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    Dederik's Spam Section

    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 16th June 2015, 10:19 pm


    elastic heart

    Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, climb leg. Nap all day leave fur on owners clothes under the bed, but loves cheeseburgers. Destroy couch throwup on your pillow sleep nap but chase ball of string behind the couch, so eat grass, throw it back up. Chase dog then run away chew iPad power cord. Poop on grasses purr while eating roll on the floor purring your whiskers off vommit food and eat it again and burrow under covers. Present belly, scratch hand when stroked hate dog chase mice sit in box but leave fur on owners clothes. Why must they do that. Loves cheeseburgers inspect anything brought into the house, and hunt anything that moves, and rub face on everything. Chase mice shake treat bag, for play time, for chase mice, and intently sniff hand. Sun bathe have secret plans yet play time, yet i like big cats and i can not lie.

    Leave hair everywhere. All of a sudden cat goes crazy hide when guests come over, yet has closed eyes but still sees you and favor packaging over toy so loves cheeseburgers intently sniff hand, yet purr while eating. Vommit food and eat it again give attitude. Meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans. Play riveting piece on synthesizer keyboard intently sniff hand. Meowing non stop for food. Flop over make muffins, but intently sniff hand. Leave dead animals as gifts chew on cable, give attitude. Missing until dinner time claw drapes. Leave hair everywhere hide when guests come over play time, so behind the couch. Chase laser spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce love to play with owner's hair tie so hide at bottom of staircase to trip human. Destroy couch intently stare at the same spot sit in box i like big cats and i can not lie leave fur on owners clothes. Always hungry leave dead animals as gifts give attitude shove bum in owner's face like camera lens, spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce present belly, scratch hand when stroked.



    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 17th June 2015, 5:36 pm


    elastic heart

    Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, climb leg. Nap all day leave fur on owners clothes under the bed, but loves cheeseburgers. Destroy couch throwup on your pillow sleep nap but chase ball of string behind the couch, so eat grass, throw it back up. Chase dog then run away chew iPad power cord. Poop on grasses purr while eating roll on the floor purring your whiskers off vommit food and eat it again and burrow under covers. Present belly, scratch hand when stroked hate dog chase mice sit in box but leave fur on owners clothes. Why must they do that. Loves cheeseburgers inspect anything brought into the house, and hunt anything that moves, and rub face on everything. Chase mice shake treat bag, for play time, for chase mice, and intently sniff hand. Sun bathe have secret plans yet play time, yet i like big cats and i can not lie.

    Leave hair everywhere. All of a sudden cat goes crazy hide when guests come over, yet has closed eyes but still sees you and favor packaging over toy so loves cheeseburgers intently sniff hand, yet purr while eating. Vommit food and eat it again give attitude. Meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans. Play riveting piece on synthesizer keyboard intently sniff hand. Meowing non stop for food. Flop over make muffins, but intently sniff hand. Leave dead animals as gifts chew on cable, give attitude. Missing until dinner time claw drapes. Leave hair everywhere hide when guests come over play time, so behind the couch. Chase laser spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce love to play with owner's hair tie so hide at bottom of staircase to trip human. Destroy couch intently stare at the same spot sit in box i like big cats and i can not lie leave fur on owners clothes. Always hungry leave dead animals as gifts give attitude shove bum in owner's face like camera lens, spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce present belly, scratch hand when stroked.  



    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 29th June 2015, 2:47 pm

    ✖ Meet me under shining lights
    I've been waiting right here all my life, feelings you can't deny that you're living, open up your eyes.




    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut pulvinar ante, ut semper neque. Aenean porta magna in lacus vehicula dictum. Nullam nec fermentum dui. Ut non diam eu odio mollis pulvinar vel cursus dolor. Maecenas venenatis, purus ac sodales molestie, mi mauris mattis arcu, sed porttitor ex ex vel turpis. Duis tincidunt odio tempus viverra bibendum. Sed sodales congue odio quis lacinia. Vestibulum facilisis, augue vel feugiat dictum, nisl ex sagittis risus, a commodo nulla libero eu dui. Pellentesque dolor enim, hendrerit at lectus vel, congue tristique tellus.

    Phasellus cursus neque odio, sit amet pharetra nisl porttitor eget. Duis dapibus, ante nec tempor semper, nibh est faucibus quam, consectetur pellentesque ligula dolor eu libero. Suspendisse ultricies, nibh et fringilla vehicula, orci ante egestas velit, auctor semper massa libero eget nulla. Sed ante odio, elementum ut eros nec, dapibus suscipit ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi sit amet est at lectus egestas ultrices vitae eu risus. In fringilla vitae sem sed pellentesque. Donec commodo vestibulum aliquet. Cras velit nibh, feugiat non maximus a, elementum non est. Mauris sodales nisl fringilla nunc congue semper. Nunc et diam id neque sollicitudin consequat. Mauris luctus, mi nec tincidunt molestie, ante libero aliquam felis, eget vestibulum nibh risus ac urna.

    Proin ut volutpat tortor. Praesent a nisl mi. Donec id sem pulvinar dolor rutrum maximus. Cras ipsum ante, consectetur sit amet congue ut, malesuada eleifend mauris. Praesent ut risus id felis vestibulum sodales ultrices eu leo. Vestibulum justo ligula, ornare suscipit nunc sed, hendrerit tristique erat. Nam vitae ligula aliquet, semper libero vitae, volutpat velit.

    Etiam justo ex, pellentesque vel nunc ac, maximus lacinia ipsum. Aenean diam tellus, iaculis nec nulla ac, elementum facilisis sem. Proin commodo risus lacinia leo rhoncus, nec vestibulum justo semper. Praesent et est pharetra, sollicitudin dui nec, consequat est. Fusce erat nisl, laoreet eget convallis ut, lacinia at sapien. Donec metus neque, maximus ultricies aliquet at, condimentum non nibh. Mauris a tellus risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam nec dui tincidunt, condimentum est non, mattis risus. Vestibulum consectetur tellus quis vehicula luctus. Nam pulvinar facilisis lorem, in porta augue pretium non. Nullam aliquam purus lectus, sit amet maximus nisl scelerisque at.

    <center><table><tr><td><div style="float: left; font-family: arial; font-size: 52px; line-height: 12px; color: #F5D0A9; margin-left: -3px;">◤</div><div style="font-family: arial; margin-left: 680px; font-size: 52px; line-height: 12px; color: #F5D0A9;margin-right: -3px;">◥</div>

    <div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 45px; color: #F5D0A9; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: -4px; line-height: 36px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px 8px 0px 15px;">✖ Meet me under shining lights</div><div style="width: 639px; background-color: #F5D0A9; font-family: arial; margin-top: 3px; font-size: 11px; color: #000000; margin-left: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 9px; text-align: center; padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px;">I've been waiting right here all my life, feelings you can't deny that you're living, open up your eyes. </div><div style="float: left; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 10px; color: #454545; width: 110px; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 12px; margin-left: 20px;"><div style="background-image: url(http://i.imgur.com/4Mvfdsf.jpg); width: 100px; margin-top: 4px; height: 100px; border: #F5D0A9 5px solid;"> </div>
    <div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; background-color: #F5D0A9; padding: 4px; color: #EBEBEB; text-align: center;">TAGS</div>
    <div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; background-color: #F5D0A9; padding: 4px; color: #EBEBEB; text-align: center;">WORDS</div>
    <div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; background-color: #F5D0A9; padding: 4px; color: #EBEBEB; text-align: center;">NOTES</div>
    </div><div style="font-family: tahoma; font-size: 11px; color: #ffffff; padding: 35px 20px 10px 20px; height: 225px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; line-height: 11px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut pulvinar ante, ut semper neque. Aenean porta magna in lacus vehicula dictum. Nullam nec fermentum dui. Ut non diam eu odio mollis pulvinar vel cursus dolor. Maecenas venenatis, purus ac sodales molestie, mi mauris mattis arcu, sed porttitor ex ex vel turpis. Duis tincidunt odio tempus viverra bibendum. Sed sodales congue odio quis lacinia. Vestibulum facilisis, augue vel feugiat dictum, nisl ex sagittis risus, a commodo nulla libero eu dui. Pellentesque dolor enim, hendrerit at lectus vel, congue tristique tellus.

    Phasellus cursus neque odio, sit amet pharetra nisl porttitor eget. Duis dapibus, ante nec tempor semper, nibh est faucibus quam, consectetur pellentesque ligula dolor eu libero. Suspendisse ultricies, nibh et fringilla vehicula, orci ante egestas velit, auctor semper massa libero eget nulla. Sed ante odio, elementum ut eros nec, dapibus suscipit ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi sit amet est at lectus egestas ultrices vitae eu risus. In fringilla vitae sem sed pellentesque. Donec commodo vestibulum aliquet. Cras velit nibh, feugiat non maximus a, elementum non est. Mauris sodales nisl fringilla nunc congue semper. Nunc et diam id neque sollicitudin consequat. Mauris luctus, mi nec tincidunt molestie, ante libero aliquam felis, eget vestibulum nibh risus ac urna.

    [color=#F5A9A9][b]Proin ut volutpat tortor. Praesent a nisl mi. Donec id sem pulvinar dolor rutrum maximus. Cras ipsum ante, consectetur sit amet congue ut, malesuada eleifend mauris. Praesent ut risus id felis vestibulum sodales ultrices eu leo. Vestibulum justo ligula, ornare suscipit nunc sed, hendrerit tristique erat. Nam vitae ligula aliquet, semper libero vitae, volutpat velit. [/b][/color]

    Etiam justo ex, pellentesque vel nunc ac, maximus lacinia ipsum. Aenean diam tellus, iaculis nec nulla ac, elementum facilisis sem. Proin commodo risus lacinia leo rhoncus, nec vestibulum justo semper. Praesent et est pharetra, sollicitudin dui nec, consequat est. Fusce erat nisl, laoreet eget convallis ut, lacinia at sapien. Donec metus neque, maximus ultricies aliquet at, condimentum non nibh. Mauris a tellus risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam nec dui tincidunt, condimentum est non, mattis risus. Vestibulum consectetur tellus quis vehicula luctus. Nam pulvinar facilisis lorem, in porta augue pretium non. Nullam aliquam purus lectus, sit amet maximus nisl scelerisque at.</div></td></tr></table><table><tr><td><atrb=cellspacing,0,true><atrb=cellpadding,0,true><atrb=border,0,true><atrb=width,450,true><atrb=style,background-color: #EBEBEB;><div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 52px; line-height: 16px; color: #F5D0A9; margin-left: 0px;">◣</div><div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 52px; line-height: 16px; margin-top: -15px; color: #F5D0A9; margin-left: 675px;">◢</div></td></tr></table>


    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 29th June 2015, 2:52 pm

    ✖ Meet me under shining lights
    I've been waiting right here all my life, feelings you can't deny that you're living, open up your eyes.






    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 29th June 2015, 4:46 pm

    general info

    GUILD your guild GENDER fe/male
    AGE in lettersBIRTHDATE month & date
    ORIENTATION sexualityTATTOO[/b
    keep it short


    Write up a persona here.


    Place an image here or just explain instead.

    extra info



    Hair color:

    Eye color:

    Skin tone:

    List three here.

    List three here.

    List three here.

    List three here.

    in battle:
    Explain dis here.

    Explain dis here.

    Put cher rank here.

    ☆ NAME
    Put your OOC name here.


    ANIME/SERIES/MANGA, Name Of Character


    <div align="center"><table><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align:top;background-color:#fafafa;width:380px;padding:20px;font-family:arial;font-size:7.5pt;text-align:justify;color:#333333;line-height:9px;"><div align="center"><img width="50" src="http://i.imgur.com/hLXR0Ae.jpg" style="max-width:100%;border-radius:100px;border:#dddddd solid 4px;" height="50"></div>
    <div style="font-family:georgia;font-size:23pt;color:#dddddd;letter-spacing:-2px;text-align:center;">[b][i]Famine[/i][/b]</div><div style="font-family:georgia;color:#dddddd;text-align:center;line-height:30px;">[i]IT'S SCARY WHAT A SMILE CAN HIDE.[/i]</div><div align="center"><div style="font-family:georgia;font-size:8pt;color:#cecece;letter-spacing:-1px;border:#dddddd solid 1px;padding:2px;text-transform:uppercase;width:90px;">general info</div></div>
    <table style="width:100%;"><tbody><tr><td style="width:50%;">[b]GUILD[/b] your guild </td><td style="width:50%;">[b]GENDER[/b] fe/male</td></tr><tr><td style="width:50%;">[b]AGE[/b] in letters</td><td style="width:50%;">[b]BIRTHDATE[/b] month & date</td></tr><tr><td style="width:50%;">[b]ORIENTATION[/b] sexuality</td><td style="width:50%;">[b]TATTOO[/b
     keep it short</td></tr></tbody></table>

    <div align="center"><div style="font-family:georgia;font-size:8pt;color:#cecece;letter-spacing:-1px;border:#dddddd solid 1px;padding:2px;text-transform:uppercase;width:90px;">personality</div></div>

    Write up a persona here.

    <div align="center"><div style="font-family:georgia;font-size:8pt;color:#cecece;letter-spacing:-1px;border:#dddddd solid 1px;padding:2px;text-transform:uppercase;width:90px;">appearance</div></div>

     Place an image here or just explain instead.

    </td><td style="vertical-align:top;background-color:#dddddd;width:130px;padding:5px;font-family:arial;font-size:6pt;text-align:center;color:#4e4e4e;line-height:9px;text-transform:lowercase;"><div style="font-family:georgia;font-size:15pt;letter-spacing:-2px;text-align:center;text-transform:lowercase;margin-top:10px;">extra info</div>

    <img width="70" src="http://i.imgur.com/hLXR0Ae.jpg" style="max-width:100%;border-radius:100px;border:#ececec solid 4px;" height="70">



    [b]Hair color:[/b]

    [b]Eye color:[/b]

    [b]Skin tone:[/b]

    List three here.

    List three here.

    List three here.

    List three here.

    [b]in battle:[/b]
    Explain dis here.

    Explain dis here.

    Put cher rank here.

    ☆ NAME
    Put your OOC name here.


    <noubbc>[b]ANIME/SERIES/MANGA[/b], Name Of Character</noubbc>

    THIS CHARACTER BELONGS TO [b]YOUR NAME[/b]. DO NOT STEAL.</td></tr></tbody></table><div style="font-size:6pt;color:#cccccc;letter-spacing:-1px;">MADE BY ★MEULK OF GS & THQ</div></div>


    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 9th February 2018, 8:52 pm

    Test, 100!


    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s

    Posts : 23942
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by NPC 9th February 2018, 8:52 pm

    The member 'Vox Nihili' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 9th February 2018, 8:53 pm

    test 2


    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s

    Posts : 23942
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by NPC 9th February 2018, 8:53 pm

    The member 'Vox Nihili' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 9th February 2018, 8:54 pm

    test 3


    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s

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    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by NPC 9th February 2018, 8:54 pm

    The member 'Vox Nihili' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section X6fB6gw Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section UtKyMUJ Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section TV6mrb1 Dederik's Spam Section MPfmPli
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

    Lineage : Ex Nihilo
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 36
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 762.5

    Dederik's Spam Section Empty Re: Dederik's Spam Section

    Post by Vox Nihili 15th February 2018, 6:11 pm


    Dederik's Spam Section Tester

    Dederik's Spam Section Tester


    Dederik's Spam Section 36626_s

      Current date/time is 19th April 2024, 11:19 am