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    Broken Hearts Club (Solo)

    Leanne Lyle
    Leanne Lyle

    Lineage : Keeper of War
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Black Cloud
    Second Skill:
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    Broken Hearts Club (Solo) Empty Broken Hearts Club (Solo)

    Post by Leanne Lyle 17th February 2019, 5:33 pm

    WC: 301/500

    Though it's often said that jealousy is an ugly color, it was surely an entertainment source for Leanne. It was that emotion that led to a dark job request to ruin a date for the sake of another girl's love. It was that emotion that led Leanne to her new source of fun for the day. Surely, ruining this rendezvous would lead to all sorts of chaos down the road.

    The one downside, Leanne thought, was that she had to follow very specific methods to destroy the date. Firstly, she had to write a letter to give the man, falsely written by his date. Naturally, Leanne didn't mind this kind of prank much. In fact, she found it pretty fun thinking of how to write a vile letter and pass it off as another's handwritten piece of prose. However, it was a bit of a boring method to break two lovebirds apart if she could say so herself.

    Still, she wrote the letter. It was written in neat cursive, with plenty of slander and vulgar language without going so overboard it would be an obvious fake. Now came the harder part: keeping the girl of his dreams, the supposed writer, away from the meeting spot. This would take more creativity, and probably be more fun.

    Leanne had heard a rumor that the girl in question was going to be at the rendezvous early. Because of this, Leanne wrote a second letter in more masculine handwriting- thankfully copied from her brother, the otherwise useless fool- and worded much more harsh derogatory concepts, things a guy might say that would piss her off any day of the week. With the letters in hand and labeled, she went to the park that was the intended meeting place, ready to ruin lives and break hearts.


    Leanne Lyle
    Leanne Lyle

    Lineage : Keeper of War
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Black Cloud
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Broken Hearts Club (Solo) Empty Re: Broken Hearts Club (Solo)

    Post by Leanne Lyle 17th February 2019, 5:50 pm

    WC: 574/500

    The girl she was told to send away was easy to spot. Her curly blond hair like that of a doll's almost reminded her of her brother with how eye-catching she found it! Those big blue eyes, the scrawny build- it all screamed her twin's name. And she honestly wanted to scream seeing it! Still, she walked over as calmly as she could, asking in a smooth tone, "You're Melanie, right? I was asked by some guy to give this to you. Think he said his name was Brian? Boy did you manage to piss him off!"

    Melanie took the letter and opened it, tears streaming down her face in seconds. The crude words, the harsh tone- it got to her quickly, ruining her makeup that coated her in black streaks of product. Turning on her heels, the woman fled the scene, leaving a mischievous smirk on Leanne's lips.

    Only an hour or two later did 'Brian' arrive. He seemed in a daze, confusedly staring around the area with anxious anticipation. The tall build, the perfect brown hair- he was almost as disgusting to her as the girl. In a way, he was worse- he screamed masochist in his lack of bravado! "Hey, Brian right? I was asked by Melanie to give this to you."

    The letter from Melanie was surprisingly enough to shake him and send him running home without a word. Leanne sat and stared idly, wondering what was so great about him. "This lady has bad taste in men... But at least I'm done." She grinned, humming softly as she made her way to her contractor to claim her reward.


      Current date/time is 8th December 2024, 2:08 am