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    Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid]

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2602
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 205
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solid Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid] Empty Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid]

    Post by Mura Kensho 3rd February 2018, 3:14 pm

    Job Info:

    This was the first time that the shaman felt lost on his way to a meeting place. He was going to Mt. Hakobe at this moment after having paid attention to an outstanding request on the board back at his guild, a request that was written with a rather shaky handwriting. Whoever had to write down the request must have been paranoid to the point where their pants could be seen vibrating, or that was what he assumed given the analysis of the paper. However, what exactly caused this paranoia? That was a question worth answering, and he hesitated not in gathering with the crew; although, he had to find Kyuken and Zirconis first. All of his spells relied on those two ghosts, in the end.

    Mura didn’t expect this place - or rather, he could see it happen, but it never did before - and apparently, Kyuken had gotten creative in his mischievous conquest for debauchery… just what was this place? Having lived in Magnolia Town for years, Mura had never passed this road or this extreme place before. Having taken a look inside, he spotted the samurai ghost clenched between- oh, what the living hell was going on here?!

    “… And I was just getting into the fun,” Kyuken moaned. Mura’s interference had gotten rid of any fanservice for the samurai ghost, and with that, Kyuken simply bit in the sour apple, which was clear on his face. Zirconis, on the other hand, was harder to find; first of all, what interests did the dragon ghost have in this town, anyway? Knowing the jade dragon, he would either stay home with the others or pick up fights somewhere, but no signs of uproars had appeared yet. In fact, the place of all places was at the Cathedral, and he just briefly saw Zirconis converse with one of the priestesses. It led few thoughts circulating in Mura’s mind, but due to the rush, he quickly interfered once again and grabbed Zirconis’ spirit ball form - ergo his entire body - and dashed off, noting: “Sorry, mission, talk to you later..!”

    “W-What the hell was that for..?!” the dragon complained furiously. Although Mura had already indicated the reason for butting in like that, Zirconis was annoyed. The shaman was a little curious about the priestess and him, though… but he could ask about that for later. Right now, they had to ready for the mission. “We’re going to Mt. Hakobe… check it out,” he informed them, holding out the request paper for the two spirits to look at. Kyuken’s eyes sparkled a little, while Zirconis stayed as displeased as ever.

    “A large creature? Is is, by any chance, a golem?”
    “It’s obviously dead… soon.”
    “Hahaha… the irony…”
    “The what, human? Spit out!”
    “Aren’t you dead yourself..?”
    “And so are you?”
    “Yeah, but- Hey, don’t try to change the subject!”
    “You’re the one who started! ‘Oh, the irony!’ Oh, irony my dry ass!”

    They were at it again… but they had to consider the importance of this mission. Therefore, it would suit them best if they hurried, so that this creature wouldn’t destroy as much as absolutely possible.

    And here he was. He adjusted his cloak a little; it was rather short for a ‘cloak’, and the five magatama were quite apparent in front of the rocky background. To his surprise, though, the client had grabbed onto him in anxiety and took the shaman by surprise, making him scream: “W-WOAH! Hey..!” “Oh, i-i-is that you..?” the strange man asked in stutters, “Thank god… maybe I can sleep properly tonight… where’s the other?” The other? Did he mean Kyuken or Zirconis?

    WC: 609



    Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid] Empty Re: Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid]

    Post by Guest 8th February 2018, 10:54 am

    Astrid was getting better at looking after herself.
    Even after her and Erika's little vacation, she was still a rather big workaholic. But even so she made a proper effort to look after herself this time in fear that she may get a bullet in the head again if not. Or worse, maybe next time Erika would use a nuke to kill her instead... That would be devastating. So for the safety of herself, and also others, she had made herself more aware how much time she was spending on others and then herself. But where there was normalcy, there were also little loopholes. One of them, being doing paperwork while she was out in public.

    "Hey waitea! Anotha one pwease!"

    Maybe not the most convenient way to get done. The noise in public was rather distracting, which made it a hard time to crunch numbers. Not that she was much good at numbers in the beginning, but the sounds certainly weren't helping.


    Even in a ramen shop, where it was usually quiet except for the chefs going about their business, there seemed to be no peace.


    But it was no bother to the elf. She had been careful to choose the place where there were the least amount of people, so it wasn't as bad as some places were. In fact, despite being in the front of the shop, it was rather quiet. Which is surprising. You'd think the front of the shop would be the nosiest-


    The elf slammed her fist down onto the table, making their bowels of ramen clatter. The white exceed, who currently was seated upon the counter due to his small size, looked up to her with wide baby blue eyes, a stream of noodles protruding from his mouth. After a moment of staring at each other, the feline hoovered the rest into his mouth, swallowing them.


    Astrid merely shook her head, rolling her eyes. She has told him once if not one thousand times to stop slurping his food. It was okay at their own place, but while out in public it could be seen as rude or annoying. Which, in this case as she was trying to string together a bunch of numbers, it was. She leaned back into the table, resting her cheek into the palm of her hand as she reread over her current progress on the guild's bills. "Let's see... I already paid off the water bill for next month. Maybe if i cut out our use of the swimming pool a little i could save some jewels on towels and-"

    "Hey awe you going to finish youws?" Wolfy cut off her train of thought, pointing towards the rather full bowl which only had a few noddles and one third of an egg missing. She snapped the pen she was using in half out of frustration, turning a dark gaze towards the cat. The cat, seeing this, swallowed back his words. "Nevewmind."
    Astrid let out a sigh. he was such a kid. He just never seemed to learn. It was like taking care of an actual child... Actually, with how exceeds aged, maybe he was still just a child...
    Feeling she was being a bit too harsh with him the slayer pushed over her bowl to him. A smile took over his black lips, before he then began to scoff it down, once again forgetting to not slurp his meals.
    Maybe this was just a sign to stop for today. At least that's what the elf felt like, like the universe was putting her in her place. In a way, she wouldn't be surprised if Erika had manipulated the universe in such a way that did this... But honestly she probably would never have a way of finding that out.

    Giving up and beginning to pack her papers away, she noticed something a little off about her stack while she was organizing it. Shuffling through them, she found one piece of paper that did not belong in there. Just by the look and dry texture alone, she knew what this was. It was something she held a lot during her time as a guild mage. A job notice. That was funny, she could not recall placing a job notice in here, nor did she remember it being in here in the first place... Maybe she had mistakenly put it in there? No... No she would have seen it in the beginning when they first got here. And she could not recall seeing it before this time.
    Her purple gaze grew curious, and looked upwards. There were barely anyone else here, besides a few stragglers who were sitting here after work and enjoying their bowls. And if they weren't business men, then they were the cooks. And the cooks never really left their place in the kitchen.
    She lowered her gaze, placing it back onto the paper.
    A raging behemoth... Now that she was looking at it and held it in her hands, she left somewhat responsible for it. She could always pin it up on the next job board she came across... But that never meant it was guarantee to get done... Plus it was located in Mt. Hakobe, a well known land that belonged to Basilisk Fang, one of the few dark guilds that still scattered across Fiore. Which meant there were even less willing participants who would take the job up. The elf continued to stare at the details, trying to come up with an excuse not to take it. But in the end, found more reason to go than to not, and gradually convinced herself she would be one of the only ones to be able to take it.
    ... Damn her overly worried nature.


    Maybe the rumors about basilisks having cold hearts was true. It was absolutely freezing up here.
    Astrid didn't know how people could survive in this kind of weather let alone live here. Even as an ex glacier god slayer she found it almost unbearable, even with the rather warm lavender cloak strewn across her body. Combined with being so high up, and you were just asking for frostbite.
    Still, she would not question their living conditions. If they wanted to live here they could, just Astrid personally would never dream of it. If anything, she'd like to live some place rather warm...
    Anyway, those thoughts were for another day. Right now, she needed to find her client.
    With her speed she had made it up the mountains quite quickly. Under fifteen minutes in fact, though the white snow that covered almost all the land up here and made everything super hard to traverse and figure out didn't help much. In fact, like usually, the silvernette was pretty lost. Which is why, during her travel, when she felt a group of souls gathering some place near, she made sure to direct herself towards them in ask for directions. By reading their souls, they didn't seem to be hostile. So it would be a good place to start.
    Once reaching somewhat where they were located, the elf would slow down her running speed into a casual walk as to not accidentally throw snow all over them. She approached the souls, seeing them take shape now into actual people. One seemed to be a young boy, while the other was a scrawny man clinging to him. She could sense two other beings attached to the boy in some way, but as they did not seem to take a ghostly presence all she could do was tell they were there, but not what they were exactly.
    Just as precaution, Astrid would throw the hood of her cloak over her head. While the hood was up, they would not be able to see too much of her face. Mostly because she didn't wanted to get recognized, it would only slow her down if one of them ended up knowing her.
    The snow crunched under her foot with every step, until she came to a stop right behind them.
    "Um, excuse me?" white mist would exit from under the hood with her words, kind of like dragon smoke if one was familiar with how it looked. "By chance have you been a behemoth lately? Or maybe, the shrine that was destroyed?" She wasn't exactly a big fan of staying in the Mt. Hakobe Settlements for too long. She would rather go out and get this over with before any of the dark guild become aware of her presence. As a wizard saint, she was a prime target.

    WC: 1,446/7,000
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2602
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 205
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solid Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid] Empty Re: Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid]

    Post by Mura Kensho 8th February 2018, 1:01 pm

    ”… Uh, you said other there, right?” Mura asked out to be on the assured side. The confused and obviously paranoid client who had clung onto him resembled the attitude in the job paper, so Mura could quickly put two and two together and assume him as the client himself. However, there were a few ridiculous things enveloping him already; first, the intense clinging, in which the shaman began flailing in anxiety. “Y-Y-Y-Y-Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, don’t worry-“ he assured the male, in which he kind of succeeded in calming down the poor being. Also, the temperatures reminded him of Hana way too much; icy cold and stinging, just as her body temperature used to be. Now, there were clear differences between those two temperatures, anyway, so perhaps he was being a little hypocritical. The client finally got to breathe normally for a moment, but as his eyes looked up at the skies, sweat began trickling down his face. “It’s almost… night…” he whispered as many people around them - the citizens who were used to the uneven footholds on the cliffs and mountain of Mt. Hakobe - began tripping and sprinting and seeking their homes again. It was quite late, already, but due to the climate, night came earlier than in many other, southern territories such as Hargeon or Galuna Island.

    “You see… you may have read about the behemoth… I tell you, it’s attacking us!” the client began elaborating in fear, “Our sacred shine… it was destroyed a while ago, in the middle of the night. I heard it from my home, and from the window, I spotted a dark-green bipedal… it had some spiky textures, it was definitely a behemoth… but those were said to be myths, it still confuses me so much..!” Oh well, Mura had seen many creatures out in the wild, and even though he barely knew the meaning of ‘behemoth’, it was certainly something to beware of. Now, it was able to attack at night and stay mystic to these people… it showed signs of intelligence. It must’ve been a well-aware creature who wished to cause havoc on other people’s properties, either for fun or because of something else… maybe these citizens lived in its territory without paying rent… maybe it just hated humans… who knew…

    A certain figure suddenly stepped up between them, but because of the hood above said person’s head, Mura felt somewhat foreign to this lady. Her spirit did reveal her intentions, and so did her next words as she… uh… asked if he had been a behemoth lately? Well, by the way that the question was formed, combined with the next words, Mura couldn’t but tilt his head and…

    “. . .”

    Even the paranoid client earlier, who appeared to be accepting everyone for help, had a tilting attitude to what she just asked… oh, maybe she meant ‘seen’ instead of ‘been’. If those two words switched place, then the question made sense. He wasn’t one to question anyone’s way of speaking Fiorish, though, given his foreign background, so he apologized internally to her and spoke: “Now that you say it, this man just told me about it… wait, you must be the other wizard that he requested, am I right?” The shaman’s eyes pointed down at the poorly happy man whose happiness grew a little when this person arrived as he could see a bit more of her face from a lower angle. “Oh, indeed! I’m glad that you both came..!” he spoke in shelter of what appeared to be a snowfall; small, shiny snowflakes began soaring from the skies and down upon them.

    “Huh… should’ve brought a coat myself,” Mura sulked softly, whilst Kyuken and Zirconis flew up right in front of the hooded person’s face. “So who are you, exactly? Also, let’s have a drink later-“ the samurai ghost was about to speak, but he was pulled back by the jaws of another spirit ball that appeared as a dragon’s head floating. Not a second’s hesitation to hit on another woman.

    WC: 676 + 609 = 1285



    Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid] Empty Re: Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid]

    Post by Guest 12th February 2018, 11:22 pm

    Fiorish was indeed not Astrid's first language, nor the only language that she knew. She was in fact, born deaf. Meaning even if she wanted to learn it, she would have not been able to. It wasn't until she moved into her grandfather's at the age of five and used her first pair of hearing aids did she even start to lean it. Therefore, even after all this time, she was still a little bad at speaking. Granted, not nearly as bad as her childhood. But years of forcing herself and Lucius picking on her for her speech impediment finally started to work. No, she wasn't going to be a Fiorish major any time soon, but she could at least hold a conversation now without stuttering or mispronouncing a word.
    This did not mean she excelled in the language, nor did it mean she was any kind of master. She still messed up from time to time, even so small things. This combined with her busy schedule, left her drained and therefore not as aware of her speech patterns as she would usually be. So when she slipped up during her question, she did not even notice. She knew what she meant in her head, and thankfully, the young boy got it as well.
    A small smile graced her lips, thankful that these people she ran into just so happened to be the very same people from whom she would be embarking upon this mission with. That would save her time, if anything. Maybe her sense of direction wasn't as bad as she thought it was.
    The silvernette dipped forward slightly in a bow, unaffected by the gentle snowflakes settling onto the fabric of her hood. "I'm thankful i found you before the snow got too harsh. I am Astrid, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance" she breathed softly. Normally, if someone was trying to hide their identity, you would not think they would use their real name. Maybe an alias, or a nickname at the least. But in Astrid's case? She was never for that. Sure, the crowds got to her sometimes. But she would never want someone else, may they be fake or not, to take credit for the things she was doing. If she was going to do these missions for the greater good, then she would want to have her own name on it rather than someone else's. Then the question was, why the hood? Well, it was nice to wear in cold weather, what could she say? It just so happened that this hood also obscured her appearance, and she often used it for missions where she had to hide herself in plain sight. Astrid was never one for hiding her identity when she has fought so hard to protect it. It seemed... Rather daft. While she did want to protect her identity and not let it slow her down, if her partner did figure it out, she was never one to let it get to her. If it happened, it happened. And she would work with it.

    Stepping back a bit when one of the two ghosts suddenly popped out and proceeded to ask her for a drink, a warm giggle bubbled from her throat as he was dragged away by the other spirit. "I'm afraid i'm not much of a drinker, but if you want prehaps later we could get some hot chocolate?"
    Astrid was rather dull when it came to flirting. It was never something she has done before, nor something she thought about. Love wasn't a prominent thing in her life, at least not in the romantic way. Of course, she wanted a family of her own some day, but right now she was much too caught up in her work to think about it. Because of this, rather than flirting, she took the ghost's question as a friendly gesture, completely ignorant to whatever other meaning behind it.
    Her purple gaze rose up to the gray sky above them, watching the snowflakes begin to rain down a bit faster than they had before.
    "It might be a bit dangerous to traverse the mountains in these conditions though, so maybe i'll take you up on that offer sooner than later..." a concerned frown etched onto her face. It was true she wanted to get this job done as soon as possible, but with the weather as it is it would not be safe to try and look for a monster right now. Maybe when the storm past they would have better luck.
    The elf peered back down to them.
    "Know of any good places to stay for a while? Preferably, one with a fireplace?"

    WC: 2,230/7,000
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2602
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 205
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solid Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid] Empty Re: Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid]

    Post by Mura Kensho 14th February 2018, 9:24 am

    It was true, the snow was taking its toll on the small mountain town. They would all benefit from some shelter soon, in which Mura would remember to aim for that later. The girl with the hoodie revealed her name to be Astrid, and upon closer look, Mura spotted the presence of what looked like a white lily… in her eye? Now that sure triggered his curiosity - what was a flower doing, stuck in her eye like that? Wouldn’t that hurt like hell… unless if it held a special purpose to the rest of the beauty. He would decide not to further worry about that for now - who knew, maybe its function would be revealed later, if what the client said was worth hostile action.

    Wait… what was a behemoth, again? The cause of the destruction of the shrine was due to what the client described as a behemoth, and in that instance of time, Mura began thinking; was it a large animal? Would he be able to overwhelm it with speed? Or was it skinny and small enough to be overpowered by even his raw power? Could it fly? He wouldn’t find any problem with that given that he could fly just as fine as an eagle, and he could reach high speeds up in the air that would outrun, say, a hasty seagull? But no matter the things that he or any other wizard could do, predicting the future was a rarity among rarities, and Mura was beginning to get eager at what he might encounter soon… as long as he could take it down before it caused more havoc, then he would be satisfied with his efforts…

    He would bow back as it befitted a Midian and greet, along with the client who bowed as well: “Hey, I’m Mura.” “A-And I’m Joe… please, it’s my honor.” The snow began falling a little more, enough for the shaman to literally fathom the change through his field of vision, and the cold that followed was classic for weathers like this one. It was not a wet-cold climate up here… more like a stingy cold like those at the plains up in the northern regions. He wasn’t used to that at all given that Midi was surrounded by sea - he clearly remembered seeing Midi surrounded by at least two grand seas the last time that he looked at a map - and with such a coast climate would only follow a wet winter that characterized itself by another type of cold. As such, the shaman actually began shivering in the middle of Kyuken’s flirting, his eyes covered in obvious annoyance of the samurai ghost and his motives. Now, many women would have been able to deny his moves given the obvious, thirsty atmosphere around the perverted bastard, but not alone did Astrid show signs of being able to see the samurai ghost; she also replied rather cheerfully. All of a sudden, Kyuken had a date… what did ya know…

    Even Astrid noticed the weather now, so Mura would have to cope with Kyuken’s offer and find a good place. “Hey, Joe… you don’t have to worry about the monster anymore; we’ll take care of it, and your house will stay intact by the end of the day,” he assured the patient yet worried man in front of him. His words were cheerful and relaxed, almost as if he knew an outcome that would be in his and Astrid’s favor completely. “Say, uh… any good place to get some hot cocoa?” Blinking a couple of times, Joe would nod and wave them over to follow him into the mountain town, in which Mura smiled back at Astrid and followed up on the client. Kyuken and Zirconis would float over his shoulders during so, and his eyes moved around to sightsee the place. It was a very cozy and… well, cozy wouldn’t be the first thing to call it due to the dark sky above them that was covered in clouds that covered the sunlight. And it was winter, so the darkness was bound to appear soon. Luckily, there was a house built inside the foot of the very same mountain, only revealing a door of red brass. “Please, come in,” Joe would invite them, and Mura waited not a second to move in and experience a very cozy atmosphere inside; the first thing that his eyes caught was, surprisingly, their greatest source of warmth coming from the chimney.

    Behemoth Slayer! [A-Rank Job | Mura & Astrid] 3060962-1432235762

    The innkeeper would welcome them calmly, not so happily as Mura expected from an inn like this one, but it must’ve been because of the dangers that lied ahead of them. It would be imperative to complete the job thoroughly…

    WC: 790 + 1285 = 2075



      Current date/time is 26th January 2025, 8:52 am