Fairy Tail RP

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    A blade of light, a God of Blood, and a loli.


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    Age : 1136

    A blade of light, a God of Blood, and a loli. Empty A blade of light, a God of Blood, and a loli.

    Post by Khorne 10th June 2017, 9:31 pm


    The God of Blood was on one of the islands of Sukai, a planet of clouds that had islands that rose above them for the population to live on. It was a strange world, to be sure, but he was not here to take in the sights. He was not even here for something on his own, but to see just what kind of weapon that the guild master of Savage Skull wished his help for in obtaining. It was supposedly filled with extraordinary magic, and he simply wished to hold it once to see just what was so special about it. The God was not impatient, however, and was perfectly able to wait for Frey's appearance so that they could go together to find the scientists that were searching for the weapon as well. They supposedly knew where it might be, and that information is what they would likely try to glean from them. Whether willingly, or by force, they would get that information. Maybe they would even rise up and fight! That would make him so happy! He needed a challenge, and maybe these people would be stronger than the others he had fought thus far.

    While he waited he would summon his armor and two weapons from his own realm that he resided in. The armor covered him from head to toe as he held the mythical Blood Fang in his right hand. The sword was the length of a greatsword at the time, measuring five feet long, and the blade was completely made of blood. Held in his left hand was the Bloody Lance, a rapid firing ballistic weapon that had a chainsaw in the front that could be used as is or activated to easily cleave through whatever it touched. It was a fearsome sight to behold, the God of Blood, battle, and skulls, and it was with this divine equipment that he would finish this mortal's request for a great weapon to wield. Clearly, the creator of this job wished to use the weapon, which was why Chaoris Orneis was not upset with being asked to help retrieve it when they had no knowledge of where it was themselves. A gift from the God of Blood, a great gift indeed.



      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 1:42 am