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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions


    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Kyran 8th August 2018, 9:11 pm

    Kyran paced in front of the library of Clover Town. Usually a feeling of curiosity and excitement would have had him in its grips. Instead, there was only a feeling of dread. It had been a little while since Kyran had seen his girlfriend, Gaia. They hadn't exactly parted in the best of ways. They had fought a crazy snow witch with Yona. Then Ahriman had stolen control of the body from Kyran and attacked Gaia. It had been the worst way to reveal the fact that Kyran played host to a few measly demons. MEASLY?! Who are you calling measly demons?! Medea pouted. There was a strange urge to pet her. Medea could fluctuate between cute and mean. Today seemed to be a cute day. Erebos was similar. He could fluctuate between fun and dangerous. It was the other two that brought Kyran to Clover Town to find a solution. Malinda and Ahriman were a problem. Kyran needed desperately to curb their ability to influence him.

    There was a rumor he had heard during his travels about a angelic requip magic. Presumably it had the power to seal demons within its weapons for a short time. Even a short respite would be a welcome change form the constant agony he was in dealing with the demons. It was stressful to even try to sleep most days. With his separation from Tolgalen due to his brother, the stress was getting worse everyday. He needed interaction with his friends or at least his guildmates. He was glad he could call upon Gaia. She offered him a much needed respite. He was hoping they could research this magic together before heading out to acquire it. Not the most romantic of dates but Kyran was trying.

    The letter Kyran had sent to Gaia had contained his iLac identification number. He had also asked her to be at Clover Town at noon, both for a much needed talk and asking for her help. Kyran hoped he wouldn't get a message on his iLac saying they were through. Too many times people had turned away from him because he was a monster. He wanted one person to see past that. Just one person. That was why he was nervously pacing in front of the library a full two hours before noon. His fingernails were nearly gone bitten down to the nub. He didn't usually bit ehis fingernails but he hadn't been able to help it this time. Calm down. There are plenty of pretty girls around. Look there goes one now. Go talk to her and I bet she'll have you forgetting about Gaia in a sex-ond...I mean second. Kyran groaned hoping Gaia would want to appear early. He would rather listen to her voice then any of his demons.

    WC: 466



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Gaia 9th August 2018, 2:48 pm

    Gaia had been rather upset since the date that Kyran had decided to ditch her and Yona at the ice cream parlor and didn't even come to face her. After what happened, Gaia hadn't felt in the mood for ice cream, and offered her iLac number to the other mage before she had noticed Kyran's bag still at the place. She had grabbed it, but hadn't looked inside of it as she wasn't a nosy person and held it in her home till Kyran sent her a letter. She put down his number in hers, but she didn't know what to text him, as she was still rather upset about the attempted ice cream date, but she did make her way towards Clover Town via train.

    When Gaia finally made it to Clover town, she was wearing a black and pink halter-top dress with a wing collar and a red cape over it. She wore black leggings with pink tie's at the top, and a pair of dull, dark pink booties. Noya was in her usual spot around her shoulders as Gaia held her staff, and both her own bag, as well as Kyran's in her arms as she made her way to the library. The train had been a little late, so she had finally messaged him saying that the number was hers, and that she was late due to the train being delayed. She noticed him in front of the library and walked right up to him with her lips pursed out as she raised an eyebrow to him. When she showed up, it was only five minutes past noon. She didn't entirely know what to say to him, and didn't trust herself to have a good attitude as she was still upset. She glanced down to his bag and let her face go back to relatively normal as she held it out to him. "You left that at the ice cream shop... I never looked inside it. I don't think that's something I should go through without permission." She tells him as she takes a deep breath. At least she said something.

    She had noticed his nails, and clearly had something on her mind. She then growls quietly to herself as she puts a hand on her hip as she gripped her staff and fixed her bag onto her side. "What happened at the ice cream shop?" She asks rather bluntly. She felt she at least deserved an answer to that after what happened there. Noya looked up to Kyran, she wanted to know as well with how Gaia had been kind of angry at him after he went after her.



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Kyran 10th August 2018, 6:44 pm

    Kyran very nearly ran to Gaia when he saw her. However, his doubt caused him to stop. What if she was really angry with him? Could he have possibly ended the greatest thing that had ever happened to him? Maybe he could crawl back to Sylvia, see what she was doing. Stop being a pussy. That's my job. Medea hissed at him. Get over there and stand up like a fucking man! Did someone mention fucking? I can get behind that. Or you can get behind me. I- Medea slapped Malinda and the two got into a cat fight. Or a snake versus cat fight anyway. Kyran grimaced putting a hand to his head. Why did they always have to act like this? Medea's verbal slap got Kyran moving though. He could see Gaia was upset as the distance between them closed. He couldn't really blame her. Thought the urge to kiss her was great, Kyran restrained himself. Now was not the time.

    Taking his bag from her, Kyran made a face. "Thank you but the only thing in here was a gift for you." He fished the fourth Dark Phoenix trilogy from the bag. Hesitantly, Kyran held them out to her. "Also, what is mine is yours, Gaia. You have my permission to look through anything of mine."   If she didn't take them, Kyran looked sad and moved to sit on a bench. If she did take them, Kyran smiled broadly. He gently took her hand before leading her to a bench.

    "Sit please. This isn't exactly easy for me to talk about. It's something you need to know but..." The terror on Kyran's face was clear. The fear of losing her even though he wasn't sure where they were going with this, had put a cage upon his tongue. "I'm sorry. Maybe I should have told you off the get go. I don't know. I've never done this relationship..." His hand twirled in the air as he searched for a word. "...thing." Kyran finished lamely. Seeing Claudia at the ice cream shop had shaken his confidence in himself. She had messed with his mind the entire time. Would what they had had even count as a relationship? Kyran looked over at Gaia before burying his face in his hands. "What happened at the ice cream shop was a total loss of control. And I don't mean in the usual sense. You see I have four demons in my head." Kyran turned his face toward Gaia so she could see his eyes. "Erebos, Medea, Malinda, and Ahriman." His eyes changed as each name was spoken. This was humiliating but Kyran pushed himself forward. "I have little to no control over all of them. Sometimes when I feel highly emotional, they push their way into control of my body. That's what happened at the ice cream shop." Kyran paused to let Gaia absorb what he'd told her and to ask questions if she needed to.

    WC: 495
    Total: 961



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Gaia 11th August 2018, 9:13 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    As Kyran took back his bag, she relaxed her face a bit. She looked to the books and gingerly takes them from him. "Thank you..." She murmurs quietly. She was still pouting as she looked to him. She shakes her head and runs a hand through her hair. "I couldn't deal with going through someone else's things. That's not how I was raised." She puffs her cheeks up a bit before he lead her to the bench, in which she gingerly sat down with him. The books he had given her were gently tucked away in her own bag, and she listened to Kyran as he spoke to her. She looked up as he seemed to pause, seeing how he looked afraid. She turns herself slightly while crossing her legs at the ankles as she raised an eyebrow to him. She was giving him an indifferent face... till he put his head in his hands and started to talk more.

    She tilts her head at the words of 'demons in my head'. That wasn't something one heard often. She opens her mouth to question, till he called off their names, seeing the eyes change. Her jaw hangs slack now as she instantly recognized the first one from their first job they did together after she met him at the library. Her shoulders went slack a bit as she put her hand to her forehead, not sure how to fully process this. "So... you have demons in your head... do they... influence your thoughts?" She questions as she looked up to him. She wasn't sure if Kyran liked her for her, or if it might of been these demons he just spoke of. She rubs her head a bit as she leans back on the bench. "You're right... You should have told me this sooner... Jeez..." Noya as rather calm on Gaia's neck as she rested there, to the point she closed her eyes and started to take a nap on her. Gaia suddenly stood up and raised an eyebrow to Kyran again. "Is this what you were asking me for help with? Something that pertains to these silly demons in your head? Or was that apart of the apology for ditching me at the ice cream shop?" She stood in front of him and put her fist on top of his head. It would have been a rather light thunk, but she still pouted her lips down at him. "I even had the pictures from my modeling gig ready to give you, but you were gone!" She whines a bit.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0
    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Kyran 12th August 2018, 9:43 am

    Kyran blinked at Gaia's first question. Could the demons influence his thoughts? He had no idea. They could influence his emotions or nudge his thoughts but was that the same thing? Kyran didn't know and he wasn't sure he wanted to. If the demons could influence his thoughts, it was all that more important to find this demon sealing magic. "I don't know... they're separate entities that share my body. It is possible that they can influence my thoughts in a limited manner but from my experience, they can only nudge my thoughts. I have to already be aligned with what they want me to do. Otherwise, they have to take control in order to do what they want." Kyran reached out to cover her hand. He was trusting her with this. That was a huge step for him. Gaia didn't know how hard it was to hand this piece of himself to her. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. It's... not easy for me to trust people. Nearly every time I've placed my trust in someone, I've gotten my heart smashed to a pulp."

    Gaia standing up took Kyran by surprise. However, it was her calling the demons silly that brought out the strangest reaction. The demons clamored in his head, each protesting being called silly. Kyran however, simply laughed. It was a laugh of one who hadn't had a good laugh in a long time. A joyful sound that usually brightened the day of those who heard it. He stood up and wrapped his arms around Gaia. His lips brushed against her temple. "Thank you." He whispered, realizing he had needed that laugh. The past weeks of building stress seemed to have dropped away. Kyran pulled back but only enough so he could see her face. "I wasn't laughing at you, Gaia. People don't tend to call the demons silly after seeing them." He smiled broadly. It was probably best to address her questions before she became irritated with him. "My apology isn't going to stop so easily, Gaia. I have a lot to make up for. Ruining the date, leaving without explaining, letting Ahriman off the leash even if it was by accident." Kyran resisted the urge to brush back her hair.

    "You did a modeling gig?" He asked softly looking into her eyes. His gaze was intense full of appreciation and what might have been the flickerings of love. "And you brought pictures for me?" Oh I hope they're XXX. Seeing that body on display would be... Malinda made a noise that Kyran did not like at all. He struggled to keep his expression happy. The fact that Gaia had wanted to share something like that with him made Kyran feel fuzzy inside. Malinda was not going to ruin that. "Do I still get the pictures or did I ruin my chance to receive them?" Kyran asked. It wouldn't be the first time a 'reward' had been taken after a limited time but this one would make Kyran especially sad. He was solely responsible for losing it with his running away.

    "I asked for your help because of the demons, yes. You love books nearly as much as I do. I need to find information on a magic that can temporarily remove the demons from my body. Everything I've fond regarding permanently removing them seems to point to my death." Kyran gently brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheeks. "I found something worth living for. I'd rather not die to deal with these demons." He wanted to kiss her. Badly. This time he couldn't blame Malinda for anything either. Gaia was worming her way past all his safeguards over his heart. It was only a matter of time before he handed it to her. Kyran hoped she wouldn't stab it as many others had. "I understand if you don't want to help me with this, Gaia. Just say the word. We'll continue through my apology and when you're on your way, I'll slog through the books to find the answer. You are under no obligation to stay and help me. However..." Somehow, Kyran's lips were hovering over Gaia's. Her breath was mingling with his. The desire to kiss her was overwhelming. How did his heroes deal with this situation again? Some would tease. Some would brutally take what they wanted. Others would pull away and deny themselves. Kyran stuck with teasing. "I'd be grateful if you helped me. I might even hand over the rest of the Dark Phoenix series. Or we could go on a rather pleasant date after a day of hard work. Your choice."

    WC: 775
    Total: 1,736



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Gaia 12th August 2018, 5:09 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    Gaia takes a quick glance down at Kyrans hand on top of hers, before she raises an eyebrow to Kyran again. She listened as he told her that the demons 'share his body' and that they seemed like they had limited influence on his thoughts, in which she seemed slightly relieved. She pouts to him telling her about his heart being smashed to a pulp. When she declared that his demons were silly, Gaia actually half expected him to lash out at her, but instead, he laughed? She slumps her shoulders and tilted her head in confusion. Clearly her face showed exactly how confused she was as Kyran hugged and thanked her, and she blinked up to him. "Uh... welcome?" She murmurs as she scratches the back of her head. "I've only 'saw'... two of the demons though... I don't really know about them at all besides what you just told me. And yes! I did a modeling gig! I sent you letters while on it! It was a five week thing! Very exhausting and kinda dangerous with other models. I had pictures. I left them at home this time. I wanted to give them to you when we went to get ice cream... I didn't know when to give them to you since you had brought your friend... and I felt kinda awkward..." The last bit she mumbled, feeling a bit ashamed that she was admitting that to him.

    She then huffs and leans back slightly if he was still hugging her, crossing her arms over her chest. "They're at my house. So whenever I invite you to my house, you can get them. I don't want them to get ruined if another... accident happens when I go out again..." She pouts some. She listens to his request to help him search for information on some magic, and moves to take a step back just before he brushed his fingers on her cheek. She taps her chin as she was debating on something. Noya was looking up at Kyran, seeming like she was rather bored about this whole deal. Her burnt sienna eyes look up at him as she started to blush. "You found... something...?" She then takes a deep breath and steps back to look him up and down once before she raised an eyebrow. "You clearly don't know your girlfriend. I'd love to learn about new magic. Or learn in general. I'll help you, besides..." She adjusted her glasses as she smirked. "I could probably be bunch of help to you." She pauses as Kyran got close again, and she was slightly anticipating a kiss. Her face got to a bright red as she closed her eyes, expecting him to lean forward and kiss her. As he spoke again, Gaia gasps and shoved at his chest again. "Kyran! That's mean! I was going to help you!" She crossed her arms over her chest as she pouts up to him. She then paused a moment, and pointed a finger at him. "I choose both. The rest of the Dark Phoenix series, and you owe me a proper date. No ditching on me, pick me up at my place, the whole shebang. I'm going to act spoiled right now because you're being a turd and how you ditched our last... outing I guess since it wasn't even a date." She stuck her tongue out at him. Noya seemed to copy her by sticking out her own tongue.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Kyran 13th August 2018, 2:12 pm

    "Sounds like you had quite the time at the modeling gig. You'll have to tell me all about it." Kyran searched her face for some clue to how she was really feeling. He was too used to Gaia being an open book with her feelings. "The demons... you'll learn about them today. Of that, you can be sure. I think knowing everything about them that I know, will help you deal with them in the future." It seemed wise to not comment upon her feeling awkward. He had messed up bringing Yona last second. Lesson learned. If bringing someone along, have it planned well in advance.

    Kyran managed to school his expression into something like apologetic when she talked about accidents. "That's why I need to learn this magic. It'll help me control the demons better and therefore reduce accidents." It perked him up when he realized something. "Does this mean I'll be seeing your house?" His voice got husky, dripping with desire. "The inside of it?" Kyran wasn't sure where that was coming from. He was constantly blaming Malinda for most of his reactions. It was possible they were coming from him alone. That was a scary thought. Gaia had awoken something Kyran long thought dead. That left an uncomfortable feeling behind.

    A deep laughter bubbled out from Kyran's lips at Gaia's reaction. "Don't stick your tongue out unless you plan to use it." He teased snagging her chin. "Let me show you." His tongue touched her neck, drawing a line toward her jaw. His lips brushed lightly over her jaw. Kyran left his lips near Gaia's ear, whispering as he spoke. "You drive a hard bargain, milady. I acquiesce your request. One condition only. Our date is about learning more about each other. He pulled back to look into her eyes. "I don't know enough about you and I've been holding too much back from you." Kyran lowered his head. His hands were cupping Gaia's cheeks. If she allowed it, Kyran kissed her slowly, thoroughly.

    Once Kyran felt satisfied, he pulled back. "Shall we go into the library, baby?" There was a brief pause. A feeling of forgetting something permeated Kyran, freezing him to the spot. "Oh!" He snapped his fingers grabbing a small package out of his pocket. "Here is some spiced meat for Noya." A small piece was offered to Noya. The package itself was handed to Gaia. Once the ferret accepted or rejected the offering, Kyran marched into the library. He was determined to find this magic. "We can start in the ancient myths and legends section or the ancient history. The overlap in the two should help us find where the magic is supposed to be." Kyran said looking back where he hoped Gaia would be. He wasn't sure if his girlfriend was the type to wander off in a library.

    WC: 478
    Total: 2,214



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Gaia 13th August 2018, 4:39 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    Gaia lightly growls at Kyran as he told her that she'd have to tell him more about the modeling gig... while he seemed rather distracted by something she couldn't put her finger on. She nods to him as he tells her she'll be learning more about thing here soon. She reached her hand up and put her finger on his nose. "If they attack me again, I'll beat you up." She pouts. She actually doubts she would even be able to, but it sounded like a nice threat at the moment. She crosses her arms again over her chest as she nods to him slowly. As he questions seeing her house... and then the inside of it, she frowns to him. "No... It means you see the roof... Yes... the inside of my house. Goodness..." When he started to laugh at her for sticking her tongue out, Gaia was clearly confused and blinks up to him before he pulled her chin up and touched her neck, her face getting beet red as she let out a shuttered noise. Her jaw was open as he spoke into her ear, face only getting a darker shade of red, along with her ears now. She had her lips pressed firmly together as she simply nodded to him and brings a hand up to cover her mouth and some of the blush, but with how red her face was, it was impossible to hide. As he cupped her cheeks, she removed her hand and looks up to Kyran before he kissed her. Her eyes grew rather wide for a moment before she kissed him back, feeling breathless by the time he removed his mouth from hers.

    She listens to his condition of the date, and simply pouts to him as she shrugs her shoulders. "Ask and I can tell you... normally..." She manages to squeak out, then she lightly pounded on his chest. "You're doing it again! Confusing me.." She lightly whines as she puts her head on his chest. As he talks about going into the library, she slowly nods, lifting her head slowly as her blushing calmed down enough that it was just on her cheeks alone now. She blinks as he snapped his fingers, and waited to see what he would do. Noya perked her head up before he even brings out the meat, and happily chomps on it happily. "Hope it wasn't cooked meat..." Gaia mutters as she held the package of meat. Gaia had slowly followed Kyran into the library, and takes a deep breath while she listened to where they should start searching. Normally she would get distracted by other books, but not this time as she was heavily distracted by her thoughts, as well as by the task at hand.

    "Hey Kyran... Since you say we don't know much about each other... answer me this... How did you get the nicknames 'Key' and 'Bear'?" She questions as she comes up next to him. "And why not try magic section first... could be in ancient magic?" She says as she notices a sign in there titled 'Magic'.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
    Current Cooldowns: Spell Name 0/0

    Spell 2:
    Abilities Used:
    Weapons Used:
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Kyran 13th August 2018, 6:54 pm

    Gaia's sarcastic answer to his attempt at flirting brought a smile to Kyran's face. His eyes widened at her squeaky sentence. "Is that how it works? I thought one had to either demand information or coerce it out of people." His tone conveyed that he was completely serious and not joking. He felt as if he had never gotten any information for free. Kyran peered down at her when she accused him of being confusing. "I don't understand what you mean, baby. How am I confusing you? Am I doing something wrong?" His voice sounded sad, his expression was sad. Kyran hated the idea that he was doing something wrong and hurting Gaia.

    Gaia's questions about his nicknames caused Kyran to blush. "Friends gave them to me. One friend, Advent, misunderstood something I said. That's where Key comes from. Yona is the only one who calls me Bear and I would prefer if she didn't. She got fairly drunk after a job and spilled a few things I'm sure she wouldn't have otherwise. I didn't know where her room was so I brought her back to mine. When I tried to sleep on the floor, Yona yanked me back onto the bed and treated me like her teddy bear." Kyran made a face. "I wish she had forgotten the entire thing. I really don't like that nickname. It's too intimate and I have no feelings like that for her." Kyran looked at Gaia. "I only feel like that for you."

    Kyran looked at the magic section. He was sick and tired of it. For days, he'd scoured it for clues. Nothing had led him to where the magic should be. "I've searched that section top to bottom. The most I found was the general region where the magic was and its name: Salvator Alitis. You may find something I missed though. Go. Look. I'll grab a few books from the history and myths sections and join you." Kyran kissed her cheek before hurrying along. He was back within thirty minutes his arms full of books. He was pretty happy with the selections he'd gotten. The Tower and the Moon was a rare find as was the Angel's Advent and The Mountain of Cold. Hopefully all these books plus the others he'd grabbed would help him find what he was looking for quickly. Kyran looked around for Gaia hoping she hadn't gone too far. These books were getting heavy.

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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Gaia 13th August 2018, 8:26 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    The tarot reader groans and rubs her temples a bit. "You haven't been living under a rock, have you?" She rolls her eyes a bit. When she had complained that he was being confusing, she glares up at him as she pulled him down some so he's more level with her and she didn't have to speak too loudly. "You say you don't want sex with me... but that action right there is actually quite lewd thing... and a turn on for me... And we're in public..." She mumbles to him before letting him go. As Kyran explained about his nicknames, she started to frown, mainly at the Bear nickname with Yona. She gave what was clearly an unsatisfied smile to him. "At least we both feel the same way about the name..." She blushed a little more as he claimed that he had intimate feelings for her in a sense. She then groans again and throws her head back.

    When she brought up the magic section, and that he already looked through it, she snickered. "Give me twenty minutes, I'll have it read and might be able to get you a bunch of extra information." She wiggles her glasses, hoping he'd remember that she had Gale Force Glasses. She was full of a bit of pride at the moment as she prized her glasses and how well they worked for her. She smirks as her cheek was kissed and she strode over to the Magic section, taking a stack of books without looking and set them on a table, opening them up and quickly activating her glasses to speed read at the fastest they could. Noya was chilling on her shoulder munching on her meats and making as minimal of a mess as possible. By the time Kyran came back, Gaia was surrounded by a good chunk of the books in the Magic section, and would have to put them back real soon before she got in trouble. She had gotten up and grabbed a bunch of books, quickly stashing them away and leaving some purposely on the table.

    She smiles to Kyran and shoves the book at him. "Salvator Alitis. Angelic Requip Magic. It's located in the Phoenix Mountains. It has the power to hold heavenly weapons and can even harness the power of dark souls that are sometimes found in others." She grabs another book and sets it on top of the first one. "It comes from an ancient tribe known as 'Murifri Wafaiors', which mean 'Angel Warriors'. They live within the mountains in secret for right now. Kind of snuck behind you into the ancient history section for that one." She then grins as she looks to Kyran. "The tribe still lives though, but only in small numbers. A couple members apparently had left the village to expose this knowledge. They are dying, according to what I can find on my iLac, and need someone to help them preserve the magic but they apparently have to pass a certain test to even be able to receive it, and no information is on this test to know what it is." Gaia sits down in the chair she had been sitting in, crosses her ankles, and crosses her arms over her chest as she smirks at all the information she had found. "Did you have all that before?" She couldn't help but giggle to him. There was probably more she didn't find yet, but she felt she got enough for the current time being.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
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    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Kyran 14th August 2018, 7:21 pm

    Kyran rubbed the back of his neck when she questioned where he'd lived. "I had very few positive social interactions until I met Adalinda." Kyran muttered, looking away. He was constantly messing up socially, he knew it. Having Gaia point it out made him feel absolutely awful. That was until she mumbled an explanation in his ear. Then he was kind of glad he had messed up. A stupid grin was spread across his face. It was probably best to clasp her to him before responding. His hand shot up to keep Gaia from moving her head. "Maybe you've changed my mind on sex. It still terrifies me but I want to give it a shot with you." Risking his balls for Gaia was worth it. Maybe she wouldn't be as vicious as Claudia had been. There wasn't a prayer that she'd give him sex like those in his books. That was pure fantasy.

    Kyran's eyes widened as Gaia placed the books in front of him and informed him of what she had found. When she was finished, Kyran picked her up bridal style. He spun them around, laughing happily. There was a way out! A way to control the demons when they went out of control. This wonderful woman had found it! Kyran showered kisses down upon her face. His barrage ended in setting her back in her chair. "If the trial really is in the Phoenix Mountains then I have the info we need on the trial and possibly where it is, precisely." He opened The Mountain of Cold super excited at what he thought things were. "There is a legend in here that refers to a mountain that's impassible guarded by, get this, a tribe of angel warriors." Kyran looked over at Gaia. "I never would have thought about it without your information. That impassible mountain is probably where the magic is." Kyran picked up the Angel's Advent. "There's another legend in this book that speaks of fighting an angelic being atop a mountain that was neigh impossible to climb. Again only thought of it because of your brilliant information." Kyran rubbed his nose against Gaia's. "Thank you. Now I have a tangible lead to follow. We have a tangible lead."

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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Gaia 14th August 2018, 9:12 pm

    0000 WORDS
    Gaia Sabin
    The Future Isn't Always Set In Stone.
    "Who's Adalinda?" Gaia couldn't help but question him. He never talked about anything to her really about his guild members... or even really his guild at all. She had looked it up herself to see what the company was about. As he mentioned that maybe she changed his mind about being intimate with her, her face got red again.

    After she revealed all she found from the books, Gaia grins at his face and winks to him. The last thing she expected was for him to pick her up bridal style and spin her around. She let up a yelp and grabbed hold of his neck rather tight while Noya tucked herself in Gaia's shirt to keep herself from flying away. She made a few noises as he kept on kissing her face over and over again. "Hold up! Hold up!" She cries to him a bit before he sets her back in her chair. Gaia was softly laughing and trying to get composure of herself as she wiped a little bit of slobber off of her face from one of his many kisses upon her. Gaia shakes her head a bit as she listens to him. "That test is fairly new... maybe the mountain is to protect the knowledge from the wrong hands, but I don't think it's the test though..." She says as she holds up her iLac. "The two people who left, only recently said that they needed someone to come along for it. And knowledge of the test at all, was only recently told about." When he continued on with his second book, she smiles and blushes to him rubbing his nose against hers. She smiles to him and nods as Noya poked her head up a bit. "I'm ready to go whenever you are... but we should pick these books up first. Don't want to get them ruined." She says as she starts putting other books away that she didn't get anything from.

    HP: 000
    MP: 000
    Current Durations: Spell Name 0/0
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    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



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    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Kyran 15th August 2018, 10:24 am

    Kyran's  brow furrowed as Gaia asked about Adalinda. "She's...uh...she's... I'm not sure what description fits her to be honest. I don't know what a friend is and I don't want to use the wrong description for her." With the new revelations he was having, Kyran wasn't sure exactly where Adalinda fell. Was she a friend? An acquaintance? Someone he used to know? Just a guildmate? It was impossible to tell. Not until he talked to her again and Kyran had a feeling it would be a long time before that happened. While he thought about the dragon slayer, there was a troubled look on his face.

    Gaia's assertion that the test was new confused Kyran. There were clear signs that a test was required for the magic from well before now. "Perhaps the Murifri Wafaiors added a secondary test to prove someone was worthy. Or there is another piece to the puzzle we're missing. Whichever it is, we'll find out when we find them." Kyran kissed Gaia before sweeping up the books he had brought. It didn't take him long to put them away. This was exciting. Kyran was surprised the demons weren't protesting more. Prodding them, he was surprised to find them asleep. Did Gaia send them to sleep? Or was something else at play here? Kyran gently took Gaia's hand when he was back at her side. "Shall we go then, baby? Or maybe you can teach me more lewd acts to embarrass you with in public?" His teeth flashed in a mischievous grin.  

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    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Making Amends and Finding Solutions Empty Re: Making Amends and Finding Solutions

    Post by Kyran 15th August 2018, 1:32 pm

    Continued in Part 2


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