Fairy Tail RP

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The Empire State

theempstate admin

The Empire State Empty The Empire State

Post by theempstate admin 10th March 2018, 2:20 pm

[url=theempstate.jcink.net][align=center]The Empire State The_Emp_State[/url][/align]
[align=center]The center of the world, where fashion meets business, and the muse-less artists meet the overly rich and famous. New York City is filled with places to be and people to meet, each with their own individual stories to tell…[/align]

THE EMPIRE STATE is a real-life jcink roleplay set in New York City. The site focuses on character-driven plots created between roleplayers. There is no word count and reserves can be submitted to the blog through PM or asks, just please add the face claim’s full name and your alias.

Resurrecting the site! Plenty of faces and want ads to claim!
Lester Drynedi
Lester Drynedi

Gentleman florist

Gentleman florist

Posts : 1584
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 1
Age : 23

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The Empire State Empty Re: The Empire State

Post by Lester Drynedi 10th March 2018, 2:54 pm

❀ Linked back! Thank you for advertising~


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