a rather cliché costume by the maze."

    Jen's attire for the evening was a tight fitting witch costume, that clung to her as if she were wrapped in slime. It wasn't altogether unpleasant though. However, she wasn't exactly a fan of the design of the costume, as it forced her to borrow an article of clothing that she didn't normally wear. This was due to the fact that pants did not go well with the costume. However, once she was ready, Jen made her way out into the night.

    Jen's arrival at the festival had not gone unnoticed, as the tightness of her outfit drew quite a bit of attention. She wasn't altogether uncomfortable with it. On the contrary, she was revelling in it. The attention was working better than fear in this case. Without much incident, Jen made her way over to the appointed rendezvous point to wait for Medeia. She was hoping that the witch would be able to pick her out of the crowd easily enough. While she waited, Jen carefully considered how to best communicate how she felt about Medeia, and the order in which she would like to enjoy the evening's events with her. There had been an obvious tension between the two since they had met. Not a bad tension, more the passionate sort of tension. They meshed quite well together.



    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Webp_n10

    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by Guest Sun 22 Sep - 8:06

    It had taken some time for her to truly feel anything like at home as a member of the guild but Medeia had finally adapted to the situation. She was still naturally cold to most that she met but that was simply a part of her and always would be. The majority of her guild mates were just not her type and it was only natural for her to feel condescending towards them. However, that was not to say that she was antisocial towards everyone and there were a few members that the fallen angel had become rather fond of, during her short time as a member of Errings Rising. The first couple of jobs that she had taken part in had given her a look into the psyche of those that she had aligned herself with and the witch would be lying if she said that she had not developed a small appreciation for the methods of her more violent team mates or at least, the methods of one beautiful member of the guild. Her mentee, Jennifer.

    Being an angel of lust, it was only natural for her to feel attracted to her job partner but there was something about Jennifer that seemed to spark something else within the black haired witch. It was more than simple lust and had come to the surface rather strongly towards the end of their job, after Jennifer had been defeated. Medeia had healed and shielded her without a moment's thought and that was uncharacteristic of the witch, which had puzzled her ever since. She was normally so selfish and yet at that moment, the slayer had shown a selflessness that she had never shown to anyone outside her most loyal follower. What was this?

    Medeia was in rather high spirits, given the success of not only her and Jennifer’s completion of their mission but the events of the guild’s mission too. The witch had not only finally fully fused herself with Priya but had also been reunited with her lovely maid too. Everything was coming along nicely and to the surprise of many around the castle, the witch had been found smiling, which was normally only something that she did around those that interested her. Naturally, that look vanished the moment she locked eyes with someone and they quickly ran for their lives but still.

    She had heard of the festival but had been of two minds on whether to actually attend or not, despite Armina trying to convince her to do so. The idea of wandering around amongst a group of humans was not all that appealing to her and it was only when Jennifer’s note slid underneath her door that she decided to actually go. The thought of spending an evening with her lovely mentee made the festival seem a far more pleasurable experience for her and after dressing herself up in her most witch like outfit, she was swiftly out of the window, spouting a pair of purple wings and heading off, leaving her smiling maid who waved her off.

    The sight of her flying towards the festival seemed to spook quite a few of the people gathered there and a smile formed across her face as she flew over the top of them. This was the perfect time of year for her and she occasionally let out a few frightening screeches to make the people jump below her, which surprisingly earned her a fair few rounds of applause and occasional cheers. They were in very high spirits and for once, she did not feel like ruining things for them. How odd.

    She had no difficulties finding Jen, as her slayer senses could easily pick out her partner from everyone else and as her gaze fell upon a large grassy object, Medeia was able to pick the blonde out. With a smile, the witch would slowly start to descend, before landing besides Jennifer, coming to a perfect stop and adjusting her hat slightly so it was straight.

    “You have excellent taste when it comes to costumes my dear,” she would say, her tone rather cheerful for a change, the small smile still on her face, “Maybe you should take up witchcraft and wear it full time, hmm?” Her eyes danced with amusement and there would be a slight hint of playfulness to her words.


    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by Jennifer Ford Mon 23 Sep - 8:49

    "Well, that's nice to hear, but I'd sooner be out of it. Not exactly the kind of thing I enjoy wearing. Don't get me wrong, I have no doubts about my appearance. I'm just not the kind of girl that likes to wear skirts and dresses."

    She let out an audible sigh as she sauntered over towards the table for the eating contest. It was rare for Jen to have an opportunity to indulge herself in a less carnal sense, and she planned to make the most of the evening, which included proving to herself that she still had what it took to get the job done, even while missing an arm. While she did miss the appendage, it wasn't as if things were that difficult for her without it. At least, until she tripped and fell.  Unfortunately, she wasn't able to catch herself too gracefully. Picking herself up enough to sit down, she sat for a few minutes, brooding.

    As Jen dwelled on her condition, her remaining hand reflexively moved to cover the stump that was left from her other arm, as if confirming that it was, in fact, no longer there. She tried very hard to hide her tears as she sat there consoling herself. She could still feel it, as if it were still there, could feel a burning sensation from the severed nerve endings. It almost didn't seem real at times, but that was the price she paid for her continued survival. She just had to remind herself of reality at times. Once Jen had recovered, she smirked at Medeia, and took a seat at the table for the competition. She couldn't wait for the event to begin.

    [WC: 282]
    [Total WC: 682/1500]


    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Webp_n10

    Posts : 23986
    Mentor : Admin

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    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by NPC Mon 23 Sep - 8:49

    The member 'Jennifer Ford' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Die_05_42162_sm

    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by Guest Sat 28 Sep - 10:53

    Watching Jennifer as she struggled with her missing limb was far more painful than Medeia could have imagined and she did not return the blonde’s smirk, a look of concern briefly crossing her features instead. This would not do and the witch found her cheerful mood beginning to vanish, to be replaced with something else. The Jennifer that she knew was the playful and cheerful woman who tore people to shreds, not the unhappy and tearful one who had been walking beside her until a few moments ago. That needed to change if they were going to have a good time and although she could not heal the arm, she could at least help with the pain.

    She would gently approach her mentee’s chair from behind and softly place her hand on Jennifer’s shoulder, before tapping into her powers and using her demon slayer magic to help soothe the pain from her partners missing arm. It was a fairly powerful ability and she was sure that it would help. Medeia could not help but feel a sense of deja vu from the mission that they had gone on together, where she had done precisely the same thing. She felt the same compulsion to aid Jennifer in any way possible that she had done then. A selfless act from an utterly selfish woman. What was going on?

    As she cast her spell, her gaze would briefly glance up as a large male declared that a second contest would be taking place alongside the eating one. A cooking competition to find the best chef at the festival. A self proclaimed gourmet, the witch was instantly interested in taking part and it only took a few moments for her to decide to take part.

    “This spell should help with the pain,” Medeia would say gently, her voice containing a slight hint of concern, while giving Jennifer’s good shoulder a soft squeeze.

    After a few moments of silence, she would then add, “Now, I have to go and show these fools how to cook.”

    With that, she would smile softly, before wandering over to the male running the cooking competition and then led away to their workplaces. These men and women would not know what hit them.

    (374 Words)
    (Total WC: 1100/1500)

    Posts : 23986
    Mentor : Admin

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    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by NPC Sat 28 Sep - 10:53

    The member 'Medeia' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) R2fEWNz
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by Jennifer Ford Sat 28 Sep - 10:55

    Jen winced slightly at the touch, before Medeia's spell took effect. It wasn't that she was mad at her, she couldn't be. After all, Medeia had been there for her since she originally lost her arm. It was more the idea of needing help, needing help and not knowing how to ask for it. Still, with the assistance she had received, she was able to pull herself together. 

    As the contest started, Jen had a pretty good plan of attack. At least, until she got five plates in. For a time, the food seemed to be unending, as if it were simply reappearing on her plate. This was a problem, and one that Jen needed to solve quickly if she planned on winning this thing. Luckily for her, the same thing was happening to the other contestants as well. 

    And as it just so happened that the contest judges were indisposed, Jen took it upon herself to do things her way. It wasn't exactly nice, or fair, but the way things were going, she wasn't all too concerned about that. While the judges were still distracted, Jen physically knocked out her competitors, being careful to make it appear as though they had simply passed out from eating too much. It took a while for the judges to get back to the competition, and in the meantime, Jen kept eating, so as to not cast suspicion on herself. It may have been an easy victory for the lioness, but it certainly didn't feel like one, especially considering that by the time it was over, she felt like a ton of bricks. Once it had been made official, Jen received both a trophy for winning, and one for participating. Sadly, it took her a while before she was able to get up and moving. Once she was up, Jen walked over to Medeia at her cooking station, and whispered to her.

    "I'll be waiting for you by the fire."

    With that message delivered, Jen made her way over to the bonfire, which was rather warm, given the unnaturally cold climate. Still, Jen had been on the mountain long enough that the cold didn't bother her much, except her stump. But, Medeia had taken care of that earlier, so she wasn't feeling too much of the pain. The only pain she was actually feeling was from trying to figure out how to say what she wanted, no, needed to say to the witch. In a purely figurative sense, the anticipation was killing her.

    [WC: 420 (YEET)]
    [Total WC: 1,102/1,500]


    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Webp_n10

    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by Guest Sat 28 Sep - 10:56

    “I will be right there,” Medeia answered confidently, giving Jennifer a smile before turning to focus on her own competition.

    The cooking contest was certainly different from the norm, mainly due to Medeia swiftly losing her patience with her fellow cooks and beginning to take the situation into her own hands. While working on her own dish, she would also begin to manipulate her fellow competitors by twisting their minds to her will using her magic. Her three rivals, who were usually so focused, started to become far more impatient and impulsive, especially Master Ramsey, who began to curse and lose his temper, which caused him to start making mistakes. His roast began to start to burn and eventually caught fire, forcing him out of the competition. The bad sport that he was, the arrogant male would then insult his fellow chefs and after running out of patience with him, Medeia would frown and quietly utter a spell under her breath, turning him into a toad. With a croak, he would hop away as quickly as he could, never to be seen at the festival again.

    As she continued to work on her chocolate dessert, Medeia would grin as she heard an argument break out between a married couple at the cooking station to her left. It seemed that they were arguing over their chilli recipe, no doubt partly due to the witch’s magic and what started out as a war of words soon turned a little more physical, as the wife suddenly clonked her husband over the head with a ladle. The judge was not impressed and swiftly walked over and threw them out of the competition for bad behaviour. It was becoming almost too easy and the witch could not help but chuckle as she opened the oven beside her and placed her dish inside to cook.

    It was between her and a woman named Sharon now and the girl seemed to be in a bit of trouble with her cheese dip, judging from the smell. With a mischievous grin, Medeia would briefly lock eyes with the judge who was still roaming around the kitchen and take control of his mind. She would then send him around to Sharon’s dish and try a spoonful for himself. The moment that he tasted it, he would then suddenly spit it back out, deeply upsetting Sharon, who then threw the dip at the judge and left in tears.

    With no further need of him, Medeia would release the judge from her mental grasp and after a shake of the head, he would reward her with a pair of trophies for being the last one standing.

    Pleased, the fallen angel would then take her leave of the contest, trophies in hand. About thirty seconds later, an explosion could be heard from behind her and her eyes widened slightly but she simply shrugged it off. She had proved her cooking superiority once again and that was all that mattered.

    Heading for the bonfire, Medeia would softly hum to herself, her mood becoming cheerful once again after her victory. The walk was rather short and she soon felt the warmth of the large fire although that was nothing compared to the warmth that she felt when her eyes fell upon Jennife’s form. She would softly approach the half demon from behind and wrap her arms gently around her waist, a trophy in each hand.

    “I hope that I did not keep you waiting too long, my dear,” she would whisper, her tone as gentle as her grip.

    (594 Words)
    (Total WC: 1694/1500)

    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by Jennifer Ford Sat 28 Sep - 10:59

    "Oh no, I wasn't waiting long at all. I was actually just gathering my thoughts before you got here."

    Jen had actually had quite a bit of time to think about what she was going to say, and how to say it, but she was still having quite a bit of trouble vocalizing her affection. Perhaps it was because the feeling was new to her. Perhaps building up to it would be good for her.

    "I...I know that we haven't known each other for very long, and this is probably going to sound strange.... you see... when we met for that job, a while back, I didn't really have any idea as to how that was going to go. I have to admit that my original thought for that was not exactly an emotional one. And, to be honest, I'm glad that you're the one I ended up working with. You were there for me then, and you've been nothing but good to me since. The thing is...I don't really know how to repay you for that. And, if I'm being completely honest, I.... well... I kind of like you....as... well...as more than a friend. To be honest, I invited you out to tell you that, and to spend time with you. You know more about me than anyone else. You've been there for me in ways that nobody else has. It's only been a short time, yes, but I'm happy to spend all of mine with you, or at least, as much as I can when I'm not preoccupied. I'm sure there was a quicker way to say that, but I don't know what that might be, at least, not the words for it. You see, this is something I've never felt before, at least, not for someone who isn't related by blood."

    Jen leaned against Medeia, tired from the event, but unable to rest until she could hear Medeia's response. She needed to know if the witch felt the same way. Not knowing would feel worse to her than if Medeia were to say no to her. 

    "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to take up all of your time, I can tell that you and I are practically cut from the same cloth. I just wanted you to know that while other women might share my bed, there's only room in my heart for you."

    [WC: 399]
    [Total WC: 1,501/1,500]


    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Webp_n10

    Fall Equinox (Jen & Med) Empty Re: Fall Equinox (Jen & Med)

    Post by Guest Sat 28 Sep - 11:00

    Silence was the only answer from the witch at first as Medeia simply continued to hold Jennifer in her arms, as she attempted to come up with a response. It was rare that she found herself in such a position but now was definitely one of them. She had not expected such an outpouring of honesty from the blonde at that moment and it had knocked her for six, as it were. The black haired angel had been with many women in her time, both angelic and human but she had never felt the same way for them as she did for the blonde woman in her arms. Yet, as she repeated Jennifer’s words over and over again in her mind, she finally began to realise why. This was not lust that she was feeling for her, it was something far more complicated, which actually frightened her slightly, a rare sensation indeed.

    “In the short time that we have known each other, you have filled my mind, body and soul with emotions and feelings that are completely new to me. I admit that at first, I did not expect us to become anything more than perhaps occasional lovers either but something began to change as we completed that mission. When you fell in battle against that angel, I felt a need, a desire to protect you that I have never felt for anyone before, it was overwhelming. That feeling has remained with me ever since and has only grown with time. My heart begins to race whenever you are close and I almost feel like I have been given a static shock whenever we touch. I have spoken more about myself to you than anyone else and the fact that you were so open and honest touched me in a way that I have never been before. I trust you and feel like I can...let my guard down around you.”

    The witch would stop speaking for a short time, her purpled eyed gaze beginning to falter as she struggled to continue with her own confession. To talk like this felt almost unnatural to her and her mind was telling her to stop and put her mental shields back up. Yet, her heart was saying something else and eventually won out.

    “You are right, we are both so similar in our ways of life and it would be wrong of me to ask something of you that I am incapable of doing myself. Share your bed with whoever you wish, my dear and know that it will have no effect on our relationship whatsoever. Neither of us are meant to be tied down but remember this. I will always be here for you when you need me and that I care for you more than anyone I have met in all my years.”

    A smile would cross her face at that point, not playing or teasing but one of relief that had finally been able to sort out the mess that had been her feelings.

    “I love you. The phrase that I think we have both been looking for.”

    She would then gently pull the blonde into a kiss, uncaring as to how it might look to anyone else who was watching. Her shields had come down completely and she could not care less at that moment.

    (WC: 557 Words)
    (Total WC: 2288 WC)

      Current date/time is Tue 21 Jan - 23:59