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    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain.


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

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    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. Empty To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain.

    Post by anastasia 3rd November 2017, 8:03 pm


    s o c i a l
    tags: @Aoi

    "I... I don't think this is a good idea, madame! Just because she is tiny doesn't mean she won't hurt us!" Drip exclaimed, as she held a giant birdcage with a beautiful surge of flowers encasing the open parts as if it were a bubble. "Shut up and sing, peasant!" Drop screamed for Rain, as Drip began to cry while singing out of will. A shadow was being cast from a large building ahead, as they walked across the giant lake towards it. This building was Rain's giant castle and residence, especially after she joined Basilisk Fang. She felt as though a castle would be more of enough to spend more time by her guild, and would make a beautiful escape area for their troubles, as well as a beautiful place of torture. The feet of Rain, Drip, and Drop were slowly touching the water below them, walking across as if they were on cement. A beautiful and magical property of this water was that it was able to be walked upon by the ruler of this castle, which was the dark witch Rain.

    They were just returning from a two day journey back home, as a certain piece of 'luggage' would not be able to travel quickly across lands by her summon. It all began on a Tuesday morning when Rain was passing through Rose Garden, and decided it would be a bit fun to snatch up what seemed to be a defenseless child to take home. She had not killed anything in a long time, and felt as though taking her needs out on something of this matter would be a nice return. It was fairly easy, as she used a throwing potion in order to subdue her body for two days. She would be in a slumber for as long as it would take Rain and her companions to return back to their manor, which was perfectly planned. Now they were finally making it home from those two days with a perfect target, and if they were to use magic, it would be neutralized in the cage they were in. They would be trapped, and Rain was unaware of any way they would be able to get out. Sure, there were most likely some, but an inexperienced child would not be able to figure them out, as she expected this being to be.

    The Navillera began to flock among the four travelling across these calm waters, as if they were petals flying across the sky of multiple colors. "Keep singing! If you sing good enough, she may not wake up!" Rain would scream at Drip through her mind, as she would cry more and look down at the sleeping girl. 'You... you don't deserve this... I am so sorry..' Drip would think to herself, as her mind wavered to how she was cursed to be a part of these cruel punishments of innocent people due to her brother's cruel ways. She wished to help, but she knew it would end in her demise if she did so. She would keep singing while tears dripped down her cheeks, peering up at a castle nearing closer and closer.

    "Would you like a reading?"


    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. 8qhOnIb


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

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    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. Empty Re: To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain.

    Post by Aoi 3rd November 2017, 8:42 pm

    Tag: @Rain
    Outfit: Here
    Notes: xXx

    The day so far had been a rather enjoyable one for what it was. Swapped from one hand to the next between people, used as nothing more than a little toy to both in some respect... It wasn't something that she normally sought to hate, but as it just became more frequent and in such.. drastically different manners, Sakura grew sick of the idea of allowing anyone but her mermaids to dress her. The girls were after all the only reason she was able to escape the curse of her prior doll body, but alongside that, she loved those girls. They were the kind of people she needed to help bring up her self esteem. Outside of her own mother, though she was a little harder to upset recently, she felt the need to go visit her anyway. It was a long overdue thing and she felt it was necessary for her to show up and give her some updates. Surely she couldn't feel the warm embrace of her mother anymore, but the inner warm feeling as she was hugged was enough to fill the sinking hole of sadness knowing she couldn't have stayed the normal girl she was. Even that though was a blessing in disguise, so she wasn't for disturbing that fact for a single moment. A small price to pay for something so much longer than she could ever have thought possible.

    Though still alone, she wanted to make sure those that passed the little doll weren't any more freaked out by seeing the tiny one than they would have should a mermaid be sitting by her, much less one that had not sat in water to live and breathe. She flipped a page in her book that she was reading when she heard a clank on the bench. Seeing the book move, it wasn't that light of one, but in a quick flash of a moment, she blacked out as she turned to see what it was that hit the bench she sat in. The blonde collapsed onto the bench like a rag doll and soon she found herself being swooped up and placed inside a cage, carried off like a prized pet. No matter how hard Sakura tried, she couldn't wake herself up or barely even fidget in her condition. If not for the fact she had no blood in her body, she would have twitched several times to keep the body from cramping up. However, she seemed to have felt like the sleep lasted a weeks time, easy.

    Throughout the trip, the comatose blonde could hear singing and yelling, though her mind was so hazed and jumbled up in the mess of her state, she couldn't make out what was going on. Once the second day passed, or the actual second day that was unknown to her, she had started to wake up. All she saw with her right cheek planted on the metal cage had been black. Her eyes popped open and she jumped up onto her knees, falling to the side as a dizziness sunk into her mind from still not having fully recooperated from her long long nap. "W-Where am.. I?" She asked, looking around as the flowers blocked her vision, she could hear the singing and snatched up the flowers, yanking them away as a woman and two little... creatures had led her along in some kind of cage. "H-Hey, you there! What the heak do you think you're doing?" Her porcelain hands would make a clinking sound against the metal bars as she glared at the back of a head of raven black hair, not even noticing where she was headed... At least this beat being mummified and stuffed in a duffle bag, so it wasn't so bad in comparison.
    Made by Riley at THQ!



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. Empty Re: To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain.

    Post by anastasia 4th November 2017, 12:37 pm


    s o c i a l

    The bells from the castle that they were approaching began to ring, symbolizing that the new day had begun. It was midnight, as the blue moon was now overhead, and the water began to glow. The multicolored koi under the transparent water began to flock around the surface, as if there was a thin layer of glass between the feet of the three humanoid beings walking across with the girl in the bird cage. It had been exactly two days since the potion had been used, therefore it would wear out soon enough. This moment was now, as Drip would gasp as she would witness the still body of the child to move inside the cage at this moment. She would shoot up from the way she was laying in the cage on her knees, and proceeded to swipe at the flowers in a means to see. "I... it is no use... the cage neutralizes magical power.." Drip would tell the girl as she wiped away a single tear, halting her singing due to the fact that the girl was awake now.

    The girl appeared to be flustered and confused, her pink dress fluttering with the soft winds above the lake that they were walking across. "It does not matter where we are. This will be the last place you see, you disgusting human." the girl would hear in her mind, a nearly perfect voice which would echo as if she were speaking in an empty room. This was the witch's specialty, speaking through other minds as she was not capable of doing so in Earthland. With Navilleran principle she lived greatly here and prospered, despite her power not even being a quarter of what it was like at home. Overhead the rain could be heard, but it was blocked by a heavy veil of fog, which was extremely thick and dreary. It would spin and entangle with other sanctums, being completely white with hints of grey.

    The girl began to clank her hands on the metal bars of the bird cage, as Drip began to frown deeply. "You are subject to death, a fine selection between many little mortals in Rose Garden. I did not give you permission to speak, so do not." Rain would tell the girl mentally, as it would sound official just as it did before. She was heartless when it came to people she did not care about, and this would just be another murder along her long list of thousands which she took the life of. The castle began to near closer and closer, symbolizing the life of the little girl- at least, that is what was planned.

    l e t s  g o  t o  t h e  c a s t l e


    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. 8qhOnIb


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Experience : 23,011

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    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. Empty Re: To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain.

    Post by Aoi 4th November 2017, 3:37 pm

    Once the flowers were cleared from her vision, Sakura had finally been able to see where it was she had been. The scenery was abstract, as if she'd been taken inside of a painting. Nothing about it seemed real to her, in any way shape or form. As much as it seemed this scenery was different and offputting, it was at the same time rather lovely to see. If only she hadn't of been kidnapped yet again, she'd probably have enjoyed it a little more. Her attention turned to the sound of a nervous voice, warning her that her magic was useless to try in the cage. Her gaze narrowed on the little being, wondering if it was trying to deceive her or if it was just not comfortable of the whole ordeal. Of course, she could have forced this thing into being a servant of hers or something. No matter the reason, she didn't want to hear what it had to say right now.

    Her attention looked around as she heard a voice in her head. It was strange, dominating, and rather forceful in the way it was presented to her. She gritted her teeth a little as she had been called a "disgusting human". This woman was no more human looking than she was, so what kind of hypocrite was she to call her disgusting? Everything about how she walked and her lack of caring attention had made her chuckle from the woman she heard of. As the sound of rain hit her ears, she looked around and couldn't see a single droplet falling around them. "Where are you taking me, I said." Her voice was more calm this time around. Realistically, she knew that trying to angrily get answers would not only get her nowhere, she knew for a fact it might make things worse. Mostly in her experience did she realize this... unfortunately.

    If she had nerves that could pulse from anger, this particular blonde doll would surely show them off.
    Being spoken to as something even less than what she was had become a rather distasteful feeling,
    but she took in a deep breath and exhaled. Then it hit her. The moment she reflected the sentence of "mortal" in her mind, the former statement of being called a human albeit punched her in the face with realization. The doll began to laugh. It started as a small chuckle, but soon burst into a loud cry of amusement. "You idiot! Don't you do research on your victim before you take it like any logical villain, criminal, or whatever you wanna call yourself? You can try anything and everything you want, but you can't hurt what can't feel. You can't kill what can't be kill! I'm no mortal child or even human anymore!" The humor of it all made her laugh even harder, falling back and her porcelain hands catching herself and creating another clank on the metal cage. "I'm a teenage girl in the body of a porcelain doll. I'm practically immortal, and nothing you do will hurt me, you ugly little wretched thing!"



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
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    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. Empty Re: To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain.

    Post by anastasia 11th November 2017, 9:07 am


    s o c i a l

    "I told you not to speak, human. We are going to the castle. My castle." Rain would tell the girl mentally, as she would turn toward the cage and glare. They were beginning to walk up the steps of the castle that met the water beside it, which were a beautiful shade of grey that matched the heart of the witch that was escorting her servants this castle. Rain did not enjoy having her plans and orders halted, especially to disgusting mortals like this girl that was to be a simple execution and collection of blood. Rain longed to carry out her means of murder on others now considering she hadn't in weeks, so she thought this girl would make an easy target. However, Rain's and her servant's steps up the stairs were soon halted when the girl revealed something that would definitely halt her plans on this evening.

    Rain's eyes widened at the words that spilled out of the blonde child's mouth, revealing that she was in no way human. Rain thought it was just a good hygiene that the girl's skin felt like porcelain, but apparently she was actually a teenage girl stuck inside the body of a doll. "Do not call her an idiot. She will think of other plans for you." Drop would tell the doll, as he would kick the cage Drip was holding, causing the bars to shake as they continued to go up the stairs and through the doors of the castle. They would be greeted with a giant gold-hued hall of beauty, as the main corridor of the castle was giant with multiple stories and balconies. Hail and Drizzle were standing parallel to each-other on each wall near the doors, their cold, dead eyes peering into the cage that the doll was inside. Rain would proceed to begin scaling a giant set of stairs that met more stairs in a grand entrance toward the upper floor, and once they would reach the top they would be greeted by a throne room.

    "Drip, Drop, set the cage down approximately thirteen feet away from my throne in a perfectly symmetrical style. Then, switch into your smaller forms and sit on each of my shoulders." she would order her pets to do, as she would begin walking toward her throne and sit in it. The room was magnificent, a golden throne with a giant set of windows behind looking over the vast lake and mountains that were around the castle. Spanning over the throne were two statues of fallen angels, symbolizing her state of evil. She would remove a pipe from her pocket and light it, filling her lungs with smoke before puffing it in-front of her. Drip set the cage across from the throne and quickly the two servants switched into their smaller forms, levitating toward her shoulders and sitting down on them.

    "You claim to be immortal, as do I. Therefore you cannot die, how intriguing. If you were a human I would be torturing you now with physical pain and collecting your blood, but it is apparent that I cannot do so. I have five current servants of this castle, and I would like an even number of six." she would tell the doll mentally, as she would take a hit out of her pipe and then blow it out slowly. "Only three of the five servants here are immortal. I think a four to six ratio would be much more efficient, my dear. I treat my servants here decently, however you must follow all of my orders." she would tell the dolly with a smile reaching across her face, due to her idea finally popping into her head at that very moment.

    "You will be a servant of my castle for all of eternity."
    OOC: I'm sorry for the long wait!


    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. 8qhOnIb


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 452
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 23,011

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    To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain. Empty Re: To the Castle. || Social. || Sakura & Rain.

    Post by Aoi 11th November 2017, 11:10 am

    The doll snickered at the answer to her question, laughing at the thoughts she had of what would happen once she was free from the cage they was trapped in. Oh she rued the moment she would try to mess with Sakura, much less a bunch of pissed off mermaids for capturing someone they cared about. She watched as they happened to enter the new building and looking at the innards of the place. It was elegant in some ways, but at the same time, Sakura saw it as a little too much and she didn't really care to keep it in check. The one carrying her though seemed to dislike her calling their owner, mistress, whatever they called her an idiot, kicking the bars and the sound seeming to irritate the doll's hearing for a moment. "Tch. Your strength is pathetic, you know that, kid?" She goaded, wanting to anger one if not both of the more aggressive ones of the three that walked her to the place she'd find to be very tacky.

    Once inside, they carried her up steps after steps after steps... The amount of them already just made the doll feel happy she didn't have to feel the pain of needing to walk these steps over and over. She raised a brow hearing the very.. specific styled directions they gave of where to place her, doing so with a rather large amount of haste and then turning into little droplets and sitting on her shoulder. Now resting from the queasy feeling of being carried in a cage, she glared at the black haired woman as she sat across from her. Being spoken to, she had smirked at the comment of physical torture and shrugged it off as nothing more than something she'd come to terms of enjoying the ability of. "Yeah.. ain't it great? So.. then I take it you're just some old lady who looks young? Even the way you speak is really... old." She chimed in before she'd proclaim her be an eternal servant. The blonde fell backwards, laughing hysterically, albeit kicking and holding her sides. "You really think I'm going to willingly serve you!? Jeez, I knew you were an idiot, but you may just be as big of an idiot since that whore tried kidnapping me and turning me into some living toy for her to dress up." She paused and took in a breath of air, sitting up and brushing her hair behind her as best as her joints could allow her to move them. "I'll NEVER obey you. And there's NOTHING you can do to change my mind!"



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