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    When you're time is up, it's up


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    When you're time is up, it's up Empty When you're time is up, it's up

    Post by Yuiisai 23rd January 2019, 2:27 pm


    When you're time is up, it's up 59882_s

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    When you're time is up, it's up Empty Re: When you're time is up, it's up

    Post by Yuiisai 24th January 2019, 12:45 pm

    Demi had been in Fiore getting a few things done that seemed to be needed if she wanted to travel around Earthland and given her connection to Ruvel, these things would be important she was sure. Then again she was quite sure even if Ruvel hadn't been in her life this kind of stuff would still be important given she was a mage and that called for travelling and such. Recently she had got her final task done and so had headed back to Hargeon Town where she was to get a West Fiore Trading Company ship to get back to the country she classed as home when she wasn't within the void. She had no issue really with her home realm in all honesty, still it felt off to her as though she was born their she had been raised in the mortal realm by a dark guild by the name of Cor Torva with a bunch of other children who had either been stolen or offered as some sort of sacrifice. She wasn't to sure if she could really call it human sacrifice as she was pretty sure that most of the people in her unit weren't and even if they once had been they no longer were by the time they had been made the elite unit called 'family'. Part of her wished for those days to return, well some of it. The time she spent with them, the closeness and the feeling of wanting and belonging. She knew she was wanted by her allies and belonged close to Ruvel and Cirven but things had changed and so made things far more complicated, then again that could be the fact she now knew who and what she and had made things change, so now she was forced to adapt.

    That time had long past as she had been betrayed by the very people she served by doing what she was trained to do, and that was protecting her unit from any threat that would attack it. Problem was she was defending Cirven from another member of family who almost killed another, not like it mattered however Cirven was still classed as a failure and to prevent his death she asked for an alternative punishment. This had her sent to the facility she would later meet Ruvel within it, the youth had may have not have physical strength but he had a strength that many seemed to never know. The two had been paired by the superiors she had no idea why they believed that this would be a good match given there was years between him and she wasn't exactly like type you would expect to be someone like him. Their relationship had indeed bloomed over the years and they were married but only because it was forced, they however seen each others more as siblings than the way their 'duties' to whatever the superiors had planned for them. She would have shuddered at the thought if it wasn't beneath her.

    She had gotten to the ship that would be returning to Tolgalen but then something caught her attention, guards whispering about a string of murders that had been happening on the lower docks. That one of their own had died to the one who had been done it. It was then she picked up thoughts of dock workers and went to the nearby notice board and looked at the notice that had been put that morning "Wanted, one Jacob Goodnight for the crime of murder. Dead or alive, preferrably alive. Two thousand jewel reward if alive, halfed if dead. Approach with extreme caution." she said quietly to herself. "Seems a doable" with that she moved away from the board and towards the lower docks her hands folded gently in front of her as she did ignoring the cat calls that came with how she looked and dressed. Getting to the location she started scanning the area for surface thoughts and headed towards the one that she needed. She was determined to bring him in alive after all she had no scroll to kill him even if he deserved it.

    She moved silently making sure not to be seen, pausing as she seen him gloating about getting away with murder and how he was heading to a new dock after killing the victim he had tied up. "Not if I have anything to say with it you moron." she said calmly just observing for a moment a smile on her face as she decided which way she would end him, but then shook her head remembering she didn't have a scroll to kill him so it would be a living bounty she would be claiming. Quickly moving forward she picked up a two by four and hit him over the head and knocking him into the wall and out like a light. "You are some sort of lousy villain from one of those corny day time soaps." she grumbled kicking his side lightly not really wanting to touch him if she could help it. He looked like a dirty dock worker and smelled like cheap alcohol making her nose wrinkle in disgust. She had to wonder if this was the reason he done what he done, because he was down on his luck but then a lot of people have been, were and would be in the future so and wouldn't go on a killing spree. Now she wondered if there was something beneath the surface but that would be something she could check at a later date when he eventually did die. With that she moved to quickly to the unconscious teenage girl, by the looks of it she was from a well to do family and had been drugged. She can only imagine what he had done to the girl, she looked battered, bruised the death goddess could only imagine the other types of abuse she went through. Using the rope to tie up Jacob and dragged him to the town garrison before heading back to the ship so she could finally get off Fiore.

    Word Count: 1,020


    When you're time is up, it's up 59882_s

      Current date/time is 14th September 2024, 8:39 pm