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    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job


    Posts : 118
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♖Hell Demon Slayer ♖
    Second Skill: ♖Nightshade Demon Slayer ♖
    Third Skill:

    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by Ambrosia 16th April 2018, 3:03 am

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Job Information
    Oh it had such a sweet name, clover town, sweet meadows of happy little clovers and flowers, little children frolicking around and spreading their infectious thoughts. Yet there would be no meadows where she was visiting, nor would there be any children, for this was an establishment for adults and those who are mature. Clover town, it appeared so perfect at times, a quaint little town which was built up by the strength of heroes past, both mages and more mundane livestock whom had been considered to be the prime of their flocks gathered in one place to rest and retire. Growing old, surely that was something which would be considered unnecessary by the great ones who ruled from above. This little town built by those old and aged, yet the term age was not one she associated with that of wine. Not in a good way, it made her think of useless things, objects gathered with no purpose other than to gather dust, surely it would be best to remove them.  

    Heels softly clicking against the cobbles as she skipped towards the building which appeared so typical of those in the trade with its eon lights and signage that hinted at a fun night for the lonely. Hair trailed behind her, its soft colour shimmering softly under the warming lights which brightened the streets with help from the moon's rays cast down from above, wind picked it up, playing with the pigtails and curling them around. Perhaps she looked like one of those folk, short skirt and long socks, smooth socks with the tops of them having just a hit of blue the entire outfit tied together nicely, gloves and socks matching the colours even complimenting the hues of eyes and hair. Certainly it was a outfit she was proud of, lavish amounts of bows, lace and hearts, just the sort of thing which attracted those below her like moths grasping onto any flicker of light. Revealing enough skin to be alluring yet hiding some so that it always kept the suitors craving more. It did appear quite frilly her attire, lace and frills surrounded by the shapes of hearts and roses, whilst others waiting on street corners were smothered in makeup and sin the female knew that she would rise above the rest, partially in her actual form, the two were mixed with human ears and a tail poked through, embellishing her features with a soft cuteness. It was a style she knew well how to pull off, and oh how they fell for it, the foolish way that those male homosapiens, mages and farmers alike tripping over their skirts to bow down at the feet of woman who layered themselves in the shiniest or sparkliest clothes, skimping of fabric and pushing up breasts, exaggerating height and accentuating curves. It was amusing almost, watching how when the sun fell from grace and the moon crawled its way back up that the lesser beings were dragged out into the world, trying their hardest to appear in a way that would be craved by the money distributing males.

    This was a pen that she rather not visit, stuffed full of undesirables who thought that they could lay their hands across a being such as her despite merely having a similar appearance. Yet apparently this establishment held some citrus scents, smells of interest and amusement. This place had been told to her, whispers of a black market in the back rooms. Yet the world did not play around her in  monochrome, nor was there a single reel playing. This could take multiple paths, there was no set outcome now that she held the information. Other than lounging on a street corner within sight of the energetic doorway she could only wait, for someone who appeared to be invested in the darkened business or perhaps another like herself, prodding around in other people's business with an additional party member would bring up the enjoyment, unpredictability made for the most enjoyable days.

    669 ♟ 669/4,000 ♟ Attire


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Ambrosiasig
    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves
    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by The Lunatic 20th April 2018, 2:02 am

    trust only - yourself
    what a cyanide surprise
    you have left for my eyes!
    if i had common sense
    i'd cut myself
    or curl up and die

    - 809/4,000

    - oof i finally posted

    - etc

    - ʏᴜᴢᴜᴋɪ ғᴀᴇʀʏᴅᴀᴇ

    Silver eyes traced the contours of a building, lost in thought as the crinkled paper in the creature’s hand flapped noisily in the breeze. Yuzuki didn’t often come to Clover Town, for the obnoxious population of Rune Knights and good-doers acted as an efficient repellent. The sheer lack of filth and poverty provided few opportunities for the semi-fey to steal something without it becoming huge and political – while such things were fun in moderation, she was rarely in the mood. She’d been a street thief for near thirty-five years by now, and there was no reason to change that. Lazily letting herself fall backwards on the tree branch Yuzuki was currently perched upon, the semi-fey dangled by her knees, watching the world flip itself upside down before letting go and falling into the shadows before. It was a pretty useful ability, being able to simply travel through shadows like that. For once, the semi-fey let herself feel a bit of gratitude for her weapon, slinging the spear behind her back as she waited in the shadow of a street lamp, yearning for the skies to darken. It had been a while since she took up a mage’s job, but she needed to get back into the flow sometime, right?

    The sky would slowly darken as the lamp came on, illuminating her form under its warm light. She didn’t have to hide too much here – it wasn’t like Yuzuki was a well-known villain or anything even close, after all. Sure, perhaps she’d slaughtered a few people every here and there, stolen something important every few months or so, or burned down a few farms, but it was nothing that drew the big attention. She’d been careful about that up until recently: the realization had hit her rather uneducated brain several months ago, that she had no need to mind what others thought of her. As long as she could escape, who cared? The fey were not easily killed, anyways.

    The moon was now shining brightly up in the night sky, shedding its benevolent glow down on the moonlight mage as she raised her tattooed arm up to the skies. Silver symbols faded in and out of the light as they were charged with the lunar energy, and the girl was feeling rather refreshed in a matter of seconds. It was time to get to it then.

    Brothels were not places that Yuzuki often frequented. Being no man nor particularly pretty woman, and looking only around the age of fourteen, they weren’t locations where she would be very welcome. Instead, with her ratty black hair and dangerously sharp teeth and ears, she preferred to keep her sexual life limited to occasional one-night stands at some cheap non-human Talonian bar instead. No one judged there, and criminality was the norm among that particular crowd. No need for stuffy brothels and the like. But here she was anyways, standing in front of the gaudy neon sign with a look of very evident distaste on her face. Her only motivation was jewel, and even that wasn’t feeling very motivational right now. Unless…unless the tip she’d received was correct. If this place truly was also a black market location, perhaps there was something to be gotten after all. Maybe she could nick a few things of use – a potion or illegal items were always intriguing.

    Sighing, she tried to keep the thought present in her mind as she moved for the door, not even bothering to hide herself. Unlike the woman whom she was soon to meet, Yuzuki was not one who cared for appearances. Occasionally, she had indeed disguised herself, but found no use in such a location as this one. If all else failed, a simple cloak of moonlight would be more than adequate for her, hiding her from sight. However, as she advanced, her eyes would catch on the outlines of another figure standing nearby, clothed in shadows and dressed in a ridiculous quantity of frills. The woman gave off a strange scent – not quite human, and reeking of magic. Another mage here? Was she a guard or just someone else who had heard of the marketplace? Not wanting to risk anything, Yuzuki clicked her tongue in irritation before opening a gash in the shadows below herself, appearing momentarily besides the blue-eyed woman. Perhaps she should kill her. The magical signature felt inferior to her own, and it wouldn’t take too much effort to deal with it, right? But the non-human smell that was now stronger than ever intrigued the thief, and it would be disappointing to let someone so fascinating get away. “Cats and magic.” The semi-fey voiced her thoughts aloud, casting a gaze of silver daggers towards the woman and noting the feline attributes she possessed. “Wouldn’t it be funny, if the guard of this place were a magical cat?”
    ©️️️ seadra of gs


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --

    Posts : 118
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♖Hell Demon Slayer ♖
    Second Skill: ♖Nightshade Demon Slayer ♖
    Third Skill:

    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by Ambrosia 21st May 2018, 5:56 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Whilst there were many that she expected to approach this was a figure that came as a surprise. At times the world appeared much as a chess board to her, simple checker like marks of where animals stood around her, not showing appearances merely an idea of where the moon's rays filtered around them, where their weight pressed against the surfaces. There was no need to see them, after all most of that was unnecessary information. That was until one seemed to vanish, the mental chess piece in her mind seemingly vanished, whilst at the same time one with an identical feeling almost grew or appeared next to her. Lips pulled back, not quite smile like, yet it hadn’t formed a sneer. This one was intriguing indeed, a clash of silver and blue occurred as she herself flickered her sights across the shorter girl, an interesting one indeed as indicated by the way that she seemed to act casually around someone like herself. A slight mention of her feline features, an amusement of her appearance in regards to how she relaxed around the magical area. Pinprick teeth shown as she pulled her lips back in a smile, one ear flickered as her brow raised in a partial sigh. This could get amusing, hopefully there was a way to draw out something from an odd encounter. “Well I could be a guard of this place, but what would I guard it from.” fingers curled, as her gaze flickered once more, running over the smooth surfaces of her blue nails, the same color of her eyes they almost reflected each other. She had spent some time finding a place which made rather outrageous nail coatings, they had of course agreed to make some which would adorn her nails. Proving their worth they were, the couple who had made the nails had proven their worth twice over.

    “But how could I guard this place from myself?” A chuckle, soft on the wind she let it sweep from her mouth as her heels spun, whilst originally her mind had been wandering perhaps this individual would take care of the boredom which came with every drawing breath. Yet they narrowed for a moment, her eyes zeroing in on the other, this woman didn’t exactly show outright hostile intent, yet neither was she herself showing much of an intention. Roaring behind this creature a mane like bush of hair flared up. “And honestly is all you can do comment on my appearance, speak for yourself little miss guard dog~” It rung in her eyes like bells, the amusement she held onto with every heartbeat, heels turning as she span down the street soft bands of air whipped up lifting each fibre of fabric around her body. Blue gaze closed for a moment, as her spirit was sent deep within itself to extract the essence she could keep. It spun itself into her, soft shadows enveloping her form, hazing the edges and distorting her frame. “It would prove best to keep a slight distance, but perhaps you would like to join me on this fine evening?” Quiet, yet slight raw as if someone had used the wrong grit of sandpaper her voice carried a simplistic offer to that with similar teeth to her own. Yet this would do, some mage as the clues indicated this female didn’t appear to have any strong affiliation, either that or she had worked rather well on disguising her scents.  

    Without a second thought her doleful expression was pressed across the manic eyes, the river of emotion instantly settling into a placid body of water. Tail drooped as her ears slightly turned inwards, a feeling of shyness or a victim settling over her the exceed changed the very way she walked, tentative movements towards one of the side doors. The rampages, the burnings, roasted whilst locked inside and caged where they belonged, she had assassinated in simple movements and directive movements. Full on frontal assaults and stealth her experiences of Fiore varied a fair amount. Neither did she really know what exactly would happen once inside, would she even get inside? To her there were two ways that the world could tilt, she could go and attack those whom worked in the black market, ripping their boring little group apart to create something much greater. Yet the more whimsical side of her wished to go and make those little guild members run in circles. She had the ability to do either, the outcome that mattered was returning home with electricity shooting up her spine and a feeling of wishing to run across the ocean and into the skies. Pointed ears and teeth so similar to her own, obviously not quite human, perhaps this one wouldn’t be a disgusting as the livestock who milled about whilst the cage door was opened, would this one decide to fly free and evolve into something much greater? “So miss, is there anything you fancy doing on this fine evening?"

    883 ♟ 1,552/4,500 ♟ Attire


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Ambrosiasig
    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves
    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by The Lunatic 29th May 2018, 10:02 pm


    --- 1564/4000 WORDS, @AMBROSIA, OOF ---
    From a brief initial observation, Yuzuki noted the slight lifting up of the woman’s lips, an expression that betrayed some uncertain emotion. For a moment, the two observed each other, the semi-fey’s senses curiously noting the stranger’s characteristics. Equally casual, without fear in their movements, Yuzuki found little reason to worry about a thing as she idly tossed out the first thing that fell from the tip of her tongue. The response was rather befitting one of such a feline character such as her – teeth flashed in the darkness as her lips curved into a smile, and a flicker of movement form her ear would catch the semi-fey’s eyes as well. Amusement, huh. Indeed, this was not some regular civilian.

    “Well I could be a guard of this place, but what would I guard it from.” The words dropped smoothly from her lips as a hand would be lifted to her eyes for inspection, the (painted?) nails glinting the same hue as her cyan eyes. Such decorations were not to Yuzuki’s taste, and she raised an eyebrow at the odd coating before the woman spoke again. “But how could I guard this place from myself?” She laughed in almost a whimsical manner, the wind picking up in the moment as her heels slipped across the ground, turning her body to face the semi-fey. The cold eyes narrowed in on Yuzuki’s, and the semi-fey returned it with a confident stare. What an irritating person – so lofty and full of themselves, hm? Somewhere within her consciousness, she could feel a small voice calling her out on the hypocrisy that filled the previous thought, but Yuzuki was far too used to it by now to care for it.

    Not that she needed to, with what the woman addressed next. Guard dog? A guard dog? Well, she’d been called worse. Matching the whimsical amusement in the other’s eyes with her own, the semi-fey strolled leisurely down the street, hands clasped behind her head as she watched the figure spin down the street in a soft clattering of heels – shoes Yuzuki herself wouldn’t touch with a meter-long pole, but what caught her attention was not the shoes. Instead, sharp silver eyes caught upon the rush of wind that brushed around the woman’s clothing, feeling the soft gusts pattering against her own body as she followed along. For a moment, her form blurred, and Yuzuki responded with a tighter grip on her spear’s handle in case a scuffle was coming up. The worry turned out to be unnecessary – an invitation would be extended to the semi-fey in the next moment, one that rang of simplicity – the type Yuzuki wasn’t prone to trust. Still, the moonlight in her veins, soaking deep into her very being was making Yuzuki think silly things, blurring her logic, and her instinct was one with the heedlessness of the moonlight itself.

    Responding easily by sudden slipping into the space beside her with a spin of the spear’s blade, the semi-fey revealed a set of pointed teeth herself, lips curling into a mischievous grin. “Why not?”

    In a fluid motion, her unexpected companion’s entire demeanor shifted, a shy, doleful figure taking place of the  confident delight that had embodied her being only a few moments ago, evoking a quiet blink of surprise from Yuzuki. Interesting – such acting skills were things that she herself could only dream of achieving. While the thief was fast and agile, her life on the streets required little finesse and a large amount of survival instinct. Such careful acting was simply unnecessary in her way of living. The door would be pulled open, and a question posed at the semi-fey, to which she pondered for a brief moment. “I don’t really care, just want something to happen~” Her voice light and casual, Yuzuki stepped in without much of a care, looking about the dimly lit room. How exactly did one get into this black market in the first place? Without so much as a care in the world, she sidled up to the bored-looking man at the front desk, shocking him with her sudden appearance. When she didn’t wish to be seen, it was truly difficult to make out the semi-fey in such dark conditions. “So where’s the black market?” Flashing a cheeky grin, Yuzuki folded her arms lazily across the desk, getting up in his face.

    Shock registered upon his face at her sudden appearance, trying to work out who she was and where she’d come from. Good – shock was always fun.
    deltra of gangnam style


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --

    Posts : 118
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♖Hell Demon Slayer ♖
    Second Skill: ♖Nightshade Demon Slayer ♖
    Third Skill:

    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by Ambrosia 6th June 2018, 4:26 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Now this one was interesting, that way that she held herself, not quite regal, no this was just a confidence. She lacked a name but the other female appeared to be as equally relaxed as she felt, yet this was an individual whom appeared likely to change direction at the flip of a switch. Why not? Oh look she was getting defensive! Such a sweet little thing, "'Now now I mean that in no way of a threat, however more of a note, for if you come too close you may find yourself slowing down." No no she wouldn't attack this little lady, that would cause a scene and honestly having some semblance of a partner for this little excursion would make it just so much more interesting. Yet this was coming from the creature which had merely wanted something to happen. Creature, perhaps it was more of a being. Yet from the partial scents of human ancestry that the other female held Ambrosia held er doubts close, livestock and something of a higher class breeding to produce something that wasn't quite human. No matter! By the end of their little excursion perhaps she could tell what part of her bloodline was more prominent. Who knew, there were times when livestock have proven themselves.

    Yet now it was time for a little show, the role of timid little doll played well for her, stepping back slightly to let Yuzuki enter the room she latched her eyes onto the female who was doing a good little job at distracting the man at the desk. Taking the small chain with a quiet silence the feline figure locked the door, sliding the bolt into place as well before coming a little closer to this man with such an expression, he lacked excitement in his life and they could give it to him. Not that he was going anywhere now. Oh, indeed getting right up in his face with a shocking question, these creatures were rather protective of their personal space. The moment unfolded, a look of horror spreading slowly across his face as he stared at the semi-fey. However the feline figure took this moment to casually stroll across the room, standing in the doorway of the only corridor leading out of the room.

    It was perfect, as in only a few seconds this rather disgusting man had turned into blubbering mess. stuttering away. "black market, no,nononono there isn't one of these here" She noted his hand creeping under the table for a moment before a shimmering knife was dragged out from under the desk. Oh lovely, it looked a little magical from the odd markings on it shone of it. She hoped to make eye contact with Yuzuki before the man attacked her in some kind of way, there was no doubt he was weak yet it would be better to go in with minimal damage. Probably best to removed the problem before they alerted others. Yet she had to leave that man to her accompanying fey, sounds of movement, eyes closed for just a brief moment as she located the essence of this stranger. A female, flat shoes however with dull sounds in a small room off to the side. Probably some kind of storage or filing room of sorts. A few steps back and the shadows hid her from the front desk area. Hand on the doorknob it opened with surprising ease as some sort of assistant or secretary looked at her with wide eyes. "'Excuse me miss, I need some help. could you" Oh soft eyes, little fluffy ears and a dress to bedazzle. It wouldn't have worked against someone used to combat however this female human probably just saw a catgirl lost. That was all she saw overall. With a nearby cleaning rag stuffed in the mouth and claws pressing into the eyes it had gone down rather smoothly. She set her hand against the woman immobilising her for just a brief moment, it would be better to tie her up properly, although it wasn't like this suit wearing creature would be able to see to walk away.
    ♟ 2,242/4,500 ♟ Attire


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Ambrosiasig
    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves
    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by The Lunatic 3rd July 2018, 6:01 pm


    --- 2276/4000 WORDS, @AMBROSIA, yeah ---
    Sensing that all too familiar vibe coming from the woman who regarded her with curious eyes, Yuzuki’s lips turned down into a displeased frown. Amusement at her defensiveness, and an almost condescending feeling was reflected in the stranger’s smile. Barely paying attention to her reassurance, the girl wallowed in mild fury for only a moment before striding confidently into the room. Whatever. Although it would be a constant irritation that pricked the back of her mind, creating more chances for provocation would only be detrimental. It was never a good feeling for the proud semi-fey, how people like this cat-girl viewed her. Just some poor street rat, instincts fine-tuned only for survival. How foolish of them in the end though, right? Had they such sharp senses, such an ability and will to live? Reassuring herself with these thoughts, Yuzuki’s frowned curved upwards once more, showing tips of pointed canines. These primal instincts were what had allowed her to survive all these years after all – a feat difficult for those of her lineage.

    Confidence quickly regained at the man’s terror, the semi-fey barely made notice of the exceed’s actions. Head buzzing from the combination of moonlight and exhilaration of a hunter on the move from even so simple an action, Yuzuki merely smiled at his stuttered exclamations. “Aww, that’s a shame. And I was so excited to check it out~” Hearing the soft, uncertain sliding of a knife with hypersensitive ears, the semi-fey barely flinched in her actions as her fingers wrapped tightly around his wrist, turning it slowly with surprising strength for her size to observe the markings upon it.

    “Aha~ I’m surprised.”
    Recognizing the distinctly fey symbols that etched the black material, Yuzuki pressed a finger into the soft hollow of the man’s wrist, smiling as his wrist fell limp and a weak gasp emanated from his mouth. The knife was quickly picked up by the triumphant mage, and she fingered the handle even as the man seemed to shrivel up into himself. A brief scan of the room told her that her “partner” had long since left. “Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m afraid my companion doesn’t quite have the same opinion, apparently. I’m afraid I’ll have to cut our talk short.” The last word was quickly punctuated as Yuzuki hauled herself over the table with a hand and nimble legs, plunging the knife between his ribs. A quick, short, and strangled sound would be emitted, and the man slumped over as the knife was cleanly extracted. Watching the symbols expel the red liquid from a pristine surface, the semi-fey would dart down the hallway after that odd scent of the exceed’s. The sickly sweet smell seemed to be mingled with that of some sort of human, leading her to the conclusion that the woman had encountered someone – friend, foe? Who knew?

    She had no need to concern herself with it, evidently, as the iron smell of human blood filled her nostrils. Kitty-girl reigned triumphant in this encounter. The door would be swung open neatly, revealing  Yuzuki leaning idly against the doorframe, flipping the man’s knife in one hand and propping her silver spear up with the other. “Found anything interesting?” Watching the woman’s bloodied eye sockets with a bored interest, the semi-fey looked down to see Ambrosia’s hands releasing from the suited torso. A horrified shudder wracked the woman’s body, before she slipped to the ground, head crashing against a file cabinet. Ah…that was a bit loud. No matter though – it should be easy enough to deal with anyone who appeared.

    A swivel upon silver boots brought Yuzuki around into the room, gazing at the stray sheets of paper taped to the wall. Looking for some sign of where this mysterious black market might be.

    “Oh my, how careless.” A smirk showed her canines once more, and she plucked a sheet of paper off the wall. A blueprint of the building, there was shown a basement area, probably where this illegal trading ground was based. It had likely been hidden with magic to avoid Magic Council detection, but wasn’t hiding it in such an obvious place ridiculously foolish? Turning to Kitty-girl, Yuzuki dangled the paper lazily, raising an eyebrow in question. “You think this is real?”
    deltra of gangnam style


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --

    Posts : 118
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♖Hell Demon Slayer ♖
    Second Skill: ♖Nightshade Demon Slayer ♖
    Third Skill:

    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by Ambrosia 3rd September 2018, 4:35 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Hm? Oh perhaps she wasn't bad, the odd creature had followed her and seemed to be quite happy playing with the scums knife. Honestly why would want such a boring toy as a knife? There was much  more interesting prey out there. "I see you've had some fun~ Yet all I had was a sack of meat" Words colouring her dissatisfaction the feline creature let out a slight sight, taking a step back as they fey scoured the room. Using much more energy than she herself could be bothered to use, well at least the harvest yielded. Oh look a little map to the treasure, really now it was all a little too perfect, slitted eyes cast over it flickering for just a few moments. "Its probably truthful, yet there should be a side entrance, something not so straight forward as going down a staircase, these souls aren't that unfortunate in the brain department if they've evaded being found before." A claw like finger traced over the schematics, seeking somewhere which looked a little off. What could they do? Well there was no way that she was just going to prance straight down their little staircase, useless scum really didn't know how to treat a girl did they! Ears flickered, "Storerooms at the back, there isn't anything labelled but likely there should be some more discreet entrance there. I mean, that is unless you want to go down their front staircase" They fey wouldn't be that useless as some sort of human body shield. Perhaps a distraction! Sending the pitiful in to draw attention whilst she slid in from a side route and just commenced the slaughter of overripe livestock.

    Well the black haired girl could make her choice, the little thing could follow her or go down the main entrance to the base and get thoroughly turned into swiss cheese by whatever meek weapons they had. Without another moment she simply turned, brushing open a door which stood ajar as smooth movements led her towards the storage room which hopefully would have an entrance, or from their point of view an emergency exit. There- storage room two, it was above their little basement base. Cracking open across her face the leering smile only widened as she yanked a string that draped down from above. Boxes came into view better, shadows were swept away as a light hanging down flickered on, lovely, she would have to find out where their little bat cave was and play little miss exterminator.
    ♟ 2,662/4,500 ♟ Attire


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Ambrosiasig
    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves
    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
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    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by The Lunatic 12th September 2018, 8:16 pm


    --- 2738/4000 WORDS, @AMBROSIA, oof ---
    Carefully observing the movement of the feline’s claws, Yuzuki let her lead them along on this one. She was an interesting character, and it she’d like to observe more of the woman’s thought process in such matters. At Ambrosia’s prediction, the semi-fey shrugged nonchalantly. Barging right in would have been fun and dramatic, and her own stealth-based abilities might even sneak her past any guards. But even so, the cat’s words made sense – sneaking in through the back opened up a whole new range of possibilities as to what sort of havoc could be wreaked below. A slender tongue tugged itself over pale lips as Yuzuki nodded along amiably. “It all sounds fine to me~”  Reaching bony arms to the sky, the fey stretched momentarily before following after the feline scent that radiated from the strange woman.

    With the ease of someone who owned the place, the exceed brushed open a door, entering the dark storage room. As Yuzuki’s night vision adjusted easily to the darkness, she watched Ambrosia’s confident steps, easily turning on an old-fashioned lightbulb that dangled from the wooden boards above. Wood. So easily flammable – perhaps not the wisest of choices. Imagining silver flames enveloping the pathetic institution, Yuzuki snickered softly before sharpening her senses to look for an entrance. Snaking her sense of the air into the gaps and crevices, between boxes and shelves, the semi-fey noted areas of dampness, emptiness, or passages of air that wouldn’t normally be detectable. She wandered about the room, chains of her weapon clinking merrily by her side as slender pickpocket fingers traced the shelves. With a casual amble over to the old-fashioned water heater, the woman stopped, fangs peeking from beneath her lips as she noted the strange air of the container. Hollow. In fact, some spell had been cast upon the vessel to make it rumble occasionally, emanating heat. In reality, the inside was bare and blank, save for lift that extended below the storage room floor.

    “This un’s a fine piece of tech,”
    she jested, sliding her fingers around to finger the gap of the hatch. “Not much machinery in here – very impressive heating system.” Letting a thread of silver fire trickle down her arm, the semi-fey let the tiny flame melt away the irritating bolt that kept the intruders out.

    In a grand flourish, the hatch opened to reveal a rickety lift, extending down into the ever so mysterious basement. “Good judgement you got there, miss, sniffing this place out so easy. Getting on, or no?” The question would be carelessly thrown behind her as the pickpocket flopped comfortably onto the splinter-filled wood. It was a cruddy piece of engineering, honestly, but she’d experienced worst. With a tug of a convenient cord, the lift would drop down, down, down into the comfort of darkness.
    deltra of gangnam style


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
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    Age : 41
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    Experience : 2775

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    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by The Lunatic 6th November 2018, 9:32 am

    Yuzuki stood calmly, arms lazily crossed over her chest as the lift dropped to the ground, slamming into the dirt-lined ground with a dusty thump. Glancing upwards, the semi-fey waited for that kitty cat to appear again, only to realize that nothing was following her down to the ground. It seemed that the weirdo girl had decided it wasn’t worth it to come down – either that, or she was walking into a trap, no? A scowl began to spread over the woman’s face at the thought. Getting fooled by a cat woman? The very thought was humiliating, and Yuzuki barely resisted the urge to go right back up and kill the woman right there. If she thought it was okay to trick this thief like that, she was going to get karma right back at her. Pushing her wings against the air, the semi-fey bursting back up the shaft, slamming open the door, only to realize that the other woman was nowhere to be found. This was very bad…

    In an instant, Yuzuki was expanding her senses to try and pick out the location of the cat, sniffing for that sickly sweet scent. But all she received was nothing – it was like Ambrosia hadn’t even existed. Could it have been a hallucination? Particularly strong illusion magic? The very idea sent sudden fear coursing through Yuzuki’s veins, and she made a split-second decision. There was no going back now – she was going to get down there, and kill everyone if it was a trap. If not, then…well…she’d have to be careful. In a quick move, the semi-fey leapt back down the shaft, slipping out of the small doorway at the end. Carefully enclosed in a cloak of moonlight, she was invisible to the site and easily slipped out of the obscure corner into the quiet murmuring crowd of the black market. Shady stalls were haphazardly set up around the basement, dark sheets of canvas protecting carefully disguised traders and shopowners as they peddled their wares to the pompous, rich men and dark mages alike.

    The typical market of black markets, of course. Rich people who thought some wild charm could gain them love, fame, wealth, or whatever other dumb thing they yearned for. Peddlers probably made a fortune off these fools – they were so dumb, honestly, thinking a mere item could solve all their problems. As for the mages – assassins, caravan escorts, professional chaos creators, and spies – these were much more worthy shoppers in these arenas. Yuzuki had browsed a few of these places before, and knew that these mages usually had excellent eyes for quality. They sifted over wares like experts, putting them under all sorts of tests to ensure they weren’t being scammed for these expensive materials and weapons, then haggling hard with each trader for the best price.

    The peddlers weren’t fools either, knowing how to hold a bargain hard. Having attempted to do some shoplifting in these places before, Yuzuki knew that their security was top-notch as well. Trying to nick a magical coin or two was near impossible, the metal growing claws that snipped off your fingers, or emitting poisonous gas that killed you within a couple of steps. And even if those built in traps didn’t work (Yuzuki had managed to disable them all, a feat she was quite proud of), the peddlers themselves had guards – highly skilled guards who would come after you, wielding extremely illegal weapons to kill you. Unlike legal authorities, these people gave absolutely no shit. They would kill you without a second thought, then probably sell your body parts on the market.

    6002 / 8000 words


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 41
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    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by The Lunatic 15th November 2018, 7:59 am

    With a sigh, the semi-fey pondered what to do here. She’d come in hoping to have some fun, maybe steal some stuff, blow the rest up. Now that the exceed lady had left, she was left on her own to face it all. While that was certainly one way she could spend her evening, it no longer seemed quite so appealing. Gone was the urge to steal any shiny trinkets and potentially useful items – instead, wouldn’t it be simpler to blast the place to pieces? Yuzuki slipped out of the shadows, invisible, and strolled through the market, careful to avoid bumping into people. There were products sitting around all over the place, spelled for protection, but still easy enough to take, with the thief’s skill. Yet nothing caught her fancy as usual, nothing really appealed to the semi-fey’s tastes.
    The woman propped herself up against a booth, crossing her eyes at the widowed old hag working to produce more potions in the back while a burly bodyguard protected the place. Idly, the semi-fey reached down, picking up a beaker of strange bubbling solution. It shouldn’t be long before the man noticed something was up. Indeed, only a moment later, the muscled guy’s eyes locked upon the floating liquid, and let out an infuriated roar. Instantly, nine more similarly equipped bodyguards burst out around him, searching for the source of the levitating beaker. Yuzuki only smirked, feeling a bit more of that adrenaline pump into her veins at the thought of being able to have some good, hard fun.

    Leaping into the air with the precious container, Yuzuki darted over the booths, feet occasionally landing on posts or ceilings of tents, creating small, airlight depressions in the fabric. It was an easy enough task, and one that carried the feeling of freedom. Tents and booths were being uprooted all around her as they darted after the floating vial, exactly what the semi-fey had intended to happen. Perfect. Chaos erupted, and screaming and shouting would spring out all over the basement chamber. Before long, they lost sight of the vial, and Yuzuki was free to do her magic. A simple sniff of the bottle assured the semi-fey that the liquid was insanely flammable, capable of lighting just about anything on fire. If she could only spread it out a bit…

    Lighting a flame under the vial with a lighter she carried around for practical purposes, the liquid slowly evaporated, spreading throughout the room. With carefully pealed senses, Yuzuki tracked the gas’s progress as it made its way around the room, coating everything in a sheen of deadly, invisible vapor. Before, she had been intending to start the fire herself. But it seemed some other idiot had done the task for her, somehow producing a flame that caught on instantly to the magical chemicals in the air. Before long, the very air was burning, flame being passed through each molecule that made up the natural gasses around them. Yuzuki would only smirk, setting up an armor around her to prevent being hurt. Strolling calmly through the masses, the semi-fey occasionally grabbed a salvageable item if it looked useful enough, tucking it away into some hidden pocket, while occasionally stabbing someone and shoving them aside if they managed to get in her way. It was a nice, farily calm way to spend the night.

    Or at least, it was, until a sudden black-uniformed man burst out at her, snatching her wrist in an honestly very violent and disrespectful move. Yuzuki made sure he was aware of her thoughts on that as well, with a solid kick in the balls, but not before he had somehow alerted the rest of the Black Market employees who was behind the mess. Quickly sinking her blade into the man’s foolishly unprotected throat, the semi-fey’s eyes darted around, slashing a hand out at the nearest employee. Dowsed in flames, these black-dressed men were easy enough to identify, and Yuzuki had no problem delivering strikes to them in neat succession. However, despite their very obvious disadvantages, the men were certainly quite resilient. Striking back in strong but well-trained moves, one would occasionally get close enough to scrape the moonlight mage’s armor, causing her to have to stumble backwards. It would appear that some of these were mages as well, making matters even worse. While they were by no means stronger mages than herself, their magic could much more easily do away with her armor, leaving Yuzuki exposed to the elements. It was something that simply could not happen.

    With a scowl on her face, the letter mage shot up into the air, leaving the inferno below and donning her invisibility once more. She had to approach this in a better way – the crowded, flaming market was a difficult place to fight, with brightly colored flames shooting up in all directions, and confusing her senses with the overwhelming smoke that was now wafting upwards and the burning heat that dulled all other sensation. Although Yuzuki was much stronger than the average human, she still had her limits.

    Instead, she considered striking from her current point here, aiming attacks into the crowd below to target those particular employees. A tattoo would peel itself off her shoulder quickly, forming a slice of moonlight that Yuzuki carefully held in her palm. Identifying one of the black-uniformed people, she let it fly, landing a solid blow on the top of his spine, effectively putting him out of the game. Two down, six to go. Similar bolts would be produced, but this time in a larger quantity. In quick succession, the semi-fey used her superior senses to easily snipe the disadvantaged mages down. After all, not even professionally trained mages were adept at fighting in an environment dominated by fire. It was a tough space to fight in, as unless you were a flame mage, it took extra energy to protect yourself both from the natural elements and your opponent, while also attemptin to go on the offensive.

    However, before she killed the last one, it seemed that he or she had learned from the deaths of their companions. In a quick, agile move, they dodged the bolt, instead shooting straight up above the smoke, a trail of magical energy boosting their progress. Yuzuki smirked. So one of them had the guts and ability to face her? Excellent. Soaring out over the arena, the semi-fey approached them from the back, easily slamming her spear’s blade into the back of their neck. Easy peasy. Even the one who had put up the best fight was easy, huh? Feeling her wings dropping her to the ground again, Yuzuki donned her armor once more. She did have to eventually get out of here, and she was unsure of where exactly a safe exit to leave through would go. It was a badly-thought out plot in general, like most of hers usually were, and the semi-fey found herself greatly regretting that now. The thought of getting stuck in here was one massively unappealing to the semi-fey. Dying wasn’t on her bucket list yet – not for a long, long time. Too many things to steal, too many people to piss off.

    7.202 / 8,000 words


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --
    The Lunatic
    The Lunatic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 41
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    Experience : 2775

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fey Moonlight Weaving
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job Empty Re: Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job

    Post by The Lunatic 16th November 2018, 9:07 am

    With a sigh dropping from her lips, the semi-fey slipped over the top of the black market, searching for the place she had entered. Looking towards the back of the room from before, she tried to find that small, barely-visible entrance to slip in from. But glancing into the smoke-filled corners of the room, she found herself quite certain that getting out that way was not a choice. Instead, she’d have to file out of the main entrance like everyone else was, trampling over each other, murdering each other in a desperate fight to survive. After all, these were dark mages and traders. They would hold no mercy for anyone who got in their way. Likewise, Yuzuki was not about to show any sign of mercy either. She scowled down at the milling humans before carefully aiming a spell at the most crowded segment of the exit. If she could clear away some of the people…smiling cheerfully, the semi-fey would let loose a powerful blast of moonfire, the tattoos curling hotly off her skin and plunging into powerful silver flames. The crowd of people would quickly find themselves engulfed in this new source of flame, wailing in agony as the exquisite burning pain it caused led them to writhe and squirm on the ground. Sweaty, bloody bodies falling atop each other, burning with purifying silver…nice.

    Yuzuki tossed her silver-streaked hair over her shoulder, before somersaulting through the air to land near the entrance, darting cleanly through the mix of red and silver flames and coming to a grating halt when a sudden barrier of black metal was instantaneously erected before her eyes. Cries of objection and fear could be heard all around her as desperate traders and mages tried to get out past the magical gate. It would seem that someone had discovered her presence. Yuzuki smiled, showing sharp canines before narrowing her senses to attempt to trace whoever had cast the spell. The signature could be quickly traced to the elderly, wizened man scowling as he sat atop the structure he had erected. He was staring right back at her, face contorted into an expression of very wrinkly, eldered age, like that of some grumpy old man that hadn’t gotten his way.

    “You! You nasty rascal, thinking you can come in and blow my business up? I’mma beat yo’ ass, punk!” With these heroic words, the man raised his hands, instantly creating a giant black metal block that fell from the sky, aiming to land on the semi-fey. Yuzuki, in response, would merely yawn and lean sideways into a nearby shadow, reappearing next to the man on top of the barrier. “So you’re the nasty old prune who runs this place, huh? Sorry, I was in a bad mood, you’ll hafta excuse me.” The lazily intoned words ended in a sly smirk that traced itself over the girl’s face, relishing the expression of shock and horror that briefly painted the man’s face before he composed himself, snapping his arms around to cast another spell.

    This time, spikes of black iron would burst out all around him, slamming into where Yuzuki would have been, had she not teleported easily behind him and gave a rough shove at his back with the butt of her spear. The man screamed in pain and shock at the sudden impact, falling down the wall and towards the sea of steadily growing bodies and fire. By now, the air around them had certainly grown in toxicity. The fires had picked up all types of illegal chemicals, magically engineered. Mixed with magical fires, the results were definitely not the greatest for human health. Even Yuzuki was having a hard time breathing in the substance, but hey, the old man was only a blow away from death. As he fell, the semi-fey dove down after him, hand wrapping around his gross, skinny neck and hanging them aloft in the air for a second.

    Only a moment later, that balance in midair would be broken, the semi-fey deftly shoving her fingers into one of the dips in his neck. Squeezing the fat vein she found there, the main would let out a short squeal before his eyes rolled back and his body went limp. Humans were so fragile, were they not? Yuzuki sighed, and flew up and over the wall. Let them all burn in there. It was good for her emotions. If only that cat girl had stayed behind to enjoy it with her then…What a shame. Instead, the girl would casually stroll out of the burning brothel, watching it all crumble to pieces behind her in an inferno of multicolored flames. She pulled out her spear, inspecting the crusts of blood on it. Slicing a shallow cut into her own palm, the silvery blood that trickled out would cause the blade to instantly clean itself, cleansing the precious metal of all filth. What a night!

    8,021 / 8,000


    Moecha Putida ♟ Yuzuki Job TqvxSWh5_o
    yuzuki faerydae | weaver of moonfire | bank
    what a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes! if i had common sense i'd cut myself or curl up and die --

      Current date/time is 15th September 2024, 7:13 pm