Fairy Tail RP

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    Mocha Te's History (WIP)


    Moderator- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 357
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vixen Soul (was deceased persona Faye Devlin's. Currently can't be accessed)
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mocha Te's History (WIP) Empty Mocha Te's History (WIP)

    Post by Moka 30th March 2013, 7:56 pm

    STATUS: Comatose (most likely die in this state)

    1. History
    -Face Claim
    3. Other pictures of Mocha
    4. Links to other apps
    -Character App
    -Magic App
    -Pet app
    5. Lineage
    6. credits
    7. Topics/Posts

    {}=The topic it has happened, became inactive so it is not a topic that has been finished.
    Mocha was born into a family consisting of 4 people already by the time she came into the world. Her father, mother and twin older brothers by 9 years Sencha and Shincha. Her family's social status is within the high class, being able to live comfortably with little to no worries. Her mother being the owner of a fashion company while her father owned a restraunts with high quality service and food.

    When she was younger (10) she went traveling to a vaction house with her twin older brothers Sencha and Shincha (19). On the way, they were ambushed by 2 mages. One able to do illusion magic and the other hair magic. The scenery around young Mocha began to change oblivious to her it was just illusion magic. The scenery was quite fairy tale like and an excited Mocha went wandering. In reality though nothing really changed and the young girl separated from her older brothers. The 2 mages planned to keep the girl away using illusion magic then kill her off before throwing her in front of the twin brothers. Their revenge for killing their master in a small village where they had scammed people to give them money, acting as a spirt that'll destory the village if they didn't. The two men realized soon their sister was missing and immediately went searching for her. When Sencha and Shincha found Mocha, the hair mage was just about to kill her with her hair. Sencha immediately threw a dagger at the hair mage who stopped what she was doing then turned her attention to Sench and Shincha. Soon, they began to fight hair mage vs. Sencha & Shincha. The twins used ring, celestial and teleportation magic along with weapons in the fight.
    Time passes and eventually the hair mage took a moment to try to kill Mocha while at the same time Shincha attempts to kill the illusion mage who was giving Mocha horrifying illusions that caused the girl to scream. Shincha was successful in his attack while Sencha was the one that got attacked by the hair mage and in the process ended up losing his eye. This was witnessed by both Mocha and Shincha, both were shocked. The hair mage took this chance to flee with the illusion mage.
    Mocha and Shincha went to their brother, who was now holding his eye while being on the ground in pain. Both quite worried, however Mocha quickly freaked out. Shincha tried to calm her down, which didn't work. Sencha then requested Mocha to sing for him, at first she refused but gave in once he asked again. She then began to sing a Minor toned song with a slow tempo, wanting to with all of her heart wishing that she could've done something to protect her brother, along with wanting to help him. Oblivious to her she cast a spell. Shincha and Sencha, however quickly figured it out once Shincha tried to get to his brother but couldn't get close to her.
    This event left Mocha quite traumatized, it also left Sencha one eye left.

    She is a bit afraid of the world (thanks to her older brother Shincha  putting make-up on her/dressing her up, then displaying her to the world and having people stare at her) and wishes to be independent. Though that's hard to see especially when she was freaked out when her mother decided to give her a "push" for independence and locked her out of the house with luggage. Sure it took her days to understand that she just had to go out into the world and her mom was only trying to encourage her to go.

    Mocha got into Fairy Tail because a young woman introduced it as a "club" to her. By the time she realized it wasn't she had already fallen in love with it. (love at first sight)




    Mocha, still not doing a job decides to go to Clover Town. There she meets a stranger and in an instant, the girl gets severely injured before going into a coma. She will most likely spend the rest of her days, never opening her eyes or meeting new faces. Though her soul lives, her body is certainly dead. (4)

    RP Sample: (A piece of how you RP)
    Face Claim:
    Mocha te:
    Anime: Made it using a base by destinys-heart from deviantart
    character: Mocha Te

    Other pics of Mocha Te:


    links to other apps/info:






    Mocha Te's History (WIP) D11lCYj <-Click for Fleur DeLille's Applications
    Mocha Te's History (WIP) Stamp_12<-Click this for all applications for Mocha Te and to learn about her "death".

    Exp: 50  |  Exp left to gain till next rank: 100  |   Required amount for next rank: C: 150 EXP

      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 1:41 am