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    A Fake Date (Don't Kill Me Alex)


    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 87
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : Hera-senpai
    Experience : 203.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: White DS Magic
    Second Skill: -
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    A Fake Date (Don't Kill Me Alex) Empty A Fake Date (Don't Kill Me Alex)

    Post by Taizen 13th May 2017, 4:17 pm

    Taizen awkwardly stood at the front door, with Serenity holding onto his arm with a blush on her face. Taizen looked away from her with a huge blush on his face, he didn't like this one bit, he felt as if he was betraying Alex even though he felt no attraction towards this woman. It was just a mission, so it was okay, but he still didn't like it.

    "Taizen, my parents will be here any minute, come on, smile and look pretty!" Serenity said exasperatedly. Taizen reached up and fixed his collar, he couldn't wait to go home to his daughter. Her parents knocked on the door about a few minutes later, "Come in!" An older man and older woman walked in and looked at them.

    The White Dragon Slayer turned to look at the other guy with Serenity's sister, Hope. If he remembered correctly, his name was Rhyolo. Taizen turned back to their parents and put out his hand in the offer a handshake, "My name is Charlie Thunder, nice to meet you," He would not disclose his real name. Her mother turned to both girls, "You've got yourself quite a catch, both of these boys are really handsome." Taizen blushed and looked away from the family, this was just going to get awkward really fast.

    After they had talked a bit Taizen would walk into the kitchen and take out a roast before he brought it to the table. He brought mash potatoes, corn, green beans, and bread and butter to the table. "Here is everything. I've been cooking ever since I was a little kid, I hope you all enjoy," Taizen walked and sat by Serenity before he dug in. It was all delicious, it made your taste buds explode in favor.

    Afterward, he'd serve pie as the dessert, Lemon Meringue Pie to be exact. It was the same exact pie that he had made for Alex when he first came to her house, his heart beat faster, his cheeks flushed, he really didn't like this mission. He cleaned up all the dishes and cleaned up all the leftovers. At the end of the day, their parents went home happy that they got to eat and see their wonderful 'boyfriends'.

    "Thank you so much Taizen, you know, I wouldn't mind having you as an actual boyfriend," She said, leaning closer to kiss him. Taizen blushed and stumbled backward, "Wait. I already have a mate, please, you're an amazing lady Serenity, but I'm already in love." She frowned and nodded. Taizen hugged her and walked towards Rhyolo, "Hey, if you ever want to do an 'actual' mission, just contact me." He bowed towards him and walked away yawning, he couldn't wait to go home to the lady he loved.


    WC: 483 (Rhyolo doesn't have to do all 375 if he wants, he can do the rest of the WC)


    Taizen Silverheart

    A Fake Date (Don't Kill Me Alex) Fddf734401eb6e4a1812166e5cb30251

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 195
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 20
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Hero
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Fake Date (Don't Kill Me Alex) Empty Re: A Fake Date (Don't Kill Me Alex)

    Post by Rhyolo 14th May 2017, 8:38 pm

    Rhyolo stood at the front door, with holding onto his arm with a smile on her face. Rhyolo looked at her with a blank expression on his face. he felt no attraction towards this girl. It was just a mission to him so he then put breathed and returned the smiled and pretended to care. Their parents should be coming right about now.He the looks at the couple who just walked in and reached up and fixed his hair. An older man and older woman walked in and looked at the pretend couple. The young man turned to look at the older guy with Hope's sister, Serenity . If he remembered correctly, his name was Rhyolo. Rhyolo turned back to their parents and put out his hand in the offer a handshake, "My name HuoWang Ruby, nice to meet you," He would not disclose his real name. Her mother turned to both girls, "You've got yourself quite a catch, both of these boys are really handsome." He then smirked a little and looked at the older mage who was basically a tomato. this was just going to get funny really fast. After they had talked a bit Taizen would walk into the kitchen and take out a roast before he brought it to the table. He brought mash potatoes, corn, green beans, and bread and butter to the table. Taizen walked and sat by Serenity before he dug in. Rhyolo followed suit with Hope and sat by her after demonstrating his magic to his It smelled pretty good but the taste was another story. It tasted sub-par to him considering the fact he usually cooks for himself. Afterward, they pie as the dessert. After desert Rhyolo help Taizen cleaned up all the dishes and cleaned up all the leftovers. At the end of the day, their parents went home happy. Taizen had walked towards Rhyolo and offered too take him on a real mission. Rhyolo then happily smiled nodded toward him. Rhyolo said his goodbyes and then left for the station. "That job was kinda boring." He then puts his hands in his pocket as he boards the train home. The teen then thinks about how it would be like to have an actual girlfriend. He thinks about this as the sun sets and the train starts heading toward his destination.

    WC- 392


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    A Fake Date (Don't Kill Me Alex) Rhyolo2

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