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    To Earthland... And Beyond! [job~solo]

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 962
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 1543.75

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    To Earthland... And Beyond! [job~solo] Empty To Earthland... And Beyond! [job~solo]

    Post by Shipping Goddess 27th November 2017, 11:06 pm

    Today was the day! Today was the day! The young mage couldn't wait, since this day was the day that she would be getting her passport, and this would be marked on her history forever, since this was literally the day when she can start directly tracing her ancestry to Midi! Her uncle was born and raised in Midi, and her mother was born to a Midian mother, so going to the foreign country would be a great experience... If at first... She could get past... These dreaded lines.... The lines were probably the worst part of this trip, as Mai's excitement also breeded what was uncharacteristic to her - impatience.

    Groaning audibly, the girl stomped her foot onto the ground, looking up at her mother, Alex Hata, who was standing beside her. Her mum was a crucial part about this trip to Hargeon, since Mai herself couldn't get a passport without a parent or guardian visible. So, either Alex or Mura had to come along, and her mother made that choice. She knew this day would be important to her daughter, so she made the sacrifice. Plus, she was a hypersomniac so this trip only appeared to her in a dreamstate, which lessened her pain.

    Alex's dreams also led them to "cheat" the line, as the two walked along a wall to get to the front, which attracted a lot of attention, but wasn't too strange for a town like Hargeon which experienced more powerful mages than either of them on a regular basis. Finally reaching the front, Mai and Alex stood to take a test, one that Alex had taken years before, but was only taking it now to help out her daughter. So, she filled in the boxes just as she did ages ago, although with Mai's information.

    Name: Mai Silverheart
    Age: 14
    Guild: Golden Phoenix

    She put the guild as Golden Phoenix since that was the guild she belonged to, and at the moment Mai (to the best of Alex's knowledge) didn't belong to any guild, when indeed they did. She belonged to Savage Skull, which was still a dark guild that Mai knew next to nothing about. However, just as the young mage was going to speak up about her guild, she was rushed into a photo booth, where she then smiled and had her first picture taken... Ever. This was a pivotal moment in her life, but this was only her FIRST photo??? This was shocking, even to the summoner herself.

    Regardless, she stepped out of the booth with a smile still on her face from the amount of stuff she was going to do in Midi. From studying history to practicing onmyōdō with her grandparents, to perhaps just relaxing around, the list of possibilities was never ending, and that was just how Mai wanted it to be. So, she and her mother then marveled at the passport for a moment, before heading home. Mai would have to soon ask Mura or her mother for the money to head to Midi, and while Alex might not approve of such trivialities, Mai was sure that her wonderful uncle would.

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 11:50 pm