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    Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Player 
    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
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    Posts : 113
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
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    Experience : 2,843.75

    Private Re: CLOSING IN ▲ private

    Post by Yewphoria 11th September 2018, 10:47 pm

    Akeldama looked back at the woman, picking at her sleeves nervously. She thought she had done good… That just meant she was going to have to keep trying. Veve’s question took her aback a bit. Though in thinking about it… It really shouldn’t have. Not in Basilisk Fang of all guilds. “No. Not on purpose.”

    The second part was a very important clarifier, as Akeldama’s life was a series of misfortunate events, particularly for those surrounding her. It was hard for her to make friends merely knowing standing near them could kill them slowly over time. Honestly Akeldama had given up the idea of having any true friends. She couldn’t bare hurting those she cared about… But it wasn’t like she had a choice in the matter.

    So this place… She hated it… But it made her feel better about herself. At the very least if she was going to be hurting anyone for existing, it was going to be bad people. If they died the world would be a better place.

    Were Veve to be tasting her emotions… Or whatever it was that she did, she’d be tasting indescribable sorrow.

    WC: 2529


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    Private Re: CLOSING IN ▲ private

    Post by Alwe 13th September 2018, 6:51 pm

    The taste of sorrow was delightful to the palate, stoking the Dreamweaver’s hunger for more like blood would stir a shark’s bloodlust and desire to kill. Fortunately, the nightmare knew better than to get lost in any thirst for more. She had a task ahead of her, after all. If she got too sidetracked with continuously plucking too much out of Akeldama, she would be left with no tool to use to reap a later harvest. After all, nobody cut a goose open before it had laid all of its golden eggs.

    The blonde moved even closer to the tall, raven-haired girl. Upon standing right beside her in close proximity, feline in her arms, Veronika replied in a low whisper with a grin. “Then, how about you do it on purpose?”

    The Dreamweaver’s emerald gaze flickered towards a mostly empty street of the cold settlements. Her clairvoyant abilities settled on one individual hiding behind a large crate against the side of one of the shabby wooden buildings of the village. “Over there,” Veronika said with a smile, nodding towards the giant box. The person was on the other side of it, cowering and hiding in fear of the dark mages. “Have fun with it. Impress me~

    Whether Akeldama did the deed by using her magic or by asking or using some weapon or tool, Veronika did not care. She simply wanted more of the intoxicating fear, despair, hopelessness, and agony that was sure to coat the air. The Nachtmyrr, Scyri and Ryssa, lingered at the feet of the blonde while Netsil was still comfortably nested in her arms, giving a soft purr of satisfaction on every other stroke from the human-formed nightmare’s hands.




    Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Player 
    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 113
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,843.75

    Private Re: CLOSING IN ▲ private

    Post by Yewphoria 13th September 2018, 11:28 pm

    Akeldama looked over to the barrel, and trod over to it uncertainly to see the cowering man. Everything ached from her sudden growth spurt, and even walking straight was a challenge.

    She wasn’t used to such long legs, and upon seeing the man she froze.

    What? She… She couldn’t harm him. He was just scared. He wasn’t hurting anyone. He didn’t deserve to be hurt unlike the Basilisk Fang people she found herself around all too much recently. She couldn’t…

    Akeldama’s hands drew up to her face as her mind ran through the impossibility of the scenario. Then something ticked in her mind. Was that… No… It wasn’t. It wasn’t one of the people who had simply pretended like nothing was going on while she was kidnapped by Basilisk Fang. But he was just the kind of simpering worm that would have.

    He had not stood up for the old man as he robbed him, and he would not have stood up for her whilst she was being kidnapped. Now this… This she could work with. Akeldama reached down and pulled up the man by his hair.

    “So… You like to watch huh?” She was trying to be tough, trying to be cool. But even as she felt the magic ebb at her finger tips, she could not actually manage to do anything with it. She couldn’t possibly replicate what she’d done with herself. It was impossible. Where her hand was gripping his hair began to turn grey…. But that was unseen until the moment where she was forced to let go as the man full out decked her.

    Unaccustomed to her new height and center of gravity, Akeldama toppled over, but tried to cling to his leg so he couldn’t run away. Damn it. This couldn’t be impressing Veve at all.



    CLOSING IN ▲ private - Page 2 RSBOpUS

    Posts : 99
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    Private Re: CLOSING IN ▲ private

    Post by Alwe 17th September 2018, 1:47 pm

    The Dreamweaver anticipated what the young woman would do, but found herself growing bored as she sensed the cluelessness ebbing from Akeldama. The girl mirrored the actions of Ahote from a while ago, when he had clutched her hair and shook her around, leaving her with a bleeding scalp and an angry Theo. From what the nightmare could see, her guildmate was not creative on her own, but merely a petty copycat when it came to doing what she was told. Normally it would not have been a problem, but it was with how badly the tall child was failing.

    Akeldama toppled over with her unadjusted long legs but managed to hold onto the man. “Pathetic,” the blonde muttered, beginning to walk towards the girl and her hostage yet again. She adjusted Netsil to be moved to recline on her shoulder while she crafted something in her hands using her surreal abilities. Utilizing the unworldly energy, the Dreamweaver created a gleaming dagger in her hands. With every stroke the dagger made, something uncanny would happen to the victim-- something different each and every time, with only a few repeats. But before she could use it or give it to its new planned owner, she had to introduce the Terror of a knife to its new holder. As she stood over the fallen Akeldama, Veronika dropped the knife towards her, intending on it to fall through and pierce the girl’s arm, both as punishment for her clumsiness, but also as a means of letting the knife recognize the first person it sliced as a personal holder. When Akeldama used the knife on the man, it would draw out fear and a number of unwelcome and amusing symptoms, likely magical or surreal in nature.

    Without another word, Veronika stepped away, hopping up to sit herself on the crate for a front row seat. She pulled Netsil, the green and black Nachtmyrr, back into her arms, this time in more of a tender embrace like a child would hold a teddy bear than a nice and warm person would naturally hold a cat. The Nachtmyrr’s fluffy-ended tail twitched two and fro happily before finally going limp as he calmed down and enjoyed the snack of fear lacing the atmosphere of that small and empty street.




    Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Player 
    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 113
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2,843.75

    Private Re: CLOSING IN ▲ private

    Post by Yewphoria 19th September 2018, 12:25 am

    The knife was sharp, Akeldama realized as she watched it go right through her arm like it was butter. Impossibly sharp and surprisingly heavy to have so much force from a mere three foot drop to actually go through her arm. Pain blossomed in her vision, and she clenched her eyes shut against it as she pulled her arm to herself, letting go of the man completely.

    He started to take off, but not before attempting to give Akeldama a solid kick to the face to ensure she stayed down. In that moment time itself seemed to both slow and speed up.

    Akeldama had been in the process of trying to remove the blade. But there was no blade to remove. In fact. There wasn’t even a wound. There was just a scar. A scar, that, as far as Akeldama could remember now, she had always had.

    From the very moment she was born it was a strange birthmark that no one knew how to explain. Particularly the fact that it was purple. A purple scar. She had always hidden it under her long sleeves when able, explaining it being too strange f n or her.

    Even as she saw it happen, she had no idea what had transpired.

    But for you, my dear audience, I will share. The blade did not simply pierce Akeldama’s present self. It cut through past, present, and future iterations of herself. Creating a surreal wound that had always been there, scarring over both past and present times of it being inflicted.

    Yet the wound it created was not simply in flesh. Akeldama was a chronomancer, and one that had poor control over her magic at that.

    Veve was a surreal nightmare being from another dimension who had just stabbed this chronomancer with a random effect blade. Random. Yes.. But it is oh so rare that what is said to be random is truly random. There are always variables at play, the cogs of the universe ticking away, conspiring for the fates that must be.

    There was no blood, no open wound. What caused Akeldama pain now was that Veve’s blade, combined with her own powers, had created an occam’s razor that cut through time itself. But not merely time…. But dimensions too.

    The surreal wound shone brightly fora milisecond before becoming subdued, returning to the stagnant purple scar that it had been for all these years. But in that moment something came through. Or rather… Someone.

    Someone who wasn’t supposed to be here yet, yet had been forcibly pulled through into this world in the rip in causality that Veve had accidentally created.

    Someone who had woken to their new form just in time to see a foot racing towards their face. Inches away. Too late to dodge. The new being took the full brunt of the blow, using the momentum of the blow to roll herself into a quadrupedal stance. The world was spinning, it was hard to actually hold herself up.

    But her adrenaline was running high, and wraith burning. She had been talking with her daughter just a moment ago, and here she was. Ripped away from her within a heart beat and kicked in the face the next. She was pissed, and heartbroken. And this man had just put a massive target on his back for the mother to attack.

    For all she knew, it was he who brought her here. So… Best not kill him… Yet. “Come back here you little shit!” She screamed at him in a garbled version of feline. A human voice box wasn’t exactly equipped to handle what an actual cat would sound like. So she mostly sounded like she was screaming, with a combination of growling.

    In the back of her mind Capone was taken aback by her voice, but did not pay it heed. There were more important things right now. Like the fact she had hands. And forelegs that were shorter than her back legs. Oh right. Arms. It’d been awhile since she’d had a life as a human.

    Capone made herself stand up surprised too by the height of this human she currently inhabited. But it wasn’t like she hadn’t been bigger in previous life times. She could work with this. Capone could sense magic in this form’s body… “Lets see what you can do.” She muttered to herself, this time in human tongue. The way she held herself was nothing like what Akeldama might.

    Her posture was straight and proper. The mere way she presented herself gave a sense of power and control. Her eyes were sharp, that of an eagle spotting its prey. Looking at her shadow, you would not have guessed that it was the same person as before. The simmering, hunched over, desperate little puppy trying so desperately to please its master. No, Capone cared for nothing but pleasing herself.

    Hopefully a little speed-type spell wouldn’t be too difficult for this body to muster up. As she commanded the magic within her to act, everything seemed to slow. Her chosen prey was running, but not near fast enough, she could see that now.

    Rapidly Capone began to close the distance, and with a quick kick to the back of his knee she sent him falling to the concrete. He hit the concrete knees first, shattering at least one of them. Within seconds he was curled up on himself, screaming in pain and begging, “Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me. I have money. I have anything! Take it! Just don’t hurt me!”

    Capone wanted to be impassive about this. But so far as she knew this man had just taken her away from everything she cared for. Jiyu was waiting for her. She had her daughter, she was finally able to be with her, talk with her. They had plans. And this man… This man. “If you didn’t want to be hurt you shouldn’t have summoned me. Put me back. Now.”

    Capone’s eyes promised so much more than death if he did not comply.



    CLOSING IN ▲ private - Page 2 RSBOpUS

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    Private Re: CLOSING IN ▲ private

    Post by Alwe 20th September 2018, 9:50 am

    When Veronika had dropped the dagger towards Akeldama, she did not anticipate the new gash in reality it had created. Were her powers truly getting stronger with the more energy and fuel she consumed in this world? The effects the dagger had on the girl, combined with her own time magic, contrasted from what the Dreamweaver expected. Green surreal eyes vividly saw what took place, and what seeped through the dimensional rift. The being was immense, bearing many souls instead of one. Did it have some sort of connection to the child? There was only one way to find out.

    However, what panned out was intriguing to the Dreamweaver, who slowly placed Netsil down on the crate as she walked after her possessed plaything and the piece of prey she had thrown her. The plaything screamed towards the man and briskly chased him down. The change in demeanor was quite curious, but from what the nightmare could tell, they were a far more confident being than the sniveling child that had been forced into Basilisk Fang. The nightmare instantly liked them and how they so quickly were able to instill fear into the man who had tried to escape.

    The blonde moved closer, walking towards the tall girl who had shattered the knee of the man and proceeded to threaten him, her lips curled into a smile. She was beginning to understand what the massive spirit was thinking-- they assumed that the man was at fault for them slipping through the dimensional crack. Approaching from behind, Veronika tapped the raven-haired girl on the shoulder, eagerly reading and absorbing the knowledge she needed on the spiritual creature. They were evidently a being known best as a ‘Daemon’-- a wild collection of thoroughly mixed souls, rooting from a hungry being devouring more and more. The potential they had for growth and power was quite impressive, but from what she could tell, their lives and the balancing of their diets were far from easy. There was almost too much information for the Dreamweaver to absorb, with the immense measure of souls. The enormous flow of many memories mildly overwhelmed the nightmare, who found herself stumble back slightly with her head aching. She at least understood something-- the personality before her was a past leader of a rather violent group; just the kind of being she wished to hang around.

    Slowly overcoming the aches and pain in her head, the Dreamweaver’s grin widened. The tap likely would have received the Daemon’s attention. “It’s not his fault, but please, finish the job, and I’ll tell you everything you’d like to know regarding how you got here,” the blonde said, jade green eyes glinting in amusement.




    Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Player 
    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 113
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
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    Experience : 2,843.75

    Private Re: CLOSING IN ▲ private

    Post by Yewphoria 22nd September 2018, 5:16 pm

    “Finish the job?” Capone asked, looking around to her new surroundings. While there was currently no one around to witness this, it still didn’t sit right with her to be doing this in broad daylight. Seemed reckless to do so when there was only her and this other person. They didn’t seem to be aggressive, but their intent was immaterial if they had caused her to be here.

    She thought about dragging the man to the alley, a mere glance to the vessel’s arms told her that that would not be possible. It was skeletal and underfed. And while she had managed to get a burst of speed out of it with that spell, it had taken a massive impact on it. Besides, Capone realized. The woman did not seem to be concerned. Odds are this town was owned by a faction that permitted such behavior in public. Or at the very least the public was too afraid to do anything against it.

    Upon realizing this Capone stopped worrying overly much. Though there was a lingering sense of deja vu she got for some reason in looking at these hands...

    Any how. Veve’s words confused Capone on more than one level. Finish the job. Where they doing a job? This form… It had existed before she had come here then. It had been doing something. If finish the job meant killing him… Seemed like a waste to her. Technically she could just torture anyone. But this one’s knee caps were already shattered. Why kill him quickly when you could draw it out?

    Or even better. Leave him alive with the psychological scars and terrible stories to share? A part of Capone resisted being given such a command. But time was of the essence. She could find a new play thing later. Capone managed to flip the crawling man over and punched him twice in the throat, then dropped him and brought her heel down on it as well for good measure.

    The result was a man wheezing with a broken larynx, unable to breathe and slowly suffocating to death. “So. Are you telling me you’re responsible for bringing me here then?” She said over the man’s wheezing attempts for breath.

    WC: 4180


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