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    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
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    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 31st January 2019, 2:16 pm

    Job Details:

    The sun shined brightly as a lone mage crossed, one of the few stone bridges that lay above Clover Town's lake, allowing passage to the town without the use of magic. Clover was one of the more peaceful towns, the over all sceneries around was beutifull and captivating in Sara's opinion, and with the guild masters hall being nearby, you would think no one would be in their right mind, going to attack this town. Well today and for the past week, it was different. A dark guild had made its way to Clover, causing havoc and fear for the citizens, she didn't know if there were any casualties or deaths, but she hoped for neither. It was her hometown and even though she doesn't visit much, some people in this town are precious to her and if something happend to them. No, she cut the thought, burying it in the depths of her mind, as the town center was now in sight.

    Furious was a word that could be used to describe the small woman that was trembling in the middle of the town, fist clenching and unclenching from anger, a feint red glow emiting from her left eye hidden behind her eye patch. With a few deep breaths she calmed herself, the glow residing as she took a look at the town's center. It was nothing as it used to look, destroyed walls, houses, shops, everything that surrounded the town square had somekind of damage to it. It was probably mostly used as an example to the citizens if they didn't comply. Moving around the town she finally reached her destination. It was a simple ramen shop but it by itself brought a smile to her current distressed state. Pushing the canvas up her smile grew even bigger as she saw a well known man to her. Said man was in his mid 40s.

    "Hey old man, can i have a bowl of miso ramen" She said taking a seat right behind him. Giving a quick look at her surroundings, the shop was empty, mostly because it was still kind of early.

    "I'm still not an old man you monk-" As he turned towards the new voice in his bar, he stopped mid santance as he looked at who was standing infront of him. "Well if it isn't the little chipmunk,  you're all grown up, what brings you back home" He asked as he turned his back again now working with a small smile of his own, as he got to work on her dish.

    "I'm here on the matter with the dark guild"
    "I see, well they don't come here until an hour or two, and when they come they demand more money or just to have some fun"

    Silance fell afterwards both content with each other's presance, after a few minutes he placed her dish of steeming hot ramen infront of her. "So why don't you tell me about youself, how its going in the big world" The chef said as he took a seat infront of her. They began to talk and life having a merry time, it was like an hour before all hell broke loose. She was going to save this town, in her family's name.

    Group WC:539/14000

    Last edited by Sara Ravencrest on 31st January 2019, 4:33 pm; edited 3 times in total



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Sanguine 31st January 2019, 3:27 pm

    A bright and fresh new day shun down on Earthland again and it felt glorious to be apart of it. A cheery smile on peoples faces, children playing around with one another in the streets. It was simply but wholesome and the teenage girl walking amongst them would have nothing less than that in mind when she thought of having to change anything about the world so far. Perhaps that was just a blind point of view that she had on what was going on around her, but to be honest, she was clueless to current events. The battle ready nun was far from home or anywhere near when having been accepted to what was her whole life goal and she sought to make sure she lived up to the potential of her title.

    Today was going to be interesting to say the least. Quite frankly, Madison wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about the whole ordeal, but the slayer wasn’t going to back down to a dark guild bullying innocent people. It drove her to want to prove herself if anything, and as such she pushed for the chance to go out here. It mattered not if she handled the job alone or with a stranger, but she made sure to never try and lose her cool. She could have a slight temper, but with her recent achievement, her demeanor has changed to become a really laid back person. Her tendencies to want to race or fight was suppressed more than she or anyone that really knew her had come to expect, but it was the price of maturity and responsibility.

    She’d come to Clover early on in the morning once her morning prayers were done and her blessings given to her. Her attire consisted of her nun garb, but her head cover was left at home. It was acceptable to leave it off during a job as normally now it was an optional attire choice. However still, the teenage girl had found herself a small place with little to no patrons at first. She had put her order in for just some tea to calm her nerves before the job. Acting as normal as one can be, the hybrid girl was nothing if not something else. But those were merely genetics and presumed rumors surrounding her parents and their misdeeds. She’d often wonder about a chance to see them again, but aside from dreams... it was a lacking prayer. A peculiar thing hidden away in the corner between the nun and the wall was a black cover of sorts. A fine, soft silk in the darkest of shades in black had concealed its true colors. Inside was a vivid pink sword, one said to cause others to fall for the wielder of such a blade. How would one acquire such a blade? A token of her acceptance towards the other nuns whom sought out evil; “The Battle Sisters” as she called them.

    A sudden conversation struck her hearing and her eyes shifted without trying to seem as though she were intruding on a conversation. The man whom served things was being rather abrasive with a customer whom disrespected her elders, but within seconds it seemed to connect they’d known one another. She smiled as they had seemed to have habits of such and though mysterious in why people do such things with more vulgar and demeaning words, the joy in their relationship is what drove her to want to be in the happiest of places for which she thought she could help people. ”Are you here for the protection job as well, Miss?” She chimed in finally, sitting up in her chair and turning her attention toward the two. ”I have a free seat if you want to join me while we have the time.” Holding out a hand, her arm was covered down to the wrist from her clothing while the hand was masked with a white glove, as was her other hand rested on her cup. All the while, a smile lit her face and her rather uptight feeling was more sparse than full on, but she was a little nervous admittedly and as such, she tended to act more upright than normal.

    707 words


    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 31st January 2019, 4:33 pm

    Throught the laughter with her surrogate father and the occasional slurping of noodles, Sara had failed at something. That something being able to sense the other presence in the shop that she had missed with her initial scan of the shops occupants. Now close to her was a girl dressed in nun garb, asking if they were on the same job. She had internally cursed herself for being careless, what would have happened if she wasn't as lucky and it was an actual enemy. Finishing the noodles that were currently in her chopsticks it was bad manners to talk while eating, turning her full attention to the nun, she clasped her extended hand with her own. " As a matter of fact i am, and joining forces won't be so bad, we are probably going to be outnumbered, why don't you take a seat, they won't show up for some more time" She said as she mentioned for the empty seat next to her.

    "So what can you tell us old man.
    " Sara asked as she went back to her bowl of miso ramen.

    "Don't call me old in front of customers, shorty" He chuckled a bit as the red-gold haired girl glared daggers at him while still eating. "They come in large groups, most of them don't look that big of a deal, but they have some that look strong. Particularly a few that wield bo staffs, with gold and and white rings, i can't tell you anything more then that about them" He paused for a second before he continued" Listen they are not the one's you need to worry about, it was a couple of times but i've seen an even more beefy fellow. His clad in full gold armor and wields a scimitar, that's all i can tell you about them, there wasn't really anyone that could put a fight against them, that last thing a can add is that the gather the people in the town square."

    Just as he finished telling them about what he knew for the battle to come, her left a had glowed a feint red for a second before she surpressed it quickly, anger wasn't going to help her currently, if something it was going to make her lose control of her magic and go on a rampage till her senses came back, and she didn't want that when there was another person with her That and she didn't want to scare the nun, you don't know how people may react when they find out you have demonic magic. Althought she would probably have to go all out for this job, she wasn't that arrogant to think that this whole ordeal was going to be a cake walk. Sara finished her bowl and gently placed it down on the counter and took a look at the clock. The dark guild would be in town soon. "Don't worry we are going to take care of things, and i'll be fine, i've gotten a lot stronger then before and i'm not alone. From her magic presence that she is as strong as me, or maybe stronger." She said with a smile as she looked at the nun. " I didn't introduce myself i'm sorry. My name is Sara, Sara Ravencrest" Tilting her held to the side she shot a small smile to her fellow mage "Lets save this town from those idiots, what do you say Miss.."

    Group WC: 1821/14000



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Sanguine 31st January 2019, 7:03 pm

    The blonde teen was rather patient when it came to her apparent job partner seating with her momentarily. It didn’t matter much if she denied or made an excuse not to seat herself with a nun, but she surely wouldn’t take an offense to it. After all, the nun’s who taught her how to control her anger and magic had told her that many people for any number of reasons would not want to be in the company of a man or woman of the church. Manners, tendencies of language, even those that believed the church was wrong and needed to be abolished. Any number of things could attribute to the reasons as of why they wouldn’t, but this girl was different, but she could feel they had a lot in common too. Whatever that may be was to be seen, but Madi was never willing to turn down a friend, no matter whom they are. After all, one such as this particular girl has no room to judge.

    Now it seemed she was getting added into the conversation. The owner of the establishment she had been in began to explain to the two of them how the guild that had been causing them so much trouble appeared to be. Their small banter made her giggle lightly, trying not to impede in their back and forth before he had started to explain how it came that they showed up into the town when they appeared. From the sound of it, they were cowardly enough to come in larger numbers in what she could conclude to be more of an intimidation tactic than anything. ”Have they done anything to hurt others who may have refused to pay?” She knew the basics of extortion and paying bribery money from her time when Savage Skull caused havoc about Fiore, but she had little to no part in any of the physical confrontations. Her part was mainly handling the jewels from it and taking it from the mages actually doing the work to the guild hall.

    Something about the girl she was working with struck a sensory in her. Her aura was neutral for the most part, so it wasn’t as though Madison had to worry about being affected by the affects of others in their natural magic uses, but she had for a faint second a presence that reminded her of her mother... it was a split second, but it was gone before she could even put a finger in the senses. As such, she shrugged it off and set it aside for another time. Should it come to light later, that conversation could come about then and in a time that would be better suited to the timing. The stranger had continued on with her being rather prepared for the fight at hand, and in doing so had come to mention her by mere affiliation of magical presence. Standing up on that count her hands slammed onto the table and a smirk crossed her face. She was prepped for a fight and her adrenaline surely was pumping. ”Heck yeah! We’ll-” Suddenly, she had jumped a little realizing the rather brute manner she had displayed and placed open palmed hands on one another at her chest as if to pray and bowed lightly. ”I-I’m Sorry! I-I got caught up and I generally am very.. bloodthirsty in a sense. Not so much for the actual shedding of blood, but more so I’m a fighting junkie some days. It’s just in my genes.” She chuckled, rubbing the back of her head gently. Of course, the bloodthirsty part was also a double meaning for the lacrima in her chest, pumping her body with the black blood from which her magic was used with. ”I’m Sister Madison Anicetus Richter. But for the sake of things, please just call me Madi or Madison. I uh.. am a little new to the actual title of a nun, so it’s still taking some time to adjust.” With her introduction finished, she raised one gloved hand and gave both a peace sign along with a close-eyes smile and giggling all the while. ”I hope my rather brash combat style doesn’t interfere with yours, Miss Sara.”

    Group WC: 2525/14000


    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 1st February 2019, 4:24 am

    "They did hurt people at first, those who refused to pay were pretty badly beaten, but nothing to severely, and they haven't killed anyone probably to stay under the radar as much as possible" He paused for a bit as he answered the little nun's question. "The town's square did take a hit, being an example of what will happen if we don't comply to their demands."

    It was rough, the state of the town was overall fine, but having to give out your money to someone you don't want to, and you don't have the means to defend yourself. Misery was the only word she could describe it with. It wasn't the right way to live, under the oppressing thought of being murdered for not paying. For the most part Sara's anger was controlled, but it wasn't going ot be for much longer, the second the battle starts, she was going ot pummel every single one of them into the ground. Dead or alive after that, it didn't matter to her. The Ravencrest family was revered here, treated like heroes and royalty. She didn't know why, they never told her, saying 'When you get older' everytime she asked, but it didn't matter, helping the people of the town was her only worry right now, no matter the odds winning was the only option in her mind. At least she wasn't alone the odds were still stacked against them.

    Sara lightly giggled as the nun's mood changed from overhyped to embarrassed. Honestly she wouldn't have expected it from a person of the church. She thought they would be more laid-back in a way. The world was an interesting place, she was no one to judge who can be who, or what personality they would have depending on their ethnicity. You learn something new everyday. "Don't worry i'm sort of a fighting junkie myself and i hate losing" For now it seemed they had something in common, maybe after this was all over they could talk about each other and become friends then just partners that happened to be on the same job. " Its nice to meet you Madi, and you can drop the Miss i'm not much for honorifics, you can just call me Sara."

    Sara pondered for a second befor she extended her arm a bit. "I'm a close to mid-range fighter, most of my spells are directed via my eyes" She paused for a bit as a small spear of light made its presence in her hand " This is one of my abilities. Its mostly used for mid-range combat. I also have self enhancement spells that boost my physical prowess. So i don't think our combat styles are going to interfere, if anything i'll be able to cover your back."  It was a good idea to show Madi a bit of her magic, having even a little bit of knowledge about your partner would be good, even if you don't reveal every tad bit about you magic. Currently Sara was thinking about how they were going to go about this, other then the information that was given to them they we're limited in terms of the enemies strength, then came the question about what their magic would be. Defensive, offensive, there we're quite a lot of possibilities. Her train of thoughts we're cut short as a bell rang across the town. "Its time, everyone is gathering at the town square" The ramen chef said as he made his way towards the door "If your going to do something its now".

    Turning towards Madison, Sara spoke up "I suggest we hide in the crowd, as we are relatively smaller then the rest, we could wait out a perfect moment to get the first strike on them, as well as get a quick analysis of the enemy" Jumping out her chair she slowly followed suit towards the door. Adrenaline already pumping into her system, as the fun was about to shorty begin.

    Group WC: 3187/14000



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Sanguine 3rd February 2019, 3:08 pm

    While she listened quietly, Madison seemed to remain rather reactionless towards the answer she got about the guild of thieves whom chose to assert their power. It made sense and frankly she could agree to the idea that they would try to not overdo their actions, but it doesn’t mean they haven’t done someone in at some point. Why else would they need to hide their faces like cowards? With a small sigh, the nun nodded her head and smiled lightly. ”No worries. This won’t last much longer at all, I promise.” She replied, looking down at herself for a moment, her hand cupped her chin in thought and then nodded to herself. ”Right. I’ll be right back. I don’t want to stick out much and I feel suddenly showing up like this would draw more attention than needed.”

    With that, the nun had quickly headed into the restroom, leaving the door cracked the the sword she had lying on the table still wrapped in the silk cover. A moment later, the blonde would exit back into the main place looking almost entirely different than before; a short-sleeved pink t-shirt with a white pleated skirt that reached just past her knees and a pair of sneakers. Her long blonde hair was nearly gone from before, tucked back behind her in a French braid and tied off with a white ribbon. ”I know how combat is going to be, so I always keep spare clothing with me underneath the clothes I wear with my garb. Mainly for preemptive fights like this. I hope it’s not too big of an issue.” She showed a sweet, close-eyed smile and giggled, walking over to set the clothes on the counter of the noodle shop. It wasn’t like anyone would be around anyway, so it wasn’t an issue if she left them here.

    As the orphaned teen had returned to her mission companions side, she listened to her explain the combative style she had and she had a bit of a laugh. ”I don’t either, so I’ll make sure you don’t lose if you do the same for me. Deal?” A bit of a joke that was meant to be both a joke and sincerity, but she knew that Sara would understand. With a nod to her name being given to her, she filed the name and face away with a cheery smile and nodded her head. ”It’s nice to meet you too! I don’t think either of us have to worry about interfering with one another for sure.” She happily replied, slowly seeming to be more and more giddy as time went on. But that was mainly because she was always giddy and excited to fight... even enough so that she seemed to not worry about the small height comment. After all, they were about the same height, so it could just be something else the two have in common with one another.

    With the chime of the town bell, the three had started to make their way to the town square where people were quickly gathering together. The quick to form crowd made their job both easier and harder. Having too many people around was dangerous, but civilians tended to flee on sight of a fight, so it might be a blessing in disguise that this happens this sort of way. Was this many people so afraid of one guild? With the crowd whispers so loud, the sound of footsteps approaching was growing harder and harder to hear. A sudden gasp left her mouth as two pairs of arms grabbed either of hers and began to drag her towards the center suddenly. The people quickly formed a hole around them until they exited the crowd and brought her to the center, surrounded by a number of other identical people. Their grips held tight onto her as they silently waited and a single man approached after the group. His flashy gold attire and mask had shown he was the leader as the mission details mentioned. “Citizens! Today we’ll be conducting business in a new fashion! We’ll be collecting triple of our usual and you refuse or you can’t cough it up, we’ll start cutting this girl until she bleeds out. And after she does, we’ll move on to another!”

    She started to pull at the men’s grip, but she had looked directly at Sara and shook her head lightly. She didn’t want her to do anything but to let it play out. Without warning, a golden sword had been put on display and placed against the girl’s left arm. “Don’t worry, we’ll hope your town pays up so we don’t have to hurt such a pretty face.” He taunted, making the nun glare at him. He chuckled at her attempt to intimidate him before turning to the town as the members had started to move around and looking for the bribery funds. For a moment, not a sound was made after a small uproar over the prices, but she had shot her head to her right as someone yelled out about not having the money. “Well, you know what that means!” And with that, he swung down, slicing the bottom of her forearm open and splattering blood onto the ground with little more than an initial flinch of pain. ”That.. tickled. You cut like a crummy house wife.” With a confident smirk, he turned the blade and placed it underneath her chin and pushed it against her until she looked up at him. “Maybe I should just kill you and move on. Kill everyone here and move to another town to start again. Then maybe the next town won’t be as stupid as you.” “S-Sir?” One guard suddenly interrupted. “Quiet, I’m-“ “Sir, look down!” The guard interrupted again, making him gain his full attention and look down to see a puddle of black colored blood underneath her.

    ”Surprise!~” With the snap of her fingers, an explosion would rock the center of the town and the unconscious body of one of the masked guild members would fly back a few meters before he hit the ground, hard and then skidding to a stop closer to Sara and the shop owner. From a cloud of smoke, the blonde girl walked out, brushing herself off with her non-opened arm and sighing as she pierced the other one up to examine the wound. Admittedly, it hurt a lot more than she let on, but she grew to be numb to reactions to the pain of being cut. It was a necessary part of her magic in some parts. ”You ready, Sara? It’s gonna be a fun time!” With a wink, the blonde girl turned back to the golden mage as he stood his ground from her attack, which was reasonable to her. She was hoping she’d have more fun than just a surprise attack.

    WC: 1,146
    Group WC: 4333/14000


    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
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    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 305
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 4th February 2019, 7:35 am

    As the nun went in to change Sara had taken a second to look at her own attire, mostly the metal skirt-like armor. It was best she also didn't draw attention. With a swift movement and a clicking sound the metal skirt was free from her weist, fully revealing her black mini skirt, instead of just the front part of it like before. Placing it on the counter she spoke up. "Can i leave this with you?" She only received a nod as the chef took it and placed it somewhere behind said counter. It wasn't long before Madi returned in her new attire, a more casual one then her garb. If they had met like this she would have never thought she was a nun. "Don't worry about it"

    Sara laughed a bit, she hadn't met people of the church before and honestly thought they would act a bit different. People do say expect and unexpected and i was being proven currently. Madi was a lot different then she thought people of the church would be. "Deal" Adrenaline was slowly being pumped into her system already. She wanted a good fight and hoped to get one, the last one was kind of boring, the two mages she fought last time was bellow her in terms of magic, now the job level wasn't as low as before. A good test in her opinion, one that would test her ability for fighting with a strategy instead of just brute force, because you could easily overpower your oponnent. No this time it was going to be real. Madi didn't seem to react to the height comment, maybe becaues they we're both short? It wasn't like Sara was going to grow any more being almost in your 20s made sure of that.

    Reaching the town center, the calamity mage looked around at all the civilians. A quick crowd was forming, it was in a way perfect for a suprise engage and in a way a bad one, innocents may get injured in the process, but she was betting on them to flee when the battle started. Whispers had broken out, it wasn't a problem to Sara. She had become adapt to tuning people's conversation out, instead she focused on the heavy footsteps that approached their general direction. Closing her eyes she started counting the number. It was around 15-20 mages around them as most of their magic didn't stand out. Except one. She was about to focus on him to get a more correct read on his magic reserves, but a sudden gaps from her partner broke her out of focus. Looking towards Madi she saw that she was pulled away by a giant of a man. Donned in full golden body armor. Her right eye's pupil had already changed into its signiture pattern, two overlapping shuriken incircled by six tomoe. Sara 's hand had start to rise a small light had begun to shine in the palm of her hand that was facing downwards towards the ground to stay hidden from sight so she could get a surprise hit, but soon stopped despelling her magic as Madi looked at her and shook her head. Nodding she let Madi take full control of the situation.

    The leader of the guild, began to yell out to the people demanding more money and if they didn't pay up, Madi would get hurt because of it. It seemed he was arrogant, not noticing the magic pressance both Sara and Madi gave off, as he just called her a pretty face. Soon someone yelled back that they didn't have money and the leader was quick to show that he wasn't laying to them, making a cut on the nun's arm. Sara didn't move or flinch, her partner had something in her sleeve and it was right to trust her with it. If things got out of hand, Sara was going to activate her own spells in an instant to peel him of her.

    'So thats what you were planing' Sara thought with a smirk as she noticed that blood on the ground getting darker and darker by the second. It seemed her partner had some sort of blood magic. One of the leader's subordinates tried to warn his master, but it fell on deaf ears as it was already too late. A second later and the blood beneth them exploded. One of the mages was already unconsious from her attack, the guild master althought had stood his ground as not much was done to his armor except some smoke rising from it, with her partner now next to her. "I'm ready as ever, lets teach them a lesson"  Most of the people had left the area. Turning her head to her surrogate father they shared a nod before he also was quick to leave the area. "Now as its just us and them, they have my full attention." She said with a smirk, said smirk soon dissapread, taking a deep breath, a light red hue had started to surround her frame. Taking a look at her enemy she made a quick mental note on their power levels, a few could be problematic but most of them could be dealt with quickly. The spear wielders were weak and it seemed gold distinguished they're rank. The more gold they had the stronger they were. She disspeared from her position while she was sure Madi could follow her speed with her eyes, most of the masked guild members couldn't.

    In what seemed like a blink of an eye Sara had delivered a devasteting punch to his stomach, effectivly throwing him a few feet backwards as he now lay unconscious. "What are you waiting for attack them, you imbeciles" The gold claded warrior yelled to his guild members as now they we're charging towards them. All except five that stood their ground in front of their master in a protactive manner. Three of the masked guild member we're nearing her position, with a swift motion of her hand and a slight glow to her right eye, 3 light speers materialized above her each shooting of to one respective member. Two had hit their mark removing their targets from the fight, while one suprising leaped a vast distance dodging the spear and at the same time closing the distance between him and Sara. Jumping backwards to avoid getting chopped by the enemy's scimitar, she returned halfway back to her original position before she attacked. "Be carefull the sword ones have a dash spell or something akin to that" This was getting harded then she thought, that guy was able to react to her magic meaning that they were atleast close to their level and there were more of him and probably stronger.

    WC: 1131
    Group WC: 5464/14000
    Spells used: Spears of light multi target B-rank
    Demon's might: Melee damage buff C-rank

    Last edited by Sara Ravencrest on 5th February 2019, 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Sanguine 5th February 2019, 12:33 pm

    It wasn’t as though during her time spent in the captivity of this guilds arms that she didn’t survey the area to gauge how many enemies there truly were. The fact she had photographic memory was a good combat tool like that and she made sure that she was fully well and able to use it to its fullest extent. The fact it came with a few bad sides wasn’t so much a worry since she was sure she had the ability to level it out with the good she could use with it. The guild master before her with the blade against her arm, the 5 staff wielding ones behind her a bit, and the 18 out making collections, plus the two holding her counted down to a good total of 26 total people. Sure, 26 was a good deal of enemies for two girls to handle on their own, but confidence and strategics were Madison’s forte.

    Once her explosion had rocked the place, the citizens took the change to scatter away as quickly as they could as though this was something they’d planned to do from the get go. Quite frankly, this was nothing preplanned if anything at all. Though now that the people were evacuating, the old man whom accompanied the two girls to the square had taken her sword in hand when she dropped it after the two mages approached her and pulled her off to the center. With the free open field, he threw the still sheathed weapon toward her as the cloth unraveled from the top, revealing the hilt as she grabbed hold of it with her right hand. ”Thanks!” She said aloud as her hand flicked the cover off to reveal the overly pink and rather girly weapon. A few of the men began to laugh as they held their own toward her, including the one with the scimitar and full gold. “How pathetic can that little toy sword looking thing be!?” Their mocking laughs only brought a small smirk to her face.

    Choosing to ignore their amusement over the weapon, her eyes peered to her partner as her spears of light did in a few of the guild members. Her aim was spectacular and her willingness to kill wasn’t seeming to be a priority if a goal at all. Thankfully, it seemed to the nun that the lord had placed her with a true potential friend. Maybe she could be the one person she could confide in... someone Madison could trust enough to let it out to. Parental figures never seemed to be her forte, but someone whom she thought was about her age was surely someone she hoped to keep around. With a nod of both approval and attention over her warning, the blonde had drew her weapon towards the other while her other arm slowly rose up. The blood covered arm left another small pool of blood on the ground, but she was surely not worried about using it. As it clasped to the hilt, the wound that was inflicted earlier was gone, leaving nothing but a visible ring around where she first started to bleed and the new flesh and muscle that took up the spot. ”Come and play then. I’ll show you how devastating this weapon truly is.”

    Her dare didn’t go unanswered. Just as warned, a couple sword wielding members dashed towards her. The first had been parried with great finesse, however the second snuck into a blind spot and the sword struck through the lower left side of her abdomen. Wincing from the pain, she quickly tried to react with a swing of her sword, but in a flash she heard a lesson from her training pop into her head;

    ”Your job is not to cut down sinners. A sisters job is to guide them. Be it through a viscous butt whopping? That’s fine. But less your life truly depends on it Maidson, you do not take a life.”

    Her eyes peered down and her angle quickly readjusted to the chest of the mage and struck him with a decent sized cut, but nothing near lethal before kicking him away. The open wound served as a good pick up point as blood began to float from her wound to the left hand. In it formed 3 Kunai knives to which she took hold of as though they were solid objects themselves. Each Kunai was thrown separately, first to the two she’d just distanced from, the second to the group of the gold and black mages, and lastly to the fully gold barbarian of a leader. As each Kunai hit, they exploded, firstly knocking the first pair out, but the others only the sound of broken rubble and earth had been heard. Both parties had defended themselves with some kind of use of earth magic, but with two more down, she was sure the dwindling numbers would be helpful for both girls.

    With her right hand, she held her open stab wound while she had a light panting. The cuts and stabs took their toll on her stamina more than anything, but she was far from expended or tired. In fact, she was just hoping this could end before she’d have to get physical with her draconic aspects. ”Only a few left, right Sara?” The teenager spoke out, looking over to the other optically radiant partner. Hopefully, they didn’t have more reinforcements...

    WC: 905
    Group WC: 6369/14000 words
    Spells used: Bloody Kunai


    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Posts : 305
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    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 5th February 2019, 4:08 pm

    Sara stood her ground as two more joined the one that had lunged at her, they looked exactly the same in terms of cloathing and weapons, meaning they probably had the same ability as him. Her eye quickly moved from target to target, waiting to see which one would do the first move, and in the process she shifted herself a bit, raising her fists in front of her in a boxing manner with half of her left foot slightly off the ground. The training that she went through as a child was finally going to be put to use in an actual battle. These people weren't just some bandits that were pillaging roads. A dark guild was something else, glancing towards their leader she stiffened a bit, after they took care of his subordinates they would have to take down him. Sara's focus was quickly brought back to the situation at hand, as one of the mages facing her had dashed in towards her, making a wide horizontal arc, ducking she went in for a punch directly to his abdoment. As her fist was about to make contact, another member had dashed quickly, with a round house kick that connected with Sara own stomach she was sent backwards. She was able to land on her feet, but was now holding her stomoch with one hand, as she coughed from the air being kicked out of her lungs.

    Sudden laughter had caught her attention, as she looked towards Madi too see what was happening. It looked like they were laughing at the pink sword that was in her hand. While most would laugh at the sight of a pink sword, Sara didn't. Every weapon could be dangerous no matter how it looked. The calamity mage didn't have any more time to look at the weapon the nun held, the three mages from before had circled her. After a moment one lunged after another giving her almost no chance on leaving the combined attack unscratched. She jumped backwards, successfuly dodging the first slash that came her way, behind her came another member, moving her body to the side, she was able to get out only with slight nick on her arm. And lastly came the third member charging streight forward. She smirked, the other two were too far away as they needed to recover their momentum before they could do anything. Taking this oppertunity, she did the least they would expect, instead of moving sideways or ducking, she jumped and twisted her body mid air to deliver a strong kick to his head, staggering him. Not wanting to let him recover or get help from his guild members, she went in to quicky deliver a few punched to his chest before she finished with an uppercut that she had to jump slightly for it. Her height was being problematic in this situation, non the less the member of the masked guild now lay on the ground.

    Taking a look at her partner she grimaced a bit, one of the mages had gotten a hit on Madi. It didn't seem to hinder her one bit, as she made kunai made of blood and threw them at the dark mage's she was facing. The kunai would have hit mark were all hiting their marks, causing an explosion, with one set defeated, while the others had raised wall from the earth to defend themselves. Sara didn't have much time to look at Madi's situation, as her own enemies were prepering to attack again.  This time though Sara took the fight to them, closing the distance between her and them she did the best of her ability to dodge the slashed thrown her direction. It was surprising how not in sync this time they were, unlike the previous attempt where they circled her. Now when one slashed the other didn't try to wait or predict where the small mage would go, instead he went on to do the same as his partner, making things way easier then they should have. The two mages roared as they were at either side of her both doing an downward arc with their weapons. Sara smirked as a red ribcage now surrounded her, both sword hitting and stopping at one of the ribs like a brick wall, taking this moment she pushed one of the swords from its blunt side, the mage wasn't able to recover from the shock of the ribcage that now defended the small girl and in turn for his mistake, Sara slung her fist with all her strength delivered a sickening punch to his face, sending him flying and knocking him out. Turning her head towards her next target he flinched a bit under her gaze. Two light spears appeared above them and launched themselves at their target. They pierced non vital points of his body enough to immobilise him, seeing that it was not enough to knock him out she took it upon herself to finishing to job and roundhouse kicked him.

    After she made sure that her enemies wouldn't stand up, she looked at Madi's as she called out ot her. Said girl was holding her bleeding side as she was panting lightly. Moving close to Madi, she spoke up with concern in her voice "Are you alright?". Counting the target most of them were down for the count only a few members remained. "Right.. only a few left" A small smile was on her face, Madi was taking care of herself and half of the opponents were already down for the count. Sara looked at towards the remaining guild members and sighed. Reaching out for her eye patch she slowly removed it entirely, dropping the eyepatch to the ground she revealed a red slitted eye. " Lets finish them off quickly so we can deal with the big one. I'm going to stay close this time so we don't get split" She said with a smirk, they had yet to see what the guys with the bo staffs could do, but she was fairly certain they could take him on. Maybe after this they could sit down and have nice chat with each other and bond a bit. "Hey, Madi do you want to get some food are this. All the fighting made me hungry"

    Group WC:7427/14000

    Spells Used: Spears of light B-rank multi
    Demon's might still active for 4 more rounds
    Demon's eye:Guardian B-rank shield (disabled)



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Sanguine 13th February 2019, 2:29 pm

    The flashes of light out of the corner of her eye served to note that Sara had started to use her magic as well as Madison had done. It wasn’t much harder for one to combine physical combat with their magic if they were trained to do so, and in what she thought was a rather skilled mix of the two from the eye patch wearing girl was something else to behold really. She didn’t doubt that someone of her size could be a fearsome opponent, more so because Madison was nearly of her height as well and used to do the same thing in fighting those taller than herself. Just having that idea of being in her position had only comforted the Demi-dragon from having to worry about her.

    One particular notice she did have was that Sara kept from lethal harm, which was a thankful task on her part. It wouldn’t be as though she’d turn on the girl if she had, but she would surely confront her at some point. Self defense for your own life is one thing... and surely she would never fault her for that. If there’s one thing Madison could never fault or hold a grudge over a person for is for the sin of murder where it’s a life and death manner of their own. After going through it once before on her own, she could understand the instinct that takes over for someone in such a position. Unfortunately for her, such a memory will never fade from her mind. Still, her hopes were high that neither girl would have to be in such a position today, or any day forth for that matter.

    As her mind refocused to the fight at hand, a sharp force sunk into her back. The sharp force pushed through her chest and out from her front before it shoved the nun’s body forward only to be jerked back as the large scimitar was pulled back out. No sound was made from the girl as she dropped to her knees and then catching herself on her hands. “Kids should really stay out of adults business.” He mocked, placing his foot on the girl’s behind and giving it a hefty shove, throwing her body across a few feet before she collapsed onto the ground. The golden masked man began to laugh like any generic villain caught up in the glory of a victory. After a moment to gloat, he turned to face the last of the problem for him; Sara. “If you give up now, I can consider making you serve out your life repaying is as a slave. Or you can die here like your friend— the choice is yours, young lady.” A coy smirk hiding behind his cowardly mask left no sign that he was anything less than serious, though some could assume as much from the adrenaline rush of murder.

    The soldiers began to pick themselves up from the few left and attempted to surround the red headed girl. As the leader looked back to his fresh kill, a small pool of blood was left sitting alone with no body to accompany it. His eyes widened so much so that one could see the sclera of his eyes through the holes. “Where did she-“ a sharp talon like claw rushed past his face, shredding the mask into pieces with no time to react as a scaled leg slammed into his face and sent him off meters away into a wall. Making a hard landing on her feet was the previously stabbed teen. Her wounds healing rapidly, arms and legs covered with black dragon scales and claws sharp enough to flay the toughest rocks like a hot knife through butter. Behind her back were a pair of wings with an odd, ancient symbol etched into the webbing like tattoos on skin. ”I’m not that easy to get rid of... I just really was afraid to use this. But, I suppose if I have to admit defeat to something, it would rather be my draconic lineage over some piss ant like yourself.” Her voice sharpened with the words she spoke.

    The tone of voice not having changed, but the way she spoke was evident that she was far passed anger. With two more struck down, the leader would see little more than 6 of his men and himself left in the battle. What flies Sara would drop off in her next wave of attacks was a sight she would like to see for a change as her body continued to recover from the harsh punishment she put it through. ”I hope it’s not really intimidating or anything, Sara.. I’m, not really fond of showing this at all, let alone with someone I wanted to call a friend- i-If we could still be friends after this.” Her eyes, still glowing as before with iris’ now slit like a beastial manner to further reflect the form she was in quickly hay’s away with little confidence in what she was. That so much wasn’t her fault as the church had always been against anything seen as evil and demonic, though her manners had surely persuaded that demonic side she hid, but the dragon side... she knew Tales of her father and should anyone know of whom she was bred from? It was something that still haunted her thoughts.

    WC: 898
    Group WC: 8325


    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Experience : 663,926

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    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 15th February 2019, 12:37 pm

    Panting heavily, Sara fell to one knee to get her breath back. The various cuts around her body started to take their tow on her. It felt heavy to lift her arms, and the pain the shot through her system everytime she tried to move them was making the situation harder. Till now she had never received so many wounds, would they be cuts or from something else. Even the kick to her abdomen still stung. With one deep intake of air, Sara pushed herself back to her feat. She still wasn't close enough to Madi for them to work as a team. She curesed herself for that, charging in was a bad move, staying close was the right move and taking them down together would have proven more easy then getting swarmed. It was late to continue thinking about what was right and wrong. Taking a look around she counter the remaining men, a few were remaining from what started initially, 6 to be exact.  Turning her head towards Madi her eyes widened.

    She didn't have time to react to what happened infront of her. It felt like the world froze, just as Sara had turned to look at Madi, the golden scimitar of the leader of the thief's guild went streight through her partner's back. After he pulled his blade back and the nun fell to her knees before she got sent a few feet away from the masked guilds master. Sara didn't register the words the guild master spoke to her, it felt like the whole word had stopped moving, the nun was someone Sara wanted to get to know more and from the little time they had spent together she honestly thought they had a lot in common. 'Its your fault' A dark cold voice spoke in the calamity mage's mind. 'If you were faster she would have lived' The world had gone dark for the young girl, a lone entity stood now in front of her, his eyes matching her's as he looked directly into them. 'You can still avenge her' 'Use the power that you've always wanted' With every word it sounded more and more tempting, the strange voice continued to whisper things into her mind until she finally broke, raw unconverted magic now flowed directly throught her system. It always felt like her whole being was on fire when it happend.

    The wounds the marred her body closed and she finally took notice about the men that surrounded the area around her. Pure red magic started to slowly enclose her frame, slighlty elongating her teeth making them look like fangs and her nails like claws. The full effect of her magic hadn't even taken yet full effect, when the sound of something shattering alarmed her. Before she could even turn the giant man had been sent flying into a nearby wall completly destroying it in the process. Sara smiled as Madi landed a few feet away from her albeit now different in appearance, it still seemed that it was the same girl that fought with her against the thiefs. She sounded insecure, afreid to be judged because of her different form. Sara noticed the rapidly healing wounds on the now draconic girl, a few more minutes or even less and she would be fully healed. Moving in front of Madi, Sara stood tall, as her own conversion had taken affect, while it wasn't as drastic as the nun's, her magic had fully taken affect and Sara was now shrouded in a thick red cloak of pure magic, and a tail made from that energy that looked like it had a mind of its own. " Your appearance won't push me away from being your friend Madi, and i would love to be friend with you" She turned her head slightly towards her enough to show a small part of her fanged smile and glowing eye. They did have a lot in commmon and Sara wasn't someone to turn down a person like that, she didn't have much friends anyway.

    " Your going to pay for this" The guild master had pulled himself from the pile of rubble with an infuriated expression " Gold Legion, kill them! " He barked out an orded to his remaining men, covering himself in pure white light for a moment. As the light subsided the sound of wings flapping could be heard. The giant looked even more bulky, as he now wore and even bulkier armor accompanied by four pure gold wings. If he could fly both Madi and Sara could match him, she still had a trick up her sleeve. She brought her attention back to the last of his men. They still needed to deal with them, and they had to be quick about it. She didn't have much time in this form and she wanted to use her enhanced strenght to put the beast into the ground.

    The five men looked at each other as they relayed a silent message to each other, and with a nod one of them charged forward. Sara smirked, as the golden mage came closer and closer, before he pivoted his foot sliding forward and brought his back foot upwards a little as he went for a strike towards her head with the Bo staff. This caught Sara a bit off guard, but she quicky adjusted, she doubted they had learned the style of fighting as it required precise movements, but it seems she was wrong. The man in front of her was out of luck as Sara knew the movements and had already read them, as soon as he had brought his back leg upwards. She ducked faster then he could register and had closed the distance that separeted them in a blink of an eye, and dove in hands covered in golden light to resamble golden like gauntlets around her arms. She quickly delivered three punches to his chest area before sending him flying into a wall with a final punch to his stomach completly knocking him out

    Another mage had quickly took the moment to try and surpise her attacking her from the side but her tail moved on her own and wrapped itself around his Bo staff as he tried to attack her mid section. Just as she was about to attack him the third one charged forward, this time she wasn't fast enough to shift her posture to dodge, instead she brought her hands infront of her face and took in the full force of the bo staff that sent her a few feets backward. Letting go of the staff that was held by her tail. The attack hurt like hell, and she was sure maybe a bone had been cracked in the last attack but she only winced as she brought her arms down, the adrenaline was doing its job from keeping the pain to a minimum. "Is that all you can do, i thought you would have been a lot better" Sara charged in again this time, an odd looking black ball had been created in her hand with white rings around it. She had closed the distance fast with her enchanced speed, and as she was about to make contact with one of the mage's body an earth wall rose from the ground and took the entirety of her attack, resulting in rocks flying everywhere.

    Sara jumped backwards to get some distance, closer to Madi so they don't get too far from each other. She hoped that she bought enough time for Madi's own wounds to heal. "Its about time you got in on the fun too~" She loved letting lose, and the energy around her was intoxicating her making her even more and more crazy by the second. She loved good fights and couldn't even wait to fight the big one. Still even thought the voice in her head told her to murder everyone, she refused. She didn't want to kill them, even though they had done a lot of bad things to her hometown, Sara still couldn't bring herself to end their lives. "I promise i'm not usually like this, if i'm scaring you Madi, its just the energy around me is so intoxicating~"  She was slowly losing control of herself in her magic. One of the things she hated the most.

    Personal WC:1392
    Group WC:9717/14000

    Spells used:
    Shard Of Calamity Sig Single target B-rank
    Demon's might still active for 3 more posts(50% physical buff)
    Demonic Conversion active for 3 posts (30% physical buff and speed buff)



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Sanguine 18th February 2019, 10:40 pm

    It was hard for Madi to explain the things she did or the reason she had the things she had, but she was never unthankful for having them. In her eyes, she believed god gave her these tools to help fight against the stereotypes. To help bring light to a world that shunned the ideology that angels and demons could be apart of the same life. It came to her when she was only a couple years younger than she was now. To learn of some of the things that you were, and then to have the world see you for who you are rather than what you were or whom your parents were was the kind of world she was trying to help push for. The red haired girl seemed to be a little on the same page of merit from what she could gather from everything. She had someone much like Madison used to have. Someone to help strive to keep the good parts of her going while she came to doing the same for others.

    With a smile, the slayer stood and watched her job partner tearing into the few of the "Gold legion" guild members that were ordered to attack. So what might Madi being doing in a time like this? Well glad you'd ask! A small coy smirk lit her face as she had held out her right hand palm up and a small hole opened up in the palm of her hand. Blood would begin to form into a ball in her hand and suddenly would start to trail upward toward her mouth. Sucking it in like long length pasta, the nun and swallowed all the gathered blood from her little "blood well" and consumed it. It helped to further revitalize what her draconic looking form wasn't already healing up for her. She never much had to use such an ability of her magic, but in times like this it became a rather vital point of her healing and she was glad to have had that for a change.

    Now seemed to be a little bit of fun for the blonde haired teen. As she'd been distracted by the other girl fighting around, she had failed to notice that the few leftover numbskulls that were still conscious took a strategic surrounding of her. A light chuckle left once her eyes peered around, watching how they all rotated into one spot and stood there, just waiting for Madison to make her move. How cute. Holding her right hand back up, the still open hole in her palm would create another sphere of black blood, this time sitting in her hand while she raised her arm up to the sky. "Such a pity..." The ball would begin to bubble before bursting out, knocking all of the men back and onto their backs, knocking them out rather swiftly from her unexpected attack. Shrugging, she began to walk over towards Sara, meeting up with her red aura'd friend and smiling softly.

    Truly these two were two peas in a pod, so when the opportunity came that she had been accepted by someone like Sara, Madison had placed a hand on her shoulder. In that instant, she felt a rush of the girls demonic energy colliding with her own and the flash forced her hand to push off. She grabbed a hold of her head for a moment, but it only seemed to make her laugh a little. "That's not quite what I expected, but I guess we're more sisterly than anything. That demon energy girlfriend, woooo!~" Laughing, she held onto her sides and acting in a normal and playful manner, as if the guild master of this bad of nitwits wasn't even there. "Trust me, Sara. If you weren't scared by this, why would I be afraid of that?" She asked, pointing specifically to the aura. With a small shrug, she looked toward their common enemy as his lone presence had made him a little tense. Two small looking girls had just wiped his entire guild out and both stared him down with crazy looking appearances beyond human looks. His scimitar shook lightly in his hands, and as Madison picked up her own sword, she looked toward Sara and smiled. "I'll hit the gold, you go for the goal?" With her sword being fixed into her stance, she would try to signal that she planned to parry off with the golden weapon, creating an opening for the red haired girl to strike with something to put him down a few pegs.

    "On my mark..." Digging into the ground, she pushed off and within an instant, her pink blade met his golden blade and pushed against it, leaving Sara for her chance to strike.

    WC: 800
    Group WC: 10,517/14,000


    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
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    Posts : 305
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    Experience : 663,926

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 21st February 2019, 10:50 am

    Sara's smile didn't fade for a second throught the whole encounter with the mages, even more when Madi knocked out the remaining members with one swift spell, leaving them against the guild master. She had doubts at first that they could handle a guild with just the two of them, but now she was feeling a sense of pride of their accomplishment. Of course the job wasn't over yet, not until they bring the leader down. It wasn't going to be hard in her opinion, they just took down a whole guild! What could a lone man do against the odds that were stacked against him? Sara knew this wasn't the way she needed to be thinking, a single person could easily beat them if he was better at strategizing, and now that her ration side of attack was slowly being pushed away the only thing in her mind was to pummel him into the ground. Killing wasn't an option, she didn't have the will to take a life currently, if the was between her or Madi living she would end his life in an instant, but she doubted that would happen, after all now that there were not more annoyances tag teaming him wouldn't be so hard.

    Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and just as fast the feeling disappeared. The demonic energy around her forced Madi's hand away from both of their energies colliding, Sara shot an apologizing smile towards the nun. "My energy? What about yours~" She joined in with a laugh of her own. The most funny part in all of this for her, was how they ignored the Masked Guild's master. It didn't seem like he wanted to be the first to move in a two on one situation. It was his lose, with all the small banter and laughter they exchanged in a middle of a battle he could have tried to get a free hit. Not like she wasn't ready for something like this and doubted her partner had forgoten about their enemy. "I'm sure he's sweating from the thought of getting beaten by two small girls" She said with a giggle and watched her friend pick up her sword once again, ready for battle. It looks like she wants to sattle things and end the job. Sara herself wanted this to already end, so she could tend to any cut wounds that haven't closed up, it was a small chance that they didn't from the demonic energy but it was still there, her arm still hurt from taking on the Bo staff and if it didn't stop after they end this fight, she would have to get that checked out from an expert probably. A broken bone was probably the worst that could have happened from that attack, but then again it wouldn't heal slow, they lived in a world of magic after all.

    Sara's attention was caught by Madison as she spoke up on how they would attack "I'll be sure to not take all the fun" She said and got into a stance of her own, ready to charge in once an opening was made. An instant after that and Madi was already upon him, it was impresive how the young nun was pushing against the giant's own scimitar with her sword, Sara didn't wait around either as soon as Madi had dashed, Sara followed suit and rushed the golden enemy from the side. Once in range she gathered energy into her right fist and swung directly into the mid section of the armor from the side she came, sending him flying a bit into a nearby wall. 'I hope i don't have to pay for the damage later' she thought as the wall collapsed ontop of the man. Sara waited for a moment to see his next move. Her eyes moved frantically around the smoke that rose from the debry that just fell down. She was ready to move in on him the second he showed himself. Finally he had shown himself using his wings to get above them. "If he thinks his going to separate us like that his in for a surprise~" She said as a pair of golden wings made themselves present on Sara's back. With a swift jump she met him in the air and closed the distance between them even faster then before. He tried to hit her with a few swift slashed but she was to fast for him in the end, Sara was able to get above him to deliver a strong kick that sent him backdown towards the ground causeing smoke to rise again from the impact, again hiding him from sight. She didn't let up on the attack this time and used her magic to form the same black orb from before and descended towards him. She was expecting a lot of this but what happened was the least of them. A katana had met her spell head first, it felt like it had cut in half as the magic had dissipated, the force of the magic was still there and pushed the katana away from cutting her in half, but that wasn't enough to sway him, instead he came right back into the attack punching her from the side as her body was still shifed downwards from the descend effectivly throwing Sara into a nearby building with no time to defend in anyway.

    With the help of her tail she pushed a chunk of debry that fell from the building when she collided with it. She took a step forward and fell to the ground on her knees, holding herself from completly falling to the ground with her hands, it felt like the punch was a hundred times stronger then the Bo staffs that had hit her. She coughed up blood as her hands trambled, even the adrenaline and the aura around her had a hard time keeping her from keeping her on her legs. After a few breaths she moved her head towards the now clearing smoke to look at the enemy, her eyes widening as he had changed to another set of armor this time with a new weapon. The armor looked like Bushido armor made of gold with a shinobi helmet and the weapon was the katana he used to deflect her spell. Sara panted as she pushed herself from the ground, 'I don't know if i can take another punch like that'

    She didn't have single good idea on how they would deal with him. All her hopes were placed on her partner. How were they going to bring this behemoth down?

    Personal WC:1137
    Group WC:11654/14000
    Spells Used
    Demon's might active for 2 posts (50% physical damage)
    UA:Demonic Conversion active for 1 more post (30% speed and physical damage)
    UA: Ascent: Allows flight and an increse to movement speed by 50% while in the air
    Shard of Calamity B-rank single target(deflected)



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Sanguine 2nd April 2019, 2:02 pm

    The nun let out a small giggle and shrugged her shoulders at the mention of her own demonic energy. It was true in a sense that she and Sara had similar types of powers, but that only made some things a little bit harder in some senses. "In all fairness, I wasn't really sure that I'd have had enough in me to do that, but it only makes for a funnier moment." She commented through her little bout of a laughing moment with the red haired girl. She was thoroughly enjoying herself despite all that was going on, and so much so that she would have loved for them to have met under better circumstances. However, now was a little better a time than others, so she had to kind of take it or leave it... And with how far into their fight and how much fun she was having, that she was surely having more fun taking it than she would have in leaving it. To Madi, friends were priceless things that she had to cherish, and this was one that she would try her hardest to hold onto.

    The nun gave a little laugh at the comment that Sara made regarding the plan to attack. It would be hard for one to have more fun than the other, but maybe depending on what this gold covered tool could do would change that up for one or both girls. With no time really left to keep joking before he would come after the two girls, Madi made her initial contact with the guild masters scimitar that helped Sara's attack to be an easier attack to go through. Having plenty of openings, she watched for a brief moment the blow to his side in a vulnerable spot of his armor before he was whisked away from the impact and then slamming into a nearby building, toppling the section onto him. It was after that, that she listened to the worrying word of her partner speaking up about having to pay for damages that started to make her think a little about it. "Honestly, I would think the money they would save not paying quote unquote, "protection money" would be a decent consideration for them not to have us pay..."

    She tried to be assuring, but she wasn't sure if the other girl had heard her speaking aloud accidentally as Sara albeit rushed over to the rubble atop the gold guild master. The blonde nun was surprised as the guild master seemed to have formed himself wings and shot into the air. Before she could even react to it other than the shocking look, Sara took to the air and began to fight him. However, from the ground, the nun watched and examined the way the man fought. His sword was impressive and was able to reflect spells. She looked down to her sword and then back to the guild masters fight against her partner while she continued to take her little mental notes over everything. With a small nod, she knew what she had to do and the small mark from her weapons last attack was still marked on his body. She had things planned, but she didn't want to hurt Sara either.

    Madison continued to watch on as Sara hit a nearby building and then the ground as rubble poured over her. She took a step towards the girl but a tail of sorts pushed the rocks off of her and to the side, but she was hurt... badly. Worried, the guild master was intently focused on the red haired girl, which only fueled the slayer with the idea to strike now. A nod in the girls direction prompted her to vanish from sight, teleporting behind the guild master with her cheeks puffed out as though filled with air. That would only be half true. With no warning, she let loose a bellow of black blood, sending the poor male flying off into another building wall near Sara where he was propelled through it from the force. As her spell ended, she huffed lightly and ran to her new friend, dropping her weapon to help the girl up while smiling. "Take it easy now. You look like you're ready to pass out."

    Her assistance was cut short as the guild master had burst his way through on his wings, charging at the two girls.With no time to react otherwise, Madison tackled the red head to the ground in an attempt to have him miss them, but his grip caught one of Madi's wings. His grip and speed yanked her off of Sara and suddenly carried along until she collided with another wall. As the demi dragoness hit the ground, her body struggled to get to her feet, but she noticed something as the male had landed on the ground himself. The black blood she'd been using all along was roughly around several of the cuts that both girls had given him over the course of the fight. She smirked as the many ideas floated around her mind. One stuck in her mind to use, one she thought she'd never have to use, but the function was much more on the purpose of distractions than anything, so why not. With a coy smirk still, the guild master began to suddenly groan, but his groans quickly grew into small cries of pain. Getting angered quickly, he tried to focus, but it was getting harder as the pain was growing too rapidly to gain any temporary tolerance over.

    Now that the chance was given, a ball of black blood began to collect in her hand. The ball began to almost look as though it were boiling before a sudden burst outward sent holes in thea walls and rubble around her, then knocking into the mage while his eyes her clenched shut from the agonizing pain. He was shot back, but his wings save him from landing on his back, though the legs stood on wobbled like no tomorrow. He was ready to pass out and frankly, Madison didn't have any strength left to do anything as she dropped down to the ground face first, just not unconscious yet. This moment of the mage still writhing in pain would give Sara the last shot to knock him out and allow for the people to properly restrain him so he couldn't escape. But for now, all she could do was hope that he wouldn't get away with it after all of their efforts. Her hopes and prayers were left with the lord to give Sara the strength to finish what they both started.

    WC: 1114
    Group WC: 12668/14000 words

    Spells used:
    Tides of Blood - B sig
    Blood God's Bellow - B
    Bloody Infection - C


    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] JwEY1nx

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    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 21st April 2019, 1:21 pm

    Even thought they were in the middle of a battle with a dark mage, Sara was quite happy, not only because she was facing a strong opponent satisfying her love for battling strong people. But because she met a new friend, it was rare for Sara to be as socially open as she was. It usually went by in her thinking a lot what to say, but with Madison, she felt at ease. Making friends was something Sara wanted to do after her old guild had disbanded, at first she thought she would have made friends there and at somepoint had departed from the guild for a short time to travel around the world, before she would even get back to the guild, she had found out from a local newspaper from one of the towns she had stayed in, that Crystal Swan had disbanded. Sara hadn't heard from her friend and teammate Valeria. She didn't know where she lived and not having an Ilac made things for Sara even harder. After she had heard about the disbandment Sara had decided to travel a bit more around Fiore and had even went to Iceberg as the snow and cold was one of her favourite things sometimes. But she soon had found herself wanting to go back to the life of a mage and returned to Fiore, but this time as a wandering mage or guildless as some called it. She wasn't sure what guild she wanted to join and with her tenant in mind a completly legal guild could cause problems for her if he decides to act up. Sara would treasure these moments and would be even happier if she could tresure more with Madi.

    Sara had heard Madi's words before she had went in on the attack. While it was true that they wouldn't made to pay for anything for saving the town from the dark guild, it was still her hometown, and seeing it damaged or even causing damage herself to the town pained her heart to see the town in bad shape. The sheer anger she felt after she had first seen the town center was caused by the strong feelings she had for the town and people in it. It was a sheer miracle that her 'tenant' hadn't jumped in to try and get some control on her. Maybe he wasn't feeling it today to make her destroy something she cherished. While he wanted her to kill people or let him loose from time to time, he didn't try to destroy things she loved for some reason. Sara never understood him, did he hate her, did he care or was he indifferent about what happens as long as Sara doesn't throw herself in a situaiton that might kill her, in the end they were stuck together and if Sara dies, his gone also, so he didn't have much of a choice when it came to sharing his powers.

    Sara was barely holding herself on her feet, if it wasn't for her ethernano made tail, the piece of rubble that came off the house when she collided with was going to be on her to this moment. She looked down to her hand that was placed on her abdoment. It was slightly bloody, but it looked like her demonic energy had quickly focused on closing the wound. 'You should be happy i'm stuck with you, the amount of blood you would have lost without me wouldn't have killed you, but it would have made you so sloppy that the dark mage was going to kill you before you could stand up.' Her tenant spoke in her mind again with his indifferent tone. ' I'll thank you later, the fight's still not done.' She spoke back to him, as she tuned out of her mindscape, now was not the time to talk about that as the guild master of the dark guild was still on his feet. He most likely wasn't in the best condition, but with all the armor on him it was hard to notice differences in his breathing pattern or something that could tell you even slightly how much damage he had actually sustained.

    Sara had looked back towards the guild master just in time to see her partner unleashe her attack and sent him flying to the building near Sara, although unlike Sara he went straight through the building.  Soon her partner was next to her, and was helping her stand up, Sara wa about to thank the girl she was suddenly tackled into the ground by Madison. Sara groaned in pain as she landed on her back, eyes closing from the shock of pain that was moving through her body. She was berely able to get back on her feet and now she laying on th ground again. When the pain subsided, Sara didn't feel any weight on her. She looked up and saw that Madison had been yanked, and carried away by the guild master and both had collided with a wall. As she  got up, her demonic energy dispersed, leaving her with almost no strength left. Pushing herself from the ground Sara ignored the pangs of pain that shot through her whole system, and she started walking slowly towards Madison's position. On her way there she heard the cries of the male that was their enemy, it looked like he was in great pain and suddenly through the rubble black blood shot everywhere like bullets. Sara pushed herself forward and leaned onto a wall to see Madi on the ground and the poor state she was also in, her eyes then trailed towards the guild master to see him berely standing on his feet. Sara cursed in her mind, while he was berely  standing, he still had the potential to be dangerous as both girls were either out of magic or strength to fight. Sara was thinking of ways to beat him, it was now or never and she didn't think she would have enough magic to to cast a spell. 'You have enough for one last spell.' The voice of her tenant went through her head and she smiled, she would definitely have a talk with him after this, as it looks like his more keen to help her out then ever. Sara's demonic eye shined with magic as she target the dark mage, a single small marking appeared before he was surrounded by three magic circles that exploded after a short delay.

    As the smoke from her attack cleared Sara looked towards him to see that he had finally fallen on the ground. She smiled and moved towards her job partner, it was finally over and a long time to rest was ahead of the two mages. As she got to Madison's position Sara's legs finally gave out and she fell to the ground on her back next to Madi. "We finally beat him, it was quite easy if I have something to say about it." She said and started laughing at her own little joke, they ruined a few building and walls and both were on the ground with Sara being out of magic. "I think this was one of the best ways to meet, we found out quite a bit about each other." She said with a small smile as she looked uptowards the sky that was now shining brightly on the two mages. "Your quite the strange one but maybe thats what i like the most, so lets get something to eat or drink and talk, friend." She said with a smile as she looked towards Madi. Even through the pain that she was feeling Sara smiled. It was still a great day, she finished another job, she had a great fight, but most importantly, she made a new friend. She doubted that they would have told each other about their little secrets, surrounding their powers, well Sara wouldn't atleast until she had gotten to know her better. But seeing Madi not caring even the slightest about it had made her happy.

    Personal WC: 1348
    Group WC: 14016/14000



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    The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi] Empty Re: The Masked Guild [Job - Mitsurugi]

    Post by Killua 22nd April 2019, 1:30 pm

    Thread is continuing as a social.


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