Fairy Tail RP

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"Reviving the light"- a power rangers RPG


"Reviving the light"- a power rangers RPG Empty "Reviving the light"- a power rangers RPG

Post by Jazzy 14th April 2018, 8:26 pm

"Reviving the light"- a power rangers RPG NlUV9jD
Remember when you used to watch the power rangers as a little kid? Remember when you used to pretend that you were one with all your friends? Well you can make that come true with this site. We are an AU Power Ranger site with much to offer. We have a unique plot and friendly staff members that are there to help you if you need it. We have a lot of boards to play in and a lot of open characters. We are an intermediate to advanced site and we do have a minimum word count of 250. Don't let that stop you though, will you join us and let your power fly?

Lester Drynedi
Lester Drynedi

Gentleman florist

Gentleman florist

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"Reviving the light"- a power rangers RPG Empty Re: "Reviving the light"- a power rangers RPG

Post by Lester Drynedi 15th April 2018, 9:27 pm

Linking back! Thank you for advertising~

(I have also fixed your coding, next time please take care!)


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