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    Cherry's Seed Planting!


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 54
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Animal Soul Magic.
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Cherry's Seed Planting!

    Post by Cherry 5th April 2019, 6:09 am

    Cherry woke up at the crack of dawn. This was unusual for her, but she had to make sure she did. She was doing seed planting for the Farmer of Hargeon Town. She was really excited since this was something she could do easily without any trouble. She decided to take the first train she could from Magnolia to Hargeon. But that would mean taking the Onibas Station Train, and that was… Inoperational. So she had to wait for the mechanics to fix it first, which only took an hour out of her way. Upon boarding the train, she found her seat and decided to take a little nap until she arrived. An attendant woke her up upon arrival and she thanked them, and exited the train. She had just her Magic Satchel as cargo and hopped off the train with delight. Hargeon Town… She left this place for Magnolia and it’s guild, so it was good to be back, even if it hadn’t even been two weeks that she was gone.

    She made her way from the Station to the Bakery, to stop and get breakfast. She got some milk and a blueberry muffin and decided to eat at the Bakery. Cherry loved blueberry muffins, they were her favorite. She hurriedly ate so she wouldn’t be too late getting to the farm, and she stood after she was finished eating. “Animal Soul! Cheetah!” she shouted, using her Animal Soul Magic to transform into a Cheetah. She ran at her top speed that she was able to achieve and got to the farm in under 10 minutes. However, when she got there, she was exhausted. She used up too much magic energy in that little burst. She could spend all day as a cat or a fish if she wanted to, as long as she didn’t do much physically, but all her larger animal forms took up more magic energy from her and thus tired her out quicker

    She sat in the grass and caught her breath and recovered a bit. She took about 15 minutes to recover until she got up and walked to the farmer’s door. She knocked and waited for him to answer. Soon, the door opened with a squeak and the farmer smiled at her. “Well hello there, little missy! What can I do for ya?” he asked. Cherry smiled and looked up at him. “I’m here for the seed planting job!” she said. The farmer looked at her oddly. “You? I was expecting someone more… Beefy.” he said. “But I suppose you’ll do! Go ahead and grab those seeds over there and plant ‘em in the field.” he said. “Of course, sir!” Cherry smiled brightly, and immediately ran off to plant all of the seeds. She tried not to exert herself again, this time, she used her mole transformation to dig the holes and plant the seeds, so it didn’t take her long to do it all. Once she finished, she turned back into her tiny human form and decided to water all of the seeds for the farmer as well. She smiled, really proud of herself for doing her job well.

    Once she was finally done, she reported back to the farmer and then left, walking all the way back to the train station and waiting for the train. However, she was so tired that she fell asleep waiting for the train and missed the first one. Someone woke her up for the second one and she thanked them, getting on the train just before it departed. She sighed, and slept on the train as well. Once she was woken up by an attendant again, she departed from the train at Onibas. She sleepily made her way from the station back to the Inn she was staying at, flopping down on her bed after a long day’s work.

    W/C: 644


      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 11:25 pm